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Browse Items (44099 total)

1512 - View of Athens, Mars Hill at left, Theseum in middle Distance.

1514 - Mars Hill - Athens

1513 - View in Stadium - Athens.

1515 - Modern Athens

1516 - View of modern Athens

1518 - Modern Athens Acropolis at right.

1519 - Ruins of Eluysia Greece

1519 - 2 - Ruins of the Forum Athens.

1520 - Frieze in the Theater on Acropolis hill, Athens

1521 - Temple of Olympian Zeus. Acropolis Hill in the background.

1522 - Theseum, Athens

1523 - Interior if Parthenon, looking towards front, Athens

1524 - Interior of ruins of Parthenon, Athens

1525 - Parthenon, side view, Athens

1526 - Parthenon, front view, Athens

1527 - Acropolis, Athens

1528 - City Hall, Athens

1529 - A well near Athens, Tourists in carriage.

4706 - City Hall Athens.

4709 - A street scene, Athens.

4743 - Waterfront Piraevs, Athens, Greece

4863 - Razor backed hogs in Greece

4744 - Waterfront Piraevs, Athens, Greece

4864 - Harbor at Piraevs

23285 - Digging for early Greek ruins. Greek Crown Prince to extreme right in the background. Greece, Corfu, April, 1911

1530 - Slaughter House, Rome

1531 - Miss Garibaldi in Garden of Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Garibaldi school, Rome.

1532 - Methodist Deaconess at Naples

1533 - Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Garibaldi School Building. Rome.

1534 - Group of pupils in Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Garibaldi School.

1536 - Statue of Garibaldi and Park as seen from Garibaldi School, Rome

1537 - Near view of Messina before disaster cf. (compare to) 1540.

1538 - Messina Harbor and sailboats.

1540 - Messina from the harbor, Small sailboat, c.f. 1537

1539 - Large Sailboat, Messina Harbor

1541 - Cattle in pens at Slaughter house, Rome

1542 - Entrance to Slaughter house, Rome

1543 - Interior of slaughter house. Rome

2650 - Bishop Hartzel with World Sunday School party in Pompeii.

2652 - Leaning tower, Pisa, Italy

2657 - Nero Villa near Naples, Italy

2658 - Temple of Serapis Pozzouli, near Naples

2662 - World Sunday School party down in Vesuvius

2662 1/2 - Bishop Hartzell and friend on Vesuvius

2663 - Sunday School party disembarking Naples, Italy

2671 - Cathedral and leaning tower of Pisa, Italy

2615 - Statue of Victor Emanuel, Genoa Italy.

2666 - Interior of Cathedral, Pisa Italy

2675 - Ruins of Amphitheatre, Pompeii, Italy

2676 - Virgil's tomb, near Naples

5015 - Europe Bethany Society. Some of the old deaconesses in the hospital garden, Frankfort

18033 - Napoleon's Tomb. Paris

18034 - Proportions of Versailles Palace, Paris

18035 - Rear view, Versailles Palace, Paris


25419 - The Church in Bologna. The first one built by Methodism in Italy

25715 - Cairoli Brothers monument on Pincian Hill, Rome

25716 - Papel Guard in the Vatican, Rome italy

25717 - Italian Soldiers

25718 - Vatican garden

3692 - Grounds, plan of Collegio Methodista, Rome

3693 - Front elevation, Collegio, Methodista.

3694 - Administration building; plans Methodist College at Rome

3695 - Administration building; plans Methodist College at Rome

3696 - Administration building; plans Methodist College at Rome

3763 - St. Peter's and Piazza Popolo From Pincian Hill, Rome

3705 - St. Peter's from Mont Mario, the new College ground, Rome

4708 - Cattle in pens. Slaughterhouse, Rome

4710 - Steamer, Italy

4714 - New Methodist College, Rome

4715 - Methodist College, Rome

9938 - Theological school, Uppsala Sweden

9939 - An excellent group picture of a gathering of Methodists in Rome. A splendid large body of earnest and faithful workers.

14826 - Frescois on ceiling of church in Venice

14827 - Italian Sentry on guard

14985 - Outdoor Evangelistic Service, Italy

18161 - The Rialto Venice, Italy


J.C. Hartzell

18613 - Grand Canal Venice, Italy

18164 - Porta St. Sebastiano, one of the gates of Rome, Italy.

J.C. Hertzell

18168 - Grand Canal, Venice Italy.

18166 - St. Mark's Cathedral Plaza, Venice

J.C. Hartzell

18767 - St. Peter's Rome

J.C. Hartzell

19190 - Locomotive just through tunnel, Italy

19191 - Beginning of Appian Way, Rome

19192 - Children grouped about ox cart, Italy

19193 - Cart, Brindisi

19194 - Street, Brindisi

21441 - Bird's eye view of New College

21443 - Scicli Congregation, Naples District, Italy, Conference welcoming Bishop Nuelsen and Reverend Ferrier, District Superintendent.

21482 - Chair carved by boys of Industrial Institute, Venice

21483 - Furniture carved by boys of the Industrial institute. Venice

21485 - Chair carved by boys of the Industrial Institute, Venice.

21484 - Furniture carved by boys of the Industrial institute. Venice

23206 - Group of Italian methodists in Geneva Switzerland

23201 - Table carved by the boys of the Industrial Institute, Venice

23208 - Carved by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice

23209 - Chair carved by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice

23210 - Carved wood work by the boys of our Industrial Institute, Venice.

23211 - Pulpit carved by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice.

23212 - Wood carving done by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice.

23213 - Wood carving by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice.

23215 - Members of Italy Conference and their wives. Session held in Florence.

23214 - Wood carving done by the boys of the Methodist Industrial Institute, Venice.

23216 - Donatello's angels and the Lion of Venice

23227 - Professor Bani, District Superintendent of Milan District, with one of his congregations in the mountains.

23229 - Signor Antonio Rapilavoli


25078 - The Carruthers Institute, an Industrial school for girls, Pisa

25079 - Some of the girls of the orphanage connected with the Carruthers Institute, Pisa

25269 - Model of Ancient Rome

25370 - Model of Ancient Rome

25271 - View from Capuchin Monastery of Bay of Naples.

25272 - "Psyche" National Museum, Naples

25273 - "Moses" of Michael Angel, on monument of Pope Julius II Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome.

25274 - "Moses" of Michael Angel, on monument of Pope Julius II Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome.

25275 - Torso of Belvedere, Vatican Museum. Rome.

25276 - Statue of Niobe

25277 - Bust of Homer Museo Nasionale. Naples

25278 - Dante meeting Beatrice on the Bridge at Florence. Italy

25279 - Painting of a Roman soldier.

252800 - Laocoön group Vatican Museum, Rome

25281 - Panoramic view of Pompeii

25282 - Royal Princess, Italy

25283 - Methodist Episcopal Church where Italy's thirty fourth Annual Conference was held.

25284 - Plans for Methodist College, Rome, Italy.

25285 - Plans for Porter's Hodge, Methodist College. Rome, Italy.

25286 - Plans for gymnasium building for Methodist College. Rome, Italy

25719 - Temple on Lake in gardens of Villa Borghese, Rome

25720 - Lake Como, Italy

25721 - View of Lake Como Castle on point Balbianello.

25722 - Church of San Pietro da Porta Cavalleggeri, Rome

25723 - Gymnastics at Crandon institute, Rome

25724 - Lake Como


25726 - Ruins of old wall, Rome


25728 - Italy

25729 - Italian royal children in gardens of Quirinal Palace, Rome

25730 - Italy

25731 - Methodist missionaries before St. Marks Cathedral, Venice

25732 - Boy Scouts in Italy with Royal Prince in front center

25733 - Italy




25737 - Monument to Glordano Bruno, Rome


25739 - Evangelistic meeting in the street


25741 - Missionaries in Italy

25742 - Palace, Venice

25743 - View of Lake Como and Villa Serbelloni

25813 - Epworth Leaguers in Rome




26635 - Innocenti and his Sunday school

27151 - Dr. B.M. Tipple

27563 - Bridge of Sighs, Venice

27564 - St Mark's Cathedral and plaza feeding pigeons.

see Europe D.P. - 1. 64

28874 - Francesco Giardina an Italian Methodist Hero.

2670 - Street scene. Waterport Street. Gibralter, Spain

2677 - A quantity of cork, Algeciras, Spain near Gibraltar.

3963 - pupils of a school at Alicante at Athletic meet Spain.

3964 - School, Alicante, Spain

20134 - Alhambra, Spain

20136 - Spanish copy of a Hymnal

20135 - Spanish copy of a Hymnal

18005 - Ox Dray, Lisbon, Portugal

18006 - Company of Soldiers, Lisbon

18007 - Bishop Hartzell in an auto near where King Carlos was killed

18008 - Bishop Hartzell in an auto near where King Carlos was killed

17797 - Nuna from Portugal

18009 - Great demonstration, Lisbon

18010 - Convent attacked in Revolution, 1910, Lisbon

18010 - Convent attacked in Revolution, 1910, Lisbon

18012 - Statue, royal crown knocked off in Revolution, Lisbon.

108013 - Parliament House, Lisbon

18014 - Ladder on which King Manuel escaped over wall, Lisbon.

18015 - Only house destroyed in Revolution, Lisbon

18016 - Belem (Lisbon) from tower.

17832 - Bull ring fight on Conference Sunday, Spain

18017 - Tower in honor of Vasco de Gama, Lisbon

18018 - Belen Cathedral, Lisbon

18019 - Belen Cathedral, Lisbon

18020 - Pillar inside of Belem Cathedral, Lisbon

18021 - Belem Cathedral Cloister, Lisbon

18022 - Statue of first Viceroy to India, Lisbon

18023 - Church in which Columbus was married, Lisbon

18024 - British and Foreign Bible Society, Lisbon

18025 - Interior of Church time of Spanish Armada, Lisbon

18026 - Old woman and donkey dray, Lisbon

18028 - Guard of soldiers, Lisbon

18027 - Black house Square Lisbon

18029 - Mounted Guards, Lisbon

18030 - Flashlight after dinner to Bishop Hartzell, by Dr. Bernardino, Machoda, Lisbon

16886 - Rock of Gibraltar

18176 - Pack donkeys, Algeciras, Spain

18177 - Catholic Church and Algeciras, Spain

J.C. Hartzell

18031 - On a ship, bidding Bishop Hartzell goodbye, Lisbon

18032 - Government launch returning to shore

20137 - School Alicante, Spain

20138 -

23233 - Spanish Execution

23334 - Spanish Execution

23234 - Spanish Execution

23235 - Spanish Execution

23236 - Spanish Execution

18036 - Joan of Arc Statue, Paris

18037 - Flashlight in Paris sewers.

18038 - A filtering station, Paris

18039 A filtering station. Paris

18040 Farm Mont St. Jean. Waterloo.

18041 Mound. Waterloo.

18042 Chapel. Hougoumont Farm Waterloo.

31001 - Recreation room American Hospital Neuilly.

31002 - Emergency operating room. American Hospital, Neuilly

31003 - Kitchen of American ambulance train, France

31004 - American ambulance train with staff, France

31005 - Dental Department, American Hospital, Neuilly

31006 - Soldiers Shelter, France

31007 - Ruins of Cathedral, France

31008 - Soldiers gathered around monument, France

31009 - Refugees boarding a steamer. France

31010 - Boys of France

31011 - Refugees in army truck, France

31012 - Boys at play, France

31013 - German prisoners guarded by three french soldiers. France

31014 - War posters, France.

31015 - Ruins of a Cathedral, France

31016 - Ruins of a Cathedral, France

31017 - Baggage

31018 Ruins of a Cathedral, France

31019 - Ruins of Cathedral

31020 - Cemetery ruins, France

31021 - French Officers

31022 - Reading the news, France

31023 - All that's left of a home, France

31024 - Refugees on train

31025 - Cathedral ruins, France

31025 - Cathedral ruins, France

31027 - Ruins, France

31028 - Ruins in residential section, France.

31029 - Ruins, France

31030 - Ruins of a Cathedral, France

31031 - Ruins, France

31032 - Ruins of houses, France

31045 - Refugees, France

31046 - Refugees, France

31047 - Ruins of a Cathedral, France

31048 - Ruins of a residence, France

31049 - Graves of Soldiers, France

31050 - Fruit trees cut down, France

31051 - Ruins, France

31052 - Ruins

31053 - King Albert (The King of the Belgians)

31054 - Soldiers taking care of war orphans, France

31055 - German signs in France

31056 - Soldiers in street, France.

31057 - Refugees in army truck France

31058 - War poster. France

31059 - Ruins. France

31060 - Refugees and war orphans. France

31061 - Refugees. France

31062 - Military band. France.

31063 - Escaped the enemy's fire, France.

31064 - Ruins, France

31065 - Red Cross caring for wounded, France

31066 - Funeral, France

31067 - Soldiers in street, France

31068 - Refugees, France

31069 - A temporary home, France

31070 - Temporary home, France

31071 - Ruins of Cathedral, France

31072 - War Orphans, France

31073 - Getting a bath in spite of the war, France

31074 - Cut down trees, France

31075 - Soldiers view ruins, France

31076 - German sign over ruined house, France

31077 - Artillery in the street, France

31078 - War poster "waiting for daddy," France

31079 - Refugees, France

31080 - Ruined houses, France

31081 - Cut down fruit trees, France

31082 - Old Glory finds its proper place, France

31083 - "Forgetting the war" Grenoble, France

31084 - A lake in the Mountains, Country about Grenoble, France

31085 - Our Grenoble Pastor's youngest son, a non - commissioned officer.

31086 - The men of tomorrow learning by doing

31087 - The men of tomorrow learning by doing

31088 - The Chateau, our milk supply

31089 - French Orphans ironing

31090 - French Orphans, Housewives of tomorrow, washing.

31091 - Housewives of to - morrow, mending, France.

31092 - Housewives of tomorrow, French orphans

31093 - The Chateau, "Our model Farm"

31094 - The dormitory and court

31095 - A group of farm buildings and a barnyard.

31096 - By the Mediterranean, the conference outing.

31097 - President Wilson's message together with the French Premier's and Speaker's Convention.

31098 - A day at the Chateau, French tag

31100 - "Ring around a Rosie"

31101 - Lunch under the trees

31102 - Housewives of tomorrow mending French orphans.

31103 - Five minutes for refreshments.

31104 - A day at the Chateau, France

31105 - The lodge and entry.

31106 - "The Chateau" on our model farm, France

31107 - Winter Sports

31108 - Babies at play

31109 - Our French orphans at play

31110 - Our orphan boys and girls at lunch under the trees

31111 - Our French orphan boys and girls lunch together under the trees.

31112 - Housewives of tomorrow listening to a Bible story

31113 - Housewives of tomorrow at play

31114 - Our orphans at school

31115 - Our orphans at school

31116 - Housewives of tomorrow mending

31117 - Watching the battle of St. Quentin

31118 - Fruit trees cut down

31119 - St. Martin's Church, Chauny, France

31120 - Collection box broken open and rifled by Germans.

31121 - Nave of St. Martin's church ruins

31122 - Ringing the doorbell (puzzle finding the door)

31123 - The remnants of a beautiful home.

31124 - Rebuilding the waste places

31125 - A horse in the parlor

31126 - Stopping for lunch

31127 - A soldier's shelter in a cellar

31128 - "News" made in Germany

31129 - France

31130 - Jacob stroking his pet.

31132 - The Gospel in France. A day in the country church outing.

31133 - The Gospel in France. Our pastor in the ambulance as Red Cross worker. He is the second from the left side of the group.

31134 - Our Toulon Soldier's Club, France

31990 - France

31992 - France

31993 - Grenoble orphanage, France

31994 -

31995 - France

31996 - France

31997 -

31998 - France

31999 - France

32000 - France

32001 - Grenoble France

32002 - France

32003 - The house in the country taken over by the M.E. Mission where war orphans are receiving an education and later some are to be trained in a profession. Home to be a permanent contribution to work of reconstruction.

32004 - France

9932 - Anton Bast's old church, Copenhagen

20142 - Poor mens meal in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Copenhagen, Denmark

20175 - Jerusalem Church, Copenhagen

28509 - Auditorium of Anton Bast Copenhagen, Denmark

28510 -

28511 -


Anton Bast

28513 -

28514 -

28515 -

28515 [28517] - (bottom left picture)

28516 -

Anton Bast

28518 -

28519 -

28520 -

28521 -

28522 -

Anton Bast

26468 - Methodist Episcopal Church, Kalundborg, Denmark.

26469 - Methodist Episcopal Church, Bethania, Copenhagen

26470 - Sandefjord, Norway, Tent Mission

26471 - Homeless sailors who have been sleeping in the Methodist tent at Sandefjord, Norway.

26472 - "Dom Methodistor" (House of the Methodists) in Petrograd, Russia

26473 - The Methodist Episcopal Chapel in Petrograd dedicated Sunday March 14th, 1915.

26474 - Deaconess Home in Magdeburg Germany.

26475 - Children's Ward

26476 - Methodist Chapel at Grecy - Sur Isere. Bishop Nuelsen and Superintendent Bjoshe on the balcony.

26477 - Villa Massey, Grandson International Institute, Rome, Italy.

21481 - One of the coffee rooms in the slums, Copenhagen

21486 - The Mission House in the slums, Copenhagen

21487 - House containing hall for the "Criminal Mission" Copenhagen

21488 - In the dining - hall, Mission House, Copenhagen

21489 - Coffee room in the "Old People's Home" Copenhagen

21490 - A collection box in the Royal garden, Copenhagen.

21491 - The office of the "Lighthouse" where the poor men go and get paper for selling, Copenhagen

21492 - "Lighthouse" printing office, Copenhagen

21493 - Poor people asking for help, Copenhagen.

21494 - Poor people at the church door asking for help, Copenhagen.

21495 - The food we distribute on cold winter mornings, about four hundred dollars worth. Copenhagen

21496 - Collection room for Christmas gifts to the poor, Copenhagen

21497 - Christmas in the Children's hospital, Copenhagen.

21498 - The Children's Hospital, Copenhagen

21499 - One of the rooms in the Children's Hospital, Copenhagen.

9940 - Methodist preachers in Finland. Dr. George Simonds.

20170 -

20171 - Painting, Russian "First step"

20172 - Skulls
[not an actual pile of skulls, it is a painting "The Apotheosis of War" by Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin, I was confused for a minute]

20173 - Statue, Russian Ivan the Terrible

23226 -

23228 - The Finnish Methodist Orphanage, Viborg, Finland.

23230 - Palace which was the home of Stolypin, (the Island, Petersburg)

23231 - Before the American Embassy, St. Petersburg.

27735 - On Lake Baikal, Trans Siberian Railway.

27736 - Lake Baikal, Trans - Siberian Railway

27737 - International Train of the Sleeping Car Company

27738 - First class sleeping coupe by day. Trans - Siberian Railway.

27739 - Restaurant car, Trans Siberian Railway.

9935 - Methodist Book Concern Building, Zurich, Switzerland

20145 - Swiss Costumes

20146 - Swiss Costumes

20147 - Swiss Costumes

20148 - Swiss Costumes

20149 - Swiss Costumes

20150 - Swiss Costumes

20151 - Swiss Costumes

20152 - Swiss Costumes

20153 - Swiss Costumes

20154 - Swiss Costumes

20155 - Swiss Costumes

20156 - Swiss Costumes

20157 - Swiss Costumes

20158 - Swiss Costumes

20159 - Swiss Costumes

20160 - Swiss Costumes

20161 - Swiss Costumes

9936 - Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. Stockholm, Sweden.

9938 - Theological School, Upsala, Sweden

9934 - Church of Porsgrund, Norway

20165 - Epworth League Board in Fredrickstad.

20166 - band of the Epworth League Arendal. The largest Epworth League in Europe.

20167 - Music band of the Epworth League, Kjolberg

20168 - Music band of Epworth League. Bergen.

20174 - The band of the Junior League. Kristiansand, Norway.

20177 - The Conference in Troudhjem

20178 - Laymen's Congress in Norway

23002 - Front entrance in our first Home in Christiania, Pastor Ole Olsen in center.

25362 - Europe church property in Zurich, Switzerland. Italian M.E. Church

25363 - Europe

25364 - Europe

25365 - Europe

25366 - The Music Hall, Zurich Switzerland

25357 - Europe

25358 - Europe

25359 - Europe

18043 - Bishop Wilson at Wesley's grave. London.

18044 - "Big Ben" clock. House of Parliament, London.

55028 - The Ambulance in the day of battle.

55029 - Supply column at Kumanovo.

55030 - Turkish prisoners from Prilep.

55031 - The capture of Turks on Scoplie. (Skopje).

55032 - View of a village on the Danube front.

55033 - 4th regiment on the march near Valievo.

55034 - Ruins of a mosque at Kumanovo.

55035 - Mosque of Cara Mustafa at Scoplie.

55036 - Supply columns.

55037 - Red Cross Motor Ambulance.

55039 - The hanging of Serbians in Yagodina.

55040 - Scene in the court of the hospital. Belgrade.

55042 - Little Serbian finds a happy refuge.

55300 - Departure of the Siamese troops for the front.

55301 - First Siamese army lands safely in Marseilles.

55302 - Departure of the Siamese troops for the front.

55303 - 55303 - Siamese bugler in their cantonment in the army.

55304 - Siamese troops.

55305 - The armistice is signed.

55306 - Types of Siamese Soldiers

55307 - The evacuation. Aise.

55308 - Refugees camping outside in open field. Marne.

55309 - Mother of the regiment being told by French officer of the routing of the Germans. Aise.

55310 - Wooden cottages built by the Red Cross. Somme.

53311 - Life in a shell swept city.

55312 - Terrain captured by the French. Belgium

5313 - The last great German offensive. Belgium.

55314 - Commander's post. Belgium.

55313 - Life in a shell swept city. France.

55316 - At the trench battle field. Chateau Thierry.

55317 - Recapture of Chateau Thierry. Carpenters and bakers who remained during the short occupation of the Germans.

55318 - Farm flooded by the Germans. Bethel Ardennes.

55319 - House in the course of reconstruction. Somme.

55320 - Recapture of Chateau Thierry.

55321 - French officers helping to distribute food. Aisne.

55322 - Looking towards second line trenches.

55323 - Belgian front.

55324 - Ruins near the first line trenches.

555325 - The transportation of bombs in the trench.

55326 - Mill entirely destroyed by the Germans.

55327 - Returning from work soup is distributed to men.

55328 - Work ended, the men are busy putting there material in order. Agriculture School of Belgian Army.

55329 - A watery station in the flooded region.

55330 - At certain points of the Belgian front, the enemy trenches are extremely near ours. Only the width of a canal separates these trenches from the German trenches.

55331 - The indescribable conditions of Flanders.

55332 - Trenches near Nordschoote.

55333 - National Fete of Belgians at Versailles Park.

55334 - A road near the Belgian Front.

55335 - First line trenches, Belgium.

55306 - First line Belgian trenches.

55337 - Poison gas shell prepared by the Germans to poison the wells in case of retreat.

55338 - A view of the flood at the front in Flanders.

55339 - Construction work of a pont on piles. Belgium.

55340 - Conquered terrain is reorganized by troops, Belgium.

55341 - In the ruins of a village.

55342 - Part of the French Artillery Regiment. Belgium.

55343 - Photo shows group of inhabitants who remained in the Chateau during the short German occupation. Aisne, Chateau Thierry.

55344 - Refugees leaving their home. Aise.

55345 - The railway bridge destroyed by the Germans.

553646 - Interior view of a destroyed church. Belgium.

55347 -

55348 -

55349 -

55350 -

55351 -

55353 - The firemen of the village called out. Naubenge France.

55354 - Shock troops near Somme Crossing. Marne.

56355 - The queen of Belgium leaving a hospital. Belgium.

55356 - House restored by American Red Cross. Quivières, Somme.

55357 - Home of old French woman. Moignaux Croix.

55358 - Manufacturers who have been entirely robbed of their machinery by the Germans. Donai, France.

55359 - Entrance into the city photo shows the English troops passing over a temporary bridge, also the terrible ruins of the village.

55360 - Photo shows what was once the Grand street of Lac Bassée in the north of France.

55361 - Photo shows, the interior of the ruined church in the north of France.

55362 - View of wrecked railroad station. St. Quentin. France.

55366 - Sept, offensive of 1918.

55367 - Chinese laborers constructing drainage.

55376 - A domestic scene In a forest. Marne, France.

55379 - Battle of the Menin Road. British Western front.

55380 - Second Battalion Infantry

55489 - Refugees from south of Sedan.

55503 - French soldier disfigured.

55504 - French soldier with a "new face"

55505 - Burned patient, Russian Sister and Doctor. Russia.

55506 - A view of the top of the ruined tower of the cloth Hall. Ypres.

55507 - "New faces"

555029 -

55530 - La Maison Blanche, home for the re - education of motiles, wounded men gardening. France.

55531 - Model of farm building used in traveling exhibitions by the American red cross.

55532 - The ruined protestant temple at Nancy with its Pastor.

55533 - Refugee employed by the American Red Cross.

55534 - French Mutiles, many of whom have been fitted with artificial limbs by the American Red Cross, making furniture which will be sold at a very low price to refugee families.

55535 - Assistant of Mrs. Ladd of the American Red Cross Adjusting mask made made by Mrs. Ladd for French soldiers who's face was mutilated in the war.

59001 - Marne River bank showing Methodist Episcopal property at Chateau Thierry. - France.

59002 - View of Ruined Verdun. France.

59003 - Water work at St. Quentin. France.

59004 - French Villagers, France.

59005 - Orphans at Mentone France.

59006 - Children at calisthenics at Methodist Episcopal School village. Tuloup France.

59007 - Methodist Episcopal worker at Cregancy presenting new broom. France.

59008 - Methodist Episcopal village children waiting for Cinema.

59009 - Old lady villager at Methodist Episcopal sale at Vincelles, France.

59010 - Basketball team at Mt. St. Pere. France.

57011 - Industrial work of Mt. St. Pere. France.

50912 - Methodist Episcopal School at Alicante - Spain

50913 - Students at Alicante - Spain

59015 - Bethany Hospital at Zurich, Switzerland.

59014 - School girls class. Spinazzola Spain

59016 - Centenary shoes worn by orphan at Venice Industrial Institute. Italy.

59017 - Industrial Institute boys in Venice wearing Centenary clothes. Italy

59018 - Rope soled shoes, worn by Italians. Italy.

59020 - Russian pesants, man and wife. Russia.

55536 - interior of the Cathedral. Soissons Aisne.

55537 - Reading a German sign left on a French house.

55538 - Personnel of Evacuation hospital prepared for inspection 26th division. France.

60001 - American soldiers in shelter back of the the lines.

60010 - Going for the bread. Belgium

60073 - The sugar refiner. Flary - le Martil (Aisne)

60074 - Interior of the library. Aoyon - Oise.

60075 - Plundered tombs in the cemetery. Vendell - Aisne

60076 - Some silver ware stolen by the Germans.

60074 - A partly destroyed harmonium in a Protestant church. Aisne France.

60078 - Bedroom destroyed by the Germans. Douai, north of France.

60079 -

60080 -

60081 - Effect of an Austrian air raid Padova, Italy.

60082 - A clock that didn't know how to stop. Italy.

60083 - Ruins of Albert's beautiful Cathedral.

60084 - Reconstruction work in France.

60085 - Rebuilding devastated France.

60086 - Purifying mills and streams of France.

60087 - Result of a recent Austrian air raid on the Italian town of Castelfranco.

60088 - Southeast of Vausceut, General view of the distillery deliberately destroyed by the Germans. France

60089 - Clearing up the ruins, Aise Roye.

60090 - Sarcophagus despoiled by the Germans. Soissons.

60091 - Vase of St. Chrime Hammered by the Germans. Soissons.

60092 - North of France Library destroyed by the Germans. Douai, France.

60093 - A destroyed factory. France

60094 - Mrs. Anna Coleman Ladd and Mr. Caudron. Mrs. Ladd, working on portrait mask. France.

60095 - Refugee women employed by the American Red Cross.

60096 - La Maison Blanche home for the re - education of motiles, wounded pitching hay by means of hand apparatus. France.

60097 - Masonry work completed for the first of the buildings in the village. France

60098 - American Red Cross Station.

60099 - Artificial limbs made according to American patterns. France.

60100 - Red Cross Home for Refugees in France.

60101 - Artificial faces.

60112 - Notre Dame in war Siren on top, sand bags. France.

600113 - Interior des Invalides. Paris.

60114 - American soldiers in Bois de Boubogne. France.

60115 - American hospital boat on the Seine.

60116 - Sandwiches for the wounded on board Seine Hospital boat.

60117 - American Workers in the Bois. France.

60118 - The German pill box in which our boys used to shut up German captives. France.

60138 -

60139 - Red Cross stretcher bearers carrying wounded.

60140 - First Aid to the wounded. France.

60198 - Refugee children not merely a fair weather friend, this little refugee clings to her dog throughout thick and thin. France.

60199 - Little refugee children who have been adopted by American regiments. France.

60200 - Little refugee children who have been adopted by American regiments. France.

60201 - Waiting for a good one! The French Children like to play American games and are learning to play baseball under the tutelage of Y.M.C.A. Athletic directors. France.

60202 - Did you ever have a whole regiment of American soldiers for your ready made papa? the American Red Cross helped these little tots find new daddies.

60204 - American Red Cross representatives placing a wreath of flowers on the grave of Miss Edith Cavell near Brussels Nov. 1918.

60208 - The dining room. The conditions of Cevary house (France) in Chateau Thierry which happens not to be destroyed.

60119 - Gun captured from the Germans

60120 - Mr. Aickerson and his unit of Y.M.C.A.

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60261 - French Refugees


60263 - Aisne Courcelles. French returned inhabitants searching for their goods amidst ruins. Sewing machine discovered among the ruins. French Pictoral Service.



60283 - Entrance Charview

60284 - Two of the thirty eight calves

60285 - One of the boys, Charview, on top of the observation tower looking out over farm. France

60286 - From yard (front) to farm yard.

60287 - On the Orphanage farm at Charview.

60288 - Farmer's daughter

60289 - Farm at Orphanage registered bull.

60305 - Town taken from an Airplane. (Aeroplane)

60306 - Farmer just returned home with his cow. France.

60307 - Refugees leaving home for the second time. France

60308 - Girls' ruined school. Germans gave order all art and education should be destroyed. France.

60310 - Paris Station, American Committee devastated France.

60309 - Refugees camping along roads being fed by the American Committee for the devastated. France.

60311 - Family returned to ruined home. Arrival for relief of Committee for devastated. France.

60312 - Ruined farm, owner discussing plans for rebuilding. France

60445 - The last wagon load of women deported to Germany. Roye France.

60446 - House at Allin Court, German Crosses on.

60447 - Returned refugees.

60448 - In front of Chateau all inhabitants left after four years of German occupation Forum of La Cuine.

60487 - Looking from main building of Industrial Institute across campus to the laboratory building where classes in wood carving, typography etc. meet. Venice.

60488 - A boy of the Industrial Institute and his father, a soldier of Italy.

60489 - The Panthenon, Rome

60579 Captain F. W. Heckelman with Czech and Serb assistant in Siberia

60565 A funk hole to hide i during an enemy bombardment



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60700 - Versailles, France

60701 - Versailles, France

60702 - Versailles, France

60703 - Versailles, France

60705 - Versailles, France

60704 - Versailles, France

60706 - Versailles, France

60707 - Versailles, France

60708 - Versailles, France

60709 - Versailles, France

60710 - Versailles, France

60711 - Versailles, France

60712 - Versailles, France

60713 - Versailles, France

60714 - Versailles, France

60715 - Versailles, France

60716 - Versailles, France

60717 - Versailles, France

60718 - Versailles, France

60719 - Versailles, France

60721 - Noyon, France

60720 - Versailles, France

60722 - Noyon, France

60723 - Noyon, France

60724 - Noyon, France

60725 - Cathedral Noyon, France

60726 - Cathedral Noyon, France

60727 - Cathedral Noyon, France

60728 - The city from roof of Cathedral Noyon, France.

60728 - Grave of a poilu. Noyon, France

60730 -

60731 - Babies cribs in the ruins, Noyon, France.

60702 - Home of John Calvin - the heap of rubbish on the corner. Noyon, France.

60733 - Home of John Calvin - the heap of rubbish on the corner. Noyon, France.

60734 - Widow returning home, her husband and son both killed in the war. She found nothing left of her home but a few jagged pieces of wall rising from the heaps of bricks and plaster. Noyon, France.

60735 - Children playing in a shell hole full of water, Noyon, France.

60736 - Children playing in a shell hole full of water, Noyon, France.