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44263 The preparation for burning of the house, pagoda, boxes of clothing, money, etc. for the spirit of the dead.

44264 Showing the burning of house, pagoda, boxes of clothing, money, etc. for the spirit of the dead.

44265 Showing the burning of house, pagoda, boxes of clothing, money, etc. for the spirit of the dead.

44266 After the burning of house, pagoda, boxes of clothing, money, etc. for the spirit of the dead.

44267 Typical gatherings of Chinese at a temple in the hills. "Pao Hwa Shan

44268 Typical gatherings of Chinese at a temple in the hills, "Pao Hwa Sham"

44269 Typical gatherings of Chinese at a temple in the hills, "Pao Hwa Sham"

44270 Typical gatherings of Chinese at a temple in the hills, "Pao Hwa Sham"

44271 The White Christmas at William Nast College Compound, 1917.

44272 "The Sunday Wash", just outside the South, 5 minutes walk from our home.

44273 "The Sunday Wash" having been taken on Sunday just outside the South gate, 5 minutes walk from our home.

44274 A Chinese threshing floor

44275 A river scene.

44276 Drying dyed cloth.

44277 "The Pagoda" that we see at all times from any spot on the compounds in Kiukiang.

44278 "Waiting for a job." These boats are drawn up here at Hwangmei waiting for business.

44279 The approach to a village.

44280 The empty "auto" is mine. Just ready for a trip over the country roads Two preachers are with me.

44281 This shows two villages where I travel through where Christ has not yet been preached.

44282 This shows the Rice-paddies, etc. Villages where Christ has not yet been preached.

44283 Rev. Hu Chi-ping (C.P. Hu) on his auto.

44284 Hu Chi-ping starting on a three weeks trip over the Hwangmei District with me.

44285 Arches to widows who are faithful to their first husband and never remarry.

44286 The wind and rain god.

44287 This is a typical picture of a country "mid day meal."

44716 Chinese woman holding picture in frame.

44713 Various kinds of Chinese carriers

44902 Class in Biology. William Nast College, Kiukiang, China

44936 Gymnasium fete Shangai, China

44938 A part of the audience at one of Eddy's meetings. China

44940 Tuberculosis chart picture, China.

44954 The sort of huts on Purple Mountain in which refugees lived.

44474 George Leslie MacKay. China

44370 Mrs. Emma Nind Lacy, wife of Dr. W. H. Lacy, Shanghai, "A missionary side line." China

45353 A portrait of a little Chinese girl. Nellie Vangham

44371 Miss Cora E. Rahe. "How a slender girl faces danger" China

44971 Faculty and first medical graduates of Medical Union College, Peking China. Feb 13th, 1914.

44372 Peking University. President Stuart, Dean Hobart, Dean Porter

44373 President J.P. Stuart of Peking University

44374 Mr. Chu Chi Chinese Editor "Peking Daily News"

44051 - Girls at Indian Club drill. China

45624 Ferry boat Min River, Foochow to Kangching nightly.

45625 Lungtien, Funkien. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital nurses and babies.

45626 "Cauliflower Rock". Hok Lu Monastery. Lungtien.

45627 Effects of Deforestation.

45628 Large town near mouth of Min River Fukien.

45629 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Lungtien Fukien House Cleaning Day.

45630 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Asst. Principal and family. Lungtien Fukien

45631 Day school teacher and son(old type). Futsing; Fukien.

45632 One of oldest members of Foochow Annual Conference and one of first preachers on Island of Haitang.

45633 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital babies of maternity ward.

45634 Stretching wheat vermicelli.

45637 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Student.

45638 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Students.

45639 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Student.

45640 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Student.

45642 Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute Student.

45643 Carrying in the wheat.

45644 Plowing with cow.

45645 Irrigating with pump.

45646 Watchman's hut in sweet potatoe field.

45647 Carrying in the field

45648 Thrashing out beans.

45649 Shrine.

45650 Sedan Chair Load of Bedding Provisions and cook.

45651 Junk lying at Anchor.

45652 Ferry - Min River Foochow to Kang Cheng, daily.

45653 Man carrying load of bedding and provisions.

45655 Each toll of this bell announces one death. China

45656 Students of the WCA Gymnasium training. China

45805 The Far Eastern Olympic Games Peking University sent one representative along with the China Team. Mr. W.C. Li.

45806 These three men ran against each other at Shanghai in 1915 at Tokyo in 1917 when Taku, the Japanese took first place.

45807 "The Exciting Turn" end of the first lap.

45808 "China vs. Great Britain".
A close finish after the regular Far Eastern Olympic Games at Shanghai in 1915.

45809 "A bomb Thrower". Chi Tyu Ying of Peking University winner of the Pentathlon(broad jump, shot put, Discus throw - 220 yd. dash mile run.)

45845 "No caption"

45864 Chinese water-carrier. China

46800 Scenes in Amoy. China

46801 Scenes in Amoy. China.

46802 Scenes in Amoy. China

46803 Scenes in Amoy. China

46804 Scenes in Amoy. China.

46805 Scenes in Amoy. China

46806 Scenes in Amoy. China

46807 Scenes in Amoy. China

46808 Scenes in Amoy. China.

46809 Scenes in Amoy. China

46810 Scenes in Amoy. China

46811 Scenes in Amoy. China

46812 Scenes in Amoy. China

46813 Scenes in Amoy. China

46814 Scenes in Amoy. China

46815 Scenes in Amoy. China

46816 Scenes in Amoy. China

46817 Scenes in Amoy. China

46818 Scenes in Amoy. China

46819 Scenes in Amoy. China

46820 Scenes in Amoy. China

46821 Scenes in Amoy. China

46822 Leaving by steamer. China

46823 Leaving by steamer. China

46824 Leaving by steamer. China

46825 Leaving by steamer. China

46826 Chinese river village. China

46827 Chinese river village. China

46828 Chinese river village. China

46829 Chinese river village. China

46830 Chinese river village. China

46831 Chinese river village. China

46832 River village near Foochow. China

46833 River village near Foochow. China

46834 River village near Foochow. China

46835 Water and cloud scene. China

46836 Going up the river. China

46837 Sailing up the river. China

46838 Sailing up the river. China

46839 The S.S. Haihang. China

46840 River front. China

46841 Going up the river. China

46842 River front. China

46843 Harbor scene. China

46844 River front. China

46845 Dr. Miner waving me good-bye. China

46846 Boats along the side of the slip. China

46847 Methodist Publishing House. Foochow, China

46848 Methodist Industrial school. China

46849 Industrial School. China

46850 Industrial School. China

46851 Methodist Church in Foochow. China

46852 Entrance to Community Church. China

46853 Mission residence. China

46854 Mission residence. China

46855 Methodist Mission House. China

46856 Boys of ten carrying timbers. China

46857 Boys of ten carrying timbers. China

46858 A load of quills for toothpicks. China

46859 A shipment of quills for toothpicks. China

46860 Examining quills for toothpicks. China

46861 Examining quills for toothpicks. China

46862 Drying quills for toothpicks. China

46863 Drying quills for toothpicks. China

46864 Drying quills for toothpicks. China

46865 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society property. China

46866 Dr. Miner. (G.S.)

46867 Street scene. China

46868 Tropical flowers. China

46869 Street scene. China

46870 Funeral procession. China

46871 Blind beggar led by his child. China

46872 Chinese carriers. China

46873 Street scene. China

46874 Street scene. China

46875 Selling flowers. China

46876 Street beggar. China

46877 Street vendor. China

46878 A man's load. China

46879 Dr. Miner getting in his chair. China

46880 My chair. China

46881 My chair. China

46882 My rickshaw. China

46883 Street scene. China

46884 Street scene. China

46885 Street scene. China

46886 Woman carry wood. China

46887 Street scene. China

46888 Street peddler. China

46889 Street peddler. China

46890 Did not want picture taken. China

46891 Gathering little sticks for fuel. China

46892 Gathering little sticks for fuel. China

46893 Gathering little sticks for fuel. China

46894 Street scene. China

46895 Street scene. China

46896 Street scene. China

46897 Street scene. China

46898 Street scene. China

46899 Street scene. China

46900 Street scene. China

46901 Street scene. China

46902 Street scene. China

46903 Street scene. China

46904 Street scene. China

46905 Street scene. China

46906 Street scene. China

46907 Street scene. China

46908 Street scene. China

46909 Street scene. China

46910 Street scene. China

46911 Street scene. China

46912 Street scene. China

46913 Street scene. China

46914 Street scene. China

46915 Street scene. China

46916 A place of worship. China

46917 Street child with heavy load. China

46918 Gatherer of street refuse. China

46919 Gatherer of street refuse. China

46920 Gatherer of street refuse. China

46921 Gatherer of street refuse. China

46922 Gateway at entrance to Imperial Palace. China

46923 Gateway at entrance to Imperial Palace. China

46924 Steps leading up to Museum in old Imperial Palace grounds.

46925 Steps leading up to Museum in old Imperial Palace grounds.

46925 Steps leading up to up Museum in old Imperial Palace grounds.

46927 Entrance to Central Park. China

46928 View from Central Park showing Bell. China

46929 Central Park. China

46930 Lotus in moat along south wall of palace. China

46931 Memorial pavilion just inside south wall. China

46932 Walk in Central Park Forbidden City. China

46933 Peking Gateway in Central Park. China

46934 Peking Gateway in Central Park. China

46935 Imperial Palace grounds. China

46936 Imperial Palace grounds. China

46937 View from Central Park showing Bell. China

46938 Central Park walk. China

46939 Central Park walk. China

46940 Central Park walk China

46941 Central Park walk China

46942 Central Park derrick for driving a well. China

46943 Central Park derrick for driving a well. China

46944 Central Park derrick for driving a well. China

46945 Carrying water to sprinkle walks. China

46946 Sprinkling walks. China

46947 Sprinkling walks. China

46948 Sprinkling walks. China

46949 Street sprinkler. China

46950 Peking in foreign section. Bridal chair. China

46951 Peking in foreign section, Bridal chair. China

46952 Peking in foreign section. Bridal chair precession large drums.

46953 Pekin in foreign section. Bridal chair procession large drums.

46954 Pekin street scene. China

46955 Street scene in foreign section. China

46956 Street vendors. China

46957 Street children. China

46958 Street children. China

46959 Street children. China

46960 Street child. China

46961 Street child. China

46962 Street child. China

46963 Street child. China

46964 Street child. China

46965 Street child. China

46966 Street scene. China

46967 Street scene. China

46968 A movable shop. China

46969 A push cart and Mr. Davis carriage.

46970 Street scene. China

46971 Scenes in a carpenter shop. China

46972 Scenes in a carpenter shop. China

46973 Scenes in a carpenter shop. China

46974 Furniture shop. China

46975 Furniture street. China

46976 Street scene. China

46977 An old woman. China

46978 Man power truck. China

46979 A crowd watching Dr. Taylor.

46980 Street scene. China

46981 Push cart. China

46982 Pekin street wheel barrow and awning. China

46983 A load of lumber. China

46984 Dr. Taylor pushing a wheel-barrow. China

46985 Cart as used for passengers. China

46986 Cart used for freight.

46987 A load of onions braided together. China.

46988 A man-power cart. China

46989 Street scene, heavily burdened men. China

46990 A market street. China

46991 Donkey in tandem pulling a cart. China

46992 A man and a donkey. China

46993 A busy street scene. China

46994 The ordinary way of carrying in China.

46995 Street vendors. China

46996 Street vendors. China

46997 Street vendors. China

46998 Street vendors. China

46999 Street vendors. China

47000 Street bier. China

47001 Street bier. China

47002 A crowd around Rev. G. W. Davis' car. China

70003 Gatherer of street refuse. China

47004 Gatherer of street refuse. China

47005 Gatherer of street refuse. China

47006 Gatherer of street refuse. China

47007 Gatherer of street refuse. China

47008 Skins for sale to make trousers. China

47009 Skins for sale to make trousers. China

47010 Street scenes. China

47011 Street scenes. China

47012 Street sprinkler. China

47013 Harbor scene. China

47014 Harbor scene. China

47015 Harbor scene. China

47016 Harbor scene. China

47017 Harbor scene. China

47018 Harbor scene. China

47019 Harbor scene. China

47020 Harbor scene. China

47021 Harbor scene. China

47022 Harbor scene. China

47023 Harbor scene. China.

47024 Harbor scene. China

47025 Harbor scene. China

47026 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47027 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47028 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47029 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47030 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47031 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47032 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47033 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47034 Entering Shanghai Harbor. China

47035 Public Park, the Bund. China

47239 Entrance to Gouyi Hospital, owned and controlled entirely by Chinese. China

47240 Gougyi Medical College, China

47241 Dr. Wright. China.

47242 Dr. Wright. China.

47243 Dr. Envers and dog which paid for an operation. China.

47244 Dr. Envers and dog which paid for an operation. China.

47245 Ovarian Cyst. China.

47246 Sack of Ovarian Cyst, partially empty, total weight over 30 pounds.

47247 Lady Doctor of Canton hospital. China.

47248 Male and female nurses of Canton Missionary Hospital.

47249 Male and female nurses of Canton Missionary Hospital

47252 Male and female nurses of Canton Missionary Hospital

47250 Male and female nurses of Canton Missionary Hospital.

47251 Male and female nurses of Canoton Missionary Hospital

47253 Male and female nurses of Canton Missionary Hospital.

47254 Female nurses of Canton Hospital.

47255 Female nurses of Canton Hospital.

47256 Drying clothes, Canton Hospital.


47258 Washing the rice for the evening meal.

47118 Street scene. China

47119 Street scene. China

47120 Street scene. China

47121 Street scene. China

47122 Street scene. China

62813 Yu Liang, one of our Lauhsien district pastors teaching some street children. China.

62814 This is the cart our committee travels in holding our Centenary meetings.

62882 Entrance to the home of Confucius Shan Tung. 1912. China

62993 Grave of Confucius, Shan Tung, 1913. China.

64225 Camel train along Peking City Wall. China

64226 The boy scouts Nanking Provincial athletic meet. China.

64297 At the left is our compound. There are probably five hundred acres in view of our house.

64298 A "close up" of some of the graves. They bury right on top of the ground.

64299 Golden Island, where the China deputation went to hear the Buddhist priests read their service.

64411 Japanese line of steamers on the Yangtze. Hankow, China

64428 Tombstones of the Buddhist priests.

64429 Devil posts at the entrance to Hyang Son Monastery keep away evil spirits. China.

64462 Mrs. Cho and her six daughters in law. China.

64465 Master piece of Chinese embroidery. China.

64466 Master piece of Chinese embroidery. China.

H4524 West China Union University (made of negatives) 55046, 55062, 55486, 55482, 55485

64525 West China Union University (made up of negatives) 55058, 55054, 55055, 55069, 55044

64526 West China Union University (made up of negatives) 55059, 55063, 55045, 55078, 55068

64527 West China Union University (made up of negatives) 55079, 55050, 55060, 55047, 55052

64596 Chinese country women learning new Chinese script.

64528 West China Union University (made up of negatives) 55065, 55075, 55043, 550480

64586 Life size camels carved from one piece of stone. Ming tombs. Nanking, China.

64589 Two brothers who gave their home. China.