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Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0146

  • Completed
    Transcription: 45469 A Christian funeral in the rice fields of Kyushu. Note the bier and its covering and the ripe rice. Words of Scripture are printed on the banners attached to the tall poles. This was the first Christian funeral in that section of the Island of Kyushu. A new interest has been awakened in newspaper. Evangelism in Japan and instruction carried on by mail, the group of inquirers usually joining to study the Gospel agree to call a Christian minister in case of death. In this case the deceased was studying Christianity by correspondence when visited by the "Hand of Death."
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0147

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    Transcription: JanOP1-147:1 The Oura Catholic Church, Nagasaki. This was the first Catholic building erected in Japan after Japan gave her people the right of religious liberty. 62391 Fumiye or Sacred Figure used to eradicate Christianity. 64227 A Certificate of Repentance.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0148

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    Transcription: 64228 Christians on the Bamboo Cross, others being beheaded. One of the methods of extermination of Christians in 17th Century as practiced at Nagasaki, Kyusha, Japan. The heads which had been cut off were usually taken to the city, placed on poles erected in the heart of the city, as warnings to those living that a like fate awaited those who believed in the God of the hated foreigners. JanOP1-148:2 Tomb of one of the Catholic priests placed in prison 200 years ago, and after long confinement passed away. This was but one of the methods of extermination. (Note the peculiar hat at top of the stone.) JanOP1-148:3 A sign erected by the Nagasaki Historical Society, Japan, which states that at this place 250 years ago, 3,300 Christians were buried. These Christians were killed in the battle at Hara Castle. The heads were served from the bodies and exposed on bamboo poles erected in the city. The bodies of the 10,000 killed were buried in three places, nemely, Shimabara, Amakusa, and here in Nagasaki.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0149

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    Transcription: 69656 Tomb of 3,333 Christians buried in the Island of Amakusa, Kyushu, Japan. For the full meaning of the inscription on the stone, see "Transaction s of Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. VII, Part III."
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0150

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-150:1 Christian funeral in Japan of the daughter of Dr. Makoto Ishihara, Fukuoka, Japan, who just previous to this sad experience accepted Christ and was baptized. Pastor - Rev. Nakamura Kinji, Missionary, Rev. E.R. Bull.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0151

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    Transcription: JanOP1-151:1 Banner of Shiro the Christian General in the Battle of Hara Castle. (took place April 1638) Only 105 were taken prisoners.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0152

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    Transcription: JapOP1-3:1
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0153

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    Transcription: 82722 Entrance Gate, Japan. JanOP1-153:2 Goucher Hall and Chapel. Aoyama Gakuin.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0154

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    Transcription: JanOP1-154:1 President's Office, Hatsuta Hall, Japan. JanOP1-154:2 Dormitory Sup't. Residence, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0155

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    Transcription: JanOP1-155:1 Supt's Office, Academy Dormitory. JanOP1-155:2 Y.M.C.A. officers.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0156

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    Transcription: JanOP1-156:1 College students, Japan. JanOP1-156:2 Theological Faculty Room.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0157

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    Transcription: JanOP1-157:1 Theological Chapel, Japan. JanOP1-157:2 Prayer Room, Wilson Theological Dormitory. Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0158

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    Transcription: JanOP1-158:1 Corner, Theological Library, Japan. JanOP1-158:2 Theological Recitation Room, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0159

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    Transcription: JanOP1-159:1 Social Room, Wilson Theological Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-159:2 Theological Reading Room, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0160

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    Transcription: JanOP1-160:1 Dining Room. Wilson Theological Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-160:2 Philander Smith Hall. Theological School, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0161

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    Transcription: JanOP1-161:1 Wilson Theological Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-161:2 Chapel.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0162

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    Transcription: JanOP1-162:1 College Chapel, Japan. JanOP1-162:2 Academy Reception Room, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0163

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    Transcription: JanOP1-163:1 Academy Library, Japan. JanOP1-163:2 Social Room, Academy Dormitory, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0164

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    Transcription: JanOP1-164:1 Academy Waiting Room. JanOP1-164:2 Drawing Room, Academy, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0165

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    Transcription: JanOP1-165:1 Academy Faculty Room. 70158 Academy Students, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0166

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    Transcription: JanOP1-166:1 Academy Students Drill. JanOP1-166:2 Academy Students Drill, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0167

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    Transcription: JanOP1-167:1 Academy Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-167:2 Academy Science Room, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0168

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    Transcription: JanOP1-168:1 Academy Science Lecture Room, Japan. JanOP1-168:2 Academy Science Room, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0169

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    Transcription: JanOP1-169:1 Academy Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-169:2 Dining Hall, Academy Dormitory, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0170

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    Transcription: JanOP1-170:1 Academy Dormitory Room, Japan. JanOP1-170:2 Lavatory Academy Dormitory, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0171

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    Transcription: JanOP1-171:1 Bath Room, Academy Dormitory, Japan. JanOP1-171:2 Bath Room, Wilson Theological Dormitory, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0172

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    Transcription: JanOP1-172:1 Music Club, Japan. JanOP1-172:2 Debating Club, Japan. (Students of the Higher Commercial School, Kobe)
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0173

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    Transcription: 90195 Tennis Club, Japan. (Students of the Kobe Higher Commercial School, Kobe) 90023 Fencing Club, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0174

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    Transcription: JanOP1-174:1 Base Ball Club, Japan. JanOP1-174:2 Running Club, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0175

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    Transcription: JanOP1-175:1 Judo Club, Japan. JanOP1-175:2 Museum, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0176

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    Transcription: JanOP1-176:1 Officer's Residence, Japan. JanOP1-176:2 Officer's Residence, Japan. JanOP1-176:3 JanOP1-176:4 New house.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0177

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    Transcription: JanOP1-177:1 JanOP1-177:2
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0178

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    Transcription: JanOP1-178:1 Theological Department, Aoyama Gakuin, Japan. JanOP1-178:2 Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0179

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-179:1 The Torii seen in the foreground of this picture once marked the broad approach to the Shinto Shrine. It is now almost covered over with the lava and pemiston thrown out by the volcano at Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan. JanOP1-179:2 Home of Rev. Earl R. Bull. Kagoshima, Japan. JanOP1-179:3 Grave of Saburori Kunojo and Sabunri-ku Doishichi, and one other. JanOP1-179:4 Touring in Northern Japan. Mid-stream on a flat boat. June 5, 1918. Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0180

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-180:1 Katsuta Hall, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. Dedicated Nov. 16, 1918. Cost about 280,000 Yen. JanOP1-180:2 Yonezawa parsonage, Japan. 90650 Yonezawa Church, Japan. JanOP1-180:4 New #3 Aoyama Gakuin, looking west from in front of the Berry house, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0181

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    Transcription: JanOP1-181:1 Returning after a day's hard work. Japan. JanOP1-181:@ The Tsurugi airplane about to leave. Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0182

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    Transcription: JanOP1-182:1 Japanese airplane getting ready to ascend. JanOP1-182:2 Red Cross Training work..
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0183

  • Completed
    Transcription: 91163 Fuji Takamori, Head of Kindergarten Normal Dept. of Women's Foreign Missionary Society school, Nagasaki. M.A. from Columbia. JanOP1-183:2 New College building, Aoyama, Tokyo, given by Mr. Katsuta, former student, 1918. JanOP1-183:3 Same as above.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0184

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-184:1 May 1919 Banquet to Bishop and Mrs. Welch by officers of Aoyama Gakuin - Left to right, Abe (Drew graduate), dormitory sup't, next the reregistrar Dr. Ishizaka, Dean of Academy E.T. Iglehart, associate Dean of college, Mrs. Iglehart, Pres. and Mrs. Takagi, Bishop and Mrs. Kawashiri, College pastor a Drew man, Dr. A.D. Berry, Dean of Theological School.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0185

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    Transcription: JanOP1-185:1 Mount Fuji, Japan. JanOP1-185:2 Mount Fuji, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0186

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    Transcription: JanOP1-186:1 Winter scene in Japan. JanOP1-186:2 Winter scene in Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0187

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    Transcription: JanOP1-187:1 Wading pool and sand pile for little children. Osaka Municipal play-ground. JanOP1-187:2 Apparatus for older boys. Osaka Municipal play-ground.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0188

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    Transcription: JanOP1-188:1 Coaling steamer, Nagasaki, Japan. JanOP1-188:2 Coaling steamer, Nagasaki, Japan. JanOP1-188:3 Coaling steamer, Nagasaki, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0189

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    Transcription: JanOP1-189:1 A scene in Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0190

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    Transcription: JanOP1-190:1 The "Goju no to or," pagoda at Nara Capital of Japan from 700- 784 A.D. The city has now dwindled down to one tenth of its former size. In this town the Methodist Episcopal Church recently launched a great movement to double the membership of the native church. The pagoda is often seen on grounds surrounding a Buddhist temple. JanOP1-190:2 Sign at Kagoshima, Japan. Apr. 1921, announcing that Bishop Herbert Welch will show the Centenary films taken at Columbus at a Japanese church conducted at a missionary's home. Entrance to be seen to the right. Home of E.R. Bull.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0191

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-191:1 A Kyoto, Japan, garden. In Japan they say that it rains 366 days of the year. JanOP1-191:2 A Japanese fisherman. Japan is made up of islands and sea shore. Fish and rice are his strongholds.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0192

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-192:1 A Japanese laboring man with his pipe of peace. JanOP1-192:2 Cormorant fishing, as done on Nagara River, Gifu Province, Japan. This method is practiced at night and by torch-light. "There are to begin with 4 men to each of the seven boats, one of whom at the stern, has no duty but to manage the craft. In the bow stands the master known by his peculiar hat and handles no less than 12 birds. In the middle is another man who handles about 4 birds only. There is also the "Kako" or the man who makes the clatter which keeps the birds going. This method of catching fish and then making them disgorge is a most interesting one as well profitable.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0193

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    Transcription: JanOP1-193:1 Kiyomizu Dera, Kyoto. From you one gets a fine view of the old capital city. The sacred image of the 11 faced 1,000 handed Goddess of mercy, a little over 5 ft. high, is shown once every 33 years. JanOP1-193:2 Kiyomizu Dera, Kyoto. Here is one of the 25 places sacred to Honen Shonin, a great Buddhist close by is a shed containing 100 images of Jizo Sama - quaint little images with colored bibs for which childless people or people whose children are dead have a special devotion.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0194

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-194:1 Jozo is the compassionate helper of those in trouble. He is the patron of travellers pregnant women and of children. His image is often heaped with pebbles, which serve in the other world to relieve the labors of the young who have been robbed of their garments by the hag named, Shozuka-mo-baba, and then set by her to perform the endless task of piling stones on the bank of the river Saino-Kawara, the Buddhist Styx. JanOP1-194:2 Shinkaichi street, Kobe, Japan. The name of the street is "New Opened Ground." It was a river before it was a street as can be verified by the present appearance. Building to the left is a theatre, note the attractive signs. Methodism builds character in this same town by means of a fine big school, namely, Kwansei Gakuin, 1,500 enrolled.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0195

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-195:1 JanOP1-195:2 Putting on a house roof at times 14 inches or more in depth 1/2. Grass must be in a certain state or condition ere it can be put on well.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0196

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-196:1 Asakusa Temple grounds, the most lively temple in Japan. Here they sell all kinds of things, toys, cakes, hair pins, etc. Did not Jesus clean out a temple once engaged in buying and selling? Tokyo temple can stand this same kind of house cleaning. JanOP1-196:2 Another wagon or car in which we go to our country appointments. E.R. Bull, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0197

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    Transcription: JanOP1-197:1 Buddha provides yards about his temples and they love him. We must get playgrounds for the children. A boy will play somewhere and we can get his a place to stretch his limbs. If this is the church yard he loves the church. JanOP1-197:2 The older daughter always cares for the next comer. It is a constant game of leap frog. The older shows the younger the world over her shoulder. The burden bearer often plays runs and jumps but the little tot sleeps on and runs at the nose.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0198

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    Transcription: JanOP1-198:1 The new woman. A Japanese farmerette. JanOP1-198:2 When a man is working selfishly in his own interests they say in Japan that "Waga ta ni mizu wo kiku" (He is pulling water into his own rice field.)
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0199

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    Transcription: JanOP1-199:1 Miss Imhoff with two of her Sendai children. JanOP1-199:2 Children of the Sendai Orphanage.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0200

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    Transcription: JanOP1-200:1 Summer Conference on Heckelman's Lawn. Hokkaido District.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0201

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    Transcription: JanOP1-201:1 Cradle Roll. Haiju City Church. (Korea?) 90648 Louise Holmes Norton Memorial Hospital, Haiju. (Korea?)
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0202

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    Transcription: JanOP1-202:1 City Kindergarten, Haiju. (Korea) 90649 Sunday School in front of church building, Japan. (Korea?)
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0203

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-203:1 Katsuta Hall, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan. JanOP1-203:2 Katsuta Hall, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0204

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    Transcription: JanOP1-204:1 Academy dormitory, Tokyo, Japan. JanOP1-204:2 Wilson Theological dormitory, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0205

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-205:1 President residence, Tokyo, Japan. JanOP1-205:2 Ships in front of the mission property, Japan. JanOP1-205:3 Bishop Harris residence, Tokyo, Japan. JanOP1-205:4 Gantry where largest ships are built, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0206

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    Transcription: JanOP1-206:1 Akumura district about our mission property, Japan. JanOP1-206:2 Akimoura and Mitsubishi, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0207

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    Transcription: JanOP1-207:1 Interior of academy class room with mathematics on the blackboard. JanOP1-207:2 Theological barracks consisting of office, teacher room, library, and student reading rooms.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0208

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    Transcription: JanOP1-208:1 Building the barracks. JanOP1-208:2 American tent for use of school janitors.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0209

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    Transcription: JanOP1-209:1 To-o Gijuku, Hirosaki.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0210

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    Transcription: 95244 To-o, Gijuku. Boys middle class school.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0211

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    Transcription: JanOP1-211:1 To-o, Gijuku, Hirosaki.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0212

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-212:1 Hodogaya rented preaching place and class of 11 taken Oct. 11th, 1925. JanOP1-212:2 Hodogaya, rented preaching place, and class of 11 taken Oct. 11th, 1925. Baptized that day, the two in the background and the student Pastor, Mr. Yamabe.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0213

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-213:1 Christmas at Uyemo Park. Christmas Herold Fund. JanOP1-213:2 Hibiya Park Christmas. 1,000 presents given here. JanOP1-213:3 Christmas in Hibiya Park. 300 in choir, citizens over 5,000 people were assembled. JanOP1-213:4
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0214

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-214:1 Rural Sunday School near Sapporo, Japan. JanOP1-214-2 Street scene, Tokyo, Japan. JanOP1-214:3 JanOP1-214:4 Mt. Fuji from Misaka Pass.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0215

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-215:1 Tea cutting, Japan. JanOP1-215:2 College Bldg. for boys. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. JanOP1-215:3 Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. JanOP1-215:4 Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0216

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-216:1 Front gate college Bldg. for boys, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. JanOP1-216:2 Middle school academy for boys. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. JanOP1-216:3 Front gate academy or middle school for boys. Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. JanOP1-216:4 Barracks occupied by theological school. Aoyama Gakuin since the earthquake Aug. 2, 1926.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0217

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    Transcription: JanOP1-217:1 Plans of school and locations in Tokyo.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0218

  • Completed
    Transcription: JanOP1-218:1 Mita Methodist Church. Pastor Rev. J. Harade, sitting (middle left of front row.) Minister for the day Rev. J.C. Holmes, standing in front of gate post, (insert upper righthand corner) J.V. Martin English class leader. Tokyo, Japan. March, 1929.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0219

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37038 Mother and child in the railway station, Okayama. 37032 Street scenes, Okayama. 37033 Street scenes, Okayama, Japan. 37034 Dental parlor, Okayama, Japan. 37035 Athletic goods for sale. Okayama, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0220

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37039 Railway station. Okayama, Japan. 37040 Victor talking machine sign, Okayama, Japan. 37041 Drug store and sign. Okayama, Japan. 37042 River scenes. Okayama, Japan. 37043 River scenes. Okayama, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0221

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37044 Woman on bridge. Okayama, Japan. 37045 Street scenes. Okayama, Japan. 37047 River scenes. Okayama, Japan. 37046 River scenes. Okayama, Japan. 37048 River scenes, waterfront. Okayama, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0222

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37049 Street scenes. Okayama. 37050 Hut. 37052 Drying clothes after it has been dyed. Okayama. 37051 Stone cutters. 37053 Fair grounds, Okayama.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0223

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37054 Fair grounds. Okayama, Japan. 37055 Social settlement, children at drill. Okayama, Japan. 37057 Social settlement, children at drill. Okayama, Japan. 37056 Social settlement, children at drill. Okayama, Japan. 37058 Street scenes. Okayama, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0224

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37059 Small native in full dress, Japan. 37060 Small native in full dress, Japan. 37062 Small native in full dress, Japan. 37061 Small native in full dress, Japan. 37063 Baron Sakatani, Japan.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0225

  • Completed
    Transcription: 37064 Baron Sakatani, Son-in-law of Baron Shibshusawa of Tokyo, Japan. 37065 Baron Sakatani, Son-in-law of Baron Shibshusawa of Tokyo, Japan. 37067 Baron Sakatani, Son-in-law of Baron Shibshusawa of Tokyo, Japan. 37066 Baron Sakatani, Son-in-law of Baron Shibshusawa of Tokyo, Japan. 37068 Madame Hiroaka of Osaka, Japan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0226

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    Transcription: 37069 Madame Hiroaka of Osaka, Japan. 37070 Madame Hiroaka of Osaka, Japan. 37071 Madame Hiroaka of Osaka, Japan. 37072 Madame Hiroaka of Osaka, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37074 Madame Shedashi, daughter of founder of Kei University, Madame Shedashi is the wife of a wealthy banker and a Christian. Tokyo, Japan. 37075 Madame Shedashi and one of the Y.M.C.A. Secretaries. Tokyo, Japan. 37076 Madame Shedashi and one of the Y.M.C.A. Secretaries. Tokyo, Japan. 37077 Mr. Usawa, lawyer specialist in International and a Christian, Japan. 37078 Mr. Usawa, lawyer specialist in International law member of parliament and a Christian, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37079 Mr. Usawa, lawyer specialist in International law member of Parliament and a Christian, Japan. 37080 Madame Yajama, Madame Ochimi Kubushiro, her secretary, and Miss Azuma Moriya. Japan. 37081 Madame Yajama, Madame Ochimi Kubushiro, her secretary, and Miss Azuma Moriya. Japan. 37082 Madame Yajama, Madame Ochimi Kubushiro, her secretary, and Miss Azuma Moriya. Japan. 37083 Nearer view of Madame Yajima, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37084 Scenes on the motomachi, Kobe. 37085 Scenes on the Motomachi, Kobe. 37086 Scenes on the Motomachi, Kobe. 37087 Scenes on the Motomachi, Kobe. 37088 Scenes on the Motomachi, Kobe.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 37089 Street scene on the Motomachi, Kobe. 37090 Lacquer ware shop, Kobe. 37091 Hardware store, Kobe. 37092 Women in street, Kobe. 37093 Book store on the Motomachi, Kobe.
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    Transcription: 37094 Blankets for sale, Kobe, Japan. 37095 Women in street, Kobe, Japan. 37096 Street vendor, Kobe, Japan. 37097 Street vendor, Kobe, Japan. 37098 Street reparing, Kobe, Japan.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 37099 Child along the bund, Kobe, Japan. 37100 Water front and harbor, Kobe, Japan. 37101 Water front and harbor, Kobe, Japan. 37102 Water front and harbor, Kobe, Japan. 37103 Water front and harbor, Kobe, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37104 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37105 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37106 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37107 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37108 Water front and harbor, Kobe.
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    Transcription: 37109 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37110 Water front and harbor, Kobe. 37111 Street scene, Motomachi, Kobe. 37116 Ayabe Silk Filiature. 37112 Street scene, Motomachi, Kobe. 37113 Street scene, Motomachi, Kobe. 37114 Drying copra for export.
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    Transcription: 37117 Ayabe Silk Filiature. 37118 Young girls learning to spin silk. In the Ayabe Filiature there is a department devoted to the training of young girls. They receive six or eight months training with some school privileges supplied by the company before they become regular employees. Japan. 37119 Mr. Hatano, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37123 Mr. Hatano proprietor of Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37124 View of Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37125 Loading cars, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37126 View of Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37127 View of Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37128 Operatives' dormitories and rooms. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37129 Operatives' dormitories and rooms. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37131 Operatives' dormitories and rooms. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37130 Operatives' dormitories and rooms. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37132 Class room in school provided for girls, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37133 Class room in school provided for girls, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37134 Superintendent, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37136 Typical village scene between Ayabe and Osaka, Japan. 37137 Salvation Army slum station, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37120 Boy carrying child. Slums, Tokyo, Japan. 37121 Back street in Ayabe. 37122 Girl carrying child. Slums, Tokyo, Japan. 36934 Slums, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 36935 Slums, Tokyo. 36936 Public by drant. Slums, Tokyo. 36937 Children of Slums, Tokyo. 36938 Slums, Tokyo.
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    Transcription: 36931 Street scene slums, Tokyo. 36940 Flood in slums, Tokyo.
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    Transcription: JapOP1-3:1
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    Transcription: 37138 Salvation Army Station. Dr. Peti, American Board Missionary, Tokyo, Japan. 37139 Girls in Methodist slum school. Tokyo, Japan. 37140 Yard scene, Tokyo, Japan. 37141 Street drainage, slums, Tokyo, Japan. 37142 House of the Friendly neighbor, social settlement started by Madame Omori, and American lady, widow of a Japanese gentleman, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37143 Madame Omori, Japan. 37144 Madame, Omori, Japan. 37145 Crocheting class, House of Friendly neighbor. Tokyo, Japan. 37146 Crocheting class, House of Friendly neighbor. Tokyo, Japan. 37147 Child on swing in playground. Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37160 Waiting in railroad station. Okayama, Japan. 37161 Boy's in American Board, social settlement. Okayama, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37162 Bazaar, Okayama, Japan. 37163 Ricksha c***. Okayama, Japan. 37165 Spinning room Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37164 Spinning room, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37166 Apprenticed operatives, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37167 Trained operatives. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37168 Kitchen, pots in foreground filled with tea. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37169 Kitchen, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37170 Restaurant for men. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37171 Head nurse in hospital. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37172 Head nurse, Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37173 One of the wards of the hospital. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan. 37174 Miss Tsuda, principal of Joshi Eigakujuku school, Tokyo. Behind her is the map of Japan with flags showing the various places at which graduates of her school are teaching. Miss Tsuda is a graduate of Bryn Maur. Tokyo, Japan. 37176 Mr. Kabayashi standing by the side of a bust of his father, the founder of the Lion Tooth-powder Company. This company has inaugurated an extensive system of welfare and educational work among its employee, and borrowed a plan from Clarke and Son of Chicago, by which, when tooth-powder wrappers are returned, they make a certain contribution to various philanthropies, including the Okayama Orphanage. Something over 200,000 Yen has already been contributed in this way by the company, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37148 Playground of house of the friendly neighbor, Tokyo, Japan. 37149 Playground of house of the friendly neighbor, Tokyo, Japan. 37177 Senator Ebara Soroku, Japan. 37178 Senator Ebara Soroku, Japan. 37179 37180 House of the friendly neighbor social settlement, Tokyo, Japan. 37181 Playground, house of the friendly neighbor, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37182 Playground of house of the friendly neighbor. Tokyo, Japan. 37183 Shoe rack at the entrance of Salvation Army slum school, Tokyo, Japan. 37185 Showing alley reported to be the dirtest in entire city. Darkest Tokyo, Japan. 37184 Salvation Army captain visiting the Salvation Army slum station. Tokyo, Japan. 37186 Flood conditions in slums of Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37187 Children returning from school through flooded streets. Slums of Tokyo, Japan. 37188 Children returning from school through flooded streets. Slums of Tokyo, Japan. 37189 Extending a sewer system thru its slums. Tokyo, Japan. 37190 House represent effort of municipolity of Tokyo to build model tenements. Tokyo, Japan. 37191 Slum children with Salvation Army officer. Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37192 Flooded street, slums. Tokyo, Japan. 37193 Street scenes. Tokyo, Japan. 37194 Children in Methodist school, slums of Tokyo, Japan. 37195 Children in Methodist school, slums of Tokyo, Japan. 37196 Children, slums. Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: 37197 Child of Tokyo slums, Japan. 37198 Christmas shopping. Kobe, Japan. JanOP1-253:3 Aoyama Gakuin.
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    Transcription: 36861 Boys in social settlement. American Board, Okayama, Japan. 36862 Girls school, social settlement. Okayama, Japan. JanOP1-254:3 Aoyama Gakuin.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-255:1 Students crowding into the gate of Aoyama Gakuin, a Christian Mission School in Tokyo, Japan. They belong to the middle school of which Mr. Kawashiri is Dean.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-256:1 Women and girls of Love-one Another Church planting rice. Men beating down and cymbals to stimulate the work. This is the church founded by Nasuquki. JanOP1-256:2 Feeding and carrying for the silk worms in a former's home.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-257:1 Women's Foreign Missionary Society School celebration its 50th anniversary in May 1935. Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan. JanOP1-257:2 Fukuoka girls. JanOP1-257:3 The Senior class trip for five years the class sets aside so much money per month for this trip when they are seniors. They visit places of historical interest and are away six days. It's a great event in their lives. Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka, Japan.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-258:1 Small group of the senior girls at Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan. (Taken in one of the city parks.) JanOP1-258:2 The graduating class entertaining the faculty at dinner, which they prepare themselves. Served in the dining room of the dormitory. Notice low tables cushions box brazier. Dinner is over, the play program is a about to begin. Seniors of the Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka, Japan. JanOP1-258:3 Faculty Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-259:1 Iris garden. JanOP1-259:2 A fair tea picker. JanOP1-259:3 Kinkakuji in Kyoto.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-260:1 May Day at Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Fukuoka, Japan. JanOP1-260:2 High school girls make the school emblem. The group in the center make Living and the truncated cross at the same time makes "water." Every girl wears this symbol on a pin. Nagasaki, Japan.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-261:1 Chapel service, theological school. Aoyama Gakuin. JanOP1-261:2 A seaside Sunday School in Hokkaido. JanOP1-261:3 Play representing children of all nations receiving light from Christ lighted candle. (The girl standing in front center) International day of Religious Education Dept. Feb. 25, 1934. Ai Kei Gakuen, Tokyo, Japan.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-262:1 Sorting tea. JanOP1-262:2 The gateway to Miyajima Shrine one of the 3 famous beaty spots of Japan. JanOP1-262:3 Foreign foods laboratory Kwassui womens College. Nagasaki, Japan.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-263:1 Ceramics is an old Japanese art. JanOP1-263:2 Ivory carving. JanOP1-263:3 Hand carving a relief for temple one of Japanese finest arts.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-264:1 Tub making. JanOP1-264:2 Canal boats. JanOP1-264:3 Fish vendor.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-265:1 Exercising devils. JanOP1-265:2 Pigeons sworm around every Buddhist temple and enterprising merchants sell wafers, which is considered meritorious to feed them. JanOP1-265:3 Front view taken from across the street and on wall above the moat. To-o Gijuku, Horosaki. JanOP1-265:4 Palyground and rear view. South side new building. To-o Gijuku, Hirosaki.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-266:1 New building Chinzei Gakuin. Nagasaki, Japan. JanOP1-266:2 The rural day nursery at Aoyagi village near Yokohama. Forty children attended this day nursery held for 6 weeks in the village. JanOP1-266:3 Starting out to the rural day nurseries near Yokohama Miss draper will pick up the teachers and their baggage on the way.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-267:1 Transplating the tender young rice plants. JanOP1-267:2 Floyd Shocklock and Principal Sasamore inspecting experimental field of wheat. JanOP1-267:3 A peasant Gospel School led by Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa (standing center with dark tie) at the experimental rural center which he started near Gotemba.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-268:1 As the building of the Christian Church at Gotemba appears the background of the sacred form of Mt. Fuji, so the social order of the church in Japan is appearing against an ancient background. JanOP1-268:2 Harvesting rice.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-269:1 Group of kindergarten children play house keeping, Kagoshima. JanOP1-269:2 Interior of Women's Foreign Missionary Society House. Kagoshima. JanOP1-269:3 A group of children in front of the kindergarten, Kagoshima.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-270:1 Japanese etiquette lesson. Kwassui Girls High School. Nagasaki, Japan. JanOP1-270:2 Miss Yoshi Tokunaga. Principal of our Methodist Girls High School in Fukuoka, Japan. A graduate of Kwassui High School and college graduate of Boston University Graduate School. JanOP1-270:3 Methodist Girls High School at Fukuoka, Japan. (part of one class) Summer middy dress blue Gingham.
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    Transcription: JanOP1-271:1 Girls in a silk factory, removing, the Gossamer theads from cocoons, in boiling water. JanOP1-271:2 Mrs. Motoko Hani, founder and head of the "School of Liberty." The words written in Japanses are the motto of the school. Think, live, pray. And Mrs. Hani's signature.
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