Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0114
Transcription: H871 San Juan. The Axtmayer Headquarters of Bishop Hamilton, Dr. McDowall and the photographer in 1918.
H872 San Juan. The Axtmayer
H873 San Juan. House near the Axtmayer. Boy carrying laundry in front
H874 San Juan. Miramar, number 1 . Typical apartment house.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0115
Transcription: H875 San Juan. Typical apartment house. Miramar
number 2
H876 San Juan. Typical apartment house opposite the Axtmayer.
H877 San Juan. Santource Union Club
H878 San Juan Private home, the vine running over the end of the house is the Bougainvillaea.( Bougainvillea is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, or trees. The inflorescence consists of large colorful sepal like bracts which surround three simple waxy flowers)
Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0116
Transcription: H879 San Juan. Puerta Tarre. Looking down the railroad track showing the houses in the poorer section of city.
H880 San Juan. Puerta Tarre. General view of the houses
H881 and H882 San Juan. Group at water tap
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0117
Transcription: H883 San Juan. At the water tap
H884 San Juan. Puerta Tierra Type. a girl with her water can
H885 San Juan. Puerta Tierra. Type. Woman with water can.
H886 San Juan. San Juan. Puerta Tierra. Type. of young woman.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0118
Transcription: H 877 and H888 San Juan. Puerta Tierra. A little girl.
H889 San Juan. Man on the street corner
H890 San Juan. Street scene. Dr. McDowell with umbrella, walking away from the camera.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0119
Transcription: H891 San Juan. Bishop Hamilton, Dr. McDowell and Rev. Andujar on street
H892 San Juan. Soldiers funeral. After procession has passed.
H893 San Juan. Soldiers funeral. The Hearse
H894 San Juan. Street Scene. Soldier's funeral passing a street car.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0120
Transcription: H895 San Juan. Food conservation sign corner of the Federal Building.
H896 San Juan. Priest dressed in black crossing street
H897 San Juan. Type of man.
H898 San Juan. Puerta Tierra Movie Bill board.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0121
Transcription: H899 San Juan. Puerta Tierra movie bill board and boy.
H900 San Juan. Puerta Tierra . Moving picture bill board.
H901 Bill board advertising Mary Pickford movie" For flag and country. enlist now."
H902 San Juan. Three poor little boys in a patio. (open court)
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0122
Transcription: H903 and H904 San Juan. Raphael graded school nearing completion number 1
H905 Puerta de Tierra. A group of children at the Woodruff Day School
H906 A native teacher.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0123
Transcription: H907 Puerta de Terra. Three brothers and sisters. Woodruff School.
H908 San Juan. "The Light Bigrade." Children playing soldier in front of Rev. Andujar's home. Captained by Judge Hutchison's (of Federal Court) daughter.
H909 San Juan. Home of M. Nechodoma. Porter the boy of
H910 San Juan. Home of Mr. Nechodoma. Butterfly orchid near view.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0124
Transcription: H911 San Juan. Porter Nechodoma Standing at the auto door.
H912 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree. Getting the harness ready.
H913 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree. Putting on the harness.
H914 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree. Starting the climb.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0125
Transcription: H915 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree. number 4. Progressing a little way up.
H916 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree number 5 At the top. ready to throw down the milk
H917 Climbing the cocoanut tree. How it looks up there.
H918 Another glimpse into the top of the cocoanut tree.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0126
Transcription: H919 San Juan. number 8 Throwing down the nuts from the cocoanut tree. Note one in mid-air at right of tree just under leaves.
H920 San Juan number 10 At the bottom of the cocoanut tree. The joy of anticipation.
H921 San Juan. At the bottom of the tree. Cocoanut now ready to drink
H922 San Juan. number 11 The joy of realization. Drinking the milk of the cocoanut.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0127
Transcription: H923 San Juan. Climbing the cocoanut tree. number 12 Drinking deep.
H924 San Juan. number 13 drinking deeper.
H925 San Juan. Drinking from the cocoanut number 14. Having been shown how, the guest tries it.
H926 San Juan. Drinking from the cocoanut. The guest proves an apt pupil.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0128
Transcription: H927 San Juan. Drinking from the cocoanut. Number 16. The guest proceeds to go after the refreshing juice.
H928 San Juan. Drinking from the cocoanut at foot of tree. Number 17. The guest straightens up and drinks deeper.
H929 San Juan. The Virgin Mary in a glass case, used as a tomb stone at the San Juan Cemetery .
H930 The boneyard, of several years ago without a cover and full of human bones. When relatives failed to pay the rest of the vaults, the bones were thrown out.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0129
Transcription: H931 San Juan. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Murray superintendent and assistant superintendent of the orphanage. They have served six years.
H932 San Juan. Mrs. Murray buying vegetables. The same under that has served her for six years.
H933 Effa Ham Pavilion at the George O Robinson Orphanage. This is where the children play.
H934 San Juan. Group on porch of Robinson Girls Orphanage, including Mrs. Murray and daughter at left. Dr. McDowell, Bishop Hamilton and Rev. Anaujar at right.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0130
Transcription: H935 San Juan. George O. Robinson, Girl's Orphanage. Mrs. Murray and daughter, Dr. McDowell and Rev. Anaijar on porch.
H936 One of the orphanage teachers taking a mule ride at a fruit plantation. (called finca)
H937 Bathing at the Santource beach near Orphanage.
H938 Bathing on New Years Day. Orphanage teachers and friends in the country.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0131
Transcription: H939 San Juan. Entrance to kindergarten, old Spanish gate
H940 The kindergarten director and some of her babies
H941 San Juan. Kindergarten and first grade group
H942 San Juan. Second grade. McKinley Day School.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0132
Transcription: H943 San Juan. Little Mercedita fins much pleasure in being part of the whole orphanage. Her mother is a consumptive and could not care for her.
H944 San Juan. Kindergarten circle out in the patio.
H945 Group of children McKinley School San Juan, Puerto Rico
H946 Puerta de Tierra. Kindergarten.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0133
Transcription: H947 Two little kindergarten children
H948 San Juan. Two brothers McKinley School.
H949 A mother brings her children to kindergarten.
H950 San Juan. A little kindergarten child.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0134
Transcription: H951 A little kindergarten girl. McKinley School. San Juan
H952 San Juan. A little second grade boy, McKinley School.
H953 San Juan. Building with blocks at the McKinley School
H954 San Juan. Two sisters, no parents were cared for by some of their friends until we took them in.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0135
Transcription: H955 San Juan. Maria Rivera whose father carried her through streets and wished to sell her. She was rescued and brought to us.
H956 San Juan. A bright girl whose father deserted her and mother.
H957 San Juan. Group of McKinley kindergarten children.
H958 San Juan. Making the First Flag dramatized by second grade children of McKinley school.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0136
Transcription: H959 San Juan. Maria Lora. 13 years of age whose father deserted her, and is studying for nurse.
H960 A graduate who assists with cooking at present and hopes to become a kindergarten teacher. San Juan.
H961 San Juan. Two little girls with us for 5 years. Come from poor families and are developing into good intelligent girls.
H962 San Juan. Three very poor girls who came to us 5 years ago and are developing into fine women.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0137
Transcription: H963 San Juan. Little girl who was found in street by one of our Methodist ministers and brought to us in bad state. She is now well and hearty.
H964 San Juan Little girl with us 6 years. Never knew her parents; relatives care for her until she was brought to us full of vermin, etc. She is doing well.
H965 San Juan. Little girl who stayed in home for 7 years, then adopted by a family of Bridgeport, Connecticut. She is living there at present and very happy.
H966 San Juan. Juana Aldao now at head of hospital in San Domingo. She came from a disreputable family. Since graduating she has been the means of saving her family and now supports them.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0138
Transcription: H967and 968 San Juan. San Tource Kellogg Institute.
H969 San Juan. San Tource Kellogg Institute looking down front porch.
H970 San Juan. Kellogg Institute Girls
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0139
Transcription: H971 San Juan. Kellogg Institute girls
H972 San Juan Kellogg Institute girls on the front porch when they were ready to have their pictures taken.
H973 San Juan. Episcopal Church
H974 San Juan. Entrance to Presbyterian Mission rooms
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0140
Transcription: H975 The old buildings of the Presbyterian Hospital.
H976, H977 and H978 San Juan. Presbyterian Hospital.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0141
Transcription: H979 and H980 San Juan. Presbyterian Hospital
H981 San Juan. Miss Lombard (Ordway) on the roof of Presbyterian Hospital
H982 San Juan. Dr. Hildreth operating removing tubercular glands from the throat. Presbyterian Hospital.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0142
Transcription: H983, H984, H985, and H986
San Juan. Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Hildreth operating.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0143
Transcription: H987 and H988 San Juan. Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Hildreth operating.
H989 Mr. F. B. Hatch, the contractor, who built the Methodist Episcopal Churches.
H990 San Juan. Bishop and Mrs. Leete, at McKinley Day School.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0144
Transcription: H991 San Turce. Dr. Haywood's residence
H992 San Juan. The superintendent's office at Sol St. Spanish Church
H993 and H994 San Juan. School children on way home from school. Bishop Hamilton, Dr. McDowell and Rev. Andujar going down street in opposite direction.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0145
Transcription: H995 and H996 San Juan: Bishop Hamilton, Dr. McDowell and Rev. Andujar waiting for street car.
H997 San Juan: Bishop Hamilton and Rev. Andujar conversing in street car.
H998 San Juan: Dr. McDowell in street car.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0146
Transcription: H999, H1000, H1001 San Juan: Proposed site of Union Girls' College
H1002 San Juan: The coming dawn
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0147
Transcription: H1003 Rio Piedras: Cathedral
H1004 Rio Piedras: Ox cart collecting garbage
H1005 Rio Piedras: Avenue of Royal Palms
H1006 Rio Piedras: University brass band coming down avenue.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0148
Transcription: H1007 Rio Piedras. Palm tree on University grounds.
H1008, H1009, H1010 Rio Piedras: Assembly Hall of the University. Miss Luce and her music class.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0149
Transcription: H1011 Rio Piedras: Boys Playing hooky. They call it eating jobo fruit, etc.
H1012 Catano. Plaza
H1013 Catano Cathedral. Priest with white robe
H1014 The little train that runs from Catano to Bayamon.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0150
Transcription: H1015 A road repairer. On road from San Juan to Arecibo.
H1016 Road keeper repairing road. On road from San Juan to Arecibo.
H1017 San Juan to Arecibo Road making; getting the material.
H1018 San Juan to Arecibo Road making; getting the material.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0151
Transcription: H1019, H1020, H1021, H1022 San Juan to Arecibo. Roadmaking, the power roller.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0152
Transcription: H1023 On road from San Juan Bayamon Plaza
H1024 and H1025 San Juan to Arecibo: Three boys enjoying sugar cane on a bridge near Bayamon.
H1026 On road from San Juan: Vega Baja Plaza
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0153
Transcription: H1027 San Juan to Arecibo. A long stretch.
H1028, H1029, H1030 San Juan to Arecibo Road A road scene
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0154
Transcription: 1031 and 1032 Road scene from San Juan to Arecibo. Road lined with Cocoanut palms.
1033 and 1034 San Juan to Arecibo. Ox team hauling telegraph poles.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0155
Transcription: H1035 San Juan to Arecibo. Grapefruit orchard.
H1036 Grapefruit orchard on road from San Juan to Arecibo.
H1037 Hat vender on horseback on road from San Juan to Arecibo
H1038 Sugar cane along the road from San Juan to Arecibo.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0156
Transcription: H1039, H1040 and H1041. Sugar cane and river from San Juan to Arecibo.
H1042 San Juan to Arecibo. In the came field, oxen and men.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0157
Transcription: H1043 In the cane fields, on road from San Juan to Arecibo.
H1044 Ox teams hauling cane. On road from San Juan to Arecibo
H1045 and H1046 San Juan to Arecibo. Sawing out boards by hand power.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0158
Transcription: H1047 and H1048 San Juan to Arecibo. Sawing out boards by hand power.
H1049 and H1050 On road from San Juan to Arecibo. Royal Palms
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0159
Transcription: H1051, H1052, and H1053 San Juan to Arecibo, Royal Palms
H1054 Four men with Puerto Rico hoes. On road from San Juan to Arecibo.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0160
Transcription: H1055 and H1056 Arecibo Municipal jail
H1057 Arecibo Old open market
H1058 Arecibo. Old Market, general view.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0161
Transcription: H1059 and H1060 Arecibo: Old market general view.
H1061 Arecibo: Open Market Woman making a deal with a vender.
H1062 Arecibo: market
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0162
Transcription: H1063 Arecibo. Vender and customer
H1064 and H1065 Arecibo. Grandmother feeding baby held by mother.
H1066 Arecibo. Confectionary and refreshment stands.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0163
Transcription: H1067 Arecibo. Market. Vegetables vender
H1068 Arecibo. Types of women
H1069 Arecibo. Market Type elderly woman.
H1070 Arecibo. Old Woman
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0164
Transcription: H1071 Arecibo. Buying a hat
H1072 Arecibo. Hat vender and customer.
H1073 and H1074 Arecibo. Man buying hat.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0165
Transcription: H1075 and H1076 Arecibo. Man enjoying his orange purchase.
H1077 Arecibo. Going home from market
H10789 Arecibo. Pack ponies.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0166
Transcription: H1079 and H1080 Arecibo: Pack ponies
H1081 and H1082 Arecibo. Street scene; man on horseback.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0167
Transcription: H1083 Arecibo. Hat vender
H1084 Arecibo. Boy and cake box
H1085 Arecibo. Orange vender
H1086 Arecibo. Man using pony and saddle for writing desk.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0168
Transcription: H1087 Arecibo. Man using horse and saddle for a writing desk.
H1088 Arecibo. Types of children. poor section
H1089 Arecibo. Where the poor live. Boy entertaining the children.
H1090 Arecibo. Types of people.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0169
Transcription: H1091 Arecibo. Types of men and women.
H1092, H1093 and H1094 Arecibo. Boy type
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0170
Transcription: H1095 Arecibo Girl types
H1096 Arecibo. Four members of a family of five living in a shack 7 by 9 feet.
H1097 Arecibo. Garbage wagon
H1098 Arecibo Waterfront.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0171
Transcription: H1099, H1100, H1101 and H1102, Arecibo. River front view and neighborhood.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0172
Transcription: H1103 Arecibo. River front neighborhood.
H1104 Arecibo. Houses on and near the river front.
H1105 and H1106 Arecibo. Street near the river.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0173
Transcription: H1107 Arecibo. Street near the river front.
H1108 and H1109 Arecibo. Washer woman.
H1110 Arecibo. Laundry day near the river front.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0174
Transcription: H1111 Arecibo. River front neighborhood showing living conditions
H1112 Arecibo. Woman delivering laundry.
H1113 and H1112 Arecibo. Children on the waterfront . types
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0175
Transcription: H1115 and H1116 Woman on the water front.
H1117 Arecibo. High School
H1118 Arecibo. Graded School
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0176
Transcription: H1119 Arecibo. Graded School
H1120 Arecibo. Municipal Hospital
H1121 Arecibo. Plaza and Roman Catholic Church
H1122 Arecibo. Small Plaza
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0177
Transcription: H1123 and H1124, and H1125 Arecibo. Small Plaza
H1126 Arecibo. A little girl with light hair and complexion Small Plaza
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0178
Transcription: H1127 Arecibo: Little girl on the small plaza. Taken in a high wind
H1128 Arecibo: Carnival
H1129 Arecibo: Crowd on the street near the plaza
H1130 Arecibo: Carnival crowd and floats
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0179
Transcription: H1131 and H1132 Arecibo: Carnival
H1133 and H1134 Arecibo. Red Cross Float
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0180
Transcription: H1135 Arecibo. Carnival Crowd and Red Cross auto
H1136 , H1137, and H1138 Arecibo. In the Red Cross Float
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0181
Transcription: H1139 Arecibo. In the Red Cross Float.
H1140 Arecibo. Distillery near the city.
H1141 Arecibo. Highway and tree
H1142 Hatillo. Site offered for Methodist Episcopal Church
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0182
Transcription: H1143 Hatillo. Roman Catholic Church and Plaza
H1144 and H1145 Hatillo. Site offered for new Methodist Church fronting on the Plaza
H1146 Hatillo. Methodist Episcopal Church to the left of the offered site.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0183
Transcription: H1147 Hatillo. Proposed parsonage now held by Rev. Hubbard.
H1148 Hatillo. Rented parsonage.
H1149 Hatillo. Distant view of Robinson Institute.
H1150 Hatillo. Policeman and Rev. Hubbard in conversation.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0184
Transcription: H1151 and H1152 and H1153. Hatillo. Distant view of Robinson Institute.
H1154 Hatillo. Feeding the chickens.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0185
Transcription: H1155 Hatillo. Boy who feeds the chickens. Robinson Institute.
H1156 Hatillo. The cow, Robinson Institute
H1157 Hatillo. Looking east from the balcony of Robinson Institute.
H1158 Hatillo. Rev. Hubbard and matron on porch of Robinson Institute.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0186
Transcription: H1159 Hatillo. Southeast from balcony of Robinson Institute.
H1160, H1161, and H1162 Hatillo. Rev. Hubbard, wife and child.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0187
Transcription: H1163 Hatillo. One old student (orphan) and one just arrived at the Institute.
H1164 Hatillo Windmill Tower. palms, etc.
H1165 Hatillo: Robinson's Institute South from back yard.
H1166 Hatillo: basket weaving under the palms. Robinson Institute.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0188
Transcription: H1167 and H1168 Hatillo: in the pitcher's box. Robinson Institute.
H1169 and H1170 Hatillo. Baseball at bat.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0189
Transcription: H1171 and H1172 Hatillo: Baseball. running home from 3rd base.
H1173 and H1174 Hatillo; Baseball: Sling to home base.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0190
Transcription: H1175, H1176, H1177 and H1178 Hatillo: Sunset Across the Bay through the Palms
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0191
Transcription: H1179 Sunset Across the Bay Through the Palms. Hatillo
H1180 and H1181 Camuy: Palms reflected in River.
H1182 Camuy: Methodist Episcopal Church
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0192
Transcription: CAMUY
H1183 Methodist Episcopal Church
H1184 Rev. Richardson, Pastor and Rev. Bateson of Ibonito inspecting corner stone of Church.
H1185 Methodist Episcopal Parsonage
H1186 Municipal Hospital.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0193
Transcription: CAMUY
H1187, H1188, H1189, and H1190 Plaza Numbers I, II, III, and IV.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0194
Transcription: H1191 Camuy: Plaza Number 5
H1756 Aguadilla. The Roman Catholic Church
H1192 Isabela: Presbyterian Church and Parsonage
H1193 Isabela: Roman Catholic Church
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0195
Transcription: AGUADILLA
H1194 AND H1195 Water Fountain
H1196 AND H1197 Plaza and Roman Catholic Church
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0196
Transcription: AGUADILLA
H1198 Cemetery on the Ocean Front
H1199 Refreshment Stand Built like a Boat
H1200 Boy on Street in Fron t of Hat Maker's Home
H1201 Hat Weaving.
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Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0197
Transcription: AGUADILLA
H1202 Hat
H1203 Bargaining for a Porto Rican Hat with the Hat Maker.
H1204 and H1205 Lace Girl at her Work.
Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
Mission Photograph Album - Puerto Rico #2 page 0198