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64717 Westminster S. S. Hospital. China.

64880 A Chinese mother and child who is fastened to her back but in spite of the encumbrance she will continue her rowing of the sampan for hours at a time, the baby swings back and forward, but it never seems to mind the motion. China.

68776 Left to right. Mrs. T. K. Tsai, Treasurer Miso Mieh, President, Miso Lin, Secretary. Mite box opening. May 7th 1919. China.

64934 Hinghwa head dress. China.

67221 H. S. Ling Individual Champion on Field Day.

67222 Third generation Christian grandson of Rev. Wubomi

67223 D. B. Li student in Fukien Christian University.

67224 Individual champion for field day and armistice

67225 Track team Fukien Christian University, (Winners).

67226 A sophomore "walk around" Fukien Christian University.

67227 Academic procession, commencement . January, 20th 1919. Fukien Christian University.

67228 Commencement Day. January 20, 1919. Fukien Christian University.

67229 Point winners of track team. Fukien Christian University.

67230 Five graduates, front rows. Fukien Christian University.

67231 General Li and Military Governor of Fukien Province

67232 Academic procession. Commencement. January 20th 1919.

67233 Student Body - Fukien Christian University - Foochow



67406 Chinese faculty of Language School. China.


67409 Courts of the old Chinese Ducal palace. Peking, China.

67410 Avenue in the British Legation Compound. China.

67411 British Legation. Peking, China.

67412 This used to serve as a bulletin board for the besieged missionaries. Peking, China.


67414 The tree beneath which the mules and horses and other commandeered animals were slain for food by the missionaries during the Boxer uprising. China.


67416 The old tree in the center of the Methodist Mission Compound. China.


67418 The British interests in China are guarded by Sikhs. Peking, China.

67419 Temple missionaries practicing for service in the Lama Temple. Peking, China.


67421 The Hall of the Classics - the Imperial Confucian Temple. Peking, China.

67422 The Hall of Classics. Peking, China.

67423 Launch on the Grand canal in China.

67424 A Chinese garden is a mysterious and fantastic place full of rocks like fairy castles. China.


67426 This is a Confucian Temple in Foochow, China.

67427 These are the pen and ink pagodas in Foochow, China.

67428 Pagoda in Foochow, China.

67429 Bridge on the Grand Canal. China.


67431 Grand Canal. China.

67432 Grand Canal. China.

67433 From the distance a Chinese village has a pleasant pastoral prettiness. China.


67435 From the distance a Chinese village has a pleasant pastoral prettiness. China.




67439 A council of State. Now and then the head man of a village is a head woman. China.

67440 She is a kindly, gentle, resigned old soul - this mother in law. China.


67442 These are little slave girls in a poor Chinese family. China.

67443 The little ones wear the heavy padded garments laden with germs and dirt that the Chinese wear in winter. China.


67445 Chinese boys. China.

67446 Chinese boys. China.

67447 Chasing fleas. China.

67448 He doesn't know where he is going but he is on his way. China.

67449 Children in a South China village. China.


67451 Chinese children in a village near Shanghai. China.

67452 Pagoda in Foochow, China.

67453 Pagoda in Foochow, China.

67454 Pagoda in Foochow, China.

67465 Caught on the street. China.

67466 Making shoes in model prison. China.

67467 Chinese c*** en route to France.

68417 Dr. Davidson of Yale Hospital bringing a Christmas message to the wards. Shangzhou China.

67856 Tunghsien Hospital. China.

67587 Tungshien Hospital. China.

67858 Tungshien Hospital. China.

67859 Tungshien Hospital. China.

67860 Foochow Missionary Hospital. China.

67864 Scene inside operating pavilion

68412 China, an interpretation by J. W. Bashford.

68421 Heaps of stone with mystical sentences. Tibet.

68422 Front of main temple of a Lamasery. Tibet.

68423 Mountain Scene. Tibet.

67996 West China Union University medical faculty staff and students. China.

67991 West China Union University Bible School. Spring 1918. China.

67998 West China Union University normals picking silk cocoons. China.

68424 A close view of Batang, China.

68479 Princess der Ling, watching the preparation of camels wool for Red Cross knitting. China.

68480 Princess der Ling, first lady in waiting to the Empress Dowager of China, in the costume of the Red Cross. China.

68481 This firstborn boy is the pride of the family. The young woman who is proud enough to be his mother quite queens it over the sisters in law who brought only daughters into the world. China.



New Methodist Church. Tieutsin.


Field Day, 1914.

Field Day, 1914.

Field Day, 1914.

Field Day, 1914.

Field Day, 1914.

Field Day, 1914.


Point between the Hari and Yangtze River at Hariyaug. Temple is on the


Aldeu Sheare Memorial Hospital. Yeurfriug.

3817 Aldeu Speare Memorial Hopsial. Yeufriug.

Aldeu Speare Memorial Hopsial. Yeufriug.


Grass shoes - 2 Mexican coppers.


A wedding in Song Chiong country, Fukien.

25816 A wedding in Song Chiong country, Fukien.

Fukien native preacher of our church.

Idols turned over to the Fukien preacher at Yenping.


The telephone invading China and voercoming the protection afforded the
Governor's residence in the capital of Hiran by the old dragons.

"Reeking tubes" long silent on old Changsha. Hot rises since. 1859.

The country of a gentleman's residence in old Changsha.

Clothes cost little in summer in China.


A proud father. The mother, more retiring, hides behind.

Pounding rice to remove the husk. The rice is in a hole in the ground, and
the pounder presses on a lever with his foot. On releasing it, the stone
weight crushes the rice.

The patient ox, doing his wearisome stint of grinding grain.

Rickshaws along a flooded river front. Buckets for carrying water.

The steamer coming to the wharf. Coolies jumping over before the gang
plank is laid.

Steam has not yet displaced the sails in China.


Chinese girls can enjoy a lark, too. Crossing the river in a sampan on a
windy day.


The movies in China are often only "peepshows".

What is inside? No people aer more curious than the Chinese. A crowd
peeping into a gateway.

Bandaged but beaming! In a Mission Hospital.

Rapidly recovering. In a Mission Hospital.


A visit to the clinic in the Alden Spearl Memorial Hospital. Yenping,

The Parade of the Nations.


The Parade of the Nations.

Filipino Baseball Team.


42394 Basket ball. Chinese team vs. American School of Shanghai.

28727 Basket ball. Filipinos vs. China.


Chinese Basket Ball Team.

Volley Ball. China vs. Philipine Ids.


Start of the 15-mile open bicycle race.

Finish of the 220-yards race.


Finish of the quarter-mile race. China wins.

First lap in the half-mile race.


Kumagai and Kashio in the foreground, winning Far Eastern Doubles.

The Broad Jump.


The Pole Vault.

Rubuja, crack field man of the Philipine Island team.


Takatsu of Japan wins the open half-mile race.


Mile relay, won by Japan.

Ending first mile in the Open Marathon.


The 8-Mile Far Eastern Marathon

Filipino Sprinters. Saapedra, all-around champion, #1 man. Winner of
Decathalon on right.


Start of the 50-yard swim.

The swimming contests - 50 yards.


Finish 220-yard hurdles - China Intercollegiate, May 1915.

Finish 220-yard clash - China Intercollegiate, May 1915.

Finish of Junior quarter-mile at St. John's University. Shanghai, China.

Start half-mile race. China Intercollegiate, May 1915.

Child about 9 years old laboring on building.

Houseboat at Musih.


Boat at Musih. Old man with sunshade wrapped under querre. Sail made of
square piece of cloth.

The Honghen Market, Shanghai.

Beggar at Musih "Temple of the Spring". Feet eaten off by disease.


One of the pretty temples near Shan Hai Kwan, China.

Kindergarten Class, Siong Iu Dong (Institutional Church). Foochow, China.


The Blind Beggar and the Rich Man. Kiu Kiang.

The Leper by the Wayside. Kiu Kiang.

77530 Women washing at the pool. Kin Kiang


A girl's day school among the common people. Kin Kiang.

Kin Kiang Pagoda. Kin Kiang, China.


One of China's Scholars at the White Deer Grotto. Central China

Terraced rice fields in So. Kiang Si near the Kan River.

A native saw mill So. Kiang Si, China.


Wayside Shrine under large camphor tree So. Kiang Si, China.


44019 The Gospel of the Cigarette. A long lone of 23 wagons unloading at
the warehouse of the B+A Tobacco Co. directly in front of the Methodist Episcopal Mission
Compound in Peking. This scene is on Hsiao Hsun Hu Tung, our outlet to the
Hatamen great street. The gatehouse and front gate of the mission are seen
in the background of the picture.

43361 An almost daily view taken from the front gate of our Mission. After
having seen the enormous qyantities of cigarettes unloaded at this one
warehouse all the past winter it is easy to believe that the motto of the
B+A Tobacco Co.: "A cigarette in the mouth of every Chinese man, woman, and
child", is being realized.

The magnificent gateways of Peking are defaced by the omnipresent
cigarette sign. This is the Yung Ting Men gate, at the southern end of
Chien Men Street, just south of the Temple of Heaven.


Approach to a large temple in the City of Confucius.

A fine archway in the City of Confucious, Chu fu hsien.

Artistic corner of local temple and very old.


Yung-au Bible Conference after work had been opened six years (1913). In a
native house over 200 years old used as a chapel, just about to be torn
down to make room for the new Hospital Foundation of which can be seen in
the background...


24893 Chinese Revolution, city burning China.

34894 Chinese Revolution, Haukow...

24895 Chinese Revolution Burning of Natiae city - Haukow, China.


24889 Imperial soldiers at Hankow.

24890 Drilling rebel. Hankow.

24891 Revolutionary troops. Hankow.

24892 ?


A group of middle school fellows who plan to enter Theological School in
1916 (Sent by J.B. Eyistone, Foochow).


A certain man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father,
"Father, give me the potion of thy substance that falleth to me". (Two
teachers stand in the background).

The younger son departs with his burden-bearer though his father is
retraining him.


Tsao wan Jung, preacher at Wang kwan ying, Chentzuchen Circuit, Lanksien
District, China Conference.

14707 The new Wesley Church dedicated by Bishop Bashford, October 18,
1914. Tientsin.

14704 Chao Shih Ming, preacher at Ting Sin hi, Lanhsien District, North
China Conference.

Meeting held Sept. 22-26 inside the "Forbidden City", Peking, adjacent to
Central Gate. Matt Pavilion seats 5000 and was filled. The site was ? by
the Board of Communication. The Board of War gave 200 ?. The Board of
Education gave a half-holiday to 5000 government students.


A sugar-cane mill.


String rice.



Admiral Tsai Ling Kan and officers.

Mr. Mi Chung Kao, aged 70, for fifty years under Manchu Government employ,
and now Chief Secretary in the Custom House. His only son, Mi Chen Yi, is
also working for the Chinese Republic. The latter is a Christian.

14791 Mr. Men-Shih-tsin, Head of Foreign Affairs Bureau, Cheki ang


He hired himself out and was sent into the fields to feed swine.

He would fain...with the husks...did eat, but no...When he came to...


The younger son gathered all together. The accountant in dividing the
inheritance while the younger son watches him.

The younger son seated at further end of the table. "The Prodigial Son".


Taiping Street. Hankow.

Taiping Street (Peaceful Street). Hankow. Separates native city foreign


Buna- Foreign Concession (British Concession). Sihk Policeman. Hankow.

General view of the Hangang Iron Works.


38068 Kindergarten class, Siong Irs Dong (Institutional Church). Foochow
(Walled City). China.


The village of Amigca, Hinghua, China. This entire village of more than
100 people, 40 of whom appear in the picture, were won to Christ by a
student in the Hinghwa Biblical School. So far as I know, this is the first
entire village in all our work that has been won to Christ. (T.S. Carson,
Principal Hiughwa Biblical School).


21439 Old Lady Mang preaching on the street when 82 years old.

21446 May 11, 1915. First anniversary of the opening of the Industrial
Agricultural School for Boys. Rev. Mong Geng Huo, President of the Board of
Education, in the foreground, undoubtedly one of the noblest of Chinese men.


24877 Children climbing on wall, Shanghai. Chinese Revolution, China.

24878 Street scene, Shanghai. Chinese Revolution.


24849 Shanghai street decorated for celebration. Street scene. Chinese
Revolution. China.

24880 Street scene with Republic flags. Chinese Revolution street scene.


Wankow Pass, northwest of Peking.

The American soldiers fortifying one corner of the Methodist Episcopal Compound in Peking
at the time of the Chinese Revolution.

A Chinese District Superintendent, Te Mu Sheh, and his first grandson.


The long carts in which the deligates rode from Peking to the Y.M.C.A.
Conference, 1913, The picture shows two kinds of carts.

Village of Pei Tai Ito, North China.

Class of 1912, Peking University.


Village street near Pei Tai Ho.

A fishing scene at Pei Tai Ho.

The Peiking Street Watering System.


Changli Girls' School Compound.

Girls of the Changli Girls' School.


64411 Japanese Line river steamers, on the Yangtze.

Tayih Iron Works. South of Hankow on the Yangtze.

Tayeh Iron Works. South of Hankow on the Yangtze.

40438 Hanyang Iron Works in Hanyang near Hankow.


Cargo lighters on the Han River near Hankow.

Shops in famine refuge quarters. Hankow.


26499 Changli Girls' School. Girls marching to school.

Left to right - Mrs. Jinell, Mrs. Stobart, Dr. Gloss, each of whom
represents more than thirty years of work in China.

A group of villagers who had never heard of a Graflex.

Pastor Tang Lin and family.


55290 Peking University Professor's Family.

Bridge, Summer Palace. Peking.

Summer Palace.

A snap shot inside a "Kao Liang" restaurant. Kao Liang is a tall grain, a
millet like broom-corn.


A village shop.

The front gate of the temple, Wo Ko Sau. Through this gate may be seen the
hills beyond and the back gate of the temple premises.

The Temple of the Sleeping Buddha, in which was held a Y.M.C.A.
Conference, 1913.


Hatamen Street, Peking. Well and wheelbarrow for water.

Near Pei Tai Ho.

This is Peking University during the trouble caused by the Chinese
Revolution. These are army wagons and animals, and the soldiers are making


Meeting during the Eddy Campaign at Mintsing, China. This picture shows
the central section of the audience in one of the meetings. The small boys
in the foreground are students in Chinese gentry schools of the higher
primary grade. Toward the middle and rear are adult business men, teachers,
farmers, etc. This picture shows about one-half the total number in the
meeting. The meeting was held in a large temple by permission of the
literary gentry. Out of site in the background are the temple gods.


14801 Eddy Meeting at Mintsing, China. A view of the platform with the
speaker (in foreign clothes), the secretaries at the tables, the chairman
and other assistants.


24881 Cigarette advertisements on wall. Chinese Revolution, intercor,

24882 Sun Yat Sen, first President of China.

24883 Soldiers with guns stacked. Chinese Revolution.

24884 View of RR station. Cavalry present. Chinese Revolution.


24885 Lone Imperial Scout along RR during Revolution, Central China.

24886 Imperial troops on way to Hankow.

24887 Pontoon bridge at Hankow, Han River. Chinese Revolution.

24888 Imperial troops on way to Hankow - artillery advancing.


24896 Burning of Hankow during Revolution.

24897 Ruins at Hankow after fire.

24898 Chinese Red Cross men at Hankow during Revolution fighting.


24899 Red Cross stretcher-bearers.

24900 Red Cross boat from man-of-war at landing.


Students, missionaries, and gentry at Kutien Mission School Commencement
Exercise, 1909.


9999 The Far Eastern Olympic Athletes, 1915.


14720 Chengtu Hospital Methodist EpiscopalM. as seen from the M.F.M.S. property across
the street. The clock on the tower has made a place for itself among the
people. At night it may be heard for long distances. On a clear day from
this clock tower, the fathest west in China, snow clad hills of Thibet may
be seen rising.

14721 Our street in Chengtu between our property and that of the M.F.M.S.
As may be seen it is a much travelled street. Our pastor, Li Dsang Cien,
sitting on a bench to the left, is talking to some of his neighbors.

14722 Girls' Boarding School. Property of M.F.M.S. Chengty, as seen from
the Chengtu Hospital across the street. In the distance may be seen the
South Gate of Chengty through which one passes in going out to ? College of
the Methodist EpiscopalM.


14737 Group of athletes. Nen China. Nanking University.


27794 The Rebecca Incloabe Orphanage as it was in 1900 - the days of its

27795 The way babies come to the Orphanage when they are not left at the


An official wearing his official robes and insignia. The breastplate is
beautifully embroidered in silk and gold thread. Note the beads around his
neck. On the table at the left is a tobacco pipe in which the smoke is
drawn through


Shanghai suburbs . Shacks and house-boat near Dixwell Road

A common beggar on a Nanking road.

Soochow Creek, Shanghai, looking up stream from Garden Bridge.

Nanking housekeepers, washing clothes and vegatables

An Eddy Meeting crowd at Nanking, waiting an hour for admission.

Government School boys waiting to hear Mr. Eddy, Nanking.

A Guardian God at Pu Lu Si Buddist temple in Nanking.

Nanking criminal . . . paraded for public


25139 Fortune Telling

. . .Confernce, Union Theological. . .enrollment 95. This photo. . .the
Entering Class, Feb. 1916.

Foochow Conference, Union theological School. A group of the fellows.


Corner Stone of Woman's college, Foochow, China

Bishop Joyce Memorial School of theology - Chengtu West China University,
Methodist Episcopal Mission. Front view facing West, taken from Friends
Plot playground.


Rec'd from G. L. Davis, Taianfu, China

Rec'd from G. L. Davis, Taianfu, China

Chen Pi Commission of Port and Communication, of Chinese Emperor (now
deposed), Japanese Consul, Commissioner of Customs, Smythe Jones of College
Foochow Gentry, leading Cantonese citizen, etc.


26501 China Education, Kiukiang.


Members of Foochow Conference. Ngu Chang via Foochow, China.


Day School Teachers of Foochow District, Foochow Conference; Rev. George
S. Miner and Bishop Joyce. Theological School, Foochow.


The Y.M.C.A. of the Anglo-Chinese College. Foochow, China. Bishop Bashford
stands in the center.


Robertson Science Hall, Foochow, Oct. 26. Four audience with a total.


Robertson Science Hall (other half), Foochow, Oct. 26. Result of 761
signed for Bible Study, 1018 already in classes, 131 baptized.


Foochow City Sunday School Rally, Spring, 1914.


Postman of the Chinese P.O., Foochow.


27546 Fork, and Girls' School at Buig Taug.


Bird's-eye view of the Nanking Exhibition.


Great Wall of China. Shauhaikwan.


Group of Chinese Christians. Yenpuing.


Priest and Scholar- Llama Temple. Peking.

26504 Scientific lecture to women.



168 Unburied coffin of Christian killed at Kuckiang.


26500 Wuhu. Women's Foreign Missionary Society of Southwest side of hill. Woman washing in pool,
little baby near her. Man washing vegetables. White spots are broken ice,
pond covered with ice in winter. Two grave stones are on the hill to the
right of tree and lowest down are the stones marking graves on property in
dispute. Clothes on house drying. Huts of squatters.


Bamboo Rope-making Tower - Nuhu.


Government School, Pagoda and Temple - Wuhu.


Another sectong of the beautiful Kushan Monastery near Foochow. Note the
barren mountains in the background.


1713 One of the numerous temples belonging to the famous Kushan Monastery.
This is an exceedingly beautiful spot, high up on the mountain side near
the sea at Foochow, China. The water in the foreground is a fish pond in
which are kept many sacred fish.


The cemetary at Foochow in which the victims of the Kuching Massacre of
1895 are buried. The angel monument in the center of the picture is in
their memory while their graves are marked by the low stones in the
foreground. The hill in the background is a Chinese cemetary and the stones
showing are grave markers.


62348 A typical Chinese sampan boat, with is family crew and some
passengers. Note the flooded rice fields at the extreme right of the
picture. The Min river is in the far background.


1985 Students revering memory of Sun Yat Sen, High Primary School.
Peiping, China.

2126 Transplanting rice. China.

2127 Cultivation with a bulloch.

2128 Mural decoration on a public wall as a part of a campaign against
cigarette smoking by General Feng.

2129 Mural decoration on a public wall as a part of a campaign against
cigarette smoking by General Feng.


2130 Cultivating field with human power.

2131 Plowing with ox and donkey.

2132 Women with bound feet grinding corn.

2133 Terraced fields.

2134 Street scene.


Temple in Province of Fukien, China.


A part of Kushan (Drum Mountain) Buddhist Monastery near Foochow, China.
There are about five hundred priests connected with this monastery, but
only about two hundred are in attendance at a time.


2089 Pagoda, Foochow, China.

44131 The Old Pagoda, Wuhu.


No caption.

No caption.

No caption.


27874 Theological School, Foochow.


28730 Faculty of Theological School, Foochow.


Tennis Court, Y.M.C.A., Foochow.


Foochow, S.S. Rally, Spring, 1914. The "Narrow Door" illustrated. Those
who would enter: One carrying a wine flask; one, a large Chinese corn-a
cash; one, a gambling board (at left end). The boy preacher stands in the

26491 Main Building, Anglo Chinese Colley. Foochow, China.


Women's School. Ngu Cheng, China. Foochow Conference.


28732 Chinkiang School - girls who served dinner to sixty poor neighbors
at the Holiday Season, 1908.


Day School Teachers of Foochow District. Rev. George S. Miner, Bishop


Day School. Teachers and Preachers on the Foochow District, Foochow


Kiukiang Women's Training School. Senior Class.

26489 Foochow Women's College.

Foochow Women's College - Chapel on a festive occassion.


Hardy Training School at Yung Chun, Fukien Province China. Feb. 1914. In
the back row from left to right: Rev. Lo Kim Lang, Vice-Principal of the
school and in entire charge during absence of principal. Two Chinese
teachers. Mr. Sun Thian Lai, graduate of the school and now a teacher. Mr
Sun Ut Khi. Mr. Lan Sui Kok.


Brother Main. Theological School.


The Chinese Characters written above mean: "On the 10th day of March,
1914, we pledge ourselves (or our lives) to the work of the Christian
Ministry." 98 Students of Peking University. Peking, China.

The Chinese Characters written above mean: "On the 10th day of March,
1914, we pledge ourselves (or our lives) to the work of the Christian
Ministry." 98 Students of Peking University. Peking, China.


Conference, Chengtu. 1908
Viceroy Chao Erh Teng visiting
British Consul on right
Bishop Bradford (In. E.)
Bishop Cassels (C. In. S.)
Rev. J. Taylor (A.B.F.In.U.)
Dr. H.L. Canright (In. E. In.)
Arthur H. Smith (American Board, In. China)


26506 Gamble Memorial Hospital, Chungking. This is chiefly a side view. It
is too shut in to get a front view. see China 7 188.

Kucheng Hospital, China 1,2,3 - Helpers. 4 - Teacher. 5 - First Assistant.
6 - Graduate Assistant. 7 - Mrs. T. H. Coole. 8 - Dr. T. H. Coole. 9 -
Third Year Student.

Some of the dispensary patients at Taianfu Men's Hospital. Taianfu,
Shantung, China.


55441 Patient with osteongelites of the jaw in hospital at Taianfu. The
picture illustrates the brick floor, the plaster walls from which flakes of
plaster are continually falling, and the wooden bed whose cracks contain
numerous vermin. This is the best ward in the hospital.

55442 Efulis of the upper jaw removed. The patient went home well and
happy, able to eat solid food for the first time in four years. Taianfu


Boy in Taianfu Hospital, Suffering from a severe burn of six months
before. He has just had a large skin graft applied, and the limb is
covered with a fly screen.

Hospital Cook at Taianfu, Shantung, China, preparing food. The kitchen
including equipment is perhaps worth $10 gold.


126503 Dedication of the Hinghwa Biblical School, Hingwa, China, April 2,


14689 Gen. Sung's Reception to China Central Conference.


Graduating Class of Hinghwa Biblical School - 1914. The Faculty is in the
front row.


25041 Boat under Sail, Kan River, China.

25042 Boats under Sail on Kan River, China.

25043 River Scene, China.


25044 City on River, China.

25045 Scene in country. Mountains in Distance, China.

25046 Bluffs along River, China.

25047 City on River, China.


Hinghwa, China. Boys School, Primary, High School and Normial. October 1914.


20194 Woman's College, Foochow.

20195 Woman's College, Foochow.


Miss Josephine Miriam Eyestone, age 4 May 10, 1916. Sheis the daughter of
J.B. Eyestone, Foochow.


Elkington #1 West China

Elkington #2 Arcade in Chingtu

Elkington #3 Farmhouse in East China

Elkington #4 Szechuan, West China


Elkington #5 Salt well in Szechuan

Elkington #6 Upper Yangtse

Elkington #7 Upper Yangtse

Elkington #8 19559 Native City of Hankon


Elkington #18 On the Upper Yangtse

Elkington #19 On the Upper Yangtse

Elkington #20 West China

Elkington #21 West China

Elkington #23 On the Yangtse


Elkington #26 The Great Road between Chungking and Chengtu

Elkington #27 View of West China

Elkington #28 Friends' native congregation at Fu Ho, China

Elkington #29 The Pastor of Chungking


Elkington #30 In the gorges of the Upper Yangtse

Elkington #31 Cow Ploughing in West China

Elkington #32 In the native city of Chungking, West China

Elkington #33 Coming down the Yangtse through the gorges from Chungking


Elkington #34 In the Yangtse Gorges.

Elkington #35 A group of Chinese girls from Normal School in Chingtu

Elkington #36 Upper Yangtse

Elkington #37 Friends' Mission; home of A Warburton Davidson at Chungking,
West China


Elkington #38 Friends' Chapel at Suining, China

Elkington #39 In the gorges, Upper Yangtse

Elkington #40 Little girls at Government Orphanage, Nanking, spinning or
reeling silk.

Elkington #41 Pyramid Mountains at Ichang, West China


Elkington #42 Pyramid Mountains opposite Ichang

Elkington #43 Yangtse in Ichang Gorge.

Elkington #45 Yangtse in Ichang, China.

Elkington #46 Native City of Stankow


Elkinton #9 Pagoda on Yangtse, West China

Elkinton #11 Imperial summer house near Peking; Bridge for servants

Elkinton #12 Entering Ichang Gorge, Upper Yangtse

Elkinton #13 Wusang Gorge, Upper Yangtse


Elkinton #14 Banks of the Upper Yangtse, West China

Elkinton #15 Chinese married women going to school in Ichang.

Elkinton #16 Gold washing in Upper Yangtse.

Elkinton #17 Entering Gorges of Upper Yangtse.