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1451 Well in Palestine.

1452 Virgins Spring at Nazareth. Palestine.

1453 View from Mt. of Olives towards Jordan Valley.

1454 Inn of the Good Samaritan on way to Jericho.

1455 Jerusalem from Mt. of Olives.


1456 Mosque and group of Mohammedan school boys. Tiberias.

1457 Bridge near Beirut.

1458 Traditional place where Paul was let down over the wall. Damascus.

1459 Tourists on the roof traditional house Simon the Tanner. Joppa.


1460 Mountain near Nablus. Palestine.

1461 View over modern Joppa-Jaffa.

1462 View from Mt. Tabor towards Sea of Galilee.

1463 Sunrise over the desert near the Dead Sea.


1464 Grave of Polycarp. Smyrna.

1465 View from Mt. Tabor towards Sea of Galilee.

1466 Grain at R. R. station in Syria.

1467 Landing passengers from steamer into small boats. Beirut.


1468 Small boat from English Man-of-War near Rhodes.

1469 Small boat from English Man-of-War. Rhodes.

1470 English Man-of-War. Rhodes. Cruiser.


1474 Rhodes Harbor and sailboat.

1475 English Man-of-War near Rhodes.


1476 Syrian woman with crying baby.

1477 Portion of Tiberias-Mission Hospital.

1478 Engine on R. R. in Syria.

1479 Camel on roadway near Joppa.


1480 Ruins at Ancient Samaria.

1481 House in Jewish colony. Palestine.

1482 House in Jewish colony. Palestine.

1483 Within dooryard of house in Jewish colony. Palestine.


1484 Ruins in process of excavation. Ancient Samaria.

1485 Catholic chapel on Mt. of Transfiguration.

1486 Gorge where Elijah was fed by the ravens.

1487 Ruins of building over Jacob's Well.


1488 On the shore of the Dead Sea gathering pebbles.

1489 On the shore of the Dead Sea.

1490 Niche in Mosque in Tiberias.

1491 Mosque of Omar. Site of Solomon's Temple-Jerusalem.


1492 Palestine.

1493 Mosque of Omar.

1494 The Dead Sea.

1495 Near view of spot where Paul was let down over wall. Damascus.


1496 Embarking on the Sea of Galilee.

1497 Part of panoramic of Jerusalem from Mt. of Olives.

1498 The Jordan River.

1499 Part of city and Sea of Galilee from hotel. Tiberias.


1500 Ruins on top of the Mt. of Transfiguration.

1501 Ruins at Baalbek. Syria.

1502 Camels in Caravanserai. Tiberias.

1503 View from Minarat over Mosque and city. Damascus.


1504 Distant view of Mt. of Temptation and site of ancient Jericho.

1505 Entrance to ruined enclosure. Baalbek.

1506 Ruins - Temple of the Sun (6 pillars in foreground) Baalbek - Syria.

1507 Approach to so called Mosque of Omar.


1508 Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane.

1509 A colony of Jewish homes in Palestine.

1510 Ruins of Baalbek.

1511 Great Quarry - Baalbek - Syria.


4704 Same caption as 1504.




4865 Syria - Palestine.

4867 Tiberias from Sea of Galilee.

4866 Sea of Galilee from hotel window.

4868 Site of Bethsaide from Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes.


4869 Capernaum.

4871 Cattle grazing near Tiberias.

4870 Camels grazing near Tiberias.

4872 Camel train from Tiberias to Cana.


4874 Plow at Jewish colony.

4875 Threshing machine, Jewish colony.

4876 Wagon in Jewish colony.


4877 Manager's house.

4879 Herds at the well.

4927 Street in Jewish colony near Jaffa. Palestine.

4928 Orange groves and manager's house, Jewish colony, Jaffa. Palestine.


4883 Turkish engine.

4882 Swiss engine for mountain climbing.

4884 Water Falls of Yarmuk - from car window - from Damascus to Galilee.


4885 Bedowin tents in valley.

4886 View from R. R. train near Damascus.

4887 Bringing grain to station.

4888 Grain dealers' camp.


4889 Grain dealer's camp.

4891 Village in Plain of Esdraelon.



4895 Descending by pony from Mt. Tabor. Rev.Ward.

4896 Women sifting dirt at excavations of the ruins of Samaria.


42798 Model of Herod's Temple.

4898 City between Nablus and Jerusalem.

4899 Loading donkeys with stone. Nazareth

4900 Wagon going home at noon - Jewish colony.


4901 Homes of Jewish colonists.

4904 Elijah's Fountain - Old Jericho.


4905 Entrance to harbor - Jaffa.

12778 Great Quarry, Baalbec, Syria.

12777 Palestine.


26387 A crowd of Bedowin boys, Arab boys half afraid of the influence of
the camera.

26421 A group of Moslem boys and girls from Arabia.


40840 Black stone in Kaaba Pilgrims around the Kaaba. Mecca.

41669 Australian soldiers guarding Suez Canal. Feb. 3, 1915.

41863 Pontoon Bridge broken to permit passage of seaman. Suez Canal.

41864 French battleship anchored. Bitter Lakes. Suez Canal.


42903 Combination bucket and hydraulic dredge. Suez Canal.

42906 Sand bag Fort on Suez Canal.

42913 One of the big bucket dredges on the Suez Canal.

42914 British fortification on Suez Canal



43936 Mecca.

43105 Part of a wall. Jerusalem.

43112 A ragged woman. Jerusalem.


44477 Doctor Eleanor Taylor Caverley and daughter Grace in Arab costume.
Arabia. Western Asia.


45287 Indian Troops.

45290 Wounded walking to the dressing station.

45291 Picking up the wounded Turks.

45292 Dressing station.


45294 A Gurkha Rifle Battalion.

45293 123rd Outram Rifles.

45295 A Pontoon Bridge.

45296 A sentry. 123rd Outram Rifles.


45298 With the troops in Mesopotamia.

45300 Troops in Mesopotamia

45302 Indian Rifle Battalion on the Palestine front.

45303 An Indian Sepoy pays a visit to the grave of two British.


45304 A Gurkha Rifle Battalion on the Palestine front.

45305 Same caption as 45304.

45306 Dressing station.

45307 Turkish shell dugout.


45308 The Moslem guard over the Mosque of Omar.

45310 A British Battery.

45311 Indian Cavalry at Ramadie.

45312 Sikh pioneers engaged in removing the growth in the water.


45313 Entering the Kara Tepe.

45314 An Indian Rifle Battalion on the Palestine front.

45316 Front line position.

45318 A Punjant frontier Battalion on the Palestine front.


45319 An Indian signaling Rifle Battalion on the Palestine front.

45320 With the British troops in Mesopotamia.

45321 Same caption as 45320.

45324 The Mesopotamia Campaign. Indian troops on the Tigris.


45324 With the troops in Mesopotamia.

45326 Same caption as 45325.

45327 Same caption as 45325.

45328 Same caption as 45325.


45329 With the troops in Mesopotamia.

45330 A Punjant Frontier Battalion on the Palestine front.

45331 Y. Methodist Episcopal Turkish prisoners disembarking at Basrah.

45332 An Indian Rifle Battalion on the Palestine front.


45333 The troops in Mesopotamia. Dressing station scene.

45334 With the British troops in Mesopotamia.

45335 The heat of the day in the east.

45336 With the troops in Mesopotamia Turks prisoners.


45337 With the troops in Mesopotamia. Giving water to wounded.

45338 "Have a cigarette?"

45339 Second line shettering.

45341 Mesopotamia Indians wrestling before Cossacks.


45342 Veterinary hospital.

45334 The Holy City. The ceremony of the "Holy Fire."

45345 With the troops in Mesopotamia.

45347 Scene on new street.


45348 A pontoon bridge.

45349 Indian A. T. Carts.

45350 A "Fliver" in far off Mesopotamia.

45352 A Gurkha Rifle Battalion in the Palestine front.


45866 Landing stores on the coast.

45867 Lines of communication.


45869 With the British troops.

45870 Baghdadi lady.

45871 With the British troops.

45872 With the British troops. Funeral.


45873 Great British advance.

45874 Trucks left standing in the station.

45875 Turkish prisoners dressed in R. C.

45876 The Ramleh, road at Amivas.


45877 The mosque in new street, Bagdad.

45878 Caravan route between Egypt and Palestine.

45879 Scene in an advanced prisoners compound.

45880 With the British Forces on the front.


45881 The captured "Barah"

45882 Tigris hospital ship.

45883 Suez Canal supply depot, unloading corn.

45884 Soldiers off duty reading copies of this (?) paper.

56757 Rug makers. Mardin, Near East.


58323 Hindujah barrage on the Euphrates: first complete portion of
Mesopotamia irrigation system. June 1917.

58324 Ruined columms of Temple of the Sun. Baalbek, Syria.

58325 Moslem girl found starving now in good health at Girl's Orphanage.

58326 Starving Armenians who have fallen by the wayside. Armenia.


58355 Dome of Saint, Sophia. Near East.

58356 Date palms by the water.

58358 Children receiving bread rations at relief station. Brousa, Western

58359 Moslem patients at dispensary. Aintab, Western Turkey.


58360 Dr. Past-operating. Talac, Western Turkey.

58463 Memorial school erected by Mrs. Thaw. Tabriz, Persia.

58464 Boys school building. Sidon, Syria.

58465 Student in Urmia College before the war. Persia.


58466 Dinner of American and native docters. Urmia, Persia.

58467 No Caption

58468 Office buildings in business section of Urmia, Persia.

58469 Corner of grocery store.


58478 Interior of Persian nobleman's home.

58479 Home of Russian bank president. Tabriz, Persia.

58480 House of the landlord, (owner) of village. Persia.

58481 Interior of a Persian home.


58482 A Persian garden.

58483 Persian child brought to Urmia Hospital by Kohammedans before war.

58484 Little Persians at home.

58485 Cart with grain on way to threshing floor. Persia.


58470 Girl gathering manure on roads for winter fuel. Persia.

58471 Two Persian peasants.

58472 Persian family of middle class.

58473 Persian family of middle class.


58474 Persian with water pipe awaiting New Year's callers. Persia.

58475 Persian man in native attire.

58476 Type of Persian home.

58477 Exterior of Persian home. Men's entrance and Woman's entrance door


58486 "Bringing in the sheaves." Persia.

58488 Groups of homeless people. Persia.

58489 The shepherdess. Persia.

58490 Refugees resting by roadside in search of a home. Persia.


58491 Refugee Sunday school with three student teachers. Persia.

58492 Refugees making the best of hard luck. Persia.

58493 Men of Tierry, who escaped from Turks. Persia.

58494 Walled Christian village. Urmia Plain.


58495 Armenian refugee in first stages. Persia.

58496 Armenians who have fled from Turks, arriving at American mission
yards. Persia.

58497 Armenians coming for relief, specimens of those the Red Cross and
Near East Relief reach. Persia.

58498 Armenians women of Urmia before the war. Persia.


58499 Syrian refugee children from Tierry in Kurdiston, Persia.

58501 Syrian children's village meeting. Persia.

58502 Syrian who gave his life in defence of his people, fighting the
Roords and Turks. Persia.


58503 Syrian youth armed for defense against Turks. Persia.

58504 Assyrian boys from Kurdiston and students at Urmia College. Persia.

58505 Syrian refugee women from mountains of Koordistan. Persia.

58506 Nestorian village sewing society. Turkey.


58507 Blind Nestorian nun patient at Urmia Hospital. Persia.

58508 Nestorian native pastor and his relatives. Persia.

58509 Style of dress worn by Koordish land-owners. Persia.

58510 Koordish woman and her husband. Persia.


58511 Koordish woman dressed for street. Persia.

58512 Deerboo Koordish nightwatchman of American Mission. Persia.

58513 Koordish braves. Persia.

58514 Koordish shiekh and his indispensable retainers at Urmia Hospital.
Persia 1910.


58515 Koordish village under hill of old Koordish strong hold. Persia.

58516 Koordish village near Urmia. Persia.

58517 Mohammedan village of Persia.

58518 Old Mohammedan village. Persia.


58519 Two Mohammedans coming to ask for bread. Persia.

58520 Mohammedans coming to ask for bread. Persia.

58521 Group of inhabitants of Mohammedan village. Persia.

58522 Dinner table and cook stove in Mohammedan home. Persia.


58561 Doctor James L. Barton, Chairman of American Committee for Armenian
and Syrian Relief, filling his canteen in desert place near Damascus. Syria.

58562 Armenian children and home destroyed by Turks. Bardizag.

58563 Armenian refugees.

58564 Armenian woman washing dyed yarn with her feet. Armenia.


58565 Group of Armenian girls rescued from Arabs and being cared for at
Aleppo Orphanage. Syria.

58566 Nurse holding emacipated Armenian baby.

58568 Natives at the wall of wailing. Jerusalem.

58567 Nurse bathing little Syrian girl. Near East Orphanage. Armenia.


58569 Kevork, supreme patriarch and Catholicos of Gregorian Church.
Etchmiadzen, Armenia.

58570 Natives getting water at village well. Chakmak, Western Turkey.

58571 Grain caravan, Talas. Western Turkey.

58572 Native with goat herd. Marsoban. Western Turkey.


58573 Kuzzlebash Turkish Sheikh. Western Turkey.

58574 Scene in cocoon market, Bronsa. Western Turkey.

58575 Library, Central Turkey College. Aintub.

58576 View at Jaffa from house on site of home of Simmon the tanner.


58577 Two women grinding grain. Turkey.

58578 Group of children weaving. Harpoot Orphanage. Marash, Turkey.

58579 Sepulchre, dating from time of Christ. Oorfa, Turkey.

58580 Two girls weaving rugs. Harpoot Orphanage. Marash, Turkey.


58581 Celebrated American Church of Akhtamar, situated on island in Lake
Van. Turkey.

58582 Koordish Chief of Southern Koordistan Turkey.

58583 Arabs travelling in Mesopotamia. Turkey.

58829 Straight street in Jerusalem.


58830 Woman of Nazareth.

58832 Bedonin encampment.

58833 Bedonins churning butter.


58834 Ploughing in Palestine.

58876 Enier Foisal is the third of Hussein's four sons. Arabig.

59019 Child of Near East.


60558 Enjoying the open air Baghdad.

60559 Tramway. Baghdad.

60560 Equipment scanty. But Indian soldiers get a lot of enjoyment out of
a baby organ and a game of checkers.


60561 An Indian Y. M. C. A. secretary writing letters for his illiterate
fellow country men.

60562 Entrance to the soldiers club, Y. M. C. A. Baghdad.

60564 At the request of Government to the Y. M. C. A. established watering
stations all along the line of march through Palestine for man and beast.
This is one of their east of the Jordan.


60566 "The Cave" a typical Mesopotamia "Hut."

60567 Transportation of Y. M. C. A. canteen supplies by mule.

60568 Y. M. C. A. stores had often to be carried on the backs of mules.


60670 Golden Dome. Samarra.


60571 When the army advanced, the Y. M. C. A. did, too.

60572 Ruin of an old castle on the Tigris said to be Palace of Heroun Al.

60573 Lovely out-post numbers of such places are being supplied with
stationary etc.

60574 Y. M. C. A. bake oven built in the side of a mound.


60575 Y. M. C. A. hut. India camp.

60576 Corner of a Y. M. C. A. camp on the Tigris.


62082 Ezra's tomb.

62083 Outside an Arab Caravanserai. Baghdad.

62084 The North Gate. Baghdad.


62110 Solomon waiting for the Queen of Sheba.

62122 The famous inscription surnamed "Tajlar." Persia.

62123 Inscription describing the Holy Altar. Persia.

62124 The Sacred Shrine at Mecca.


62125 Tomb of Mohammed at Medina. Arabia.

62126 Mohammedan Symbolism in Arabic characters. Persia.

62127 Mohammedan symbolism in Arabic characters. Persia.

62128 Mohammedan symbolism in Arabic characters. Persia.


62149 Jerusalem after being in the hands of the Turks.

62152 Alleppo from the Castle. Syria.

62312 The Imperial Camel Corps marching. Palestine.

62313 Caravan routes between Egypt and Palestine.


62370 General Allanby entering Jerusalem.

62757 Child crossing the Euphrates River on an inflated goatskin.

62758 Ancient Syrian Monastery plastered on the side of the canyon.

62759 Turkoman men and children near Askhabad.


62760 Old Turkoman woman before a felt tent.

62761 Group of Turkoman tents with women and children.

62762 A young Khirghig woman and her baby in the Tian Shau Mountains.

62763 Woman and girl of the nomadic Khirghig, showing different modes of
dress among married and unmarried women.


62764 Khirghig harvesters gathering barley in the Trans. Alai Mountains.

62763 A well-to-do Khirghig horseman.

62766 Khirghig woman and children in the Alai Valley.

62767 Khirghig women and children in the Alai Valley.


62768 Khirghig women and children in the Alai Valley.

62769 Sheep buyers who have come up from the cities.

62770 A chance meeting of three Khirghig the Alai region.

62771 Oxen trading out grain near Margelan.


62772 Alittle girl vending melons by the roadside near Margelan.


62774 Religious mendicants in northeastern Persia.

62773 Crowd of Persians gathered inside a typical caravanserai, built for
free public use.

62775 A Kurdish village at the foot of an alluvial terrace in Kopet Dagh.


62776 Moslem sanctuary at Meshed surrounded by cemetry to which bodies
were formerly transported hundreds of miles by caravan.

62777 Sayid women of Seyistan baking bread out of door in a mud oven.


62778 Ruins of the tower and walls of an ancient mosque at Lahidan the
former metropolis of Seyistan.

62779 Same caption as 62778.

62780 the delta of Seyistan. One irrigation ditch is carried across
another on a bridge of dry weeds covered with earth.

62781 Adobe houses and fort of Seh Kuheh.


62782 Adobe houses and fort of Seh Kuheh.

62783 Same caption as 62782

62785 Seyistani houses made of interwoven tamarisk branches, also mud oven.

62786 Weaving cloth outside a village of Seyistan.


62787 Baluchi official kissing a sacred tombstone in a shrine at Seyistan.

62796 Sand dunes at the foot of a bluff cut in lake deposits by the lake
of Seyistan when it stood higher than now.

62893 Camel feeding on fish.

62894 The last flag of Turkey in East Arabia.


64484 Rationing the modern crusaders in Palestine.

65240 Passing through the Suez Canal. May 1910.

65241 Three ships passing ours and another following. Suez Canal.

65242 Adieu en eroute to India. May 1910. Arabia.


65243 Aden, en route to India. May 1910. Arabia.

68775 Mosque of the Prophets Tomb. Medina, Arabia.

68947 Armenian potter and workshop.

69131 Jewish type - Oriental

69132 Jewish type - Oriental.

69133 Jewish type seated and enjoying his treasures.

69192 Arab women waiting to see Bennet Lansing Memorial Hospital. Busrah Mesopotamia Asia.

69067 Muezzin calling to prayers. India.


69550 Constantinople College for women. Turkey.

69551 Robert College for men. Turkey.

69685 Group of Syrians helped by the Armenian and Syrian relief. Dr. Shedd
of Vrumia. Persia.

69694 Adopted Arminian Waifs. Famous women adopt Armenian waifs.


69854 American Mission Compound. Harpoot, Mesopotamia.

69855 Rug-makers, Mardin.


70442 Starving native girl taken to Christian orphanage. Syria.

70443 Eugenie Jebrail, girl saved from starvation. Syria, 1919.

70444 Woman wearing dress of six hundred and thirteen patches bought from
mountain woman.

70445 Two native girls dressed for a wedding. Persia, 1918.


70453 Turkey, Constantinople-View of Bosphorus from Robert College.
Foreground: Turkish castles in Europe, background: The Asiatic shore.
Bosphorus towers of Europe built in 1452. Tower of Asia built in 1399.

70454 Turkey, Lybyer and Armiston (double) house from the West.

70455 Turkey, Constantinople. In some parts of the Turkish Empire,
primitive instruments are still used. In this picture is seen.

70456 Syria, Beirut. Entrance gates of American University of Beirut,
Syria. Formerly Syrian Protestant College.


70457 Syria, Beirut - Medical Hall and Chemical Laboratories. American
University of Beirut.

70458 Syria, Beirut - The College Chapel and architectural gem at the
American University of Beirut, formerly known as Syrian Protestant College.

70460 Crowd outside door to dining room. American University. Syria,


70461 Daniel Bless Hall, American University. Beirut, Syria.

70462 Crowd leaving chapel, American University of Beirut, Syria.

70463 Jesup Hall, American University of Beirut, Syria.

70464 Drive from College Hall, American University of Beirut, Syria.


70465 Hospital Gate. Beirut, Syria.

70466 Crowd gathering for afternoon prayers at College Chapel, American
University. Beirut, Syria.

70467 Outside chapel, American University of Beirut, Syria.

70468 Khawaja Anin. Beirut, Syria.


74631 W. Asia. Eastern Madonna.

14632 W. Asia. Eastern Madonna.

74633 W. Asia - Village well sweet.

74634 W. Asia - meal store.


74635 W. Asia - water wheel at Zilla.

74636 W. Asia - winter's wood supply. Zilla.

74637 W. Asia - Beggar.

74638 Children with Aintab College in background. W. Asia.


74639 W. Asia - village children. Aintab.

74640 W. Asia - workshop. Orphans making shoes.

74641 W. Asia - Workshop. Orphans making shoes.

74642 Cotton beater.


74643 W. Asia - a wedding. Ada Bazar, Turkey in Asia.

74644 W. Asia - a wedding. Ada Bazar, Turkey in Asia.

74645 W. Asia - starting out for Adana, Turkey in Asia.

74646 W. Asia - Arab bride. Turkey in Asia.


74647 W. Asia - ploughing.

74648 W. Asia -sheep.

74649 W. Asia - shepherd with sheep.

74650 W. Asia - reapers.


74641 W. Asia - threshing.

74652 W. Asia - camping for the night.

74653 W. Asia - fire engine company.

74654 W. Asia - street in Constantinople.


74655 W. Asia - houses set on the wall, Constantinople.

74656 W. Asia - street scene, Constantinople.

74657 W. Asia - Seljukian gate.

74658 W. Asia - Nicomedea


74659 W. Asia - mosque and walnut tree. Marcoran.

74660 W. Asia - Graveyard and tomb stones

74661 W. Asia - Moffus.

74662 W. Asia - Doolooh Baba picnic.


74663 W. Asia - hotel showing caves above.

74664 .W. Asia - Amasia River, houses and caves, Turkey in Asia.

74665 W. Asia - street scene in Ada Bazar, Turkey in Asia.

74666 W. Asia - View of Yarshan sunrise peak. Turkey in Asia.


74667 W. Asia - on Galata Bridge.

74668 W. Asia - View looking up the Bosphorus.

74669 W. Asia - ruined homes.

74670 W. Asia - Alli Bey's daughter, a little kindergartner, Turkey.


74671 W. Asia - Hassan Baily orphans, Turkey.

74672 W. Asia - Turkish women at clinic. Turkey.

74673 W. Asia - Lilo, his mother and friend. Turkey.

74674 W. Asia - hospital nurse.


74675 W. Asia - Hadji's family.

74676 W. Asia - Hadji's friends from home visit hospital.

74677 W. Asia - visitors at the hospital.

74678 W. Asia - people of five nations.


74679 W. Asia - patient.

14680 W. Asia - Ambulance.

74681 W. Asia - operating room nurse.

74682 W. Asia - hospital quartet.


74683 W. Asia - hospital hill (south).

74684 W. Asia - hospital hill (south).

74685 W. Asia - women's ward.

74686 W. Asia - girl graduate. Aintab.


74687 Girl graduate. Aintab.

74688 Annual meeting, Aintab.

75018 Mourners. Persia, Teheren.

75019 Native life.

75020 Desert.


75021 Moslem shrine.

75022 Northwestern part of Mecca and sacred temple.

75023 Canal.

75024 Moslem town.

75025 Mosque at Constantinople, Turkey.

75026 Courtyard, moslem.

75027 Interior of home.


75028 Sail boats. Port Said, Egypt.

75029 General view of Mecca. Arabia.

75031 The Kaaba. Arabia.

75032 Pilgrims around Kaaba in sacred mosque. Mecca.

75033 A Turkish cemetry. Turkey.


75034 The Sultan's PAlace, Yildiz Kiosk.

75035 St. Sophia's mosque. Turkey.

75036 Castle Abu Thabi, Turkey.

75037 Armenian girl in house dress. Persia.

76850 View of Alden. Arabia.

76851 Natives of Alden. Arabia.


76852 Jewish merchant at Alden. Arabia.

76853 Man on camel. Alden.

76854 Egyptian girl at Port Said. Suez Canal.

82340 General scene at a bread distribution at an Armenian refugee and
orphan center. (Orphan types) Constantinople, Turkey.

82341 Director of the near East Relief for Turkey and Syria and Mrs.
George M. Beck of Michgan City, Indiana, distributing bread to Armenian


85288 On the road to Jericho (To be used in the parable of the good

89264 Jaffa gate. Jerusalem.

89265 Scene outside Jaffa gate. Jerusalem.

89266 "Needle's Eye," a door in the wall. Jerusalem.


89267 Typical street scene. Jerusalem.

89268 Group of people in front of drug store. Jerusalem.

89269 Pool of Bethesda. Jerusalem.

89270 Newman House. Jerusalem.

89271 Shepherd and sheep. Jerusalem.


89282 Group at Mary's well. Nazareth. Palestine.

89283 Group of women and shepherds (Church of the Nativity in the
background). Bethlehem. Palestine.

89284 Church of the Nativity. Bethlehem. Palestine.

89285 Only entrance to the Church of the Nativity. Bethlehem. PAlestine.


93716 View of Jerusalem.

93717 On shore of Dead Sea. Mt. Nebo in the distance.

93718 Fishermen and A. Bielski on shore of Galilee near or on spot where
Peter and Andrew, James and John were called to leave their nets and become
fishers of men.

94112 Arabs with their flocks on the hills to Nazareth, Palestine.


96825 Gordon Calvary. Jerusalem.

96826 Garden Tomb. Jerusalem.

96827 Garden Tomb. Jerusalem.

96951 View from the sea. Aden.


97952 Italian warship in the harbor. Aden.

97953 Ancient water tank reservoirs. Aden.

97954 Water cart drawn by camel. Aden.

97955 Harbor scene. Port Said. Egypt.


97974 The Jordan river at the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus.

98063 Joseph's Garden. Jerusalem.

98064 A view of Nazareth.

98065 The pool of Siloam.

98066 A Galileean sunrise, taken at 3 a.m.


98067 Ploughing at Samaria.

98068 The Elijah Monastery, Palestine.

98069 At Cana of Galilee.

98070 Ruins of St. John's Church, Samaria.

98071 Views at Joseph's pit. Dotham.


98072 Views of Nazareth.

98073 The Jordan River.

98074 Making dough for bread, Mt. Olives.

98075 The hills of Galilee.

98076 On the shore of the Sea of Galilee.


98077 The Garden of Gethsmane.

98078 The Garden of Gethsemane.

98079 The Garden of Gethsemane.

98080 The Garden of Gethsemane.

98081 The Plain of Esdraelon.


98408 Pool at Jericho where Elisha sweetened the water.

98409 Sycar.

98410 Bethpage.


98440 Mosque of Omar, W. Asia.

98441 Mosque of Omar.


98452 Valley of Jehosaphat

98453 Nazareth from the south.

98454 Nazareth from the N. E.

98455 Camel transport in Galilee.

98456 Ruins of Capernaum.

98457 Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee.


98458 Cana of Galilee.

98459 Woman coming to spring for water and sheep resting at noonday in

98460 Mount of Olives from Dung gate and showing the wall of Jerusalem and
the Dome of the Mosque of Omar.

98461 By the Sea of Galilee.


98462 Garden of Gethsemane.

98463 The Jordan River.

98464 The dead sea, (The Campbell family).

98465 Entrance to the church of the Nativity, Bethlehem.

98466 Wilderness of the Jordan Valley.


98467 Cotton fields being irrigated.

98468 Agriculture in Egypy and the Pyramids of Sakkara.

98469 Road to Cairo, early morning.

98470 Statue of Memphis.

98471 Alabastar Sphinx, unearthed at Memphis.


C2322 Solomon's Temple. Palestine, Jerusalem.

C4431 Graduates from the high school department. United Presbyterian
College for girls, Cairo, Egypt.

C4539 Farag Abdallah, a colporteur. Western Asia.

C4540 Farag, the colporteur at a door. Western Asia.

C4541 Farag, the colporteur distributes Bible portions to families.
Western Asia.

C4542 Farag, the colporteur, reading to a family. Western Asia.


C4543 Farag, the colporteur on a donkey. Western Asia.

C4544 Farag, the colporteur preaching. Western Asia.

C4545 Bible class at Alexandria boys school. Egypt.

C5168 The Y. M. C. A. Jerusalem.

C5230 An Armenian Orphan boy.

C6555 Bethlehem shepherd.

C6556 Bethlehem street.


C6573 Interior of the church of the Crowing Cock. Jerusalem.

C6574 Trees of Gethsemane. Jerusalem.

C6575 City of Jerusalem from traditional site of place where Christ wept
over the city. Jerusalem.

C6576 Tower of Antonio.

C6577 The city wall over Solomons Quarrys. Jerusalem.

C6578 The place of the Skull known as "Gordons Calvary." Jerualem.

C6579 The garden tomb. Jerusalem.

C6780 Bedouin encampment, Syria, on the way to Damascus.


C6781 Syria - on road to Damascus.

C6782 Typical village in Palestine on the road to Damascus.

C6783 Goat herd and flock, on road to Damascus.

C6784 Goat herds. On the road to Damascus.

C6785 Damascus street.

C6786 Damascus street.

C6787 Entrance to "Street called Straight." Damascus.

C6788 Corner of Street called Straight. Damascus.

C6789 The Street called Straight. Damascus.


C6790 The Street called Straight. Damascus.

C6791 Damascus woman at fountain.

C6792 Damascus bazaar.

C6793 Book shops and letter writer. Damascus.

C6794 Book shop. Damascus.

C6795 Mosque of Ommayades. Damascus.

C6796 Garden in private house. Damascus.

C6797 Street of house of Ananias. Damascus.

C6798 Where St. Paul was lowered over the wall. Damascus.


C6799 Nazareth.

C6800 Sea of Galilee, not far from city of Tiberias.

C6801 On road to Baalbek, Syria.

C6802 Threshing in Syria near Baalbek.

C6803 Ruins. Baalbek.

C6804 Ruins from the Hotel. Baalbek.

C6805 General view of ruins. Baalbek.

C6806 Ruins. Baalbek.

C6807 Inside the ruins looking back to entrance. Baalbek.


English nurses, Gloucester Castle, on their way to the Near East.

Saloniki, Greece.

56798 Bird's eye - Robert College, Constantinople. Turkey.

Bird's eye - Robert College, Constantinople. Turkey.


Bird's eye - Robert College, Constantinople. Turkey.

American Commission Relief on their way to Smyrna, Near East.

Group of Americans depart for Smyrna, Near East.


56784 Loading battleship with flour for Near East relief.

Turkish palace, Constantinople, Turkey.

Prinkipo: the relief ship off for Syria.

Near Derinji, Mesopotamia.


56793 Relief train of the American Commission Relief of the Near East off
for Syria.

Goats at Derinji, American Commission Relief of the Near East off for

56780 English "Tommies," Eregli, Kastamun. Turkey.

Relief train of the American Commission Relief of the Near East.
Eskishehr, Brusa, Turkey.


Wheat warehouses, Plains Station, Near East.

Bee Hive, Asia Minor.

German plan of development, Asia Minor.

American relief train on the plains of Mesopotamia.


56783 Sunset near Konieh, Near East.

Military station, Asia Minor American Commission.

56779 Relief train on the plains.

56824 View toward Konium, ancient Iconium.


56777 Camels at Konieh, Near East.

Station - at Oulan Kichla, en route Near East relief.

Station at Oulan Kichla, en route Near East relief. Point where goods
transhipped by caravan.

Dr. Washburn signing release for refugee girl. American Commission Relief
of the Near East, Oulan Kichla.


Wheat storage near Tchifte Khan, American Commission Relief of the Near

British guard, Tchifte Khan, Near East.

The baths, Tchifte Khan, Near East.

56797 Bozanti, en route American Commission Relief of the Near East.


56773 Soldiers near Tchifte Khan, Near East.

Train load of war salvage. Tchifte Khan, Near East.

56781 Looking west from Bozanti, Near East.

Gorge mouth below Cilician Gates. Near East. View from Tarsus, looking
toward Taurus Mountains. Small Mosque by road.


Adana Orphanage, Adana, Cilicia.

56770 Adana Orphanage, Adana, Cilicia.

American lieutenant who found his sister in Aleppo, Syria.

56792 Citadel at Aleppo, Syria.


56789 Irrigation pump at Aleppo, Syria.

Ancient pump, Aleppo, Syria.

56750 Camel train, Aleppo, Syria.

Way station, Syria plains.


Euphrates River, Mesopotamia.

Relief train along Euphrates River, Mesopotamia.

Ruins, Carchemish, Euphrates River, Mesopotamia.

Military camp, Euphrates River, Mesopotamia.


56796 Euphrates Valley, Mesopotamia.

American relief train near Euphrates River. Mesopotamia.

Familiar mound cultivated field near Mardin. Mesopotamia.

River Euphrates looking toward Carchemish. Mesopotamia.


American relief train for the Near East, near Serublisse. Mesopotamia.

Panorama - Mesopotamia.

56795 Station - at Mardin. Mesopotamia.

View of Mardin. Mesopotamia.


German villa, Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Near the city gates of Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Mardin. Mesopotamia.


Milling the one live enterprise in Mardin.

Market - at Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Armenian graveyard. Bozanti. Near East.

Massacred Armenians, Bozanti.


56805 Massacred Armenians. Bozanti, Near East.

56819 View, Near Bozanti, Near East, Taurus Range.

Among the Taurus Mountains, Near East.

American Commission Relief of the Near East train stopping for breakfast
en route Adana, Mesopotamia.


Gorge in the Taurus Mountains, Adana, Cilicia.

Gorge in the Taurus Mountains, Adana, Cilicia.

Gorge in the Taurus Mountains, Adana, Cilicia.

Two English non-commissioned officers. Mardion, Mesopotamia.


Miss McMichael of the American Commission Relief of the Near East at the
Izzet Pasha Divide. Mesopotamia.

Relief smear, the American Commission Relief of the Near East doctor.

Native dispatch bearer connected with the American Commission Relief of
the Near East.


Armenian child and an American doctor of the American Commission Relief of
the Near East.

56788 Sunday walk children under the care of the American Commission
Relief of the Near East.

56804 American relief workers at the highway of Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

Near East refugees under the care of the American Commission Relief of the
Near East.


The only male survivors of a Massacre in Mardin, Near East.

Native refugees at the hospital, Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Arabians who worked with the American Commission Relief of the Near East.

At the American Commission Relief of the Near East Hospital. Mardin,


56775 Refugees working in the hospital for the American Commission Relief
of the Near East at Mardin, Mesopotamia.

56762 Kurdish Chief's daughter and native group, at the Mardin Hospital.

Turkish Commander Izzet Pasha. Mesopotamia.

Turkish Commander Izzet Pasha and Turkish soldier. Mesopotamia.


56776 Across the Tigris River at Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

Turkish father and son, Near East.

56758 Caravan at rest, en route Mardin, Mesopotamia.

American Commission Relief of the Near East travelling by camel train.


56802 The Sheikh of Basra. Near East.

A Sheikh and party of Basra, Near East.

56790 Basra Arabs and outfit en route. Mesopotamia.

American Commission Relief of the Near East camel train climbing Mardin
Hill. Mesopotamia.


An Arab family of Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Kurdish stretcher and native bearer with chief.

56767 Member of the American Commission Relief of the Near East and
rescued child. Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Mardin house and citadel from a Mardin upper courtyard. Mesopotamia.

In a Mardin garden, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Turkish Commander Izzet Pasha. Mesopotamia.


Watering the camel, Tigris River, Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

56808 Miss Graf and Prisca, American Commission Relief of the Near East.

Making bergle, Lower Khanike, Mesopotamia.

The "Prot" and her rescued Moslems. American Commision Relief of the Near


In a gareden of Mardin, with the American Commission Relief of the Near

In a garden of Mardin, with the American Commission Relief of the Near

In the compound, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

56752 Turkish Ferris wheel. Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Diarbekr from Mosque. Mesopotamia.


Band concert. Canaan Beg and Sheikh, Basra, with the American Commission
Relief of the Near East.

Sheikh, Basra, with the American Commission Relief of the Near East.

56766 Entertainment by the Mardin Band for the Mardin American Commisssion
Relief of the Near East.

56791 Exercises for the American Commission Relief of the Near East at
Mardin. Mesopotamia.


A memshi, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Mardin Street, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East.

56209 American Board Foreign Missions. Garden, Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Boys orphanage, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Boys orphanage, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

56822 Refugees of Mesopotamia.

Threshing flour, Upper Khanike. Mesopotamia.


Threshing flour, Upper Khanike, Mesopotamia.

56763 Kurd Village. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Native wheat rack near Diarbekr.

56761 Auto train of the American Commission Relief of the Near East,


Collision of two auto trucks on Mardin Road. Mesopotamia.

Crane nest, Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

Roman Bridge over Tigris River. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

American Commission Relief of the Near East make iron rolls for Mardin
Hospital. Mesopotamia.


56800 Native help at Mardin Hospital, Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Manual training shop of the American Commission Relief of the Near East.
Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Refugees being sent to their homes by the aid of the American Commission
Relief of the Near East.

56772 Boys orphanage Sunday exercises. Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Auto truck on the Mesopotamia plains.

Ancient pillars of Nisibin. Mesopotamia.

Turkish threshing machine. Nisibin, Mesopotamia.

Threshing, Nisibin, Mesopotamia.


Summer camp, Mardin garden. Mesopotamia.

Mardin garden. Mesopotamia.

German "left over" auto trucks. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

American Commission Relief of the Near East truck at the North Gate.
Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.


Interior Armenian church. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.


Armenian orphanage. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Armenian orphanage. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Armenian orphanage. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

56771 Church whose spire crumpled. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.


Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East at Diarbekr,

Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East at Diarbekr,

View up the Tigris River from Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

Diarbekr walls. Mesopotamia.


Military Commander Halett Bey.

American Commission Relief of the Near East en route for Diarbekr.

56753 A ruined Christian village. Kalat Mara. Near East.

A garden on the way to Quarry. Mesopotamia.


Member of the American Commission Relief of the Near East on the castle
top. Mesopotamia.

Native Christian on the castle top. Mesopotamia.

Burying the dead on the hillside. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.


Jacobile Chapel in the Rock Cave, Mesopotamia.

Mardin Industrial Department of the American Commission Relief of the Near
East. Mesopotamia.

Primitive spinning. Mesopotamia.

Miss Wade of the American Commission Relief of the Near East and group
from Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.


Mardin market scene. Mesopotamia.

56787 Mardin town built by Christians who were later massacred.

View of Mardin. Mesopotamia.


Group of American Commission Relief of the Near East and natives,

Group of American Commission Relief of the Near East and natives.

Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East. Mesopotamia.

Swimming pool. Mesopotamia.


Hospital kitchen fitted with native stove. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

56765 Boys orphanage. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of plains of Mesopotamia.

Ibrahamish, a ruined-and-deserted city, Mesopotamia.


Natives working with the American Commission Relief of the Near East.

Osman Pasha and body guard. Mesopotamia.

Residence of Osman Pasha and friendly chiefs. Mesopotamia.

Some members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East.


Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East giving medical
treatment to natives. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

56811 American Commission Relief of the Near East pack train en route
Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Natives sleeping on roofs. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Muteseriff and son-in-law. Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Village reclamation work. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

56759 Bird's eye view of Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.

Sunday evening song service. Mardin, Mesopotamia.


General Harward and Miss Fenenga of the American Commission Relief of the
Near East. Mesopotamia.

56751 General Haward and group at Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Along the Tigris Valley. Mesopotamia.

56803 Mohadjars on the way home. Diarbekr, Mesopotamia.


Ancient fendal castle. Aghana. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Taurus Range Hills. Mesopotamia.

Typical native village. Mesopotamia.

Tigris River near Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.


Old German copper mines. Aghana. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

General Harward and party. Tigris River, Mesopotamia.

Roman bridge across Tigris River. Mesopotamia.

56760 Mountain road. Armenia.


Among the Mountains of Taurus. Mesopotamia.

A narrow pass in the Taurus Mountains. Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view near Harpoot and Diarbekr. Mesopotamia.

Bird's eye view of Arghana, Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Bird's eye view of Harpoot. Mesopotamia.

56769 Unloading hospital supplies. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Cattle near Nisibin. Mesopotamia.

Boy's co,pound. Mardin, Mesopotamia.


56774 Camels on the plains of Mesopotamia.

Little Moslem child with the American Commission Relief of the Near East.

Member of the American Commission Relief of the Near East and natives.
Mardin, Mesopotamia.


Refugee children of Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Refugee children of Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East. Mardin,

Members of the American Commission Relief of the Near East. Mardin,


In the gardens of Mardin. Mesopotamia.

Little Bessie. Mardin, Mesopotamia.

Mardin Hospital. Mesopotamia.

Sawing stone slabs for operating room. Mardin Hospital. Mesopotamia.