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Browse Items (44099 total)


55847 A bridge off which Christian youngmen were thrown into the river.

55848 The dispensary in connection with the Missionary Hospital.

55849 Hospital cottage of five rooms.

55850 Gathering mud for house building.

55851 A rest house prepared by Mr. Vorhees on the roadside where people
come in from the sun and find literature and a Bible. One Buddhist priest
reading the Bible in the rest house, gave his heart to Christ and is now a
preacher of the gospel.

55852 Steps leading up the mountain to a temple.


55841 Common made of transportation.

55842 A rest house prepared by Mr. Vorhees on the roadside where people
come in from the sun and find free literature and a Bible. One Buddhist
priest reading the Bible in the rest house, gave his heart to Christ and is
now a preacher of the gospel.

55834 Tile roofing hung sun baked.

55844 Children playing by the roadside.

55845 Common made of transportation.

55846 Canal service through the city.


55835 Entrance to a heathen temple.

55836 Mr. Vorhees' architectural office where he supports the missionary
work as an architect.

55837 Mr. Vorhees' architectural office where he supports the missionary
work as an architect.

55838 Japanese child enjoying nature.

55839 Japanese pilgrims, a child carrying a man's load.

55840 A child playing by the roadside.


55830 A place of worship where Buddhist pray, when children are desired.
The priest of this temple told the missionary their prayers were invariably

55831 Father and child doing the work of horse or ox.

55832 Common street scene.

55833 Children playing by the roadside.

55834 Missionary Hospital for tubercular patients, built with five
bedrooms and a sitting room much like the hand, each room representing a
finger, and the sun reaching three sides of each rooms.


55824 Teacher in Women's Foreign Missionary Society School interpreted for J.M. Taylor.

55825 Village home.

55826 School scene.

55827 Common street scene.

55828 Children are plentiful in the Orinet.

55829 A Buddha where they worshipped.


55818 Teacher in Women's Foreign Missionary Society School who interpreted for James M. Taylor.

55819 Common street scene.

55820 Common street scene.

55821 a priest we visited at a Buddhist temple.

55822 Common street scene.

55823 Building site of Women's Foreign Missionary Society School.


55812 Fukuoka, Japan.

55813 Common street scene.

55814 Fukuoka, Japan.

55815 Fukuoka, Japan.

55816 Worshipped by thousands.

55817 A common street scene.


55286 Fuji between two trees. Japan.

55287 Who would not propose a walk where the wisteria roof is of purple.

55363 Japanese Red Cross Unit.


53992 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary.

53993 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary.

53994 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary.

54043 Looking back to gate of the grounds, Gakuin Aoyama.


53988 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary in Japanese costume, Japan.

53989 Same caption as 53988.

53990 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary. Japan.

53991 Same caption as 53990.


53984 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary in Japanese costume, Japan.

53985 Same caption as 53984.

53986 Same caption as 53984.

53987 Same caption as 53984.


53978 Aoyama Jo girls. Tokyo, Japan.


53977 Farewell supper to Mr. Holliday. Dr. --. Tokyo, Japan.


53980 Elizabeth Ryder, missionary's daughter in Japanese costume, Japan.

53981 Same caption as 53980.

53982 Same caption as 53980.

53983 Same caption as 53980.


53976 Stewards on steamer.

53979 Elizabeth Ryder, daughter of missionary in Japanese costume, Japan.


53972 Aoyama Gakuin girls in garden. Tokyo, Japan.

53973 Same caption as 53972.

53974 Same caption as 53972.

53975 Aoyama Gakuin Chapel Academy, boys, Tokyo.


53968 Taking panorama of Aoyama, Tokyo.

53969 Taking panorama of Aoyama. Tokyo, Japan.

53970 Same caption as 53969.

53971 Aoyama girls in garden. Tokyo, Japan.



53965 Class room, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.

53966 Taking panorama of Aoyama Gakuin, Japan.

53967 Teachers of Aoyama, Tokyo.


53960 Free hand drawing from models. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.

53961 Academy boy, Aoyama Gakuin, at blackboard, geometry class. Taken to
show poor condition of blackboard, need of new equipment.

53962 Same caption as 53961.





53959 Free hand drawing from models. Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.


53952 "Single-stick," Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.

53953 Same caption as 53952.

53954 Dr. Berry and architect. Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.

53955 Newly rebuilt missionary residences. Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.


53948 Regular exercise of Academy boys, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. (Required
by law with military drill)

53949 Same caption as 53948.


53951 Same caption as 53948.


53944 Japanese school boy. Tokyo, Japan.

53945 Aoyama boys, Japan.

53946 "Single-stick" at Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan.

53947 Regular exercise of Academy boys, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. (Required
by law with military drill)


53940 Bishop Harris' home. Tokyo.

53941 Aoyama students. Tokyo.

53942 Aoyama boys, Japan.

53943 Aoyama Gakuin boys, Tokyo.


53936 Dining room, theological dormitory. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.

53937 Theological students studying. Tokyo, Japan.

53938 Same caption as 53937.

53939 Bishop Harris' home. Tokyo, Japan.


53932 Theological students in dormitory room. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.

53933 Prayer room, theological dormitory. Aoyama, Tokyo.

53934 Prayer room, theological dormitory. Aoyama, Tokyo.

53935 Dining room of new theological dormitory. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo,


53928 New dormitory, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.

53929 Theological Seminary at left, new college building at right. Aoyama
Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.

53930 New dormitory. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.

53931 Theological dormitory veranda. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.


53924 Goucher Hall. Tokyo, Japan.

53925 Goucher Hall. Tokyo, Japan.

53926 Missionary house in Aoyama Gakuin.





53922 Theological and new Katsuta buildings, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.

53923 Goucher Hall. Tokyo, Japan.


53916 General view, compound, Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.



53919 End of new college building, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.


53912 Gateway at Aoyama Gakuin.

53913 Gate keeper, grounds of Aoyama Gakuin. Earnest Christian, reads his
Bible constantly.

53914 Same caption as 53913.

53915 Campus of Aoyama Gakuin.


53908 Gardeners at Aoyama. Tokyo.

53909 Grass-cutters at lunch. Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.

53910 Carpenter at work at #8 Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.

53911 Gateway at Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo.


53904 Tokyo Streets near Aoyama Gakuin, Japan.

53905 Gateway at Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.

53906 Moving a tree. Aoyama Gakuin, Japan.

53907 Gardeners at Aoyama Gakuin. Tokyo, Japan.



53897 Garden gate and arch formed by two trees whose branches are trimmed
and trained. Ladies are members of deputation.


53899 Family in poorest of slums, Tokyo, wife looking over rice before
cooking. (She had already found a heaping teaspoonful of white gravel, put
into increase weigh.)


53892 Bishop Harris and Pres. Naruse.

53893 Prof. Anesaki and Prof. E.D. Soper.

53894 Korean pavilion.

53895 Manufacturing part of Tokyo, as seen from Baron Shibusawa's estate,


53888 Dr. Naruse, C.H. Fahs, H.H. Meyer.

53889 Prof. Anesaki and Prof. Soper.

53890 Prof. Anesaki and Prof. Soper.

53890 Prof. Anesaki and Prof. Soper.

53891 Dr. Naruse, Principal of Japan Woman's University, died 1919.




53886 Baron Shibusawa, wife and daughter, Tokyo.

53887 Baron Shibusawa, wife and daughter, Tokyo.


53880 Baron Shibusawa and Bishop Harris. Tokyo.

53881 Baron Shibusawa, Tokyo.

53882 Baron Shibusawa, Tokyo.

53883 Baron Shibusawa, Tokyo.


53878 Shinto Shrine. Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo, Japan.

53879 Same caption as 53878.


53876 Corner in Mr. Dan's garden. Tokyo, Japan.

53877 Mr. Dan's garden. Tokyo.


53874 Mr. Dan's home. European room. Tokyo, Japan.

53875 Interior of one of the houses in Dr. Dan's garden. Tokyo, Japan.


53872 Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo, Japan. (vase of flowers)

53873 Mr. Dan's garden and house. Tokyo, Japan.


53868 Ceremonial water before Shinto Shrine. Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo,

53869 Mr. Dan's estate. Drawing water at well. Tokyo, Japan.

53870 Same caption as 53868.

53871 Mr. Dan's house. Tokyo, Japan. (vase of flowers)


53864 Japanese garden estate of Mr. Dan. Tokyo, Japan.

53865 Shito Shrine. Mr. Dan's estate. Japan.

53866 Same caption as 53865.

53867 Ceremonial water before Shinto Shrine. Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo,


53860 Lake on Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo, Japan.

53861 Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo.

53862 Japanese garden estate of Mr. Dan. Tokyo, Japan.

53863 Tree and lantern. Japanese garden estate of Mr. Dan. Tokyo, Japan.


53856 Mr. Dan's home. Tokyo, Japan.

53857 Mr. Dan's home. Tokyo, Japan.

53858 Mr. Dan's home. Tokyo, Japan.

53859 Mr. Dan's estate. (artificial lake) Tokyo, Japan.


53852 Drive way of Mr. Dan's estate. Tokyo, Japan.

53853 Same caption as 53852.

53854 Same caption as 53852.

53855 Same caption as 53852.


53848 Developing at Karuizawa, Japan.

53849 Horse protected by branches on a hot day, Japan.

53850 Baldwin locomotive in Japan.

53851 Entrance to Mr. Dan's estate. Japan.


53844 Japanese village near Goteniba near Fujiyama, Japan.

53845 Tub maker at work, Japan.

53846 Japanese lilies, Japan.

53847 "Traveling office force at work." Japan.


53840 Japanese lunch boy. Tosu Station. 15 and 30 sen each. Japan.

53841 Japanese carpenter sawing, Japan.

53842 Raining day in Tokyo, Japan.

53843 Old woman, c*** type. Osaka, Japan.


53836 Boy catching darning needles. Karuizawa, Japan.

53837 Rickshaw c***, Japan.

53838 Brakeman coupling cars. Tosu Station, Japan.

53839 Japanese asleep on train, Japan.


53832 Boy and umbrella. Japan.

53833 Boy and "darning needles." Karuizawa, Japan.

53834 Japanese darning needle. Japan.

53835 Japanese boy holding darning needles. Japan.


53828 Brook in Tokyo suburbs, Japan.

53829 Boys practicing making English numerals. Street outside Tokyo,

53830 Otarn, Hokkaido. Corner now in the market badly needed for location
for new church. Japan.

53831 Street from station, with mountain at end. Nagano, Japan.


53824 Prisoners at station. Tokyo, Japan.

53825 Typical small village mill. Fast taking place of house work, Japan.

53826 Gardens up to door of houses. Tokyo, Japan.

53827 R.R. station sign giving next station and distances, Japan.


53820 Leaving Tokyo Station. Tokyo, Japan.

53821 Terraced fields near Yokohama, Japan.

53822 Country road from car window. Tokyo to Kauchura, Japan.

53823 Prisoners at station, Japan.


53816 Grave of General Nogi and his wife. Tokyo, Japan.

53817 General Nogi's Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53818 Gen. Nogi's home and well. Tokyo, Japan.

53819 Same caption as 53816.


53812 Ceiling of Hongwanji Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53813 Interior Hongwanji Temple of the Nichiren sect, Buddhist, Japan.

53814 Ford Taxi and bicycle in front of Hongwanji Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53815 White lotus in Shinobazu pond, near Ueno Park. Tokyo, Japan.


53808 Headless idols. Tokyo, Japan.

53809 Graves in temple of the 500 Sages' Foundry. Tokyo.

53810 Wooden slats with posthumous names of the deceased as given by
priests. On certain anniversaries these boards are renewed at the graves.

53811 Same of the 108 panels in ceiling of Hongwanji Temple. Tokyo, Japan.


53804 View through temple gate. Tokyo, Japan.

53805 Tokyo Temple near Aoyama, Japan.

53806 Tokyo Temple, contribution records, Japan.

53807 Image and name boards at graves. Tokyo, Japan.


53800 School boy in fox Temple. Tokyo.

53801 Gateway to famous Fox God Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53802 Inari or Fox God Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53803 Fox God. Tokyo, Japan.


53796 Electric lights around Fox God Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53797 Approach to Fox God Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53798 Boy in tree in temple yard. Tokyo, Japan.

53799 Fox God image covered with aprons and prayers as native offerings.
Tokyo, Japan.


53792 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53793 Inari Shrine. Tokyo.

53794 Inari Shrine. Tokyo.

53795 Mr. Vinton examining the image in Inari Shrine. Tokyo.


53788 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53789 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53790 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53791 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.


53784 Looking toward new park from Benten Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53785 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53786 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53787 Inari Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.


53780 Gate at approach to Benten Shrine near Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53781 Child and cat in temple yard. Tokyo.

53782 Sacred white horse, Shinto Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.

53783 Children on stone image in Shinto Shrine. Tokyo, Japan.


53776 Upturned Kolphin on house roof. Tokyo, Japan.

53777 Local ward shrine near Ginza. Tokyo, Japan.

53778 Shrine near Mt. Sukoskis.

53779 Boatman clearing weeds out of pond. Tokyo.


53772 Gate Gods sect Buddhist Temple Shiba Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53773 Workman at work on new Buddhist Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53774 Same caption as 53773.

53775 Tired pilgrims. Shiba Park. Tokyo, Japan.


53768 Shrine in S.S. room. New Buddhist Tabernacle near Y.M.C.A. Tokyo,

53769 Gate to Shiba Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53770 Gate Jodo sect Buddhist Temple Shiba Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53771 Same caption as 53770.


53764 New Buddhist Tabernacle near Y.M.C.A. Tokyo, Japan.

53765 Same caption as 53764.

53766 Same caption as 53764.

53767 Shrine in S.S. room. New Buddhist Tabernacle near Y.M.C.A. Tokyo,


53760 Japanese child with doll on back. Asakusa, Tokyo.

53761 Approach to Asakusa Temple. Tokyo.

53762 Selling food for pigeons. Asakusa. Tokyo, Japan.

53763 Asakusa.


53756 Pilgrim. Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53757 Japanese child with doll. Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53758 Same caption as 53757.

53759 Doll on child's back. Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.


53752 Dentifrice sign. Asakusa. Tokyo, Japan.

53753 Lion soap sign. Tokyo, Japan.

53754 Approach to Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53755 Toyseller. Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.


53748 Advertisement of moving picture theatre. Tokyo, Japan.

53749 Moving picture theatre signs near Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53750 Street near Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53751 Five storied pagoda, Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.


53744 Theatre with banners. Tokyo, Japan.

53745 Moving picture theatre on side street. Tokyo, Japan.

53746 Banners in front of moving picture theatre. Tokyo, Japan.

53747 Side street with theatre banners. Tokyo, Japan.


53740 Crowd watching taking of Asakusa movies. Tokyo.

53741 Crowds on way to Asakusa. Tokyo.

53742 Theatre on one of main streets. Tokyo, Japan.

53743 Row of lanterns over ticket box of moving picture theatre. Tokyo,


53736 Peep show. Asakusa Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53737 Same caption as 53736.

53738 Same caption as 53736.

53739 Same caption as 53736.


53732 Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53733 Asakusa Temple. Tokyo, Japan.

53734 Movie street, Asakusa Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53735 Movie street, Asakusa Park. Tokyo.


53728 Sword makers tablet. Graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53729 Children picking out trinkets Asakusa Park. Tokyo, Japan.

53730 Children trying to catch a darning needle. Asakusa Park. Tokyo,

53731 Asakusa Temple steps. Tokyo, Japan.


53724 Grave of son of Chief of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53725 Offering before graves of son of Chief of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53726 Pablet and graves at right of graves of 47 Rouins lie buried. The
masters. Tokyo, Japan.

53727 Same caption as 53726.


53720 Down the path to graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53721 Mother and child at grave of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53722 Women worshipping at grave of chief of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53723 Worship at grave of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.


53716 Looking out of gate of Temple at graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53717 Crowd on way to graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo.

53718 Crowd on way to graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53719 Down the path to graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.


53712 Sign on a store near #47, Rouins.

53713 Gate to Temple of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.

53714 Gate of Temple to 47 Rouins, Tokyo.

53715 Looking out of gate of Temple at graves of 47 Rouins. Tokyo, Japan.


53708 Line of book stores. Tokyo, Japan.

53709 Students at book store. Tokyo, Japan.

53710 Book store. Tokyo, Japan.

53711 At post card store. Near Mitsukoshi. Tokyo, Japan.


53704 Newsboy ringing his bells. Tokyo, Japan.

53705 Newsboy. Tokyo, Japan.

53706 Child writing while tending stationary store. Tokyo, Japan.

53707 Book store. Tokyo, Japan.


53700 Newsboy studies. Tokyo, Japan.

53701 Same caption as 53700.

53702 Same caption as 53700.

53703 Newsboy studies. Tokyo.


53696 Rickshaw man reading. Tokyo, Japan.

53697 C*** reading newspaper. Tokyo, Japan.

53698 'Akabo' or porter at Central Station, Tokyo, reading daily paper,

53699 Boy with baby on back reading newspaper bulletin. Tokyo, Japan.


53692 News stand sign. New Station. Tokyo, Japan.

53693 Same caption as 53692.

53694 Rickshaw c*** reading paper. Tokyo, Japan.

53695 Rickshaw c*** reading when he is to go. Tokyo, Japan.


53688 Students entrance to book store. Tokyo.

53689 Book store at Tokyo, Japan.

53690 School boys in door way of book shop. Japan.

53691 Newspaper bulletin board. Tokyo, Japan.


53684 Students papers going to P.O. for Christian Literary Society Office.
Tokyo, Japan.

53685 Christian Literary Society. Tokyo, Japan.

53686 Same caption as 53684.

53689 Christian Literary Society cart at the Y. M.C.A. Tokyo, Japan.


53680 Methodist Publishing House. Tokyo, Japan.

53681 Methodist Publishing House, Tokyo.

53682 Same caption as 53680.

53683 Sending out to students Christian Literary papers. Tokyo, Japan.


53676 Ginza Church. Tokyo, Japan.

53677 Ginza Methodist Church. Tokyo, Japan.

53678 Type setting. Fukuim Printing Co. Tokyo, Japan.

53679 Tokyo Publishing house, Japan.


53672 Child of Prince Imakura, Tokyo.

53673 Children of Prince Imakura, Tokyo.

53674 Ginza Church. Tokyo, Japan.

53675 Ginza Church. Tokyo, Japan.


53668 Two children with toy horse. Tokyo, Japan.

53669 Newsboy. Tokyo, Japan.

53670 Child of Prince Imakura, Tokyo.

53671 Children of Prince Imakura, Tokyo.


53664 Child in front of big steel works store, Ginza Street. Tokyo, Japan.

53665 Girl with baby strapped on back. Tokyo, Japan.

53666 Japanese girl and large umbrella. Tokyo, Japan.

53667 Two children and toy horse.


53660 Children listening to Mrs. Miller. Tokyo, Japan.

53661 Children at play. Tokyo, Japan.

53662 Children at play in street. Tokyo, Japan.

53663 Children at play. Tokyo, Japan.


53656 Farmer in street. Tokyo, Japan.

53657 Boy sawing at Tokyo, Japan.

53658 Children in store street. Tokyo, Japan.

53659 Boy squirting water at passers. Tokyo, Japan.


53652 Child toy automobile, Tokyo.

53653 Children at play. Tokyo, Japan.

53654 Children playing. Tokyo, Japan.

53655 Children at play. Tokyo, Japan.


53648 Child and toy cannon. Tokyo, Japan.

53649 Children in door way. Tokyo, Japan.

53650 Two children in door way. Tokyo, Japan.

53651 Little boy standing by the road side. Tokyo, Japan.


53644 Children playing on the street, Tokyo.

53645 Boy selling cigarettes. Tokyo, Japan.

53646 Boy and heavy hand cart. Cloth on cart mostly dirt color. Tokyo,

53647 Children playing in sand near Central Station. Tokyo, Japan.


53640 Japanese Christian cook and wife. Tokyo, Japan.

53641 Child at toy store. Tokyo, Japan.

53642 Child buying toy. Tokyo, Japan.

53643 Toy shop near 47 Rouin, Tokyo.


53636 Old man getting drink at fountain. Asakusa Temple, Tokyo, Japan.

53637 Japanese cook and his wife. Tokyo, Japan.

53638 Japanese Christian cook, Tokyo, Japan. (at Dan Berry's)

53639 Japanese Christian cook, Tokyo.


53632 Rag pickers. Tokyo, Japan.

53633 School girls. Tokyo, Japan.

53634 Beggar, Tokyo.

53635 Making and selling car brushes and spoons. Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.


53628 Empty beer bottles from one saloon - near book stores of student
quarter, Tokyo, Japan.

53629 Taking away the empty beer bottles from a small tea shop Tokyo,

53630 Empty beer bottles. Tokyo, Japan.

53631 Woman rag picker smoking. Tokyo, Japan.


53624 Vegetable store, Tokyo.

53625 Market scene, Tokyo.

53626 Electrical store, Tokyo.

53627 Pottery shop, Tokyo.


53620 Basket shop, Tokyo.

53621 Gateway entrance to private garden, Tokyo.

53622 Bay pulling cart, Tokyo.

53623 Cart loaded with bamboos, Tokyo.


53616 Two women washing by the road, Tokyo.

53617 Repairing side walk, Tokyo.

53618 Man leading his horse and cart, Tokyo.

53619 Carpenter at work, Tokyo.


53612 Parcel delivery, Tokyo.

53613 Rickshaw stand, new station. Record of who is to go out next, Tokyo.

53614 Packing dried fish. This kind is polished before selling.

53615 Man making cakes.


53608 Advertising pin-wheels, Tokyo.

53609 Advertising rickshaw tire, Tokyo.

53610 Same caption as 53609.

53611 Motor parcel delivery wagon, Tokyo.


53604 Rickshaw ambulance, Tokyo.

53605 Advertising pin-wheels, Tokyo.

53606 Pin-wheels, Tokyo.

53607 Buying pin-wheels, Tokyo.


53600 Signs, Tokyo.

53601 Signs, Tokyo.

53602 Wrigley's sign, Tokyo.

53603 Collecting mail, Tokyo.


53596 Tree hiding door. Tokyo.

53597 Sign. Tokyo.

53598 Eye doctor sign near Aoyama, Tokyo.

53599 Singer sign, Tokyo.


53592 Moving a tree, Tokyo.

53593 Transplanting trees, Tokyo.

53594 Moving day, Tokyo.

53595 Delivering beef to market. Tokyo.


53588 Fixing Tatami, Tokyo.

53589 Tatami (Japanese house mat).

53590 Moving a tree, Tokyo.

53591 Same caption as 53590.


53584 Passenger boat on Sumida River, Tokyo.

53585 City sewage in tubs for the farmers, Tokyo.

53586 Heavy push cart and one man, Tokyo.

53587 Heavy push cart load. (man hidden) Tokyo.


53580 Passenger barges, painted to look like a train. Sumida River, Tokyo.

53582 Tokyo. Bridge over Canal.

53581 Tokyo Brewery of Sapporo Beer Co.

53583 Tokyo water front. Sumida River.


53576 Fujiwara's garage, Tokyo.

53577 Big fish, Tokyo market.

53578 Tokyo fish market near Nihon Bashi. Man weighing devil fish.

53579 One of bridges over Sumida River, Tokyo.


53572 Street in poorer part of Tokyo. All houses impainted wood, dark
Japanese tile, fire bell on post at right of center.

53573 New medical examination building, Yoshiwara, Tokyo.

53574 Children living in the Yoshiwara, Tokyo.

53575 Street near Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.


53568 Street scene, Tokyo.

53569 Side street, Tokyo.

53570 Side street, Tokyo.

53571 Street scene, Tokyo.


53564 Small factory and sign near Yokohama, Tokyo.

53566 Street scene, Tokyo.

53567 Street scene, Tokyo.

53565 Amusement place, Tokyo.


53560 Watering cart near new station, Tokyo.

53561 Filling watering cart, Tokyo.

53562 Boy watering street in front of store, Tokyo.

53563 Office of great Linen Company, Tokyo.


53556 Telephone line men at work, Tokyo.

53557 Filling the watering cart. Tokyo city ordinancies require
householders to water the street in front of their own house a certain
number of times each day. Many water it in person with dippers and bucket
others hire men with such carts. Man had just dropped handle as I snapped.

53558 Filling the watering cart with a hand pump.

53559 Watering cart, Tokyo.


53552 Street car, Tokyo.

53553 Tokyo's street car.

53554 Street car, Tokyo.

53555 Mending wires, Tokyo.


53548 Taking the street car. Tokyo, Japan.

53549 Taking the electric car near Nihon Bashi, Tokyo.

53550 Tokyo street cars.

53551 Street car, Tokyo.


53544 Tokyo street.

53545 Nihon Bashi, Tokyo.

53546 Nihon Bashi or Bridge of Japan, Tokyo.

53547 Congested trolley service, Tokyo.


53540 Cafe Lion, Tokyo.

53541 Main street, Tokyo.

53542 Street in front of Mt. Sukoshio, Tokyo.

53543 Street in Tokyo.


53536 Tokyo, street in front of Mitsukoshi's department store.

53537 Mitsui Buildings, Tokyo.

53538 Autos outside of Mitsukoshi's department store, Tokyo.

53539 One end of Central Station, Tokyo.


53532 Paper prayer at side steps to temple at foot of Miogi.

53533 Postman delivering mail.

53534 Japanese pilgrims on Miogi.

53535 Electric Manufacturing Co., Tokyo.


53528 Miogi Mountain.

53529 Miogi Mountain.

53530 Miogi Mountain.

53531 Miogi Mountain.


53525 Storm god covered with spit ball prayers. Shinto Shrine at foot of

53526 Miogi Mountain.

53527 Same caption as 53526.


53523 First arch, Miogi.

53524 Storm God covered with spit ball prayers, in gate to monastery and
shrine foot of Miogi Mountain. Prayers on paper are chewed into spit balls
and thrown at image. If they hit and stick, it is a favorable omen. Hugh
straw sandals, big enough for the god are hung as offerings made by


53521 Second arch, Miogi Mountain trip.

53522 "Screen Rocks," Miogi near Karuizawa.


53519 Cliffs of the first and second stone arches, Miogi Mountain trip.
(first arch at left)

53520 Second stone arch, Miogi Mountain trip. Bill Vinton and R.S.
Spencer on the 40 foot chain necessary in climbing up or down. Pinnacle at
left is side view of first arch seen in another picture.


53517 Third arch, Miogi Mountain trip, stone-covered.

53518 Japanese student pilgrim standing in stone arch, Miogi Mountain trip.


53515 Crowd at top of Miogi.

53516 Third arch, Miogi Mountain trip. Stone covered with lichens.


53513 Rocks at top of Miogi.

53514 Crowd on top of Miogi.


53511 View of Asama from monastery.

53512 Valley and villages, Asama beyond showing.


53509 View from monastery near Komoro.

53510 Same caption as 53509.


53506 Spit ball prayers on image, Komoro.

53507 Same caption as 53506.

53508 Valley of Chikumagawa from hills above Asama.


53502 Shinto Shrine and peculiar stone lanterns at monastery in cliff near

53503 Row of idols, KOmoro monastery.

53504 Paper prayers tied on grating in front of Shrine Buddhist monastery,

53505 Paper prayers tied on grating in front of Shrine, Komoro monastery.


53498 Village on the way to monastery from Komoro.

53499 Looking out of tunnel on road to monastery, Komoro.

53500 "Temple on stilts," Komoro.

53501 Shrine and peculiar stone lanterns, Komoro.


53494 Suspension bridge, Komoro.

53495 Suspension bridge made with single wires not twisted into cables, on
the way to monastery. Komoro trip.

53496 Chikuma River and cliff near monastery, Komoro.

53497 Same caption as 53496.


53490 Looking out of tunnel on road to Komoro monastery.

53491 Path through village near Komoro.

53492 Tourists on their way through Komoro to the monastery.

53493 Japanese artist at work by the path to the monastery, Komoro.


53487 Children playing in cemetery in Komoro.

53488 Boys rolling logs, Komoro.

53489 Village on way to monastery from Komoro. House at left has lilies
growing in sod on ridge.


53482 Reeling silk, Komoro.

53483 Four girls, two with babies on backs, swinging on iron chain, Komoro.

53484 Little mothers, near seeing, village near Komoro.

53485 Baby asleep on girl's back after swinging on iron chain, Komoro.


53478 Spreading old cocoons out to dry, Komoro.

53479 Spreading old cocoons out to dry, Komoro.

53480 Silk filiature yellow cocoons, Komoro.

53481 Silk filiature yellow cocoon in water, Komoro.


53474 Silk worms on straw ready to spin cocoons, Komoro.

53475 Newly spun cocoons, Komoro.

53476 Same caption as 53475.

53477 Same caption as 53475.


53470 Young silk worms on bamboo racks being fed mulberry leaves, Komoro.

53471 1/2 size worms, Komoro.

53472 One half size worms, Komoro.

53473 Fahs holding tray full of silk worms, Komoro.


53466 Cutting mulberry leaves, Komoro.

53467 Cutting mulberry leaves, Komoro.

53468 Near view of silk worms, Komoro.

53469 Young silk worms, Komoro.


53462 Newly hatched silk worms, Komoro.

53463 Same caption as 53462.

53464 Same caption as 53462.

53465 Trays of newly hatched moths, Komoro.


53458 Moth examination. Botanical microscope, Komoro.

53459 Moth examination. Botanical microscope, Komoro.

53460 Same caption as 53458.

53461 Newly hatched silk worms, Komoro.


53454 Numbering cards and cartons to correspond, Komoro.

53455 Same caption as 53454.

53456 Numbering cards and cartons to correspond.

53457 Moth examination. Bot-microscope, Komoro.


53450 Near view of egg card, Komoro.

53451 Silk worm eggs on cards showing different color greys.

53452 Same caption as 53451.

53453 Card of silk worm eggs with moths in cartons numbered to correspond,


53446 Silk worm eggs on cards with the moths in cartons numbered to
correspond, Komoro.

53447 Same caption as 53446.

53448 Near view of egg card, Komoro.

53449 Near view of egg cards, Komoro.


53442 Moths laying eggs, Komoro.

53443 Moths laying eggs, Komoro.

53444 Same caption as 53442.

53445 Same caption as 53442.


53438 Moth going out of cocoon, Komoro.

53439 Moth going out of cocoon, Komoro.

53440 Moths laid out on cards and confined by tin rings for laying eggs.

53441 Moths ready to lay eggs.


53434 Testing cocoons to determine whether male or female, Komoro.

53435 Near view weighing cocoons, Komoro.

53436 Same caption as 53435.

53437 Same caption as 53435.


53430 Testing cocoons to see if male or female, Komoro.

53431 Testing cocoons to determine male or female, Komoro.

53432 Same captkion as 53431.

53433 Testing cocoons to see if male or female, Komoro.


53426 Cutting cocoons to find a certain number, Komoro.

53427 Cutting cocoons for larvae examination.

53428 larvae examination, Komoro.

53429 Testing cocoons to see if male or female.


53422 Silk worm egg factory, Komoro.

53423 Office of silk worm egg factory, Komoro.

53424 Dinner for hands, Komoro.

53425 Cutting cocoons for larvae exam, Komoro.


53418 One of the main streets with silk worm places on both sides, Komoro.

53419 Looking up one of the main streets of Komoro.

53420 Children in streets. Komoro, Japan.

53421 Silk worm egg factory, Komoro.


53414 Silk factories from station, Komoro.

53415 Main Street from station, Komoro.

53416 Tightening bamboo hoops on Shoyen (sauce) vats, Komoro.

53417 Tightening bamboo hoops on Shoyen (sauce) vats, Komoro.


53410 Green bronze dragon fountain between Twin Temples, Nikko.

53411 Looking through gate of Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.

53412 High power electric wires near Nikko.

53413 Cutting mulberry leaves. Komoro.


53408 Volunteer Red Cross workers, all supplies, Nikko.

53409 Stone images (Arindas) along river bank showing bases of some that
were washed away by flood in 1902. Nikko.


53406 Red Lacquer bridge, Nikko.

53407 Japanese women doing Red Cross work, Nikko.


53404 Looking back down the avenue from Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.

53405 Red Lacquer bridge, Nikko.


53402 Cryptomeria Grove, Nikko.

53403 Avenue of Crytomeria leading from in front of Ieyasu Temple to
Futara san Jinsha, Nikko.


53400 Yomeimon with Karamon showing through over the heads of visitors.

53401 Yomeimon, Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.


53398 From Yomeimon, looking back to first gate. Three monkey carving
building in middle. Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.

53399 Detail of Yomeimon, Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.


53396 Panels at side of Yomeimon, Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.

53397 Sacred Fountain and Torii aming Crypto, Nikko.


53395 Telephoto details of carved panels, Nikko.


53392 Yomeimon from inside, Nikko.

53393 Telephoto details of frieze at Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.


53390 Posts in Yomeimon, Nikko.

53391 Yomeimon from the inside, inverted figure of -, Nikko.


53388 Pillar of the invented pattern on left, in Yomeimon. Designed to
mar the perfection of the work and so ward off the jealousy of evil
spirits. Ieyasu Temple, Nikko.

53389 Same capton ass 53388.


53386 Kara-mon Chinese gate, before the oratory in Ieyasu's Temple, Nikko.

53387 Chinese gate before the oratory, Nikko Kara-mon.


53384 Avenue leading to Ieyasu Temple, Nikko. View taken from temple

53385 Panels in the wall of porches around the Oratory.


53382 Kegon Falls, Chuzenji.

53383 Same caption as 53382.


53380 Outlet of Lake Chuzenji, Kegon Falls.

53381 Kegon Falls, near Chuzenji.


53378 Kegon Falls, near Chuzenji.

53379 Kegon Falls, near Chuzenji.


53374 Iemitsu Shrine, Nikko.

53375 Same caption as 53374.

53376 Iemitsu Shrine, Nikko.

53377 Same caption as 53376.


53370 Guardian of gate. Iemitsu Shrine, Nikko.

53371 Same caption as 53370.

53372 Iemitsu Shrine, Nikko.

53373 Iemitsu Shrine, Nikko.


53366 River above bridge, Nikko.

53367 Road near Nikko.

53368 Road near Nikko.

53369 Road near Nikko.


53362 Kegon Fall, 250 ft., Chuzenji, near Nikko.

53363 Same caption as 53362.

53364 Road to Chuzenji, near Nikko.

53365 River above bridge.


53358 Falls way up Chuzenji.

53359 Falls way up Chuzenji.

53360 Man and parasol on open car, near Nikko, on way to Chuzenji.

53361 Same caption as 53360.


53354 Falls way up Chuzenji.

53355 Children, Chuzenji.

53356 Pilgrim, Chuzenji.

53357 Sailboat, Chuzenji, Japan.


53350 Falls on waydown into gorge below Kegon Falls.

53351 Same caption as 53350.

53352 On road to Chuzenji.

53353 Same caption as 53352.


53346 Kegon Falls.

53347 Bridge over Falls on way to Kegon Falls gorge.

53348 Falls on waydown into gorge below Kegon Falls.

53349 Same caption as 53348.


53342 Idol and pilgrims. Kamakura, Japan.

53343 Same caption as 53342.

53344 Turi tunnels way to Kamakura.

53345 New power station below Kegon Falls. Also troller for gold ore.


53338 Buddha, Kamakura, Japan.

53339 Pilgrims, Kamakura, Japan.

53340 Idol and pilgrims. Kamakura, Japan.

53341 Same caption as 53340.


53334 Woman gate-tender on way to Kamakura.

53335 Up into head of Kamakura. Buddha showing small image.

53336 Buddha, Kamakura, Japan.

53337 Same caption as 53336.


53330 Kamakura, Japan.

53331 Store, Hospital at right, Kamakura, Japan.

53332 Fire engine, Kamakura, Japan.

53333 On the way to Kamakura, Japan.


53326 Wesley Building with Mr. F.W. Heckelman, Sapporo.

53327 Wesley Building with Mr. F.W. Heckelman in gateway, Sapporo.

53328 Buddha, Kamakura, Japan.

53329 Buddha, Kamakura.


53321 Wesley Building, Sapporo.

53322 Making hymn charts for Wesley Building services, Sapporo. "Nearer
my God to thee."

53324 "Wesley Building," with Mr. F.W. Heckelman, Sapporo.

53325 Wesley Building with Mr. F.W. Heckelman and tract seller.


53317 Faithful old Christian and children and grand children. 3 miles in
country from church at Ebtsu. 5 sons married, all Christians. Home in
background. Ebtsu, Hokkaido.

53318 Shinto Shrine near Methodist Church. Sapporo, Hokkaido.

53319 Methodist Church and parsonage. Sapporo, Hokkaido.

53320 Wesley Building, Sapporo.


53313 Nagano Temple, Japan.

53314 Doves, Nagano Temple, Japan.

53315 Man and boy on shoulders. Japan.

53316 Nagano Temple gate. Japan.


53309 Doves, Nagano Temple. Japan.

53310 Mrs. Muller and dove. Nagano, Japan.

53311 Old pilgrim, Nagano, Japan.

53312 Gate below Nagano Temple, Japan.


53305 Buddha encroached on by hotel. Nagano Temple, Japan.

53306 Doves, Nagano Temple, Japan.

53207 Same caption as 53306.

53308 Same caption as 53306.


53301 Same caption as 53302.

53302 Woman before Binzuru god of healing. Wooden disc is first held in
idol them on head. Nagano, Japan.

53303 Same caption as 53302.

53304 Incense urn and contributioon box. Nagano Temple, Japan.


53298 Same captionn as 53297

53299 Kwamon Idol in Nagano Temple. Japan.

53300 Same caption as 53299


53293 Mrs. Muller's servant. Nagano, Japan.

53294 High priests at Nagano Temple. Kwamon and light domes. Nagano, Japan.

53295 Same caption as 53294

53297 High priests at Nagano Temple. Kwamon and light domes. Nagano, Japan.


53289 Ricksha man laughing. Nagano, Japan.

53290 Rag - picker. Nagano.

53291 Patent medicine at left. Nagano, Japan.

53292 Hotels near temple. Nagano, Japan.


53285 Women at prayer wheel. Had come 200 mills. Nagano, Japan.

53286 Hotel proprietor. Nagano, Japan.

53287 Hotel proprietor and son. Nagano, Japan.

53288 Hotel proprietot. Nagano.


53281 Exposition grounds at night. Sapporo.

53282 Exposition grounds at night. Sapporo.

53283 Missionary residence. Presbyterian girls school Japan.

53284 Hokusei Jogakko, north star, girls school. Japan.


53277 Governor of Hokkaido Province. Japan.

53278 Graphic representation of growth of life insurance. Sapporo
Exposition. Japan.

53279 Man pilgrim at Prayer Wheel. Nagano.

53280 Man pilgrim at Prayer Wheel. Nagano.


53273 Machinery Building. Sapporo.

53274 Building for exhibits from Toyama Ken. Small building with crossed
flags a reproduction of one of the moat famous of palace gates from Kyoto.

53275 Tokyo building. Exposition. Sapporo.

53276 Governor of Hokkaido Province. Japan.


53269 Central Tower with buildings at right in which are exhibits from
parts of Japan. Star on tower is North Star. Japan.

53270 Building at right chosen at left is end of long semi-circular
building seen in picture with tower and dome. Japan.

53271 Farm inplements and products building, Japan.

53272 Garden vegetables and fruit building. Exposition. Japan.


53265 Reception building and bridge to it - Sapporo.

53266 Reception building and bridge to it - Sapporo.

53267 Moving picturres, Exposition grounds Sapporo.

53268 Moving picture and theatre building at the exposition, Sapporo.


53261 President Sato of Sapporo University.

53262 President Sato of Sapporo University - Japan.

53263 President Sato of Sapporo University.

53264 Stalls annd booths at approach to Sapporo.


53257 Linen Mill, Sapporo. two of the workers out for noon meal. Japan.

53258 Linen mill hands coming out at noon hour. Japan.

53259 Campus of Sapporo university. Sapporo.

53260 Buildings at end of front guadranle - Sapporo.


53253 Delivery cart of restaurantt of Bishop Harris's old cook, Sapporo.

53254 Ricksha man reading paper while - Sapporo.

53255 Assembling Singer machines. Sapporo.

53256 Linen Mill, Sapporo.


53252 Wife and son of restaurant proprietor. Sapporo.


53249 Railway club House. Sapporo.

53250 Little mother. Sapporo.


53247 Brewery of Sapporo Beer Co. the beer that made Sapporo famous Japan.

53248 Governor's residence. Japan.


53245 Brewary of the Sapporo Beer Co. Japan.

53246 Sapporo Beer Co. Brewery where the -


53241 Kindergarten teachers; Miss Couch, right. Hakodate, Japan.

53242 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. 200 stduents. Hakodate, Japan.

53243 Kindergarten. Hakodate, Japan.

53244 Kindergarten Miss Couch superintendent. Hakodate, Japan.


53237 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls School senior class 1918-19.

53238 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. 200 students. Hakodate, Japan.

53239 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls School 200 students. Hakodate, Japan.

53240 Kindergarten in sand pile. Hakodate, Japan.


53233 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.

53234 Miss Wagner, Miss MacIntyre, Mr. C.H. Fabis teachers -
Superintendent and Principal of Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.

53235 Japanese pastor and daughter. Hakodate, Japan.

53236 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school recreation. Hakodate, Japan.


53229 Interior of Higashi Hongwanji.

53230 Women's Foreign Missionary Society kindergarten 80 children. Hakodate, Japan.

53231 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.

53232 Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school, recreation, catching crickets. Hakodate,


53225 "Honest store" (sign in Japanese characters reads that.)

53226 Street leading to Hidashi Hongwanji (Buddhiist) Temple. Hakodate,

53227 Approach to Higashi Hongwanji Temple. Hakodate, Japan.

53228 Higashi Hongwanji Temple. Hakodate, Japan.


53221 Old pilgrim. Hakodate, Japan.

53222 Dr. Heckelman and pilgrim. Hakodate, Japan.

53223 Dr. Heckelman and pilgrim. Japan.

53224 Dr. Heckleman and pilgrim. Hakodate, Japan.


53217 Beggar, one of the very few seen in Japan. Hakodate, Japan.

53218 Pitchers warming up before game. Hakodate, Japan.

53219 Baseball bleachers. Hakodate, Japan.

53220 Pilgrim. Hakodate, Japan.


53213 Crowds coming to Hachiman Shirine. Hakodate, Japan.

53214 Crowds at approach to Hachiman Shirine. Hakodate, Japan.

53215 Torii and road leading to Hachiman Shrine, Day of big festival.

53216 Lanterns for the Hachiman festival. Hakodate, Japan.


53209 Hakodate from road in front of Nish Hongwanji Temple. Japan.

53210 Hokodate from Nishi Hongwanji Temple. Japan.

53211 Hakodate from window of Gotoken restaurant. Japan.

53212 Crowds in road leading to shrine. Hakodate, Japan.


53205 Nishi Hongwanji temple. (Buddhist) Hakodate, Japan.

53206 Same as 53205

53207 Corner of new Nishi Hongwanji Temple Hakodate, Japan.

53208 Checker Nishi Hongwanji Temple, Hakodate, Japan.


53201 Hakodate from kindergarten. Kindergarten at left Catholic church at
right. Japan.

53203 Church of England. (Building with square tower at left of post.)
Hakodate, Japan.

53202 Greek church, Hokodate church of England residence on the right.

53204 Roman Catholic church, decorated for festival. Hakodate, Japan.


53197 Methodist church. Dr. Heckelman the builder and Mr. Ogihara the
pastor. Japan.

53199 Back of girl's dormitory, Women's Foreign Missionary Society - Hakodate, Japan.

53200 Hakodate from kindergarten. Japan.


53193 WFMS residence. Dr. Heckelman, Miss Bodley, and Pastor Ogihara.

53194 Rear view of Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence. Hakodate, Japan.

53195 Same caption as 53194

53196 Methodist Church. Hakodate, Japan.


53189 Back of school building showing swing and part of winter supply of
wood. Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.

531190 Back of girls dormitory, Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.

53191 Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence, Dr. Heckelman, Miss Badley and Pastor Ogihara,

53192 Same as 53191.


53185 Blue purple flower. Japan.

53186 Rayal lily of Japan.

53187 Hydranglass. Women's Foreign Missionary Society grounds. Hakodate, Japan.

53188 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls school. Hakodate, Japan.


53182 Acolytes holding paper lotus blossoms at Hirosaki funeral Japan.

53183 Inteior of Hirosaki Church.

53184 Blue purple flower something like hair bells, greatly prized for the
festival of the dead or "all saints." Japan.


53178 Two priest intoning at service in front of temple. Hirosaki, Japan.

53179 Individual members of family making obeisance while priests intoned
near the end of the service. Hirosaki, Japan.

53180 Individuals of the family worshipping near the end of the service in
front of the temple. Hirosaki, Japan.

53181 Same caption as 53180


53174 Funeral procession entering Buddhist Temple grounds. Hirosaki,

53175 Bier reaching place in front of temple. Hirosaki, Japan.

53176 Bier standing on walk before the temple during the service.
Hirosaki, Japan.

53177 Acolytes rearraging lotus flowers in front of table while first
priest was ringing the bell. Hirosaki, Japan.


53170 Soldier on bicycle. Hirosaki, Japan.

53171 Funeral coming up the road. Hirosaki, Japan.

53172 Sons of dead woman carrying silver gilt paper lotus flowers in front
of the bier. Hirosaki, Japan.

53173 Bier of funeral of ricksha man's wife. Hirosaki, Japan.


53167 Bishop Honda Memorial Stone. Hirosaki, Japan.

53168 Bishop Honda Memorial stone and pastor of Hirosaki church, Japan.

53169 Honda Memorial stone. Hirosaki, Japan.


53163 Hirosaki Church. Japan.

53164 Same as 53163

53165 Parsonage C.W. Iglehart and pastor. Japan.

53166 Interior Hirosaki Church. Japan.


53160 Unoccupied mission residence - vacant six years. Hirosaki, Japan.

53161 Front of unoccupied mission residence. Japan.

53162 Hirosaki Church. Japan.


53156 Hiroshaki Girl School. Japan.

53157 New courtesy room, Hiroshaki girl school, Japan.

53158 New part, Hiroshaki Girls School, Japan.

53159 Same as 53158.


53152 quinces done up in paper bags to protect them from insects.
Hirosaki, Japan.

53153 Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence, Hirosaki, Japan.

53154 Back of Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence, with - Hirosaki, Japan.

53155 Hiroshaki Women's Foreign Missionary Society kindergarten building, with C W. Iglehart. Japan.


53148 Sign at gate of Buddhist Temple, advertising preaching services and
using Christian terms for Church in referring to the temple. Japan.

53149 Wayside Buddhist shrine. Hirosaki, Japan.

53150 Quince orchard near Hirosaki castle grounds, showing fruit done up
in individual paper bags. Japan.

53151 Quinces tied up in paper to protect against insects. Hirosaki, Japan.


53146 Interior Chosho-ji Buddhist Temple. Nishi-Hongwan-ji Sect. Japan.

53147 Nearer view of shrine. Chosho-ji Buddhist Temple. Hirosaki, Japan.


53144 Part of the images in the temple. Hirosaki, Japan.

53145 Chosho-ji Buddhist Temple of the Nishi Hongwang-ji sect. Japan.


53142 Bell on grounds of Chosho-ji Buddhist Temple, Hirosaki, Japan.

53143 Central part and left of shrine or temple of the 500 sages.
Hirosaki, Japan.


53140 Gate to Chosho-ji Temple, Hirosaki, Japan.

53141 Same caption as 53140


53138 Avenue leading to chosho-ji Buddhist Temple of Hirosaki, Japan.

53139 Gateway to Chosho-ji Buddhist Temple of the Nishi-Hongwani sect.
Hirosaki, Japan.


53136 Pink lotus in castle moat. Hirosaki, Japan.

53137 Fivee storied Pagoda in grounds of Dien-ji Buddhist Temple.
Hirosaki, Japan.


53134 Pink lotus in moat of castle. Hirosaki, Japan.

53135 Pink lotus in castle moat. Hirosaki, Japan.


53132 Pink lotus. Hirosaki, Japan.

53133 Pink lotus, Hirosaki, Japan.


53128 Patent medicine ads. Hirosaki.

53129 Patent medicine ads. Hirosaki, Japan.

53130 One of tower of castle, Hirosaki, Japan.

53131 Pink latus in castle moat. Hirosaki, Japan.


53124 Police station and fire tower. Hirosaki, Japan.

53125 Brook that runs through Hirosaki, Japan.

53126 Cleaning a well nine men and boss. Hirosaki, Japan.

53127 Bucket used in cleaning well. Hirosaki, Japan.


53120 House of christian contractor. Hirosaki, Japan.

53121 Street in Hirosaki showing snow roofs over sidewalk. Japan.

53122 Snow roofs over sidewalks, Hirosaki, Japan.

53123 Snow roofs over sidewalk, Hirosaki, Japan.


53116 Japanese house in Noshiro used as both church and parsonage, Japan.

53117 Interior of building used for services. Noshiro, Japan.

53118 Hirosaki from station. Japan.

53119 Congested freght, evidence of volume of business. Hirosaki, Japan.


53112 Logs field in yard of Noshiro lumber mill. Overhead trolley belongs
to copper mine and refinery. Japan.

53113 Street in Noshiro, near lumber mill.

53114 Property owned by the board in Noshiro held for church building.

53115 Church at Noshiro with pastor and C.W. Iglehart. Building is a
Japanese house with 3 rooms 6, 10 and 12 mats each, that can be thrown into
one. It serves as pastors house as well. Japan.


53108 Woman pushing heavy log. Noshiro, Japan.

53109 Women pushing lumbers cars at mill. Noshiro, Japan.

53110 Boys at Noshiro lumber mill carrying heavy box of machinery
supplies. Japan.

53111 Small boys carrying box with machinary supplies. Noshiro, Japan.


53104 Stacks of boards, Noshiro lumbers mill, Japan.

53105 Woman with straw rain coat loading car with slabs which she carries
about 50 feet. Japan.

53106 Man helping woman turn the car alter which she will push it alone.
Noshiro, Japan.

53107 Woman starting to push log car at Noshiro, Japan.


53100 Marketing in the rain with baby on back. Noshiro, Japan.

53101 Auctioning dishes. Noshiro, Japan.

53102 Auctioning dishes. Auctioneer always starts with high figure and
comes down until someone takes him up. Noshiro, Japan.

53103 Logs at lumber mill. Noshiro, Japan.


53097 Child eating green melon, rind and all Noshiro, Japan.

53098 Child eating green melon, rind and all. Noshiro, Japan.

53099 Child half asleep between bites of green melon. Noshiro, Japan.


53092 Baling straw rope. Noshiro, Japan.

53093 Straw coat worn by country people. Noshiro, Japan.

53094 Rain hat and straw rain coat Noshiro street market. Japan.

53095 Country woman with vegetable for sale, street market. Noshiro, Japan.


53088 Street in Noshiro, Japan.

53089 Blacksmiths blowing fire. Noshiro, Japan.

53090 Japanese blacksmiths welding tire. Noshiro, Japan.

53091 Sandal maker, Noshiro, Japan.


53084 Ceremonial bow, exchanging amenities, Yamagata, Japan.

53085 Going over report and accounts with - Yamagata, Japan.

53086 River front. Noshiro, Japan.

53087 River front. Noshiro, Japan.


53080 Pastor and wife. Yamagata, Japan.

53081 Pastor and wife. Yamagata, Japan.

53082 Visiting Mr. C.W. Iglehart, Pastor and - Yamagata, Japan.

53083 Ceremonial bow - exchanging amenities - Yamagata, Japan.


53077 Interior Yamagata church, Japan.

53078 Pastor in pulpit, Yamagata, Japan.

53079 Yamagata church showing S.S.rooms at back. Yamagata, Japan.


53072 Paper prayers put up by children. Yamagata, Japan.

53073 Children prayers time of Yamagata, Japan.

53074 Child's grace in Buddhist Temple. Yamagata, Japan.

53075 Yamagata church, Japan.


53068 Patent medicine ads in licenced quarter. Yamagata, Japan.

53069 Gateway to Buddhist Temple. Japan.

53070 Shinto Temple dedicated to Emperor Meiji. Yamagata, Japan.

53071 Bridge in garden of Shinto Temple. Yamagata, Japan.


53064 Children in street. Yamagata, Japan.

53065 Moving pictures and theatre street. Yamagata, Japan.

53066 Theatre street. Yamagata, Japan.

53067 Licensed quarter. Yamagata, Japan.


53060 Singer machine shop Salvation Army supply at left. Yamagata, Japan.

53061 Ken building. Yamagata, Japan.

53062 Street on outskirts of Yamagata, Japan.

53063 Stone covered roof, pumpkins growing over frame. Yamagata, Japan.


53056 Electric light company at right with tower. Yamagata, Japan.

53057 Bronze idol of Buddha. Yamagata, Japan.

53058 Matting hat on man pulling cart Yamagata, Japan.

53059 Storw hat made of yellow straw matting, with parts that unroll on
all side for protection against both rain and snow. Yamagata, Japan.


53052 Lots by the present property that should be bought. Yonezawa, Japan.

53053 Such maps are Yamagata, Japan.

53054 Commercial museum and special exposition. Yamagata, Japan.

53055 Main Street. Building with tower at right is the office of the
eletric light company. Yamagata, Japan.


53048 Woman dipping up gold fish. Yonezawa, Japan.

53049 Yonezawa new church at left pastor's house at right being built
around the old store house which was left after the fire. Japan.

53050 Pasonage and new church in course.

53051 Large Japanese restaurant near Church property in Yonezawa, Japan.


53044 Interior of new spinning mill. Yonezawa, Japan.

53045 Farm house on edge of Yonezawa, Japan.

53046 Man with pruning knife among bushes. Yonezawa, Japan.

53047 Woman dipping up gold fish. Yonezawa, Japan.


53040 Yonezawa silk weaving. Japan.

53041 Young girl in spinning mill girl about 12 years old. Yonezawa, Japan.

53042 New spinning mill building with christian owner. Yonezawa, Japan.

53043 Girl in new spinning mill owned by christian. Yonezawa, Japan.


53036 Coppercovered torii damaged by the big fire. Yonezawa, Japan.

53037 Tomb of old Daimyooj.

53038 Government Higher Technical School. Yonezawa, Japan.

53039 Silk weaving mill. Yonezawa, Japan.


53032 Candy seller with drum. Yonezawa, Japan.

53033 Japanes sawing a log, Yonezawa, Japan.

53034 New building going up in Yonezawa. Building at left with mats is
large tobacco store. Japan.

53035 Old store house that withstood the fire. Yonezawa, Japan.


53028 Child with diseased, Sendai.

53029 Bridge, Yonezawa, Japan.

53030 New grave under the old stone. Yonezawa. Japan.

53031 Cleaning up the graves in preparation for Bon festival for the dead
Yonezawa, Japan.


53024 Train at crossing, woman gate tender.

53025 Woman c*** asking for leafleet at wayside preaching near Sendai,

53026 Child near railroad crossing near Seidai. Japan.

53027 Children pushing motor cycle when tire went had near Sendai.


53020 Wahing at station on the way from Sendai to the west coast. Japan.

53021 Farm house C.W. Iglehart talking to children by wayside Japan.

53022 C.W. Iglehart giving out leaflet.

53023 Woman gate tender at crossing near.


53016 Girls dormitories Sendai orphanage. Japan.

53017 Same as 53016

53018 Washing at railway station between -

53019 Washing and cleaning teeth at railway station between Sendai and the
west coast. Japan.


53012 C*** listening to wayside preaching. Japan.

53013 C.W. Iglehart giving tract to pilgrim who had stopped to listen to
preaching, outside of Sendai, Japan.

53014 Woman who had just received tract.

53015 Reading the leaflet given out at the wayside preaching near Sendai,


53008 Wayside preaching near Su-machi.

53009 Wayside preaching Mr. C.W. Iglehart giving.

53013 Mr. C.W. Iglehart giving tract to pilgrim.

53011 Child with bad skin eruption on outskirts of group listening to
street preaching outside of Sendai, Japan.


53004 Children listening to wayside preaching. Mr. Horiuchi at Su-machi,
just outside of Sendai. Japan.

53003 Mr. C.W. Iglehart cleaning a dirty spark plug. Sendai.

53005 Wayside preacher near Sendai.

53006 Wayside preaching, teaching boys to sing.

53007 Wayside preaching a vote on whether.


52999 Country woman in front of Y.M.C.A. Sendai.

53000 Y.M.C.A. a rented bldg. Secy. is Horiuchi, a Presbyterian eatnest
evangelistic preacher. Japan.

53001 Tire trouble with motor cycle.

53002 Motor cycle in dust near, Sendai.


52995 Street children. Sendai.

52996 Street children. Sendai.

52997 Child in street. Japan.

52998 Child by street. Sendai.


52991 Kokucho S.S. Sendai, Japan.

52992 Same caption as 52991

52993 Child in street near Kokucho S.S. Sendai. Japan.

52944 Street children. Sendai.


52989 Sunday school on a blistering August. Sendai.

52990 Kokucho S.S. Sendai, Japan.


52987 Man whose family was in employ of old Daimys for 30 years, getting
graves ready for Bon Matsuri. Japan.

52988 Grave yard on hill overlooking.


52985 Sendai from the hill, Methodist Episcopal Church just left of large white building.

52986 Same as 52985


52983 Kakakawa preacher of Kakucho preaching. Sendai.

52984 Looking back at Sendai.


52979 Sunday School Children. Sendai.

52980 Kokucho S.S. and preaching place. Sendai.

52981 Lunch at tea house to save time for pictures. Lunch consisted of
gummy rice cakes in burnt sugar syrup. Sendai.

52982 Grave decorated for the Bon Matsuri. Sendai.


52975 Suspension Bridge. Sendai.

52976 The swimming hole.

52977 Children coming from Sunday School. Sendai.

52978 Coming from Sunday School. Sendai.


52971 Tireido. Sendai.

52972 Reformed church and Theol. Seminary. Sendai.

52973 Greek church. Sendai.

52974 Ricksha and motor cycle, Suspension bridge. Sendai.


52967 Journalist and family. Sendai.

52968 Deposed Christian editor. Sendai.

52969 Deposed Christian editor. Sendai.

52970 Taireido, Sendai.


52963 Sewage collector. Sendai.

52964 Newspaper office. Sendai.

52965 Christian editor. Sendai.

52966 Journalist. Sendai.


52959 Coming from church. Shirakawa.

52960 Showing bank on the right. Main St. Sendai.

52961 Main st. showing bank on the left. Sendai.

52962 Farmer woman, Sendai.


52955 Methodist Episcopal Church, Shirakawa.

52956 Sunday School class, Shirakawa.

52757 Some of the church members. Shirakawa.

52758 Service in church, Shirakawa.


52951 Pastor at his desk. Utsonomiya.

52952 Shirakawa from R.R. Station. Japan.

52953 "Basha" or wagon stage. Utsonomiya.

52954 Banker at desk, member of Shirak - Utsonomiya.


52947 Pavilion in which the sacred dance in held. Shinto Shrine.

52948 Child at Utsonomiya. shrine.

52949 Church, Utsonomiya.

52950 Pastor of church in his garden. Utsonomiya.


52943 Movie adv. with picture of Christ. Utsonomiya.

52944 Crowd reading and studying - Utsonomiya.

52945 Shrine. Utsonomiya.

94652 Offerings on the "eye" Shrine - Utsonomiya.