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Biographical Note

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Electronic Guide to the William Ralph Ward Collection

Prepared by Walter Cano, Meyongho Cha, and Lindsay Richardson, Student Assistants; Robert Drew Simpson, Assistant Archivist; Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church


Overview of Collection

Record Creator: Ward, William Ralph
Title: William Ralph Ward Collection
Date Span: 1904 - 1992
Abstract: William Ralph Ward (1908-1988), an American bishop, was born in Boston. He served several pastorates in New England and Pennsylvania and was bishop of the New York Area from 1972 to 1980. He was president of the Council of Bishops, a prolific writer and editor, and a promoter of the use of electronic media in ministry.
Extent: 14.36 cubic feet
Resource ID:

Biographical Note

William Ralph Ward (1908-1988), an American bishop, was born in Boston on October 16, 1908, the son of William Ralph and Janie (Johnston) Ward. He received the A.B. from Baker University and the S.T.B. and S.T.M. degrees from Boston University.

On June 3, 1933, he married Arleen Burdick (1909-2000). They were the parents of three sons.

William Ralph Ward was ordained to the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1932. His pastorates included Waldoboro, Maine, 1931; Porter Church, East Weymouth, Massachusetts., 1932-1933; Hingham, Massachusetts., 1933-1934; First Church, East Weymouth, 1934-1940; Newport, Rhode Island, 1940-1941; Manchester, Conn., 1941-1948; and Mt. Lebanon Church, Pittsburgh, 1948-1960.

In 1960 he was elected bishop and assigned bishop of the Syracuse Area. In 1972 he was became bishop of the New York Area, which post he held until his retirement in 1980. During his tenure in the New York Area he served as President of the Council of Bishops. After Bishop Ward's retirement he continued to serve in leadership posts, including the Board of Global Ministries and as Bishop in Residence at Drew University.

Ward's activities included the General Board of Christian Social Concerns; vice-president of the General Board of Missions; president, Division of National Missions; honorary life member, Women's Society of Christian Service, president of the Pittsburgh Area Council of Churches, 1957-1958; chairman of the Denominational and Interdenominational Staff Conference, 1964; director of the New York State Council of Churches; a delegate to the Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies, London, 1958; member of the World Methodist Council; member of the Commission on Promotion and Cultivation, and president of the denomination's Program Council, 1968-1972. In 1970 he was also a member of the Quadrennial Emphasis Committee, the Social Principles Study Commission, the Interboard Committee on Town and Country Work, the International Methodist Historical Society, and the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches. He was an Edmund Beebe Fellow at Boston University, a trustee of Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1944-1949; and a trustee of the following: Syracuse University, Bethune-Cookman College, Drew University, Folts Home for the Aged, Methodist Home for Children, Williamsville; Clifton Springs Sanatorium, and Blocher Homes. He was the recipient of the Freedom Foundation award, 1951 and man of the year award, B' nai B'rith, Pittsburgh, 1954. He was a member of the Newcomen Society in North America, Zeta Chi, Theta Chi Beta. He was heavily involved in the 1970's in establishing a TV and Radio Presence for the United Methodist Church. In the late 1970's Ward as bishop of the New York Area was engaged in dealing with the racial conflict that engulfed our nation.

Ward was a prolific writer of articles and sermons. He contributed articles to The Upper Room, Prayers for Today, Christian Advocate, and to numerous other publications. He is the author of Authentic Man Encounters God's World. His latest work was in 1986 entitled, Faith In Action, a history of Methodism in New York State.

Scope Note

The Bishop W. Ralph Ward Jr. Papers document Ward's ministry from his earliest appointment through his episcopal leadership and his years of retirement.

A major part of this collection consists of Ward's sermons, addresses, and writings. These materials reflect Ward's personal faith and his commitment to social concerns and the institutional life of the Methodist Church.

Ward's correspondence is fairly typical and not as revealing of larger issues as might be hoped. There are occasional letters to ecclesiastical and political leaders of note. There is one note to him from Harry Emerson Fosdick.

Ward's episcopal leadership is well documented in this collection. He was a dynamic and insightful leader. There is significant information about his skill in developing goals and programs in the Council and in his Areas.

Ward gave particular attention to the training of his District Superintendents.

While bishop of the New York Area Ward was involved in the racial crisis which engulfed the nation. There is not as much material on this period as might be desired, but it should not be overlooked in research. There is also significant material on the well publicized program by 60 Minutes on the role of the World and National Councils of Churches which inferred Communist sympathies on the part of those groups.

Ward was a prolific writer. Several of his published sermons are included in the collection as well as a number of unpublished manuscripts on Christian belief and practice. As an active and loyal member of the Masonic Order he spoke frequently at their assemblies. He was also an early advocate of the importance of visual aids in promoting Christian education.. The materials include early scripts he wrote as well as film strips dealing with educational themes. This interest in communication continued throughout his ministry.

There is considerable material documenting of TV and radio in the ministry of the larger Methodist Church.

Methodist history was one of Ward's special interests. The collection includes addresses he gave on this theme. The collection also documents Ward's continued ministry after retirement in 1980. There is a small but significant body of material on the Ward family. There are photos and genealogical materials. The latter material pertains to both the Bishop's roots but also those of his spouse, Arleen Burdick Ward. There are a few items from Arleen's childhood which are particularly attractive. She was a Christian educator in her own right, and some of the articles she authored are included in the collection. Family letters from the Ward children depicting their activities and marriages are also in the collection. For the interest of the researcher who may be working on Bishop Ward's life and ministry this family section has extensive materials written by the bishop in preparation of his autobiography. This autobiography was never published, but offers a sound base for understanding the man.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Family
Series: Ministry
subseries: Episcopacy
subseries: New York Area
subseries: Retirement
subseries: Sermons
subseries: Syracuse Area Administration
subseries: Writings and Addresses
subseries: Artifacts

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, W. Ralph Ward, Jr. Collection, United Methodist Church Archives- GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions regarding this collection.

Index Terms

Subject Names- Personal
Ward, Arleen
Ward, David
Subject Topics
Methodist Church (U.S.). Uniting Conference
Methodist Church-Annual Conference-United States-Troy
Methodist Church-Government
Methodist Church-Missions
Methodist church. General conference
Methodist universities and colleges
United Metodist Church (U.S.). Uniting Conference
Subject Geographic
New York (N.Y.)
New York (State)
United States
Audio-visual materials
Devotional literature
Pins (Jewelry)
Subject Names - Corporate Bodies
Methodist Church (U.S.)
Methodist Church (U.S.). General Conference
Methodist Church (U.S.). Troy Conference
United Methodist Church (U.S.). General Conference

Container List

Series: Family
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-4-2: 34 Autobiographical Notes I 1943-1980
1350-4-2: 35 Autobiographical Notes II 1964-1985
1350-4-2: 36 Autobiographical Notes III Undated
1350-4-2: 37 Ordination Credentials 1929-1934
1350-4-2: 38 Pre - Retirement Seminar 1978-1979
1350-4-2: 39 Play : This Is Your Life Undated
1350-4-2: 40 Photos - Family and Episcopal 1943-1984
1350-4-2: 41 Correspondence - Appointment to Mt. Lebanon 1948-1949
1350-4-2: 42 Ward, Arleen Burdick 1932-1973
1350-4-3: 1 Family 1936-1991
1350-4-3: 2 Miscellaneous Family Items 1933-1969
1350-4-3: 3 Arleen Ward's Notes and Publications 1904-1979
1350-4-3: 4 Ward Son's Letters to Parents 1959-1968

Series: Ministry
Sub-series: Episcopacy
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-3-1: 1 Race Relations Workshop 1962
1350-3-1: 2 Southeast Visitation 1963
1350-3-1: 3 Jurisdictional Conference 1964
1350-3-1: 4 Miscellaneous 1964
1350-3-1: 5 Council of Bishops - By-Laws 1964
1350-3-1: 6 Episcopal Address 1965
1350-3-1: 7 Report on Scandinavia 1966
1350-3-1: 8 Appalachian Visitation 1966
1350-3-1: 9 Visitation Report- Scandinavia, Central Europe, North Africa 1966
1350-3-1: 10 Council of Bishops- Scrap book 1967
1350-3-1: 11 Council of Bishops- 1967
1350-3-1: 12 Campus Disorder 1969
1350-3-1: 13 Council of Bishops- Program Council 1970
1350-3-1: 14 Council of Bishops- Executive 1968-1971
1350-3-1: 15 Black Athletes Allegations 1970-1971
1350-3-1: 16 Council of Bishops UN Visitation 1971
1350-3-1: 17 Episcopal Messages 1971-1972
1350-3-1: 18 Episcopal Visitation Africa 1974
1350-3-1: 19 Council of Bishops - Agenda Addendum 1974
1350-3-1: 20 Ralph Ward, Jr. President Council of Bishops 1975
1350-3-1: 21 Council of Bishops 1975
1350-3-1: 22 Council of Bishops --Sermon 1975
1350-3-1: 23 Council of Bishops Remarks 1975
1350-3-1: 24 Episcopal Greetings 1976
1350-3-1: 25 United Methodists Confront the World 1976
1350-3-1: 26 Council of Bishops 1976
1350-3-1: 27 Council of Bishops - Index and Minutes 1978-1979
1350-3-1: 28 Jurisdictional Conference 1979
1350-3-1: 29 National Division - TV UMC 1980
1350-3-1: 30 Council of Bishops - Agenda Addendum 1980
1350-3-1: 31 Council of Bishops - Agenda Addendum 1980-1981
1350-3-1: 32 Bishops Roster 1982
1350-3-1: 33 Keeping Body and Soul Together 1982
1350-3-1: 34 Council of Bishops - Executive Committee 1982
1350-3-1: 35 Council of Bishops - Agenda Addendum 1983
1350-3-1: 36 Council of Bishops 1984-1985
1350-3-1: 37 Bishops 1984-1987
1350-3-1: 38 Episcopal Information Undated
Sub-series: New York Area
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-3-2: 46 Reassignment Letter 1972
1350-3-2: 47 Nixon 1973
1350-3-2: 48 Evaluation Task Force 1973
1350-3-2: 49 New York Area News 1973
1350-3-2: 50 The Bishops Africa Papers 1973
1350-3-2: 51 A Call to Teaching 1973
1350-3-2: 52 Episcopal Accountability 1974
1350-3-2: 53 Africa Visitation 1974
1350-3-2: 54 Pension Crusade 1974-1975
1350-3-2: 55 Episcopal Statements 1974-1975
1350-3-2: 56 Episcopal Statements 1973
1350-3-2: 57 Harold Bosley Farewell Dinner 1974
1350-3-2: 58 Bishop Ward Correspondence 1974
1350-3-2: 59 Pension Special Gifts 1975
1350-3-2: 60 Ward Letters of Congratulations Pres. Council of Bishops 1975
1350-3-2: 61 Bishop New York Area Concerns 1975
1350-3-2: 62 The District Superintendent- Function and Selection 1974
1350-3-3: 1 Ordination Visible and Invisible 1974-1975
1350-3-3: 2 Ward - Service of Celebration 1975
1350-3-3: 3 British Methodist Conference 1975
1350-3-3: 4 Mission in the Small Church 1977
1350-3-3: 5 New York Conference Spiritual Life Retreats 1977
1350-3-3: 6 Educational Opportunities 1978
1350-3-3: 7 Leadership- Deemphasis or Emphasis 1978
1350-3-3: 8 Bishops Convocation Sub-Committee 1978
1350-3-3: 9 Episcopal Convocation- Ethnic Minority Local Church 1978
1350-3-3: 10 Episcopal Concerns 1979
1350-3-3: 11 Pope John Paul 1979
1350-3-3: 12 Ground-Breaking Keeseville Country Gardens 1979
1350-3-3: 13 Convocation on Religious Freedom 1979
1350-3-3: 14 Ethnic Training Center- Drew 1978-1980
1350-3-3: 15 Feasibility Study for TV Ownership 1979
1350-3-3: 16 Episcopal Message- Troy Conference 1979
1350-3-3: 17 Earthly Hungers and the Good News 1979
1350-3-3: 18 The Simple Is Never Enough 1979
1350-3-3: 19 Consultation With New York Conference and Board of Ministry 1979
1350-3-3: 20 Correspondence Miscellaneous 1979-1980
1350-3-3: 21 Baker University 1979-1980
1350-3-3: 22 Ward's Record of Ordinations - NY and Troy Conferences 1973-1980
1350-3-3: 23 Gov. Hugh Cary NY 1977-1980
1350-3-3: 24 US President Jimmy Carter 1977-1980
1350-3-3: 25 Boston University 1977
1350-3-3: 26 Pastors Retreats 1978
1350-3-3: 27 Ward - Renewal Leave 1978-1980
1350-3-3: 28 St. Peters 1979-1980
1350-3-3: 29 Visits and Sermons 1978-1980
1350-3-3: 30 WR Ward Personal 1980
1350-3-3: 31 Anyone for Calvary 1980
1350-3-3: 32 Task Force TV Presence and Ministry 1980
1350-3-3: 33 Olympics Lake Placid 1980
1350-3-3: 34 Financial Reports and Papers 1980
1350-3-3: 35 Ground- Breaking 1980
1350-3-3: 36 TV and Radio Presence-Episcopal Lists 1980-1981
1350-3-3: 37 TV Presence and Radio 1980-1981
1350-3-3: 38 Mission of the Small Church Undated
1350-3-3: 39 The Area Plan in United Methodism 1972
1350-3-3: 40 Correspondence 1972
1350-3-3: 41 Correspondence 1973
1350-3-3: 42 Letters to Ministers 1976-1979
1350-3-3: 43 Masonic Correspondence 1977
1350-3-3: 44 Correspondence 1977-1978
1350-3-3: 45 Masons 1979
1350-3-3: 46 Correspondence 1979
1350-3-3: 47 Correspondence 1980
1350-3-3: 48 Retirement Correspondence 1980
1350-3-3: 49 Auburn Theological Seminary 1980
Sub-series: Retirement
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-4-1: 1 Devotions- Drew Faculty 1980
1350-4-1: 2 Bishop in Residence at Drew 1980-1981
1350-4-1: 3 Round Hill Decision 1981
1350-4-1: 4 Central Conference- Switzerland 1981
1350-4-1: 5 Puerto Rico Conference 1981
1350-4-1: 6 Feast of the Paschal Lamb 1981
1350-4-1: 7 TV Presence and Ministry 1981
1350-4-1: 8 Randolpf Nugent Welcome 1981
1350-4-1: 9 Methodist Archives 1981
1350-4-1: 10 Visitation Report Central Conference- Switzerland 1981
1350-4-1: 11 On Being Interested in Ministry 1981
1350-4-1: 12 Board of Global Ministry- Communion Service 1982
1350-4-1: 13 A Look at Ourselves 1982
1350-4-1: 14 Cathedral of St. John the Divine 1982
1350-4-1: 15 A Day for Rededication 1982
1350-4-1: 16 United Methodists and the Conservative Mood 1982
1350-4-1: 17 Invocation Drew University 1982
1350-4-1: 18 IBM Van Gordon 1982
1350-4-1: 19 Dr. Tom Oden Discussion 1983
1350-4-1: 20 General Board of Global Ministries 1983
1350-4-1: 21 Passage in a Minister's Career 1983
1350-4-1: 22 Cardinal Terrance Cooke 1983
1350-4-1: 23 Glide Memorial 1983
1350-4-1: 24 "60 Minutes" Attack on UMC 1983
1350-4-1: 25 "60" Minutes Attack on UMC 1983
1350-4-1: 26 "60" Minutes Attack on the UMC 1983
1350-4-1: 27 Summary Polity 1984
1350-4-1: 28 China 1984
1350-4-1: 29 China 1984
1350-4-1: 30 Student Affairs 1984
1350-4-1: 31 Renewal Through Remembrance 1984
1350-4-1: 32 Archives and History Building Fund 1984
1350-4-1: 33 Bishop Nichols Farewell Party 1984
1350-4-1: 34 The Bishop and the Chair 1977
1350-4-1: 35 Conflict Seminar 1984
1350-4-1: 36 Missions and the Local Church 1982-1983
1350-4-1: 37 Bishop Earl Ledden 1984
1350-4-1: 38 China Talk 1985
1350-4-1: 39 Bishop and the District Superintendent 1982
1350-4-1: 40 Special Assistant to President Paul Hardin 1984-1985
1350-4-1: 41 The Ministry of Music 1985
1350-4-1: 42 Theology of Ministry 1985
1350-4-1: 43 Educational Opportunities 1985
1350-4-1: 44 History Project NY Methodism 1985-1986
1350-4-1: 45 What's Troubling United Methodists 1986
1350-4-1: 46 Dutch Neck 1986
1350-4-1: 47 Ward's Retirement 1987
1350-4-1: 48 Clarence Hook Undated
1350-4-1: 49 Drew Trustees 1987
1350-4-1: 50 Masonic Correspondence and Material 1983
1350-4-1: 51 Personal Correspondence Post Retirement 1980-1983
1350-4-1: 52 Correspondence, and Speaking Schedule 1981-1987
1350-4-1: 53 Masonic Material and Correspondence 1982-1983
1350-4-2: 1 Correspondence 1984-1987
1350-4-2: 2 Correspondence 1987
1350-4-2: 3 Index of Sermons at Mt. Lebanon 1948
1350-4-2: 4 Eternal Life and Daily Life 1948
1350-4-2: 5 Living Christ: The Hope of the World 1950
1350-4-2: 6 Book Ideas for Publication 1948-1952
1350-4-2: 7 VIQ -Very Important Questions Undated
1350-4-2: 8 Pointed Paragraphs Undated
1350-4-2: 9 George Washington: A WORTHY Brother and Trusted Guide 1952
1350-4-2: 10 Frank Laubach -Educator Undated
1350-4-2: 11 Plymouth Colony in Contemporary reflection 1956
1350-4-2: 12 Our Faith and Our World 1956
1350-4-2: 13 The Lord's Prayer Undated
1350-4-2: 14 Articles in Magazines I 1949-1957
1350-4-2: 15 Articles in Magazines II 1953-1968
1350-4-2: 16 Articles in Magazines III 1957-1968
1350-4-2: 17 Bible Study Course 1931
1350-4-2: 18 National Sermon Series 1946
1350-4-2: 19 WRW - Personal Proposal 1980
1350-4-2: 20 The Continuing Presence of Jesus Christ Undated
1350-4-2: 21 Pointed Paragraphs - Classmate 1952
1350-4-2: 22 Christian Beliefs 1953-1957
1350-4-2: 23 You Can Know God 1944
1350-4-2: 24 Making A Go of Life 1954
1350-4-2: 25 Making A Go of Life ( A series of Sermons) 1955
1350-4-2: 26 Publication Proposals 1941-1944
1350-4-2: 27 Proposed Publications - The Four Words of Christmas 1953
1350-4-2: 28 Stewardship of Possessions 1953
1350-4-2: 29 Jesus and the Problems of Life 1953
1350-4-2: 30 Good Friday - A Radio Sermon Undated
1350-4-2: 31 WDTV A Meditation 1953
1350-4-2: 32 WDTV Holy Week Talks 1954
1350-4-2: 33 What an Ecumenical Council Could Mean 1959
Sub-series: Sermons
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1348-5-1: 1 Genesis Undated
1348-5-1: 2 Genesis Undated
1348-5-1: 3 Genesis Undated
1348-5-1: 4 Exodus Undated
1348-5-1: 5 Exodus Undated
1348-5-1: 6 Leviticus Undated
1348-5-1: 7 Deuteronomy Undated
1348-5-1: 8 Joshua Undated
1348-5-1: 9 Judges Undated
1348-5-1: 10 1 Samuel Undated
1348-5-1: 11 2 Samuel Undated
1348-5-1: 12 1 Kings Undated
1348-5-1: 13 1 Chronicles Undated
1348-5-1: 14 Nehemiah Undated
1348-5-1: 15 Job Undated
1348-5-1: 16 Psalms Undated
1348-5-1: 17 Psalms Undated
1348-5-1: 18 Psalms Undated
1348-5-1: 19 Psalms Undated
1348-5-1: 20 Proverbs Undated
1348-5-1: 21 Ecclesiastes Undated
1348-5-1: 22 Song of Solomon Undated
1348-5-1: 23 Isaiah Undated
1348-5-1: 24 Isaiah Undated
1348-5-1: 25 Jeremiah Undated
1348-5-1: 26 Lamentations Undated
1348-5-1: 27 Ezekiel Undated
1348-5-1: 28 Daniel Undated
1348-5-1: 29 Hosea Undated
1348-5-1: 30 Joel Undated
1348-5-1: 31 Amos Undated
1348-5-1: 32 Micah Undated
1348-5-1: 33 Habakkuk Undated
1348-5-1: 34 Zechariah Undated
1348-5-1: 35 Malachi Undated
1348-5-2: 1 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 2 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 3 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 4 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 5 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 6 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 7 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 8 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 9 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 10 Matthew Undated
1348-5-2: 11 Mark Undated
1348-5-2: 12 Mark Undated
1348-5-2: 13 Mark Undated
1348-5-2: 14 Mark Undated
1348-5-2: 15 Mark Undated
1348-5-3: 1 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 2 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 3 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 4 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 5 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 6 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 7 Luke Undated
1348-5-3: 8 John Undated
1348-5-3: 9 John Undated
1348-5-3: 10 John Undated
1348-5-3: 11 John Undated
1348-5-3: 12 John Undated
1348-5-3: 13 John Undated
1348-6-1: 1 John Undated
1348-6-1: 2 John Undated
1348-6-1: 3 Acts Undated
1348-6-1: 4 Acts Undated
1348-6-1: 5 Acts Undated
1348-6-1: 6 Romans Undated
1348-6-1: 7 Romans Undated
1348-6-1: 8 Romans Undated
1348-6-1: 9 1 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 10 1 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 11 1 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 12 2 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 13 2 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 14 2 Corinthians Undated
1348-6-1: 15 Galatians Undated
1348-6-2: 1 Ephesians Undated
1348-6-2: 2 Ephesians Undated
1348-6-2: 3 Colossians Undated
1348-6-2: 4 1 Thessalonians Undated
1348-6-2: 5 2 Thessalonians Undated
1348-6-2: 6 1 Timothy Undated
1348-6-2: 7 2 Timothy Undated
1348-6-2: 8 Philemon Undated
1348-6-2: 9 Hebrews Undated
1348-6-2: 10 James Undated
1348-6-2: 11 1 Peter Undated
1348-6-2: 12 2 Peter Undated
1348-6-2: 13 1 John Undated
1348-6-2: 14 Revelation Undated
1348-6-2: 15 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 16 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 17 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 18 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 19 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 20 No Text Undated
1348-6-2: 21 Philippians Undated
1348-6-3: 1 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 2 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 3 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 4 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 5 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 6 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 7 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 8 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 9 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 10 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 11 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 12 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 13 No Text Undated
1348-6-3: 14 No Text Undated
Sub-series: Syracuse Area Administration
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-3-1: 39 The Annual Conference 1965-1966
1350-3-1: 40 Methodist Inner City Team 1966
1350-3-1: 41 Forman - The black Manifesto 1969
1350-3-1: 42 Developments We cannot Avoid. Opportunities We dare not Neglect 1969
1350-3-1: 43 From Transformer to Transformed 1969
1350-3-1: 44 Bishop Ward, Jr. Notes 1968
1350-3-1: 45 Maps - Syracuse 1960
1350-3-1: 46 Father - Son Breakfast 1969
1350-3-1: 47 Council of Bishops and the Program Council 1970
1350-3-1: 48 Guidlines from the Wilderness 1964
1350-3-1: 49 The Gospel of Surprise 1964
1350-3-1: 50 Race Questions 1969
1350-3-1: 51 Puerto Rico Visitation 1965
1350-3-1: 52 Appalachian Visitation 1966
1350-3-1: 53 Yesterday's Legacy Today's Task 1966
1350-3-1: 54 Invocation- Syracuse University 1970
1350-3-1: 55 The Light That Shines in the Darkness 1971
1350-3-1: 56 The Continuing Search for Unity 1972
1350-3-1: 57 Continuing Challenge for the Family 1972
1350-3-1: 58 Aldersgate 1972
1350-3-1: 59 The Master's Love 1972
1350-3-1: 60 Call to Peace 1972
1350-3-1: 61 Appreciation Dinner 1972
1350-3-1: 62 Radio and TV messages for Christmas 1961
1350-3-1: 63 The Christian Witness 1960-1969
1350-3-1: 64 Don and Bunny Wright 10th Anniversary 1969
1350-3-1: 65 Boldness in Mission 1967
1350-3-1: 66 Mission the Christian's Calling 1953-1959
1350-3-1: 67 Hospitals and Homes - Columbus, O. 1959-1962
1350-3-2: 1 The Growing Edge 1961
1350-3-2: 2 Except My Brother 1961
1350-3-2: 3 The Guest Room - Communion Meditation 1961
1350-3-2: 4 The Glory He Gives 1961
1350-3-2: 5 Notes Area Program 1961
1350-3-2: 6 Outer Space or Inner Spirit 1961
1350-3-2: 7 Wanted 1961
1350-3-2: 8 Astronauts of the Spirit 1962
1350-3-2: 9 The center of Communication 1963
1350-3-2: 10 Williamsville Home Ground Breaking 1963
1350-3-2: 11 Southeast Asia Report 1963
1350-3-2: 12 Aldersgate 1963
1350-3-2: 13 Civil Rights 1961-1963
1350-3-2: 14 John Birch Society 1961-1962
1350-3-2: 15 Christian Higher Education 1961-1962
1350-3-2: 16 Church Union - Methodist and EUB 1963
1350-3-2: 17 Communism and the Church 1961
1350-3-2: 18 Episcopacy 1962-1964
1350-3-2: 19 Ecumenical Church 1963
1350-3-2: 20 President Kennedy 1963
1350-3-2: 21 National Mission Papers 1963
1350-3-2: 22 Pusey, Nathan Harvard Baccalaureate 1961
1350-3-2: 23 Inter- Jurisdictional Commission 1962
1350-3-2: 24 Race Undated
1350-3-2: 25 Roman Catholic Ecumenical council 1962
1350-3-2: 26 The Layman 1962
1350-3-2: 27 Syracuse University Chancellor Tolley 1960-1961
1350-3-2: 28 CNY Conference Tour 1971
1350-3-2: 29 The Area Plan in United Methodism 1972
1350-3-2: 30 The Annual Conference 1965
1350-3-2: 31 The Church is There in Estonia 1966
1350-3-2: 32 Advance toward Tomorrow 1965
1350-3-2: 33 A Call to Advance 1967
1350-3-2: 34 The Bishop and the Annual Conference Undated
1350-3-2: 35 Brazil 1970
1350-3-2: 36 European trip 1966
1350-3-2: 37 Overseas Visitation 1966
1350-3-2: 38 Dean Charles C. Noble 1968
1350-3-2: 39 Robert V Holmes Don Peck 1968
1350-3-2: 40 Donald M. Peck 1971
1350-3-2: 41 Correspondence 1970
1350-3-2: 42 Correspondence with Bishops 1963-1971
1350-3-2: 43 General Material 1972
1350-3-2: 44 Ground Breaking 1972
1350-3-2: 45 Churches Visited 1972-1973
Sub-series: Writings and Addresses
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1350-2-1: 1 Bay State Church Life 1940
1350-2-1: 2 Bible Speaks to Our Generation 1942
1350-2-1: 3 Stewardship Lecture 1944
1350-2-1: 4 Ecumenical Church 1947
1350-2-1: 5 Charge Conference Reports 1937-1948
1350-2-1: 6 Federal Council of Churches 1948
1350-2-1: 7 Bio Sketches - Luther - Jesus 1950
1350-2-1: 8 The Mind of Jesus - Accent the Positive 1950
1350-2-1: 9 Memorial Remarks Supreme Council 1951
1350-2-1: 10 Film Strip Script and Guide 1951
1350-2-1: 11 Church's For our Country's Needs 1951
1350-2-1: 12 Human Rights and Today's World 1951
1350-2-1: 13 Book of Revelation 1953
1350-2-1: 14 Faith in the Third Dimension 1954
1350-2-1: 15 Mission in Suburbia 1954
1350-2-1: 16 Beauty in the Heart 1954
1350-2-1: 17 Ye Believe -- Believe 1954
1350-2-1: 18 Masonry and the Modern Mood 1955
1350-2-1: 19 The Sphere of the Kingdom 1955
1350-2-1: 20 District Superintendent- A Vital Link in Methodism 1955
1350-2-1: 21 Nemacolin Retreat 1955
1350-2-1: 22 Olympics Address ( as J. Wesley) 1980
1350-2-1: 23 Prayers Undated
1350-2-1: 24 General Conference Preview 1956
1350-2-1: 25 Deepening the Spiritual Life 1956
1350-2-1: 26 Service Dedication and Consecration 1956
1350-2-1: 27 Thoughts on the Spiritual Renaissance 1956
1350-2-1: 28 Plymouth Colony 1956
1350-2-1: 29 Finding God Where We Least Expect Him 1956
1350-2-1: 30 Adventuring in Churchmanship 1956
1350-2-1: 31 Devotional Materials -- TV 1956
1350-2-1: 32 Script for "The Journey" 1957
1350-2-1: 33 The Way of the Cross 1957
1350-2-1: 34 Masonry Today 1958
1350-2-1: 35 Christian Beliefs 1958
1350-2-1: 36 The Grandeur of Abraham Lincoln 1958
1350-2-1: 37 An Open Secret 1958
1350-2-1: 38 Protestantism and the Bicentennial 1959
1350-2-1: 39 The Fellowship of His Suffering 1959
1350-2-1: 40 Our Christian Heritage 1960
1350-2-1: 41 Fine Arts 1960
1350-2-1: 42 Luke's Gospel 1960
1350-2-1: 43 The Challenge of Our Calling 1961
1350-2-1: 44 New Dimensions in Churchmanship 1961
1350-2-1: 45 Our Mission Today 1961
1350-2-1: 46 On Building Up the Church 1961
1350-2-1: 47 On Developing Disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ 1961
1350-2-1: 48 Our Mission Today 1961
1350-2-1: 49 The Faith that Compels Us 1961
1350-2-1: 50 Factors That Confront Us 1961
1350-2-1: 51 The Frontiers That Call Us 1961
1350-2-1: 52 Our Witness on the Campus 1961
1350-2-1: 53 Evangelism in A revolutionary Ages 1962
1350-2-1: 54 The Pastoral Ministry 1962
1350-2-1: 55 The Ingredients of Freedom 1962
1350-2-1: 56 The Mask of Christmas 1962
1350-2-1: 57 The Church and Communism in a World of Change 1962
1350-2-1: 58 The Making of Ministers 1963
1350-2-1: 59 His Identification and Ours 1964
1350-2-2: 1 Ingredients of Freedom 1962
1350-2-2: 2 The Road Ahead for the Church 1962
1350-2-2: 3 A Preacher in Process 1962
1350-2-2: 4 New Horizons in Evangelism 1962
1350-2-2: 5 Summons to America 1962
1350-2-2: 6 Our Protestant Heritage in a Time of Change 1962
1350-2-2: 7 Thanksgiving Sermon 1962
1350-2-2: 8 Address- Children's Home 1963
1350-2-2: 9 Take With You 1963
1350-2-2: 10 Aldersgate Speaks Today 1963
1350-2-2: 11 Aldersgate Speaks To Youth 1963
1350-2-2: 12 Working On the Frontier in Personal Standards 1963
1350-2-2: 13 What Do You Hear 1963
1350-2-2: 14 In All Your 1963
1350-2-2: 15 In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him 1964
1350-2-2: 16 General Conference Devotional Address 1964
1350-2-2: 17 Invocation Newhouse Dinner 1964
1350-2-2: 18 Bishop Flint Interment Remarks 1964
1350-2-2: 19 Dutton Peterson Funeral Address 1964
1350-2-2: 20 Basic Needs of the Local Church 1964
1350-2-2: 21 Challenge to the Ministry 1964
1350-2-2: 22 Address to Welcome Bishop Newell Both 1964
1350-2-2: 23 Faith in the New 1964
1350-2-2: 24 Advance toward Tomorrow 1965
1350-2-2: 25 The Other Way 1965
1350-2-2: 26 Church and Rapid Social and Economic Change 1966
1350-2-2: 27 The Methodist Story 1966
1350-2-2: 28 The Incarnation: God Meeting Man's Needs 1967
1350-2-2: 29 The Adequate Resources 1967
1350-2-2: 30 Take Love Along 1967
1350-2-2: 31 Boldness in Mission 1967
1350-2-2: 32 Our UMC Beliefs 1967
1350-2-2: 33 The Real Unity 1968
1350-2-2: 34 The Christian Ethic in a World of Revolution 1968
1350-2-2: 35 A New Church for a New World 1968
1350-2-2: 36 Discipleship 21st Century Style 1968
1350-2-2: 37 The Place Whereon We Stand 1969
1350-2-2: 38 The Shattering of the Walls 1969
1350-2-2: 39 A Vital Model for the Ministry Today 1969
1350-2-2: 40 On Having a Sense of History 1969
1350-2-2: 41 Small Steps for Everyman 1969
1350-2-2: 42 A Christmas Message 1969
1350-2-2: 43 Confronting Uneasiness in the Church 1969
1350-2-2: 44 On Having a Meaningful Faith 1969
1350-2-2: 45 John a. Mabuce 1970
1350-2-2: 46 On Being a Program Council 1970
1350-2-2: 47 Jesus Christ Citizen of the World 1970
1350-2-2: 48 Brazil and So. America 1970
1350-2-2: 49 Gertrude Viorgi Brown 1970
1350-2-2: 50 Miscellaneous Prayers and Messages 1971
1350-2-2: 51 How shall we meet tomorrow? 1971
1350-2-2: 52 Legislative Speech 1972
1350-2-2: 53 Communion Sermon 1972
1350-2-2: 54 The Mind of Christ 1972
1350-2-2: 55 Churches and the Political System 1972
1350-2-2: 56 Reflections on a Common Task 1972
1350-2-2: 57 Roderamel 1972
1350-2-2: 58 The Monday Club 1973
1350-2-2: 59 Bishop Ward Speeches 1974
1350-2-2: 60 Roy M. Terry Retirement 1974
1350-2-2: 61 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday 1974
1350-2-2: 62 Straight Thinking on Missions 1974
1350-2-2: 63 Inauguration Celebration 1975
1350-2-2: 64 Confronting Our Discontent 1975
1350-2-2: 65 Spiritual Renewal 1975
1350-2-2: 66 Manifesting Corporateness in the Council of Bishops- Accountability 1975
1350-2-2: 67 Factors Leading to Ministry 1977
1350-2-2: 68 Some UMC Words 1977
1350-2-2: 69 Emily Lewis Newell 1978
1350-2-2: 70 Jean Hood Memorial Service 1978
1350-2-2: 71 A Gathering Tide 1978
1350-2-2: 72 Albany United Methodist Society 1978
1350-2-2: 73 On Being Committed 1979
1350-2-2: 74 Herbert Skeets 1979
1350-2-2: 75 Welthy Honsinger Fisher 1979
1350-2-2: 76 Annual Conference Troy 1979-1980
1350-2-2: 77 General Conference 1980
1350-2-2: 78 John Willem Memorial Service 1980
1350-2-2: 79 Changes in Methodism 1939-1980
1350-2-2: 80 Bishop Newell Service of Remembrance 1980
1350-2-2: 81 Remarks-Recognition Dinner 1980
1350-2-2: 82 New York Conference Staff party 1980
1350-2-2: 83 Farewell Dinner Syracuse Area 1972
1350-2-3: 1 Bishop Jack Mathews Dinner 1980
1350-2-3: 2 On Being an Olympic Christian 1980
1350-2-3: 3 The Wesleys 20th Century 1980
1350-2-3: 4 Troy Conf. UMW- Many Gifts One Spirit 1980
1350-2-3: 5 The Continuing Call 1980
1350-2-3: 6 Troy Confer. Introductory Message 1980
1350-2-3: 7 A Tribute to John Wesley 1981
1350-2-3: 8 The Mind of Paul- Bible Study 1981
1350-2-3: 9 Remarks at Annual Dinner 1981
1350-2-3: 10 Bernardsville UMC NJ 40th Anniversary of Elmo Pascall 1981
1350-2-3: 11 Cuba Visitation 1983
1350-2-3: 12 Encuentro- Drew Theo. Seminary 1982
1350-2-3: 13 Homosexuality and the Church 1983
1350-2-3: 14 Dorothy Aecher Retirement Dinner 1983
1350-2-3: 15 Our Mission Today 1984
1350-2-3: 16 United in a Sense of Purpose 1984
1350-2-3: 17 Ministry in the City 1985
1350-2-3: 18 Camp Meeting in History 1986
1350-2-3: 19 A Witness on the Journey 1986
1350-2-3: 20 China Talk 1986
1350-2-3: 21 The Call: God's Summons to Vocation 1986
1350-2-3: 22 The Nature of the Church: Ephesians Undated
1350-2-3: 23 The One lord: Ephesians Undated
1350-2-3: 24 Methodist History Undated
1350-2-3: 25 Unity In the Church of Jesus Christ Undated
1350-2-3: 26 Ministry in the Time of Change Undated
1350-2-3: 27 The Link Between Undated
1350-2-3: 28 Mt. Lebanon UMC Undated
1350-2-3: 29 Talk on the Holy land Undated
1350-2-3: 30 Episcopal Accountability Undated
1350-2-3: 31 Evangelism in a Revolutionary Age Undated
1350-2-3: 32 Crucial Issues before the Church- the Monday Club Undated
1350-2-3: 33 The Fine Art of Christian Leadership Undated
1350-2-3: 34 How to become a Christian Undated
1350-2-3: 35 Talk on Children Undated
1350-2-3: 36 Consciousness and the Missing Component Undated
1350-2-3: 37 The Continuing Focus On Urban Ministry Undated
1350-2-3: 38 Children in Worship Undated
1350-2-3: 39 The Ministry-- A Disciplinary Overview Undated
1350-2-3: 40 The Austrian Church: World Council in Miniature Undated
1350-2-3: 41 Agents of God's Faithfulness Undated
1350-2-3: 42 Authentic Man Encounters God's World Through Religion Undated
1350-2-3: 43 As I Remember Them: Royalty of the Pulpit Undated
1350-2-3: 44 Where The Church Must Not Fail Undated
1350-2-3: 45 West Virginia Evangelism Undated
1350-2-3: 46 Statement to The NY Area District Superintendents Undated
1350-2-3: 47 Striving Toward an Authentic Faith Undated
1350-2-3: 48 Seeking New Directions In Ecumenical Mission Undated
1350-2-3: 49 South America Correspondence Undated
1350-2-3: 50 Sadat Memorial Undated
1350-2-3: 51 Religious Beliefs Undated
1350-2-3: 52 How To Take Children to Church Undated
1350-2-3: 53 Crusade for a New World Order 1944
1350-2-3: 54 Correspondence 1944-1946
1350-2-3: 55 Crusade for Christ 1944-1948
1350-2-3: 56 Hartford Seminary Foundation 1947
1350-2-3: 57 Visual Aids and Films 1947
1350-2-3: 58 General Conference 1948
1350-2-3: 59 Three Quadrennia L,C, Wicke 1948-1960
1350-2-3: 60 Council of Bishops Messages 1939-1979
1350-2-3: 61 General Conference 1960
1350-2-3: 62 Articles and Statements 1960
1350-2-3: 63 Jurisdiction Reports 1960-1968
1350-2-3: 64 College of Bishops 1960-1972
1350-2-3: 65 Africa Mission 1960
1350-2-3: 66 Jurisdictional Conference 1960
1350-2-3: 67 Summons to Our Calling 1961
1350-2-3: 68 Council of Bishops 1961-1972
1350-2-3: 69 Robert Gordon Testimonial Dinner 1981
1350-2-3: 70 50th Anniversary Wesley Foundation Undated
Sub-series: Artifacts
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
5009-6-1: 56 Asbury Medallion 1971
5009-6-1: 57 General Conference Medallion 1948
5009-6-1: 58 Northeast Jurisdictional Conference Medal 1948
5015-3-3: 1 Invitation Plaque: Inauguration, Bishop, New York Area 1975