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61895 - Sicily

61896 - Sicily

61894 - Cliff dwellers, Sicily

61894 - Cliff dwellers, Sicily

61899 -

61900 - Naples, Italy

61901 - Naples, Italy,

62006 - Restoration of Belgium railroads.

62083 - The Chinese behind the lines with the French Army.

62086 - The Chinese behind the lines with the French Army.

62087 -

62088 - After the day's work is done. A Chinese class taught.

62089 - A red hot checker battle between Secretary of a Foyer du Soldat of the YMCA and a Chinese soldier with the French Army.

62090 - Chinese soldier

62091 - Chinese drawing of the Chinese Labor encampment. France.

62107 - The head of a base hospital with staff.

62108 - The morning round in a ward of the American M--- Hospital

62109 - Interior of the wards

62111 - Some of the kiddies considered the whole affair a rare adventure. France.

62112 - Most beautiful city in Europe destroyed. Lorraine.

62113 - The old man and the little boy both evacuated from a hospital not far behind the lines at the outbreak of the recent offensive. American Red Cross Dr. in attendance. France.

62114 - The refugees from Picardy driven south. France.

62115 - Real bread and milk after a day of hardship and self denial. France.

62116 - The signs of the "Croix Rouge Americaine" where the pesants waited. France.

62117 - The Commons of the Red Cross helped to carry away the wounded from the hospitals and also civilians who were unable to talk. France.

62118 - Churches, schools, and other buildings along the line of retreat were turned into temporary living quarters.

62119 - A part of the Red Cross work, saving babies.

62120 - The Red Cross bun made of American flour and sugar.

62129 - Ruins of Rheims

62130 - Monument, broken and defaced.

62131 - Bridge at Chateau Thierry blown up by the Germans.

62132 - A ruin in Rheims.

62159 - Two of the Industrial Institue boys with their father. Behind them St. Marks. Venice.

62161 - "The Children's Rest" Convalescent hospital home at ...

62162 - After four years of wandering and suffering.

62168 - Cesare Battista taken before his murderers.

62169 - Martyr Battista scoffed at and abused.

62189 -

62203 - A French plane in the clouds.

62204 - A German Aviator who tried to get through the French Barrage. (over Paris on the night of March 27th that failed and was brought down)


62206 - (A German observer that was shot down near St. Michael by a French aviator on the 24th day July 1918)

62208 - A cloistered graveyard

62204 - Engineers clearing booby traps. Noyonne.

62209 - How the Germans left the Bailleul.

62210 - Arras - Cathedral at Arras.

62211 - German prisoners employed in road making.

62212 - German prisoners being sorted.

62213 - A Flanders graveyard.

62214 - A mine crater near La Basse

62215 - Railroad entrance to Cambrai

62216 - Entrance to Cathedral at Albert.

62217 - A gun emplacement

62218 - A trench corner.

62219 - French baby tank on the road.

62220 - A park of tanks.

62221 - A German pill - box.

62222 - A coal box explosion.

62223 - A street in Bapaume.

62224 - A house that got off easy.

62337 - Dr. W.W. Peet, Treasurer of the American Board Constantinople.

62442 - Headquarters of the Belgian Army.

62478 - Dr. B. Battin of Swathmore College in Russia.

62479 - M.E. Headquarters in Petrograd.

62480 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister.

62481 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister.

62482 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister.

62483 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister.

62484 - Graves in distance. Argonne Forest.

62584 - This photograph taken on the Marne.

62385 Inauguration of the Belgian Military Institute

62614 - A small loan library has been established for the soldiers. France.

62615 - 7400 New Testaments for Inmates of jails in Northern Japan.

62616 - Making Covers

62617 - Taplay bindery, sewing the books.

62618 - (No picture) Lindale translating the Bible.

62619 - Indexing

62620 - Edge gilding

62621 - Folding room

62641 - The remnants of a French village population.

62642 - After Rheims Arras; The burning of the hotel.

62643 - German vengeance on Belgium's storied stones.

62966 - Rear view of the Light Tank, Tank Corp.

64214 - The Irishman

62964 - Tank crossing a field of brush and small trees.

62972 - Handly Page bombing plane under construction

62994 - Argonne Forest.