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C1847 Worshipping at the monument of Nichiren, Fukuoka.

C1849 Writing class. Fukuoka Jo Gakko.

C1848 Worshipping at the monument of Nichiren.

C1850 Study period. Fukuoka Jo Gakko.


C1843 R.S. Spencer talking with District Supt. H.O. Saifo, Fukuoka.

C1844 Sheridan Memorial Methodist Church, Fokuoka.

C1845 Japanese children, Fukuoka.


C1839 Chemistry class. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1840 Botany class. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1841 Class in religious education. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1842 Basketball. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.


C1835 Chapel. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1836 Geography class. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1837 English class. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1838 Chemistry class. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.


C1831 New building and students. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1831 President Kawasaki. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1833 Faculty, Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.

C1834 Going to school. Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki.


C1827 Main bldg. and athletic field, Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki.

C1828 Students in the beautiful Japanese garden, Kwassui Jo Gakko,

C1829 Students. Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki.

C1830 Flower arrangement, Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki.


99928 Feeding the doves at Stogo Shrine near Fukuoka City.

99935 Campus, new library building in back ground, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.

99936 New library building, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.

99929 Old lady at Statue of Nichiren, Hokata.

C50 New building of Chinzei Gakuin dedicated Jan. 11, 1930. Nagasaki.


99264 Cherry blossoms.

99265 Reading public newspapers.

99775 Japanese translators.

99786 Japanese bicycle brigade of Colporteurs.


98062 Little Japanese girls carrying small boy. Onuma Koen, Hokkaido.

98345 Pastor, President of Chinzei Gakuin, missionary with sixty Chinzei
boys baptized, Nov. 1927. Wesley Church.

98346 Sixth General Conference of Japan Methodist Church, Oct. 1927.


97444 Island off coast, Matsushima.

97969 Kwassui Jo Gakko (Living Water Women's College), Nagasaki.

97970 Kwassui Jo Gakko (Living Water Women's College), Nagasaki.

97971 Kwassui Jo Gakko (Living Water Women's College), Nagasaki.

98021 Nikko.


97439 School children in June visiting a national shrine, Matsushima.

97440 View of the sea from Godaido Island and shrine, Matsushima.

97441 View of the sea taken from Godaido Island and shrine, Matsushima.

97442 View of the sea, Matsushima.

97443 Island and shrine off coast, Matsushima.


97434 B.F.M. Boy's School baseball, Hirosaki.

97435 B.F.M. Boy's School fencing, Hirosaki.

97436 Ancient caves in side of hill, Matsushima.

97437 Picturesque bridge, Hirosaki.

97438 Children fishing from wharf, Matsushima.


97429 General view B.F.M. Boy's School, Hirosaki.

97430 B.F.M. Boy's School, Hirosaki.

97431 B.F.M. Boy's School, Hirosaki.

97432 Old building at B.F.M. Boy's School, Hirosaki.

97433 B.F.M. Boy's School baseball, Hirosaki.


97424 View of Mt. Iwaki from park. Hirosaki.

97425 Tower on ancient castle wall, Hirosaki.

97426 Tower ancient castle wall, Hirosaki.

97427 Conservancy cart. Hirosaki.

97428 B.F.M. Boy's School, general view, Hirosaki.


97419 Japanese girls picnicing in public. Hirosaki.

97420 Children in public park around cheap jewelry man. Hirosaki.

97421 Vendors in public park. "Bangle woman." Hirosaki.

97422 View of mountain from park Mt. Iwaki monument to the ancient feudal
lords or Daimyo of the province Hirosaki.

97423 View of Mt. Iwaki from park, Hirosaki.


97414 Railroad hospital opposite B.F.M. and Women's Foreign Missionary Society property, Sendai.

97415 Street scene in a fishing village near Sendai.

97416 The morning catch in a fishing village.

97417 Scene in a public park, Hirosaki.

97418 Japanese girls picnicing in public park. Hirosaki.


97409 B.F.M. missionaries' residence, Sendai.

97410 Street in front of Women's Foreign Missionary Society and B.F.M. property, Sendai.

97411 Women's Foreign Missionary Society hostel and corner of Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence, Sendai.

97412 Women's Foreign Missionary Society hostel, Sendai.

97413 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Kindergarten, Sendai.


97404 Japanese children in playground of Asakusa Methodist Church and
settlement, Tokyo.

97405 Japan Methodist church, Sendai.

97406 Second Methodist EpiscopalChurch with old house in front showing location of
proposed community house, "Koku Cho Center," Sendai.

97407 Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence. Sendai.

97408 Rear of Women's Foreign Missionary Society lot, Sendai.


97399 Movie house in amusement section. Asakusa.

97400 The garden of the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo.

97401 Worshippers at the popular Buddhist Shrine and Temple in Asakusa.

97402 Japanese children in playground of Asakusa Methodist Church and
settlement, Tokyo.

97403 Japanese children in playground and Asakusa Methodist Church and
settlement, Tokyo.


97394 S.S. Tenyo Maru N.Y.K. line leaving Yokohama.

97395 S.S. Tenyo Maru N.Y.K. line leaving. Yokohama.

97396 The "Yoshiwara" section of Tokyo including Hospoital. Tokyo.

97397 A typical street in Tokyo's amusement section, "Aaskusa." Tokyo.

97398 Outdoor shops in Tokyo's amusement section, Asakusa, Tokyo.


97389 View of the sea on road between Fukuoka and Mibara Hakara Bay in
open country. Fukuoka.

97390 Farmers threshing rape in open country. Fukuoka.

97391 Farmers threshing rape in open country. Fukuoka.

97392 Farmers threshing rape in open country. Fukuoka.

97393 S.S. Tenyo Maru N.Y.K. line leaving. Yokohama.


97384 View form West Lake Park. Fukuoka.

97385 Bronze statue of Nichiren, Fukuoka.

97386 Buddhist woman at prayer before statue of Nichiren. Fukuoka.

97387 Buddhist adherent at prayer before the statue of Nichiren. Fukuoka.

97388 Entrance to First Methodist Episcopal Church. Fukuoka.


97379 Japanese lady in iris garden. Fukuoka.

97380 Mrs. R.E.D. in iris garden. Fukuoka.

97381 Mr. R.E.D. and Japanese lady in iris garden. Fukuoka.

97382 In an iris garden. Fukuoka.

97383 View from West Lake Park. Fukuoka.


96977 Multitudes hear General Booth

96978 Aoyama Theological Seminary student body

96979 Tree growing out of a rock

96980 Pioneer minister, who suffered persecution and imprisonment


96973 Sewing class, High School for Girls, Hirosaki

96974 Class in etiquette, Hokodate

96975 Student group at Wesley Hall, Sapporo

96976 Japanese audience


96968 Kindergarten, Kumanoto

96969 Working girl's class, Kagoshima

96970 Congregation worshipping, second Methodist Church, Sendai

96971 Dormitory girls class, Sendai

96972 Chapel at boys academy, Hirosaki


96964 May Day, Happy Hill High School for Girls, Fuhuoka

96965 Christmas pageant by factory girls, Fuhuoka

96966 Student body and delapidated building, Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki

96967 Dr and Mrs Spencer with young business men and students in bible class,


96960 Students of the YMCA at Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo

96962 Blind school, Yokohama

96961 Cooking class, Aoyama Jo Gakuin, Tokyo

96963 R S Spencer preaching at an evening service, Omura Chapel, Fuhuoka


96955 Sunday School children, Hirosaki

96957 Methodist Missionaries in summer session, Bishop Welch presiding

96956 Central Methodist Church built jointly by So Methodist Mission and
Japanese Methodist Church, Kobe

96959 Aoyama Gakuin campus, Tokyo


96950 Young Men's Christian Association headquarters

96951 Sign post erected by mrs Nobu Jo, to prevent suicides, Kobe

96952 National convention of NCTW

96953 Dashisha University, Kyoto


96946 The death of a once famous geisha girl who was living with a man not
her husband

96948 National Christian Council of Japan

96947 Pioneer Japanese minister who suffered persecution, standing beside
procription board

96949 Christian Literature Society building


96942 Buddhist Shrine

96943 Getting her fortune told

96944 In the slums of Japan

96945 Geisha girls


96938 Hokkaido Imperial University, Dr H Sato the president at left is a
staunch christian and a man of high court rank, Sapporo

96939 Moving picture district, Tokyo

96940 A Japanese family in the home

96941 Multitude praying before the palace gate for the recovery of the
emperor, Tokyo


96933 Making umbrellas in the home

96934 Steel dept Mitsubishi Works, Nagasaki

96935 A row of miner's homes, Nagasaki

96936 The new and modern Tokyo

96937 Primary School children in the neighborhood of Akunoura
Institutional church, Nagasaki


96927 Mount Fuji

96929 Transplanting rice

96931 Cutting tea

96930 Fishermen on Japan coast near Matsubara, Nagasaki

96932 Feeding silk worms


96916 Mr Bull with his moving picture set holding a Saturday evening
service for the nurses in training at Kew Hospital

96917 A roadside fortune teller, Hirosaki

96919 Sewing class in high school for girls, Fukuoka

96918 May Day, Happy Hill High School for Girls, Hirosaki

96920 Girls in chapel at Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki


96914 Doshisha University, Kyoto

96915 Hokkaido Imperial University, Dr H Sato the president at left is a
staunch christian and a man of high court rank, Sapporo


95755 A rushing business at the travelling loan library, Nagasaki

95756 Traveling loan library, Akunoura, Nagasaki

95757 Kwassui Jo Gakko girls starting out to hold street Sunday School,

95758 Kwassui Jo Gakko girls starting down steps to go to street Sunday
School, Nagasaki


95751 Middle School for Japanese boys, (Government) Heijo

95752 Girls sewing class, Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki

95753 Four girls on a log Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki

95754 Girls on the rolling log, Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki


95258 Check stand for bicycles, cherry festival, Hirosaki

95259 Cherry blossoms in bloom, Hirosaki

95260 Playground, Wilmina Jo Gakko, Osaka

95319 Old feudal lord, Hirosaki School

95750 Primary school for Japanese children, Dairen


95253 Some of the students, Hirosaki School

95254 Students fencing, Hirosaki School

95256 One of the boys, Hirosaki School

95255 Skiing, Hirosaki School

95257 Reflection in the moat of feudal castle, cherry festival, Hirosaki


95247 Section of the museum to O Gijuku, Hirosaki

95248 Japanese writing lesson student of Jo-O Gijuku, Hirosaki

95250 Students of Jo-O Gijuku, Hirosaki

95251 Two boys of Hirosaki school, Hirosaki

95252 Studying in the dormitory Hirosaki School

95249 Student Jo-O Gijuku, Hirosaki


95242 Children's Day Program, Hirosaki

95243 Cutting the winter's supply of wood for missionary residence,

95245 Four Japanese teachers of the Hirosaki School

95244 Reopening of the Hirosaki School, April 7, 1922, Hirosaki

95246 One of the supporters of the Hirosaki school


94985 Eighty six boys of Methodist Academy received baptism in one day at
the hands of Bishop Uzaki, Hirosaki School

94986 Seventy five girls received into church membership at the same time
the boys were baptized, Hirosaki School

94988 Principal Junzo Sasamori of the Jo-O Gijuki (Boys Middle School)

95241 Snow scene in Hirosaki Park Ancient water tower


93519 Children at the Union Christian Orphanage at Sendai with Miss Carrie
A Heaton in the background

93520 Children at the Union Christian Orphanage at Sendai with Miss Carrie
A Heaton in the background

93521 Children at the Union Christian Orphanage at Sendai with Miss Carrie
A Heaton in the background

93522 Three blind children in Japan

94984 Japan Methodist Church celebrates this year its 50th anniversary,


93514 A railroad station showing the station sign in Japanese, Chinese,
and English

93515 At a Shinto Shrine, Japan

93516 Orphanage at Omura, Japan

93517 Children playing at Orphanage at Omura

93518 Children at the Union Christian Orphanage at Sendai with Miss Carrie
A Heaton in the background


93407 Senior class of WFMS School, Hakodate

93408 Japanese mother making a boy take a bath in open pool in front of

93351 Three Japanese children of Asakusa WFMS School, Tokyo

93423 A Japanese kindergarten


92984 Refugees outside Tokyo after the earthquake 1923

92985 Earthquake refugees before the Imperial Palace, Tokyo

93016 Storm on the ocean, Yokohama

93350 The rice mill


92611 Same as 92609

92612 Same as 92609

92613 Same as 92609

92834 Nikko-Japanese idol, Japan


92609 The new city of Yokohama, Japan

92610 Same as 92609


92604 Childen of the blind school in bed in a tent erected after the
earthquake, Yokohama, Japan

92605 One of the boys of the blind school reading raised characters,
Yokohama, Japan

92606 Same as 92605

92607 Same as 92605


92600 Same as 92599

92601 Blind school, Yokohama, Japan

92602 Matron in charge of blind school, Yokohama, Japan

92603 The blind school partly destroyed by earthquake, Yokohama, Japan


92596 Same as 92595

92597 Baseball among the ruins, Yokohama, Japan

92598 Moving timber into the cities, Yokohama, Japan

92599 Motamachi, three months after the fire, Yokohama, Japan


92592 Looking across Yokohama to Mt Fuji in the distance, Yokohama, Japan

92593 Temporary temple in Jizozaka, Yokohama, Japan

92594 Reparing safes burnt in the earthquake fire, Yokohama, Japan

92595 Memorial to the dead, Yokohama, Japan


92588 Destroyed bank with street stores open before it, Yokohama, Japan

92589 A shop for the tourists back on the job, Yokohama, Japan

92590 Roofless trolley car, Yokohama, Japan

92591 Same as 92590


92584 Along the canal near the Methodist Church, Yokohama, Japan

92585 Marion Draper's knitting class, Yokohama, Japan

92586 Two knitters under Marion Draper's instruction, Yokohama, Japan

92587 Dr Masanobu Islizaka on the Jenyo Maru, returning to the USA
Yokohama, Japan


92580 Strut in front of the Aoyama Gakuin grounds, Tokyo, Japan

92581 Same as 92580

92582 Same as 92580

92583 Methodist Church, Yokohama, Japan


92576 Aoyama Gakuin during the tearing down, Tokyo, Japan

92577 Chapel of the Aoyama Gakuin being demolished and the barracks in the
background, Tokyo, Japan

92578 Same as 92577

92579 Looking across the Aoyama Gakuin campus toward the barracks, Tokyo,


92572 View from the tower of the Katsuda Hall showing the barracks on the
Aoyama Gakuin grounds, Tokyo, Japan

92573 Showing the cracked tower of the Katsuda Hall, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo,

92574 Same as 92573

92575 Some of the Gov't barracks, Tokyo, Japan


92568 Little Japanese boy making faces at the camera man, Asakusa, Tokyo,

92569 Waiting room of the Aoyama Gakuin Middle School, The main building
of the institution, Tokyo, Japan

92570 Library of the Theological School, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan

92571 Three Kyushu boys on the steps of the Theological School, Tokyo,


92564 Entrance to the Asakusa Church grounds, Tokyo, Japan

92565 Inside the Asakusa Church, Tokyo, Japan

92566 Asakusa Church tent children's meeting, Tokyo, Japan

92567 Same as 92566


92560 Barracks, Tokyo, Japan

92561 Stray children, Tokyo, Japan

92562 Ground of the Asakusa day school where Misses Seeds and Perry are
carrying on social work, Tokyo, Japan

92563 Asakusa Church, Drs E J Iglehart and Heckleman consulting about the
reconstruction, Tokyo, Japan


92556 Hibiya park, Tokyo, Japan

92557 J N Martin eating a meal in a wayside restaurant, Tokyo, Japan

92558 Teaching indigent women of well-to-do familioes knit, Tokyo, Japan

92559 St Lukes in tents, Tokyo, Japan


92552 Same as 92551

92553 The new Kyobunkwan building on the Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

92554 Same as 92553

92555 Inside the temporary Kyobunkwan, on the Ginza, Tokyo, Japan


91262 B F M Missionary residence, Hirosaki

92549 The Ginza on its opening day, Tokyo, Japan

91313 View of Yokohama three months after the earthquake, Yokohama

92550 American Bible Society barracks, off Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

92551 Ruins of Ginza church, Tokyo reconstruction, Japan


91258 English class under R F Shacklock, Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki

91259 Some of the boys of the Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki

91260 Dinner in the boys dormitory, Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki

91261 Boys in bed in the dormitory, Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki


91255 Boys of the To-o Gijuku at assembly, Hirosaki

91255 Boys of the Jo-O Gijuki at assembly, Hirosaki

91256 Boys in the chapel of the Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki

91257 Fencing class in the Jo-O Gijuki, Hirosaki


91057 Sunset on Onuma Lake, Hokkaido

91163 Fugi Takamori, head of Kindergarten dept of WFMS School, Nagasaki

91251 Main building of the To-o Gijuku, Hirosaki

91252 Maintenance of the To-o Gijuku, Hirosaki

91253 Buildings of the To-o Gijuku, Hirosaki


91009 Rev F N Scott teaching the English class at Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki

91010 The second year class of Chinzei Gakuin in session, Nagasaki

91011 A class in science at Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki

91012 The physics laboratory at Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki

91013 Playing tennis on the courts at Chinzei Gakuin, Nagasaki


91004 The playground of the Akunoura Kindergarten, Nagasaki

91005 On the slide in the Akunoura, Nagasaki

91006 Young men of the Akunoura night school, Nagasaki

91007 The lower class at Akunoura night school, Nagasaki

91008 President N Kawasaki and Dr F N Scott talking over school affairs,


90999 Street scene below the parsonage, Nagasaki

91000 Showing the congestion of the street below the parsonage, Nagasaki

91001 The travelling loan library, Nagasaki

91002 Circle of Akunoura Kindergarten children, Nagasaki

91003 Kindergarten children seated around a table, Nagasaki


90986 U S Army transport unloading supplies for earthquake relief, Yokohama

90987 Orderly W M Tompkins signalling to Admiral Anderson's Yacht, Yokohama

90988 American army hospital tents, Yokohama

90989 YMCA tents doing social services work, Tokyo

90998 The parsonage, Nagasaki


90982 One of the shacks built of anything and everything left from the
fire, Tokyo

90981 Relief supplies piled on the wharves at Shibaura, Tokyo

90983 Tent city located near Imperial Palace grounds, Tokyo

90984 A mountain of human ashes 9 feet high and 21 feet wide, Tokyo

90985 A temporary Buddhist Shrine, Tokyo


90976 Japanese boy scouts carrying baggage of the wounded on board the
ship, Tokyo

90977 Osaka YMCA tent, Tokyo

90978 YMCA, Tokyo

90979 Barrack class rooms, Aoyama Gakuin, after the earthquake, Tokyo

90980 Japanese gathered in the Aoyama Gakuin Chapel listening to Homer
Rodeheaver, Tokyo


90828 Refugees army tent, after the earthquake, set up in the palace
grounds, Tokyo

90829 A fallen god after the earthquake, Tokyo

90973 Japanese engineers rebuilding bridge over canal, Tokyo

90972 Wrecked railroads after the earthquake, Miyanoshita

90974 Workmen putting up a new home, Tokyo

90975 Japanese reading the news from the open air news paper stands, Tokyo


90823 Ruins of the Ginza Methodist Episcopal Church after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90824 Some of the ruins after the 1923 earthquake, Kyobinkwan, Tokyo

90825 Father and son chipping mortar off their bricks preparatory to
starting a new building, Tokyo

9082674 Maid using a piece of the fallen chimney in place of the ususal
fire pot outside of one Aoyama residence, Tokyo

90827 Men out with flag and mailing facilities so that people may inform
those outside the city of their safety after the earthquake, Tokyo, 1923


90818 The Imperial Hotel headquarters for the American Embassy who are
assisting in the relief work, Tokyo

90819 Some of earthquake refugee children at dinner at the Aoyama Girls
School, 1923

90821 Miss Leonora Seeds and a few of the refugee children who were housed
in the Aoyama Girls School after the earthquake, 1923, Tokyo

90822 Miss Lade, secretary-nurse of the St Lukes Hospital, standing on the
site of the nurses home after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo


90812 Moto Machi St, one of the busy streets of the City, after the
earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama

90813 Cracks in the street on which the Horai Methodist Episcopal Church stood, Yokohama

90814 Ruins of the Union Church after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama

90815 Ruins of the W F M S Bible Training School

90816 Flashlight in the residence of Mr Charles Bishop showing the ruins
of what the earthquake has done to his home, Yokohama, 1923

90817 Miss Dickenson and Miss Baucus among the ruins of their home after
the earthquake, Yokohama, 1923


90807 Ruins of the Kamakura Kindergarten after the earthquake

90808 The ruins of the Kamakura Kindergarten after the earthquake

90809 Wreckage left on the Kamakura beach by the tidal wave after the

90810 Water pipe line that was snapped off and foundation destroyed by the
earthquake, 1923

90811 Yokohama City looking from the Bluff toward the piers, after the
earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama


90799 Bird's eye view of Kyobashi, Tokyo

90804 Miss Bernice Bassett, Dr T Ukai and Bishop Herbert Welch standing on
the ruins of the Kamakura Methodist Church after the earthquake, Sept 1923,

90805 Native gathering unbroken dishes from the earthquake ruins,
Kamakura, 1923

90806 Ruins of the Kamakura Parsonage after the earthquake, Sept 1923


90742 Envelope received by Mrs C W Iglehart after the earthquake, Sept
1923, and stamp on back showing it was sent by aeroplane mail, Tokyo

90743 Map of Tokyo showing the devastated quarters of the city, after
earthquake, Sept 1923

90771 Rice line, Tokyo

90798 A train load of refugees, Tokyo


90737 A great crack in the street after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama

90738 Miss Georgiana Baucas in her wrecked home of Misses Eliza Dickinson
and Georgiana Baucas after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama

90740 Site of the Principle governmental arsenals and naval dock yards,
after earthquake, Yokesuka

90739 Bible class seated before the wrecked home of misses ELiza Dickinson
and Georgiana Baucas after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Yokohama

90741 Roof of the famous Temple of Hackiman on Tsurugacka, Kamakura

90732 The wharf after the earthquake 1923 - Yokohama

90733 The wharf after the earthquake. 1923 Yokohama.

90734 Taking refugees away by boat from Yokohama after great earthquake 1923

90735 Ruins of the earthquake Sept 1923. Yokohama.

90736 Some of the ruins in Yokohama.



90727 Gathering up the bones after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90728 Some natives with a gasoline engine after the earthquake, Tokyo

90730 View of training school for christian workers after the earthquake,
1923, Yokohama

90729 Ruins of Yokohama training school for christian workers, Yokohama

90731 Ruins of Horai Cho Methodist Church after earthquake, 1923, Yokohama


90723 Refugees in the bread line after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90724 Public bulletin board on which people posted news for their friends
and relatives after the earthquake, Tokyo

90725 Sign which owner has put up on his property indicating his ownership
after the earthquake, Sept 1923

90726 Burning the corpses after the great earthquake, Sept 1923


90719 Ruins of the Kaigan Church, the 1st church that was built in Japan,
Sept 1923 after the earthquake

90720 A truck load of volunteer relief workers from Aoyama Gatuin after
the earthquake, Sept 1923

90721 Workers and clothes they are ready to distribute to sufferers after
the earthquake, Sept 1923

90722 Rice distribution to refugees after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo


90715 Ruins of the Railraod Station after the earthquake, 1923, Tokyo

90716 Refugees leaving the scene of the earthquake by train, Tokyo

90717 Another train of refugees leaving scene of the earthquake, 1923,

90718 Ruins of the Ginza Methodist Episcopal Church, after the earthquake Sept 1923, Tokyo


90711 Aoyama Gakuin Chapel practically destroyed by earthquake, 1923, Tokyo

90712 Orphan children quartered in Aoyama School for girls since the

90713 Orphans inside gymnasium of the Aoyama School for girls where they
have been housed since the earthquake, Tokyo

90714 Showing the demolished railroad station after the earthquake, Sept
1923, Tokyo


90707 First Conference of committee after earthquake Sept, 1923 in the
park where refugees are living, Tokyo

90708 Goucher Hall, Aoyama after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90709 Front of Goucher Hall after earthquake, Tokyo

90710 Philander Smith Biblical Institute part of the Theological Dept of
the Aoyama Gakuin College after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo


90703 Temple ruins, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90704 The ruins of the Maruzen Book Store, the largest bookstore in the
Orient, after the earthquake, Tokyo

90705 Ruins of the Mitsukeski Dept store after the earthquake, Sept 1923,

90706 The Methodist publishing house after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo


90699 View of Tokyo after the earthquake, Sept 1923, Tokyo

90700 Temporary living quarters near Imperial Palace after great
earthquake, Tokyo

90701 Showing temporary quarters among the ruins after earthquake, Sept

90702 Bridge across river on which a number of people stood all night
while the flames raged on either side, 1923 Tokyo


90695 One of the main streets after the earthquake, Sept 1923

90696 Ruins after the earthquake, Sept 1923

90697 After the earthquake, Sept 1923

90698 Wires down over the ruins after the earthquake, Sept 1923


90649 Sunday School in front of Church, (This picture must have been taken
in Korea, note building roofs, and clothings of the people, or Korean Town
in Japan, the group is Korean)

90650 Methodist Episcopal Church, Yonezawa

90651 Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, Yonezawa

90694 The main street in Tokyo after the eathquake, Sept 1923


90375 American Bible Society Colportuer on the street, Tokyo

90502 Children coming form Methodist Sunday School in Akuncura District,

90647 Jipton Chapel, Nagoya

90648 Louise Holmes Norton Memorial Hospital, Hayu


90023 Fencing club, Kobe Higher Commercial School

90195 Tennis club made up of a group of the students of the Kobe Higher
Commercial School

90219 Bird's eye view of the Aoyama Gakuin College, Tokyo (before


89952 Japanese woman teaching girl to sew

89953 Eating dinner in the home

89954 Asakusa amusement park

90021 Sunday School teachers' Training Institute, Kariuzawa

89428 Fencing in new gym of Chinsei Gakuin. Nagasaki.

89429 Jujutsu in the new waiting room and gymnasium of Chinsei Gakuin Nagasaki.

89950 Y.M.C.A. night School. Osaka.

89951 Group of children outside of Japanese home which is decorated for New Year.

89296 Student at Doshisha University. Kyoto

89419 Maebara Church. Fukuoka.

89420 Robert S. Spencer's new home. Fukuoka.

89427 New building containing waiting room and gymnasium of Chinsei Gakuin. Nagasaki.

86711 View from our preaching place, Aku-no-ura. Nagasaki, Japan.

86712 Some of the streets and huts in Aku-no-ura, part of Nagasaki where our work is located.

88612 Children from Christian Sunday Schools welcoming the Crown Prince of England at Akasaka Palace. Tokyo.

89295. Model Sunday School building on campus. Kwansei Gakuin, Kobe

86706 Some buildings of the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Aku-no-ura, Nagasaki.

86707 Giant crane of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Aku-no-ura, Nagasaki.

86708 One of the dry-docks of the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. Aku-no-ura. Nagasaki.

86709 Huge causeway of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. where largest Japanese battleship was built. Aku-no-ura. Nagasaki.

86710 The present preaching place at Aku-no-ura. Pastor Fukushima standing in doorway. Nagasaki.


85357 Kindergarten teachers, Miss COuch, superintendent, Hakodate, Japan

85358 W F M S Girls' School, 200 students, Hakodate,

86669 Sunset on the inland sea of Japan

86670 Cherry blossoms, Tokyo

86671 Cherry blossoms, Tokyo

86705 View of ship building plant of Mitsubishi Co, Aku-no-ura, Nagasaki


85352 Child eating green melon, rind and all, street market, Noshiro, Japan

85353 Woman pushing heavy log, lumber mills, Noshiro, Japan

85354 Vegetable market, Noshiro, Japan

85355 Torii and road leading to Hachiman Shrine, day of big festival, Japan

85356 W F M S Girls School, Senior class 1918 - 1919, Hakodate, Japan


85347 Street cars, Tokyo, Japan

85348 Office of the silk worm egg factory, Komoro, Japan

85349 Newly hatched silk worms, Komoro, Japan

85350 Cleaning up the graves in preparation for the Bon Festival for the
dead, Yonezawa, Japan

85351 Rain hat and straw rain coat, street market, Noshiro, Japan


85342 Brewery of Sapporo Beer, Tokyo, Japan

85343 Street in front of Mitsukoshi's department store, Tokyo, Japan

85344 Congested trolley service, Tokyo, Japan

85345 Taking the street cars, Tokyo, Japan

85346 Goucher Hall, Tokyo, Japan


85337 Moving day, Tokyo, Japan

85338 Transplanting trees, Tokyo, Japan

85339 Street car, Tokyo, Japan

85340 Mending wires, Tokyo, Japan

85341 Aoyama, Goucher Hall, Tokyo, Japan


85332 Silk worms on straw, ready to spin cocoons, Komoro, Japan

85333 Silk worm eggs on cards showing different color grays, Komoro, Japan

85335 American knitting machine, Osaka, Japan

85334 Little mothers, near swing,in village, Komoro, Japan

85336 Cutting cocoons for larva examination, Komoro, Japan


85327 Taking panorama of Aoyama Jo Girls, Tokyo, Japan

83528 Aoyama boys, Tokyo, Japan

85329 Aoyama boys, Tokyo, Japan

85330 Young silk worms, Komoro, Japan

85331 Newly spun cocoons, Komoro, Japan


83190 Hirosaki, children leaving Methodist Sunday School, Japan

85324 Aoyama girls in the garden, Tokyo, Japan

85325 Aoyama girls in the garden, Tokyo, Japan

85326 Taking panorama of Aoyama Jo Girls, Tokyo, Japan


83185 Japanese Farm children, baby-tenders, Japan

83186 Shoe cobbler shop, Sendai, Japan

83187 Japanese S S Supt, and family, Kruto, Japan

83188 Rare method of carrying babies, the back is the ususal carriage,

83189 Students in Aoyama Jakuin, Tokyo, Japan


83180 Methodist Church, Sendai, Japan

83181 Methodists' Kindergarten Matsuyama, Japan

83182 Japanese c*** woman carrying load of dirt, Japan

83183 Roadside tablet in Japan erected to protect the spirit of the houses
in the neighborhood, Japan

83184 Rev G F Draper talking with one of his country pastors, Japan


83175 Japanese village children playing on the street, no other place to
play, Japan

83176 Flower show in Tokyo, Hibya Park, Tokyo, Japan

83177 Kruto's home, Japan

83178 Altar of Ainu, erected to spirit of the bear, Yahima, Japan

83179 Village shrine, Shinto, Japan


83170 Hokkaido-Ainu, the aborigines of Japan

83171 Street Sudnay School, Sendai, Japan

83172 Kobe, Buddhist Priest entering the Buddhist Sunday School next door
to the Christian Sunday School, Japan

83173 Headquarters of the Japanese Sunday School board, Japan

83174 C W Iglehart on motor cycle, itinerating in the country, Sendai,


83165 Dormitories of Imperial Agricultural College, Sapporo, Japan

83166 Country church supported by centenary funds, Hokkaido, Japan

83167 Seven years ago this man was Sunday School Supt of Japan Methodist Episcopal Church

83168 Country blacksmith shop, Japan

83169 Japanese Sunday School leader in front of church, Mikage-Kruto, Japan


83102 Japanese steamer for Hankow Japan

83162 Japanese rural pastor's wife and child, Ebetz, Japan

83163 Orphanage, Interdenominational, Japan

83164 Methodist Church, Sendai, Japan


83086 Part of the ritual gone thru in connection with ceremony of
cleansing in some of the temples

82837 Japan, World S S convention on parade, Tokyo

82838 Japan, Bishop Kogoro Uzaki of Japan


81925 Sewing classes in Lion Tooth Powder Plant

82512 Japan, moonlight on the water

82006 Little girl carrying baby strapped to her back, Japan

82513 Japan, Native sailboat, Fuji in the distance

82514 Japan, In a Japanese flower garden


81862 Japan, Tokyo, Japanese dray

81863 Japan, Tokyo, park scene, Japanese children at play

81864 Japan, Yokohama, street scene

81865 Japan, Yokohama, street scene, fruit and grocery store


81858 Japan, Tokyo, Episcopal College

81859 Japan, Tokyo, Episcopal College

81860 Japan, Tokyo, Episcopal College

81861 Japan, Tokyo, Dormitories of Theological Students of Aoyama Gakuin


81854 Japan, Osaka, distant view of factories

81855 Japan, Osaka, factories, river view

81856 Japan, Sapporo, Imperial University campus and buildings

81857 Japan, Sapporo Imperial University, One of the few brick buildings


81850 Japan, Kioto, Great house cleaning day (The police order everyone to
clean house on a set day, everything must be removed from the house and
cleaned and cannot be returned until the police have inspected it and

81851 Japan, Nagoya, Administration Building, Girls School

81852 Japan, Nikko, Temple

81853 Japan, Nikko, Temple


81846 Japan, Kobe, street scene

81847 Japan, Kioto, Great house cleaning day (The police order everyone to
clean house on a set day, everything must be removed from the house and
cleaned and cannot be returned until the police have inspected it and

81848 Japan, Kioto, Great house cleaning day (The police order everyone to
clean house on a set day, everything must be removed from the house and
cleaned and cannot be returned until the police have inspected it and

81849 Japan, Kioto, Great house cleaning day (The police order everyone to
clean house on a set day, everything must be removed from the house and
cleaned and cannot be returned until the police have inspected it and


81842 Japan, Kobe, street scene

81843 Japan, Kobe, street scene

81844 Japan, Kobe, sunshade for the dray horse

81845 Japan, Kioto, view of park, river and bridge opposite Methodist Episcopal Church


81838 Japan, Hirosaki, tablet in memory of the first Bishop of the
Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church

81839 Japan, Hirosaki street scene, (Miss Russell and Miss Draper with
Japanese pastor) Rev Yakama

81840 Japan, Kobe, Chapel

81841 Japan, Kobe, Japanese house under construction


80625 Japanese contortionist wiping his nose with his foot, Kobe

80626 Americanized Japanese family on steamer going home


80621 Modern ricksha man with a full load, Kobe

80622 In the "Glory" Kindergarten yard (Miss A C Howe) Congregational, Kobe

80623 The "Glory" Kindergarten Congregational being photographed, Kobe

80624 Japanese contortionist, holding a spinning top on one foot, drinking
out of a cup held with the other foot, and eating a meal with chop sticks


80617 Child of wealthy parents in winter costume in "Glory" kindergarten,
Congregational, Kobe

80618 Mother and daughter, "Glory" Kindergarten, Kobe

80619 Japanese mother and child, Kobe

80620 Modern and old style of dress worn by little boys in "Glory"
Kindergarten, Kobe


80613 Sunday school children, Konosu

80614 Reformed Sunday School children, Konosu

80615 Child of wealthy parents in winter costume in "Glory" kindergarten,
Congregational, Kobe

80616 Same as 80615


80609 (Leading to) Wayside shrine

80610 Japanese child in Reformed Sunday School, Konosu

80611 Same as 80612

80612 Japanese mother and baby in Reformed Sunday School, Konosu


80605 Moonlight on inland sea

80606 Sailboat in Moonlight on inland sea

80607 (Leading to) Wayside shrine

80608 (Leading to) Wayside shrine


80601 Moonlight on inland sea

80602 Same as 80601

80603 Same as 80601

80604 Same as 80601


79204 Martyrdom of Christians in Japan


78491 Japanese pickers

78492 Nikko Temple, Japan

78493 Shinto funeral, Japan

78494 Salvation army headquarters for chosen


78486 Japan, flower vase in Prince Yi's household

78488 Japan, Japanese tombs

78489 Japan, Japanese domestic worship

78487 Japan, Japanese home industry

78490 Japan, Japanese fishers


78483 Japan, vase, Koryu period, 10th - 13th century

78484 Japan, in the mountains

78485 Japan, flower vase in Prince Yi's household


78477 Japan, inland sea

78478 Japan, inland sea

78479 Japan, inland sea

78480 Japan, high class beggars

78481 Japanese boy and girl, Japan

78482 Japan, field worker


78472 Japan, reaping the rice

78473 Japan, antique methods of transportation

78474 Japan, rice bags

78475 Japan, home industries

78476 Japan, inland sea


78466 Japan, Roadside fortune teller

78467 Japan, Paper prayers on horns of sacred bronze deer

78468 Japan, worshippers

78469 Japan, Methodist School - children at -

78470 Japan, Moving picture house

78471 Japan, Woman workers in field


78461 Japan, Nikko, Sacred bridge

78462 Japan, Jinrikiska

78464 Children of Japan

78463 Japan, Cormorant fishers ready to start

78465 Japan, Reeling silk by means of a machine


78455 Japan, A traveler in the morning fog, near Chujinji

78456 Japan, Osaka, Theatre Street, Dotonbori

78457 Japan, Viewing the city of Shidyuoka from a tea jouse on Sengeri hill

78458 Japan, Tsuruga Bay

78459 Japan, Yokohama

78460 Japan, Nikko, The Urami Fall


78450 Japan, Hirosaki, Bishop Welch in a snow storm

78451 Japan, village girls returning from school at the foot of Mt Fuji

78452 Japan, Mt Fuji viewed from Yamanaka Lake and its reflection

78453 Japan, Fujiyama from Lake Hakone

78454 Japan, Mt Fuji viewed from Shoji Lake


78446 Japan, N Nagoya Bible calss Christmas lesson, Miss K G Nythe

78447 Japan, Kyoto, Crumbling Idols

78448 Japan, Kyoto, Interior of Saryusangendo Hall of the thousand life
size Buddhas, each with 11 heads and 42 hands

78449 Japan, Kyoto, The garden of Heiam Jingu


78441 Japan, Tokyo, street scene at Shinbashi

78442 Japan, Tokyo, Hakodate Girls' School

78444 Japan, Sendai, Sunday Schooll

78443 Japan, Hakodate wrestling

78445 Japan, Kyushu, Soothsayer in Kyush


78437 Japan, Tokyo, Central Railway Station

78438 Japan, Tokyo, Azumapasha

78439 Japan, Tokyo, Cherry blossoms or Mukojima

78440 Japan, Tokyo, Cherry blossoms in the park of Ueno


78432 Japan, slum, hole in Tokyo

78433 Japan, Tokyo, heavy going

78434 Japan, Tokyo, Japanese child

78435 Japan, Tokyo, Imperial Theatre

78436 Japan, Tokyo, Asakusa Park


77567 Japan, Dr Fakeshi Yano, Christian Professor, Imperial University

77568 Japan, Dr Miono Yamamoto, Christian Professor, Imperial University

77569 Japan, Dr V Uzaki, President of Chinzei Boys' School-Nagasaki and
his wife and children


77561 Japan, Dr Takeshi Yano, Christian Professor of Padaetrics Imperial

77562 Japan, Dr MclTagaki, Christian Professor of Physiology, Imperial

77563 Japan, Dr Tokyzo Ohiro, Christian Professor of Bacteriology,
Imperial University

77564 Japan, Dr Fujinami Christian Professor Nosology Imperial University

77565 Japan, Dr Kinoshita Shochu, Christian Professor of Medicine,
Imperial University

77566 Japan, Dr Makoto Ishihara, Christian Professor of Physiology,
Imperial University


77555 Dr Hiroiclsamu, Christian professor of Engineering, Imperial

77556 Dr Goto Seitaro Christian Professor, Zoology Imperial University

77557 Dr Naohide Yatsu, Christian Professor, Zoology Imperial University

77558 Dr Bunroku Arakawa Christian Professor engineering Imperial

77559 Dr Seiichi Hatano, Christian Professor of Philosophy at Imperial

77560 Dr Yasukazu Fukoda, Christian Professor of Aesthetics, Imperial


74765 Doll festival, Viscount Mashima's home, Tokyo

74766 Carp flying boys festival, Tokyo

74767 Ancestral worship, at grave near Tokyo

74768 Buddhist Temple, Tokyo


74759 Student carving wood, Girls School, Tokyo

74760 Student painting, Gakuin Girls' School, Aoyama, Tokyo

74761 Student embroidering, Girls' School, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo

74762 Class in embroidery, Girls' School, Tokyo

74763 Class in embroidering, Girls' School, Tokyo

74764 Doll store, doll festival, Tokyo


74753 Looking towards the stable of Sacred Horse, Temple of Ieyasu, Nikko

74754 Girl carving in Girls' School, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo

74755 Archery class, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo

74756 Ironing at Girls' School, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo

74757 Cooking class, Tokyo

74758 Class in flower arrangement, Girls School, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo


74747 Detail of the beautiful gate, Ieyasu Temple

74748 Within the grounds, Ieyasu Temple

74749 Within the grounds, Ieyasu Temple

74750 One of the guardians of the temple of Ieyasu

74751 Gateway of the temple of Ieyasu, Nikko

74752 Store house for temple treasures, Temple of Ieyasu


74741 Some of hundred Buddhas

74742 Pagoda

74743 Sacred bridge

74744 Sacred shrine

74745 Cryptomeria grove and walls leading to Ieyasu's grave

74746 Detail of the beautiful gate, Ieyasu temple


74735 The Hideoshi monument where 30,000 ears were burned

74736 Toy vender, Nikko

74737 Diabutsu, with a rock in place of a head, Nikko

74738 Torii and sacred mountain, Nikko

74739 Nanti San, the great mountain near Nikko, women not permitted to

74740 Some of hundred Buddhas


74729 Children at Fox shrine, Kobe

74730 Cherry blossoms, Kyoto

74731 Cherry blossoms in the park, Kyoto

74732 Temple worship, Kyoto

74733 Temple worship, Kyoto

74734 Shoes of Doshisha bots, Kyoto


74723 Guardian of Diabutsu, Kobe

74724 Worship, Buddhist Temple, Kobe

74725 Temple band in preparation for Matsuri, Kobe

74726 Temple band in preparation for Matsuri, Kobe

74727 Torii, leading to temple, Kobe

74728 Grandmother, children and sun worshippers at temple


74717 Kindergarten, Girls' School, Hiroshima

74718 Girls' School, Kindergarten, Hiroshima

74719 Kindergarten, Girls' School, Hiroshima

74720 Diabutsu Kamakura

74721 Diabutsu, Kobe

74722 Diabutsu, Kobe


74711 Railroad

74712 Shrine

74713 Temple

74714 Dr Goucher at grave of Neesima

74715 Kindergarten, Hiroshima

74716 Kindergarten, Hiroshima


73467 Uena Park Shinto Shrine prayer wheel at right

74483 Garden of Prince Shimadzu and Sokurogiwa, Kagoshima

74709 Fujiyama City

74910 At work in a silk factory


70449 Colonel Yomamuiro holding open air services at Ueno Park, Tokyo

70450 Western section of Kobe

70477 Laborers waiting in front of employment office, Fukogawa slums, Tokyo

73466 Two old Japanese Christians at Ebetsu


70037 View of Mount Fuji(yama), Japan

70154 Mabie (sp?) Memorial School Building, Yokohama, Japan


69955 Cherry blossoms in Japan

69956 Cherry blossoms in Japan (see 67577, page 62 - better)

69957 Cherry blossoms in Japan


69625 Washing while tending the baby, Japan

69626 Group of Nagoya children, Japan

69920 Students of Woman's Christian College of Japan, Tokyo, Japan


69621 Corner of dormitory and Women's Foreign Missionary Society Home,
Seiryu Jo Gakko, Japan

69622 Corner of main building and kindergarten of Seiryu Jo Gakko, Japan

69623 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Home, Seiryu Jo Gakko, Japan

69624 Exterior, Girls' School, Japan, ("Kinjo Jo Gakko, Nagaya" on sign


69617 Daikon giant radish on altar of household shrine, Japan

69618 Household shrine dedicated to Tsushima Jinsha, Japan

69619 Nagoya Higher Commercial School, Japan

69620 Main building of Seiryu Gakko, Japan


69613 Toy hobby horses, Japan

69614 Hobby horse factory, Japan

69615 Stone cutter working on Buddhist grave stone, Japan

69616 Household shrine, Japan


69609 Japanese soldier guarding German prisoners working in Nagoya
porcelain factory, Japan

69610 Modern method cutting and mixing clay, Nagoya porcelain factory,

69611 Hirokoji main street of Nagoya, Japan

69612 Memorial monument, Japan


69605 Nagoya potter, Nagoya factory, Japan

69606 Truck load of boxes of porcelain from Nagoya factory, Japan

69607 Painting dolls faces, Nagoya factory, Japan

69608 Boxes of chinaware, Nagoya factory, Japan


69307 English as she is writ, Government Department in Japan, Kose near

69505 Factory meeting of the Fuji Boseki COmpany, Oyama, Japan

69604 Decorating porcelain, Nagoya factory, Japan


69303 Picking tea, second picking and hence second grade, Omura, Japan

69304 Picking tea, second grade and picking in June, Omura, Japan

69305 Building rented for Women's Christian University, Tokyo, Japan

69306 Residence in connection with Women's Christian University, Tokyo,


69299 Rice setting time, pulling the young shoots, Omura, Japan

69300 Setting rice, Omura, Japan

69301 Setting rice, the buildings in the backgorund are WFMS Orphanage,
Omura, Japan

69302 Setting rice "close up", Omura, Nagasakio-Ken, Japan


69295 Harrowing rice field preparatory to setting, Ox power, Omura, Japan

69296 Harrowing field in preparation for rice setting, Omura, Japan

69297 Preparing flooded fields for rice planting, Omura, Japan

69298 Young rice sets about ready to be planted, Omura, Japan


69291 Among the tombs of the Omura feudal family, Japan

69292 Every high place has its shrine, even this bit of a point jutting
out from one of the islands in Omura Bay, Japan

69293 Children form a primary school in country preparing fields for rice,
part of education, Japan

69294 Primary school boys in country returning from work in rice fields as
part of education, Japan


69287 Tomb of a faithful female attendant of the Lord of Omura's family
hundreds of years ago, Omura, Japan

69288 Tombs of 35 samurai of Omura who went to fight for Nieiji Temio at
the restoration, Japan

69289 Buddhist priest and Maryanna Spencer before one of the tombs of the
Omura Fendal family, Japan

69290 Maryanna Spencer, two and a half years old and Buddhist priest, Japan


69283 Primary school students brought out in honor of ashes of two
soldiers killed in Siberia, Omura, Japan

69285 Purple wistaria in yard of Fukuoka Girls School, WFMS Japan

69286 White wistaria and red maple in yard, Seerju Jo Gakko, Nagoya, Japan


69279 Private house rented by Mr Kuwahara, Lay Evangelist in Tsuyasaki,

69280 Private house rented by Mr Kuwahara, Lay evangelist in Tsuyasaki,

69281 View from in front Tsuyasaki preaching place, Japan

69282 Lotus in moat near castle grounds, Fukuoka, Japan


69275 "I got a whale on that line, mister!" Omura, Japan

69276 One way of collecting a Sunday School in our yard in Omura, Japan

69277 The Osaka Drug Company which has hundreds of branches and sells
medicine only for venereal disease, Japan

69278 Begging his breakfast, a mendicant religious pilgrim


69271 Harrowing field in preparation for rice setting, Omura, Japan

69272 Our milk maids, one night they didn't appear, Omura, Japan

69273 The farmer bride's job, Japan

69274 "And a little child shall lead them" How Maryanna Spencer gathered
prospects for our S S


69267 Rebecca at the well, and her mother, Omura, Japan

69268 An old country man, Omura, Japan

69269 Old farmer woman, Japan

69270 The old paper lantern maker on our street in Omura, Japan


69263 Paper fishes displayed at Boy's Festival, Omura, Japan

69264 Paper fishes displayed at Boy's Festival, Omura, Japan

69265 A country girl carrying home a barley load, Japan

69266 Drawing water at an old-fashiioned country well, our house, Omura,


69058 Statue of Nichiren, one of Japan's greatest Buddhist Scholars


68810 Japanese children with flags

68925 Red Cross work done by Baptist women in Mary Colby Girls School,
Yokohama, Japan

68927 Young women's dormitory, Tokyo, Japan


68801 Laboratory, St Luke's Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

68802 An autumn evening in the suburbs of Yokohama, Japan

68803 Fuji, from a fall, Japan

68809 Japanese child in bath tub, Japan


68500 Japanese school children taking a good look at the foreign lady,

68501 Entrance to the Shinto Temple, Nikko, Japan

68502 Mossy Buddhas sitting in a row in one of the forest paths at Nikko,


68497 Welcome to a Japanese village, Japan

68498 Villagers out to clean up road for the passing of the Imperial
Princess, It is a rainy day, hence the straw raincoat, Japan

68499 Costume of a rainy day in Japan


68381 Old fashioned light house on shore at Hakata, Japan

68383 The Kushida Shrine, Japan

68382 Small bronze Buddha on Main Street of Fukuoka, Japan

68384 Showing Methodist property in Hakata, Japan

68385 Rev and Mrs G Sawamura, Hakata, Japan


68377 Suzenji preaching place, Japan

68378 Ploughman, ploug and sower in field, Japan

68379 Our rented preaching place, Japan

68380 Rented preaching place, Japan


68373 Rose pink peony at Fukuoka, Japan

68374 Pink peony at flower garden, Japan

68375 Little boy worshipping at Shinto shrine, West Park, Japan

68376 Evangelist Kubo of Suzenji, Fukuoka, Japan


68368 Torii at entrance to West Park, Japan

68367 Beating out barley by roadside, Japan

68369 Cherry tree at Nishu Koen, Japan

68370 Wayside booth at West Park, Japan

68372 A white peony at garden in Fukuoka, Japan

68371 Double cherry tree, West Park, Japan


68363 Women handling and pushing heavy dumping cars, Japan

68364 Arch erected by Fukuoka City to greet returning soldiers, Japan

68365 Same caption as 68364

68366 A well-to-do farmer home near Fukuoka, Japan


68359 Cabinet of West Japan Annual Conference, Japan

68360 Hiroshima Methodist Church, Japan

68361 Entrance to Maebara town, Japan

68362 Not mushrooms but oiled paper umbrellas, Japan


68355 Hulling barley, Japan

68356 An historic memorial tablet, very old, Japan

68357 A roadside clog mender, Japan

68358 Bishop Hiraiwa presiding at West Japan Annual Conference, Japan


68351 Two part chorus at Kwassui Jo Gakko, Japan

68352 Watching the foreigner take pictures, Japan

68353 Omura roadside umbrella mender, Japan

68354 The fish rod has the same attractions to these boys of Japan


68346 A society of sleepers on trains

68347 Pilgrims prepared for a vow trip up a sacred mt, Japan

68350 Three part chorus at Kwassui Jo Gakko, Japan


68342 Laro gets bath and a scolding by roadside, Japan

68343 Horse car, my method of travel a part of my work, Japan

68344 West Japan annual conference

68341 High class beggar in Japan who covers face and plays with flute for
pittance, Japan

68345 Udon (Japanese macaroni), Japan


68336 A roadside barter buying vegetables for dinner, Japan

Bringing home the sheaves, Japan

68338 The wonderful Japanese wild mountain lily, Japan

68339 Same caption as 68338

68340 Same caption as 68338


67576 Coal passing or filling the bunkers, Nagasaki or Moji

67577 Bridge and trees decorated with lanterns


67572 Carrying in rice for threshing

67573 Nurse boy, carrying the baby

67574 Shadan, a shrine on the outskirts, Japan

67575 Coaling ship at Nagasaki

67568 Gateway behind which there is nothing but a hill; but at which people constantly worship as it has in some way acquired a sacred character.

67569 Kametsu Church. Japan.

67570 Preacher's' and workers' meeting, Naha - including practically all the Xian pastors of the island. Loo Choo Island Japan.

67571 Tomb of a former king of Loo Choo. Japan.


67564 Methodist Church property, Yontanzan, Japan

67565 Seeing a young officer off at the station, Japan

67566 Temple to Benton, Japan

67567 Takachiho Jinsha (Shrine)


67560 Drying the curved tiles for roofs, Japan

67561 Primary government school in the country, Japan

67562 Phallic emblems lying along the roadside, Loo Choo

67563 A village ad a bit of scenery, Japan


67556 Digging paddy field near Kuba, Japan

67557 Sugar floor and distillery, Japan

67558 No Caption

67559 Typical farmer's cottage near Kuba, Japan


67552 Tattooing on the hands of a Loo Choo woman, Japan

67553 Grave made in a large coral boulder, Japan

67554 Country farmer with load of sweet potato stems, Japan

67555 Farmer coming from the field with sweet potato stems, Japan


67548 Street scene, Loo Choo, Japan

67549 Greeting the foreigner, Loo Choo, Japan

67550 Splash, farmer digging paddy field, Japan

67551 Typical country couple, Japan


67544 The head of Habu shown in number 67540, Japan

67545 The deadly habu which inhabits many of these southern islands
including all the Loo Choo group

67546 Gate of the Temple, in Tomari, Japan

67547 Water front scene in Naha, Japan


67540 Habu, ready to strike, Japan

67541 Phallic Shrine, Japan

67542 Jaws of habu distended after he had died, Japan

67543 New Tenrikyo Temple in Naha, Loo Choo, Japan


67536 Mourners before the grave, Japan

67537 Hakaban or guardian of the grave, Loo Choo, Japan

67538 Nami no uye (sp???) Shinto Shrine in Naha, Japan

67539 Typical narrow street, residential in Naha, Japan


67532 Public spring in Shuri, Japan

67533 Rev Hiroichi Kimura and family, Japan

67534 Miss Tsuya Kitajima, Bible Woman in Naha, Japan

67535 A child's grave is often built this way at the side of the main
grave or tomb, Japan


67528 The dragon on the steps of the palace, Shuri, Japan

67529 Loo Chooan woman's usual way of carrying a load, Japan

67530 View of Shuri and Naha, Japan

67531 Rock in the hills which for no apparent reason is worshipped by the
Loo Chooans


67524 The right wing of the Shuri palace, Japan

67525 Gate to the home of the former King of Loo Choo, Japan

67526 The main body of the palace within the castle, Japan

67527 Tombs of the former Kings of Loo Choo, Japan


67520 Loo Chooan Takagura in the country near Kuba, Japan

67521 View from highest point of the castle, Shuri, Japan

67522 Part of Shuri as seen from the highest point of the castle, Japan

67523 Rear view of the main body of the palace, Shuri, Loo Choo, Japan


67516 The only ordinary means of conveyance in these islands is the
bullock, Japan

67517 Little old man of Nase making bamboo baskets, Japan

67518 Greeting returning soldiers, Naha, Japan

67519 Methodist Church and parsonage, Naha, Japan


67512 View of Naha streets taken from the study of Bro Kimura, Pastor of
our Naha Church, Japan

67513 The deadly effect of alcohol, Oshima, Japan

67514 Roman Catholic Church structure, incomplete, Japan

67515 Shop where Shochu is sold, in Nase, Oshima, Japan


67508 Using her head, this mother knows how to do two jobs at once

67509 Washing Tsugmugi (pongee) in muddy water, Japan

67510 Washing the thread for pongee, Kametsu, Tokushima, Japan

67511 Urns for bones, after a body has been buried a couple of years or
more, it is exhumed and a ceremony held to which all relatives near and far


67504 Village committee, Kametsu, Japan

67505 Boy of Takushima Kametsu coming in with a load of palm branches to
repair the wall of the bungalow probably, Japan

67506 Woman carrying load of wood, Kametsu, Japan

67507 Beauty who was having her photo snapped as she was milling the rice
in a mortar


67500 The Jocular old lady who let me take a picture of her hands as
tattooed, Japan

67501 Melons on roof, farmer's home, Kinen, Tokushima

67502 Mr Taihei Matsumoto, Pastor of Kametsu Methodist Church, Japan

67503 Pastor Matsumoto caught at his lunch of boiled sweet potatoes, Japan


67496 Typical farmer children of Tokushima, Japan

67497 The Orita family high class, farmer family of Tokushima, in their
good clothes, Japan

67498 Boy faces, Kametsu, Japan

67499 Tattooed hands, Japan


67346 Japanese beggar children, Japan

67408 Flowers in Japan

67464 Even the wife gives the ground personal attention, Japan


64939 Christians in Anase, Loo Choo Islands, Japan

67345 A Nikko farmer's wife, Japan

67241 Scene at Buddhist Festival, Nagoya, Japan

67242 Scene at Buddhist Festival, Nagoya, Japan

67243 Scene at Buddhist Festival, Nagoya, Japan


64662 Kabola Iris Garden, Japan

64715 Charity Ward fro women, St Luke's Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

64716 Sun parlor, St Luke's Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

64935 Loo Chooan old lady, Loo Choo islands, Japan


64634 A solo with banjo accompaniment, Japanese dances seem much like the
African dances

64635 Pose of dance

64870 Mother serving tea


64630 Big celebration on board Wakasa, one of the interesting sights of
the day was that of a 13 year old girl who had gotten hold of a long brown
European dress and put it on over her Kimora

64631 The most esciting event was the tug of war

64632 Japanese fencing in which the loud whack of the bamboo sticks and
the howls of the participants add to the interest

64633 Same caption as 64632


64626 Boys riding blind folded men guiding them by the ears

64627 In these races the boys slid backward and caught in their teeth
cookies fastened above them by a string

64628 Same caption as 64627

64629 Boys hobble race


64622 Big celebration on board the Wakasa, straight races for big boys

64623 Watching the big boys straight race on board the Wakasa

64624 The first quarter of the big boys hobble race

64625 The finish of the hobble race


64618 Big celebration on board boat, the day opened with a speech by the
Japanese Minister to Argentine, who was with us and with the emigrant

64619 Same caption as 64618

64620 Same caption as 64618

64621 Big celebration on board the Wakasa


64614 Boat life of emigrants

64615 At the time of the daily bath the lower deck was lined with men and
often women dressed in loin cloth

64616 The ship doctor giving instructions in hygeine to the company
assembled on deck

64617 Big celebration on board boat, the day opened with a speech by the
Japanese Minister to Argentine who was with us and with the emigrants


64610 Relatives bidding farewell to those aboard the Wakasa

64611 Same caption as 64610

64612 Boat life of emigrants

64613 Boat life of emigrants, at the time of the daily bath the lower deck
was lined with men and often women dressed in loin cloth


64607 The paper strands from ship to shpre break one by one as the Wakasa
moves away from the pier, Kobe, Japan

6460855 When all aboard there still remain on the pier scores of relatives
and friends who have come to bid farewell, Japan

64609 Relatives bidding farewell to those aboard the Wakasa, Japan


64495 Kyoto-San-Ju Sangendo, The Temple of 33,333 images, Japan

64604 When we reached the boat at Kobe, we found 400 Japanese waiting to
embark and for the word to cross the gang plank, Kobe, Japan

64605 Same caption as 64604

64606 Coming aboard the Wakasa, Kobe, Japan


64491 An old woman cooking her simple meal on Hibachi, Japan

64492 The silk thread being made in a private house, Japan

64490 Hakodate, Kindergarten WFMS built in 1913 opening of the new
building, Japan

64493 Making tea in the home, drying tea leaves, Japan

64494 The candy man doing business, Japan


62809 Japanese warships in Mediterranean

62810 Japanese Infantry about to attack


64229 I would like to see that monkey at his antics, Japan

64230 Tokyo-Iameido, In Tokyo where the perfectly free and heaven filling
heaven by divinity is worshipped

64302 Christians from Naha, Japan


62692 Kindergarten play ground, Japan

62693 Tokyo Baptist Tabernacle, Tokyo, Japan

62701 Two out for a riki ride, Japan

64228 Nagasaki-Christians on the Bamboo cross, others being beheaded, one
of the methods of extermination of CHristians in 17th century as practiced
at Nagasaki, Kyusha, Japan


62651 The "Bund" Kobe showing Oriental Hotel and Hong Kong-Shanghai Bank

62682 Winter scene at preaching place, Tayooka, Japan

62683 Street in front of preaching place, Tayooka, Japan

62691 Class in apprentices night school, Tokyo Tabernacle, Japan


62475 Union Gospel Tent Meeting, Rev H S Kimura, Tokyo, Japan, "Christ for
Tokyo Citizens, Tokyo Citizens for Christ

62476 W S Kimura

62622 Coaling at Nagasaki, Japan


62046 Bridge in Mountains near Kobe, Japan

62047 Waterfall near Kobe, Japan

62050 Idol of Buddha near Kobe, Japan

62048 Sampan in Harbor at Japan

62049 Overloaded sampan in Japan


62032 Inland sea, Japan

62034 Inland sea, Japan

62033 Harbor scene in Japan

62036 Harbor scene in Japan


62021 Wealthy man's grave Naha, Loo Choo

62384 Dormitories for women, Gunsei Seishi, Ayabe, Japan

62391 Fumiye or Sacred figure used to eradicate Christianity, Japan


62017 Schwartz House, missionary residence on the outskirts of the city of
Naha, Okinawa

62018 View of the city and harbor of Naha, Koo Choo from over the roof of
the missionary residence

62019 View of the Naha parsonage with the roof of the church barely
showing , Loo Choo

62020 A wealthy man's tomb in Naha, Loo Choo


62015 A tearful, disappointed group, out to meet their returning soldier
man after two years of service with the colors, Naha, Okinawa

62016 Rev E R Bull


62011 Buddhist temple, Nase, Oshima

62012 Weaving pongee, Nase, Oshima

62013 Greeting returning soldiers, Naha, Okinawa

62014 Same caption as 62013


62007 House building in Nase, Oshiwa, the most Japanocised town of the
prefecture, Japan

62008 Here is a mother proudly showing off her boy on his new velocipede,

62009 Peculiar type of earthen jars in which Shochu is kept, Nase, Oshiwa

62010 A pongee dye house, These islands are famous for a peculiar brown
pongee known as Oshiwa Tsumugi, Nase, Oshiwa


60302 One of the largest Buddhist Sabbath Schools in Japan, Note the
temple in the rear,, Note the priets in the rear to the left

60303 Kagashima Kyushu Methodist Church Sabbath School, Japan

62003 Tokyo, Katsuta College Hall, $100,000 buidling, Japan


60111 New Theological Dormitory, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan

60129 W F M S School, 200 girls, 18 acres ground, has Gov't recognition,
Hakofdate, Japan


60109 Workers, Kagawas tooth brush factory, Japan

60110 Aoyama Gakuin College recitation class in economics, Tokyo, Japan


60107 Women making tooth brushes in Kagawas factory, Kobe

60108 Workers in Kagawas tooth brush factory, Japan


58999 Slum children playing, Fukagawa, Tokyo, Japan

59000 Girl getting fortune form slot machine at Miyaji Shrine, Japan

60009 Children at play in front of a Shinto Shrine


58995 Main building, executive offices, Meirin Chu Gakko or meirin Middle
School, Nagoya, Japan

58996 Geisha, ie singing girls gathered in front of Shinto Shrine at Great
Festival, Nagasaki, Japan

58997 Geisha preparing for procession thru streets of city, Nagasaki, Japan

58998 Geisha procession, Nagasaki, Japan


58991 Man harvesting rice, Omura, Japan

58993 Man harvesting rice, Omura, Japan

58994 Men at coal mine near Fukuoka, Japan


58987 Fisherman spinning his line, Tsuyasaki, near Fukuoka, Japan

58988 Girl harvesting rice, Omura, Japan

58989 Girl heading rice, Omura, Japan

58990 Man harvesting rice, halfway to knee in mud, Omura, Japan


58983 North country fisherman near Sendai, Japan

58984 Japanese mending nets by seaside, Japan

58985 Sawing lumber, near Tsuyasaki, Fukuoka Ken, Japan

58986 Sawing wood, (Hakata), Fukuoka, Japan


58979 Typical farmer with hoe, Japan

58980 Kitchen of farm house, home of Mr Nagasaki, Omura, japan

58981 Farmer's baby girl on grandmother's back, Omura, Japan

58982 Miners' houses, Mei-no-hama Mine near Fukuoka, Japan


58975 Daikon tree, large white radishes hung out to dry, for pickles,
Omura, Japan

58976 Women threshing rice in farm yard near Tsuyasaki, Japan

58977 Farmer's house and yard at rice harvest season, Japan

58978 Farmer's family at home, Japan


58971 Laying foundation of house, workmen singing, Omura, Japan

58972 Frame of house, laying bark under roof, Omura, Japan

58973 Putting tiles on roof, they are laid in mud, thrown up in balls, as
here, Omura, Japan

58974 House building completed, Omura, Japan


58967 Worshippers at Miyaji Shrine near Fukuoka, Japan

58968 Worshippers at Miyaji Shrine, note foreign dressed educated men,

58969 Inari (fox god) Shrine in Omura Castle grounds, Omura, Japan

58970 Building Japanese house, Omura, Japan


58963 Old man before Miyaji Shrine near Fukuoka, Japan

58964 Tridents and saki offerings at Miyaji shrine, on sale for
worshippers near Fukuoka, Japan

58965 Approach to famous Miyaji Shrine, near Fukuoka, Japan

58966 Brother M Kuwahara, pastor at Tsuyasaki, Fukuoka District, Japan


58959 Teaching child to rub bronze horse and then their own bodies for
cure, Kushida Shrine, Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan

58960 Genrikyo temple, next to our new property, Maebara, Fukuoka
province, Japan

58961 Steps to Atago Shrine, near Fukuoka, sides white with prayers, paper
strips on bamboo sticks, Japan

58962 "Iski-age" Stones remaining on gate where thrown indicate prayers
answered, Atago shrine near Fukuoka, Japan


58955 Wrestlers crouching for a clinch, Omura, Japan

58956 Wrestler, Omura, Japan

58957 Travelling Beggars, Omura, japan

58958 Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka, Japan


58951 Two girls, typical product of slums, who followed photographers,
Tokyo, Japan

58952 City water spout, Those who pay tax have faucet key, Kukagawa,
Tokyo, Japan

58953 Clog repairer in slums, Tokyo, Japan

58954 Baking Kamaboko, Omura, Japan


58947 Rag picker, slums of Tokyo, (Fukagawa), Japan

58948 Municipal water spout, the club of the slums, Tokyo, Japan

58949 Slum children, Tokyo, Japan

58950 Children on steps of closed temple grounds, Fukagawa, Tokyo, Japan


58943 Child with sore head, Tsuyasaki, Japan

58944 Boy on stilts, Japan

58945 Two mat "homes" in Fukagawa slums, Tokyo, Japan

58946 Slum residence entered under another house thru tunnel, Tokyo, Japan


58939 House car near Fukuoka, speed limit four miles per hour perhaps,

58940 Boys in boat on beach at Tsuyasaki, near Fukuoka, Japan

58941 Boys on beach at Tsuyasaki, near Fukuoka, Japan

58942 Japanese locomotive, Fukuoka to Maebara and Suzenji, Japan


58935 Crowd watching picture being taken of Fourth Japanese Methodist
General Conference

58936 Country man and cart, Hirosaki, Japan

58936 Country man and cart, Hirosaki, Japan

58937 Soothsayer at roadside, Hirosaki, Japan

58938 Ferry, near Tsuyasaki, Japan


58931 Brother Kamada, wife and nephew, Japan

58932 Copy of Imperial rescript on education, Japan

58933 Methodist Church, Fukuoka, Japan

58934 Preacher and missionary of Nagasaki, Fukuoka district, Japan


58927 Grounds of Takohu Gijiku, Hirosaki, Japan

58928 Rev McComnell, brother of Bishop, on mission to Japan, trying to
spin fishline, Tsuyasaki, Japan

58929 Leaders of Centenary (Taisei-Undo) in Japan, Left to right at Rev M
Akazawa, Field Secretary; K Ishizaka, DD Genreal Secretary and Bishop K
Uzaki DD

58930 Brother Kamada and family, Kamakura Church, and Revs Yamaka,
Sugihara and Yoshiska, Japan


58923 Crowd passing in and out at Buddhist festival in town near Nagoya,

58925 Hirosaki Japanese Methodist Church

58926 Grounds of Tohuku (edited "Ta-oh") Gijiku Hirosaki, Japan


58921 House decoration of home from which son has been conscripted for
army service, Part of modern militarism of Japan

58922 Street procession of students - holiday - in front of missionary
residence, Nagoya, Japan

58924 Farmer woman going to work in fields, near Nagoya, Japan


58885 Japanese child - actor

58887 Japanese school children lined up for drill

58873 The Joseph Neesima taken near one of the Doshisha buildings by Dr

58919 Bible class conducted by Miss Mira B Moon, at Aoyama, Gakuin, Tokyo,

58920 Buddhist priests making collection of money, rice, etc, from people,
Nagoya CIty, Japan


58846 Faculty, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan

58848 Water Torii at Miyajima, Inland sea, Japan

58862 Christian Women's College, Tokyo

58863 Miyajima Island Sea


58427 Wind God Guardian of the Gate, Japan

58431 Japanese baby

58844 Faculty of Union College, Tokyo, Japan

58845 Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan


58406 Scene on the way to Nikko, Japan

58407 Artificial flowers at Buddhist funeral, Tokyo, Japan

58408 Kegon Falls, in the mountains beyond Nikko, Japan

58426 The Fire God at the Buddhist Temple, Nikko, Japan


58402 Track meet at the Agricultural College, Tokyo, Japan

58403 Track meet at the Agricultural College, Tokyo, Japan

58404 Temple at Veno (or Neno sp?) Park, Tokyo, Japan

58405 Temple at Veno (or Neno sp?) Park, Tokyo, Japan


58398 Group of school girls at the Woman's Board School, Aoyama JoGakuin,
Tokyo, Japan

58399 Group of boys at the Government School, Tokyo, Japan

58400 Japanese immigrant child, Tokyo, Japan

58401 Track meet at the Agricultural College, Tokyo, Japan


56553 Rowe Rest House

56613 Oini Sanitarium plant

56614 Oini Sanitarium men's ward

56615 Four generations of Christian missionaries to Japan


55974 Doctor's room at Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan

55975 In front of a Shinto Temple, Nagayo, Japan

55976 Front of a Shinto Temple, Nagayo, Japan

55977 Lights furnished for departing spirits in front of a Shinto Temple,
Nagayo, Japan


55970 Rest house building by the roadside, Hiroshima, Japan (edited,
Hachiman, Japan)

55971 Entrance to the Shinto Temple, Nagayo, Japan

55972 Same caption as 55970

55973 Doctor's room at Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan


55966 Church and Y M C A building, Hiroshima, Japan

55967 A dispensary at the Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan (edited
Hachiman, Japan)

55968 Same caption as 55966

55969 Annex to the Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan (edited Hachiman,


55963 Rented room for Methodist Church with Rev Spencer, a pastor, his
wife and child standing in front, Nagoya, Japan

55964 Methodist Church of Nagoya, Japan

55965 Rented room for Methodist Church, Nagoya, Japan


55960 A Christian wife of a pastor who is being treated for tuberculosis
trouble, Hiroshima, Japan

55961 Church of Hiroshima, Japan

55962 Nagoya, entrance to Shinto Temple, Japan


55957 Hiroshima Church, Japan

55958 Nagoya - Shinto erected as a place of worship

55959 Nurses and some patients from the Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima,


55954 Little girl working in one of the hundreds of factories in this
large city, Nagoya, Japan

55955 Two of the nurses in the Mission Tubercular Hospital, Hiroshima,
Japan (edited Hachiman, Japan)

55956 Preacher in Tubercular hospital, Hiroshima, Japan (edited Hachiman,

55950 Dispensary connected with the hospital, Hiroshima, Japan

55951 Mission Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan

55952 Rest house on Hospital grounds, Hiroshima, Japan

55953 Office of Mr Vories Architectural Business, by which he supplies the Missionary work of that place, Hiroshima, Japan


55946 Japanese man and woman worshipping at a Shinto Temple where we saw
large numbers worshipping in a few minutes, This is the ancestral worship

55947 Methodist Church which is the largest Christian Church in the large
city of Nagoya

55948 Pastor of Methodist Church Mission with his wife and child

55949 The bridge from which Christian boys were thrown into the canal,
because they accepted Christianity


55931 Mission Hospital, Hachiman, Japan

55944 Shinto Temple with iron baskets where wood is thrown and burned to
furnish light for the spirits that have departed, The old lady kneeling is
the priestess in charge

55945 Japanese girls weaving in one of the hundreds of small factories in
this city


55879 The woman who has charge of the drug store where they raise snakes
and preserve them in alcohol for various diseases.

55880 Man doing the work of a horse.

55881 Man doing the work of a horse.


55875 Common street scene.

55876 A very suitable advertisement for a saloon, thus on the roof of a
saloon, a man with a serpent after him.

55877 Heathen drug store? These bottles are all filled with snakes.
Below the bottles is the place where the man breeds them. There were
perhaps hundreds, young and old. When of considerable size, they are
bottled in alcohol. The alcohol is poured off and medicine sold for
various ailments. The snakes powdered and sold for various other ailments.

55878 Methodist Kindergarten.


55871 Nagoya, Japan.

55872 Man and his dog work together in the cart.

55873 Methodist Kindergarten.

55874 A little girl from the Methodist Kindergarten.


55867 Methodist Kindergarten.

55868 Heathen drug store? These bottles are all filled with snakes. Just
below the bottles is the place where the man breeds them. There were
perhaps hundreds, young and old. After they are of considerable size, they
are put into bottles filled with alcohol. The alcohol is poured off and
sold for various ailments, and the snakes powdered up and sold for other

55869 Japanese woman worshipping at ancestral temple.

55870 Same as 55868.

55863 Mr. and Mrs. Vorhees, Father and Mother of the young man who has started the Omi Mission in Hachiman.

55864 Mr. and Mrs. Vorhees, Father and Mother of the young man who has started the Omi Mission in Hachiman.

55865 Man and his dog pulling a cart together.

55866 Mr. Vorhees' assistant and his little baby.


55859 Mr. Vorhees' assistant and wife with their little baby.

55860 Mr. Vorhees' assistant and wife and their little baby.

55861 Missionary Vorhees' Japanese assistant with his little baby boy.

55862 Missionary Vorhees' Japanese assistant with his little baby.


55853 A common street scene.

55854 Unloading brick from a canal boat.

55855 A common street scene.

55856 Missionary Hospital at Hachiman.

55857 Looking down the street of a little city to the mountains in the
distance where the hospital is located.

55858 A Japanese river village scene.