Images related to Methodist mission work in India taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to Methodist mission work in India taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to ministries among Native Americans taken under the direction of the Board of Missions in the 1910s and 1920s
Images related to ministries among Native Americans taken under the direction of the Board of Missions in the 1910s through the 1930s
Images documenting Native Americans' social and church life along with services sponsored by the church.
Images related to Methodist mission work in Japan taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to Methodist mission work in Japan taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to Methodist mission work in Japan taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to Methodist mission work in Japan taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s
Images related to Methodist mission work in Japan taken under the direction of the Board of Missions between the 1900s and late 1920s