Browse Items (184 total)

Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0183

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62966 - Rear view of the Light Tank, Tank Corp. 64214 - The Irishman 62964 - Tank crossing a field of brush and small trees. 62972 - Handly Page bombing plane under construction 62994 - Argonne Forest.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0182

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62641 - The remnants of a French village population. 62642 - After Rheims Arras; The burning of the hotel. 62643 - German vengeance on Belgium's storied stones.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0181

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62618 - (No picture) Lindale translating the Bible. 62619 - Indexing 62620 - Edge gilding 62621 - Folding room
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0180

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62614 - A small loan library has been established for the soldiers. France. 62615 - 7400 New Testaments for Inmates of jails in Northern Japan. 62616 - Making Covers 62617 - Taplay bindery, sewing the books.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0179

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62483 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister. 62484 - Graves in distance. Argonne Forest. 62584 - This photograph taken on the Marne. 62385 Inauguration of the Belgian Military Institute
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0178

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62479 - M.E. Headquarters in Petrograd. 62480 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister. 62481 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister. 62482 - Dr. G.A. Simmons and his sister.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0177

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62337 - Dr. W.W. Peet, Treasurer of the American Board Constantinople. 62442 - Headquarters of the Belgian Army. 62478 - Dr. B. Battin of Swathmore College in Russia.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0176

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62221 - A German pill - box. 62222 - A coal box explosion. 62223 - A street in Bapaume. 62224 - A house that got off easy.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0175

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62217 - A gun emplacement 62218 - A trench corner. 62219 - French baby tank on the road. 62220 - A park of tanks.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0174

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62213 - A Flanders graveyard. 62214 - A mine crater near La Basse 62215 - Railroad entrance to Cambrai 62216 - Entrance to Cathedral at Albert.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0173

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62209 - How the Germans left the Bailleul. 62210 - Arras - Cathedral at Arras. 62211 - German prisoners employed in road making. 62212 - German prisoners being sorted.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0172

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62205 62206 - (A German observer that was shot down near St. Michael by a French aviator on the 24th day July 1918) 62208 - A cloistered graveyard 62204 - Engineers clearing booby traps. Noyonne.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0171

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62169 - Martyr Battista scoffed at and abused. 62189 - 62203 - A French plane in the clouds. 62204 - A German Aviator who tried to get through the French Barrage. (over Paris on the night of March 27th that failed and was brought down)
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0170

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62159 - Two of the Industrial Institue boys with their father. Behind them St. Marks. Venice. 62161 - "The Children's Rest" Convalescent hospital home at ... 62162 - After four years of wandering and suffering. 62168 - Cesare Battista taken before his murderers.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0169

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62129 - Ruins of Rheims 62130 - Monument, broken and defaced. 62131 - Bridge at Chateau Thierry blown up by the Germans. 62132 - A ruin in Rheims.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0168

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62117 - The Commons of the Red Cross helped to carry away the wounded from the hospitals and also civilians who were unable to talk. France. 62118 - Churches, schools, and other buildings along the line of retreat were turned into temporary living quarters. 62119 - A part of the Red Cross work, saving babies. 62120 - The Red Cross bun made of American flour and sugar.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0167

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62113 - The old man and the little boy both evacuated from a hospital not far behind the lines at the outbreak of the recent offensive. American Red Cross Dr. in attendance. France. 62114 - The refugees from Picardy driven south. France. 62115 - Real bread and milk after a day of hardship and self denial. France. 62116 - The signs of the "Croix Rouge Americaine" where the pesants waited. France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0166

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62108 - The morning round in a ward of the American M--- Hospital 62109 - Interior of the wards 62111 - Some of the kiddies considered the whole affair a rare adventure. France. 62112 - Most beautiful city in Europe destroyed. Lorraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0165

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62089 - A red hot checker battle between Secretary of a Foyer du Soldat of the YMCA and a Chinese soldier with the French Army. 62090 - Chinese soldier 62091 - Chinese drawing of the Chinese Labor encampment. France. 62107 - The head of a base hospital with staff.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0164

  • Completed
    Transcription: 62083 - The Chinese behind the lines with the French Army. 62086 - The Chinese behind the lines with the French Army. 62087 - 62088 - After the day's work is done. A Chinese class taught.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0163

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61899 - 61900 - Naples, Italy 61901 - Naples, Italy, 62006 - Restoration of Belgium railroads.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0162

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61895 - Sicily 61896 - Sicily 61894 - Cliff dwellers, Sicily 61894 - Cliff dwellers, Sicily
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0161

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61891 - Where the railroad pierces the Alps near Modane, Italy. 61892 - Bouresches, France 61893 - Bouresches, France 61894 - Bouresches, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0160

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61437 - Pesant type taken near Metz. Alsace, Lorraine. 61438 - Pesant type taken near Metz. Alsace, Lorraine. 61439 - Metz, German may be spoken in a low voice during the day but not at all after 10 PM. Alsace, Loraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0159

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61433 - Caretaker of Kaiser's House near Metz. Puzzle. Find the Kaiser. Alsace Lorraine. 61434 - Kaiser's house near Metz. Alsace Lorraine. 61435 - Pesant type, near Metz. Alsace Lorraine. 61436 - Pesant type, near Metz. Alsace Lorraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0158

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61429 - Methodist deputation on bridge across Rhine at Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61430 - Methodist deputation on bridge across Rhine at Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61431 - Kaiser's Home near Metz. Alsace, Lorraine. 61431 - Kaiser's Home near Metz. Alsace, Lorraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0157

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61425 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61426 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61427 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61428 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0156

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61421 - Rhine Bridge at Strassburg, Alsace, Lorraine. 61422 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61423 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine. 61424 - Methodist Sunday school, Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0155

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61417 - Bouresches, France 61418 - Alsace, Lorraine. 61419 - Charlie Chaplin in Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine, France. 61420 - Rhine Bridge at Strassburg. Alsace, Lorraine, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0154

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61413 - Vincelles, House repaired with tar paper. France. 61414 - Boursches, France. 61415 - Boursches, France. 61416 - Boursches, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0153

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61409 - American Graves near Belleau Wood, France. 61410 - American Graves near Belleau Wood, France. 61411 - Pesant type. France. 61412 -Vincelles, German Prisoners preparing roof. France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0152

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61405 - The ocean, to France. 61406 - The Ship's Bugler. To France. 61407 - Belgian Relief Ship. To France. 61408 - Putting glass in a window. France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0151

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61401 - Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. To France. 61402 - "YWCA" girl. To France. 61403 - The ocean. To France. 61404 - The ocean. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0150

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61399 - Willard Price. To France. 61400 - Bishop Anderson. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0149

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61395 - Goldberg draws a cartoon of General Gvosdenovitch. To France. 61397 - Katherine Bement Davis. To France. 61396 - Katherine Bement Davis. To France. 61898 Sir John Foster Fraser on the right. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0148

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61391 - George W. Wickersham To France. 61392 - George W. Wickersham To France. 61393 - From the stern. To France. 61394 - Goldberg Draws a cartoon of general Gvosdenovitch. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0147

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61387 - Captain Contesso of Italy. To France. 61388 - Ittamar Ben Avi, representative of the Zionist movement. To France. 61389 - William J. Ellis To France. 61390 - Julia Lathorp To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0146

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61383 - William J. Ellis and son. To France. 61384 - R. H. Goldberg, the cartoonist. To France. 61385 - Bishop Chown of Canada, To France. 61386 - Bishop Chown of Canada, To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0145

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61381 - General Gvosdenovitch of Montenegro. To France 61382 - General Gvosdenovitch of Montenegro. To France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0144

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61379 - Press representatives, To France. 61380 - General Gvosdenovitch of Montenegro.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0143

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61377 - Scrubbing the decks. To France. 61378 - London Fog. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0142

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61375 - Scrubbing the decks. To France. 61376 - Scrubbing the decks. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0141

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61373 - Australian soldiers. To France. 61374 - Australian soldiers. To France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0140

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61008 - Children of village. St. Menehould, near Argonne Forest, France. 61009 - Child and village, St. Menehould, near Argonne Forest, France. 61010 - Fort Vaux, Verdun, France. 61011 - By an accidental double exposure a cross is in the very location before Fort Vaux where 10,000 men fell in one battle. The bombardment was so intense the dead could not be identified. Verdun, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0139

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61004 - One of the village folk. St. Menehould, France, from Argonne Forest. 61005 61006 - Village children. St. Menehould, France near Argonne Forest. 61007 - Village folk. St. Menehould, France near Argonne Forest.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0138

  • Completed
    Transcription: 61000 - Child of village. Near the Argonne Forest. St. Menehould, France. 61001 - Child and village folk. St. Menehould, France, near Argonne Forest. 61002 - Village folk near Argonne Forest. St. Menehould, France. 61003
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0137

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60997 - Child and village folk. St. Menehould, France, near Argonne Forest. 60998 - Child and village folk. St. Menehould, France, near Argonne Forest. 60999 - Child and village folk. St. Menehould, France, near Argonne Forest.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0136

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60993 - French graves. Argonne Forest, France. 60994 - Child St. Menehould near Argonne forest. 60995 - Child St. Menehould near Argonne forest. 60996 - Village folk near Argonne Forest, St. Menehould, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0135

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60989 - Methodist Commission in prayer at graves of American boys, graves marked only by shingles with a bit of barbed wire around plot. Argonne Forests, France. 60990 - Marching poilus. Argonne Forest, France 60991 - French grave. Argonne Forest, France. 60942 - French grave. Argonne Forest, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0134

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60986 - Ruined house. Note where fireplace once was. Soissons France. 60987 - Little home and immense cathedral - common fate. Soissons, France. 60988 - Little home and immense cathedral - common fate. Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0133

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60983 - Ruined and widowed. Soissons, France. 60984 - Ruined house Soissons, France. 60985 - Ruined house Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0132

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60979 - Ruins. Soissons, France 60980 - Ruins. Soissons, France 60981 - Ruins. Soissons, France 60982 - House dynamited - roof tumbled over ruins. Soissons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0131

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60974 - Broken statue in Soissons Cathedral - Head and part of wing gone. Soissons, France. 60975 - Church - nothing but the front wall. Soissons, France. 60976 - Church - nothing but the front wall. Soissons, France. 60977 On wall of a municipal building a cage for offerings for the aged. Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0130

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60972 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France. 60973 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0129

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60969 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France. 60970 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France. 60971 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0128

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60966 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France. 60967 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France. 60968 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snow on the ruins. Soissons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0127

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60962 - Foyer Retrouver (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. Under Methodist Board. Lyon France. 60963 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully. Under Methodist Board. Lyons, France. 60964 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully. Under Methodist Board. Lyons, France. 60965 - Cathedral ripped open thru the middle almost entirely beyond repair. Snowing on the ruins. Soissons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0126

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60958 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60959 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60960 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60961 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0125

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60954 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60955 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60956 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60957 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0124

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60950 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60951 - 60952 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60953 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0123

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60946 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60947 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60948 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France. 60949 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home) for girls at Ecully, Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0122

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60942 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home for girls at Ecully.) 60942 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home for girls at Ecully.) 60944 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home for girls at Ecully.) 60945 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored home for girls at Ecully.)
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0121

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60938 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60939 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60940 - 60941 - At Foyer Retrouve, "Restored House"for girls at Ecully, under Methodist Board. Lyon, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0120

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60935 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60936 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60937 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0119

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60932 - War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60933 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60934 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0118

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60929 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60930 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60931 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0117

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60925 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60926 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60927 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully. 60928 - War orphans at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Ecully.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0116

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60921 War orphan at the Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Under Methodist Board. Lyons, France. 60922 War orphan at the Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Under Methodist Board. Lyons, France. 60923 60924 Bishop Henderson holding a war orphan.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0115

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60918 War orphaned of Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Lyons, France. 60919 War orphaned of Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Lyons, France. 60920 War orphaned of Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0114

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60915 War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. 60916 War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. 60917 War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0113

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60911 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France. 60912 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France. 60913 War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Lyons, France. 60914 War orphan at Foyer Retrouve (Restored Home) for girls at Écully. Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0112

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60907 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France. 60908 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France. 60909 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France. 60910 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0111

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60903 View of city, Lyons, France 60904 View of city, Lyons, France 60905 View of city, Lyons, France 60906 Thousands of crippled soldiers in Lyons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0110

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60899 View of city, Lyons, France 60900 View of city, Lyons, France 60901 View of city, Lyons, France 60902 View of city, Lyons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0109

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60895 View of city, Lyons, France 60896 View of city, Lyons, France 60897 View of city, Lyons, France 60898 View of city, Lyons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0108

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60891 View of city, Lyons, France 60892 View of city, Lyons, France 60893 View of city, Lyons, France 60894 View of city, Lyons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0107

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60887 View of city, Lyons, France 60888 View of city, Lyons, France 60889 View of city, Lyons, France 60890
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0106

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60883 There passes on on the streets of Lyons, a terrible constant procession of widows. Lyons, France. 60884 View of city, Lyons, France 60885 View of city, Lyons, France 60886 View of city, Lyons, France
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0105

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60899 "Avenue of President Wilson". Château Thierry, France. 60880 "Avenue of President Wilson". Château Thierry, France. 60881 There passes on one of the streets of Lyons, a terrible constant procession of widows. Lyons, France. 60882 There passes on one of the streets of Lyons, a terrible constant procession of widows. Lyons, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0104

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60877 - 60978 - "Avenue of President Wilson" Chateau Thierry, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0103

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60872 German prisoners at work. Château Thierry, France. 60873 German prisoners at work. Château Thierry, France. 60874 Poisoned fountains. Châteua Thierry, France. 60875 Poisoned fountains. Châteua Thierry, France. 60876 Poisoned fountains. Châteua Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60868 Nothing left of the house but the old stove. Château Thierry, France. 60869 German prisoners at work. Château Thierry, France. 60870 German prisoners at work. Château Thierry, France. 60871 German prisoners at work. Château Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60895 It was once a baby carriage. Châteay Thierry, France. 60866 It was once a baby carriage. Châteay Thierry, France. 60867 Nothing left of house but the old stove.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0100

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60860 Signs stuck in ruins giving present addresses of stores formerly located there. Château Thierry, France. 60861 Town's hall, Château Thierry, France. 60862 Poilu's grave, beside the "Palais de Justice" in the christened "Place des Etats Unis" (Place of the United States) 60863 Display still left in the window, departed too hastily to remove it, underwear, child's shoes, suspenders, feather duster, etc. 60894 Windows of the shop gone, boarded up but doing business. She is trying to refit the old handle to the door. Château Thierry, France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0099

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60857 - Signs stuck in ruins giving present address of stores formerly located there. Chateau Thierry. France. 60858 - Signs stuck in ruins giving present address of stores formerly located there. Chateau Thierry. France. 60859 - Signs stuck in ruins giving present address of stores formerly located there. Chateau Thierry. France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60853 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60854 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60855 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60856 Signs stuck in ruins, giving present address of stores formerly located there. Château Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60849 Bridge, Chateau Thierry, France. 60850 Bridge, Chateau Thierry, France. 60851 Bridge, Chateau Thierry, France. 60852 Bridge, Chateau Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60845 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60846 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60847 Bridge, Château Thierry, France. 60848 Bridge, Château Thierry, France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0095

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60840 School and school children, many of them in urgent need, some of them refugees from other parts of France. Château Thierry, France. 60841 School and school children, many of them in urgent need, some of them refugees from other parts of France. Château Thierry, France. 60842 School and school children, many of them in urgent need, some of them refugees from other parts of France. Château Thierry, France. 60843 School and school children, many of them in urgent need, some of them refugees from other parts of France. Château Thierry, France. 60844 Bridge. Château Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60835 Château Thierry, France. 60836 Frequently signs on half ruined houses announce that the proprietor had returned and people are requested to respect the ruins as private property and not trespass or take anything. 60837 French grace in lonely spot on shore of Maine. Château Thierry, France. 60838 French grace in lonely spot on shore of Maine. Château Thierry, France. 60839 School and children, many of them in urgent need, some of them refugees from other parts of France. Château Thierry, France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0093

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60831 Seconds! 60832 Château Thierry, France. 60833 Château Thierry, France. 60834 Château Thierry, France. Château Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60827 Château Thierry, France 60828 Château Thierry, France 60829 Château Thierry, France 60830 Château Thierry, France Château Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60823 - Proprietor of this gents furnishing store, court - plastered his window and resumed business. Chateau Thierry, France. 60824 - A tin cup still hanging serenely on a peg in the wall of a house that was ripped to bits by dynamite. Nothing else left. Chateau Thierry, France. 60825 - A poilu. Guarding German prisoners. Chateau Thierry. 60826 - Chateau Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60819 Child. Château Thierry, France. 60820 Chidlren. Château Thierry, France. 60821 Child. Château Thierry, France. 60822. Sign marking a "cave" or a refuge for 40 persons.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60815 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60816 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60817 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60818 - Child. Chateau Thierry France
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60812 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60813 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60814 - Child. Chateau Thierry France
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60809 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60810 - Child. Chateau Thierry France 60811 - Child. Chateau Thierry France
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60805 - A Negro Yank. Chateau - Thierry, France. 60806 - Negro Yanks. Chateau Thierry, France. 60807 - Children. Chateau Thierry, France 60808 - Child. Chateau Thierry, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60801 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60802 - German graves. Belleau Wood, France. 60803 - German graves. Belleau Wood, France. 60804 - A Negro Yank. Chateau Thierry, France
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60797 - Old lady lives here alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60798 - Old lady lives here alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60799 - Old lady lives here alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60800 - Old lady lives here alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!"
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0083

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60795 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60794 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60795 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60796 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!"
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0082

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60789 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France 60790 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France 60791 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!" 60792 - Old lady lives here all alone. Entire house blown up, except front wall and tiny room just big enough for her bed, at one end of the house, and another small room at other end filled with scrapes of her destroyed furniture. All center of house, parlor, sitting room, kitchen, gone. All she could say "Misfortune!"
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0081

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60785 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France 60786 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France 60787 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France 60788 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. Belleau Wood, France
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0080

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60781 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. 60782 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. 60783 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road. 60784 - Guns cut down much of Belleau Wood. French are picking up broken branches and sawing down the rest of the stumps and using it for firewood. Thousands of cords, thus prepared piled up and along road.
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    Transcription: 60777 - Belleau Wood and vicinity. France. 60778 - Belleau Wood and vicinity. France. 60779 - Belleau Wood and vicinity. France. 60780
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60774 The inveterate postcard vendor is already taking on the scene with a booklet "Views of Reims." but this time the vendor is a soldier in the army blue of France. Rheims, France. 60775 - Belleau Wood and vicinity. France. 60776 - Belleau Wood and vicinity. France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60771 - A bit of vindication. German prisoner cleaning up the ruins around Rheims Cathedral, Rheims, France. 60772 - A bit of vindication. German prisoner cleaning up the ruins around Rheims Cathedral, Rheims, France. 60773 - A bit of vindication. German prisoner cleaning up the ruins around Rheims Cathedral, Rheims, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60767 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60768 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60769 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60770 - A bit of vindication. German prisoner, clearing up the ruins around Reims Cathedra. Rheims, France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0075

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60763 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60764 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60765 - The ruined city, Rheims France. 60766 - The ruined city, Rheims France.
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    Transcription: 60760 - Cathedral Rheims, France. 60761 - Cathedral Rheims, France. 60762 - Cathedral Rheims, France.
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    Transcription: 60756 - Cathedral Rheims, France. 60757 - Cathedral Rheims, France. 60578 - Cathedral Rheims, France. 60759 - Cathedral Rheims, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60754 - 60755 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60750 - A painter painting picture of ruined cathedral. Noyon, France. 60751 - A painter painting picture of ruined cathedral. Noyon, France. 60752 - This old man of Rheims whose house is in the shadow of the Cathedral stayed throughout all of the bombardment, living in a cave under the house. The stairs to the second floor had been shot away. Will rebuild and start business again. Rheims, France. 60753 - House belonging to the man in picture 60752. The stairs to the second floor had been shot away and replaced with a ladder.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60474 - Town Square. Ruins of houses and child's bed in foreground. Noyon France. 60749 - The return home of grandma and her dog. Noyon, France. 60748 - The return home of grandma and her dog. Noyon, France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60743 - American Red Cross, Noyon, France. 60744 - Little girl, father killed in war. Noyon, France. 60745 - A family who are making shift in their two - thirds destroyed home. Not discouraged "pretty good", the man said, and laughed. Noyon, France. 60746 - A family who are making shift in their two - thirds destroyed home. Not discouraged "pretty good", the man said, and laughed. Noyon, France.
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    Transcription: 60740 - Poilu, Noyon France. 60741 - Poilu, Noyon France. 60742 - German prisoners. Noyon France.
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    Transcription: 60737 - Soldiers graves. Noyon France. 60738 - Poilu, Noyon France. 60739 - Poilu, Noyon France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0066

  • Completed
    Transcription: 60733 - Home of John Calvin - the heap of rubbish on the corner. Noyon, France. 60734 - Widow returning home, her husband and son both killed in the war. She found nothing left of her home but a few jagged pieces of wall rising from the heaps of bricks and plaster. Noyon, France. 60735 - Children playing in a shell hole full of water, Noyon, France. 60736 - Children playing in a shell hole full of water, Noyon, France.
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    Transcription: 60730 - 60731 - Babies cribs in the ruins, Noyon, France. 60702 - Home of John Calvin - the heap of rubbish on the corner. Noyon, France.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0064

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    Transcription: 60726 - Cathedral Noyon, France 60727 - Cathedral Noyon, France 60728 - The city from roof of Cathedral Noyon, France. 60728 - Grave of a poilu. Noyon, France
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    Transcription: 60722 - Noyon, France 60723 - Noyon, France 60724 - Noyon, France 60725 - Cathedral Noyon, France
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    Transcription: 60718 - Versailles, France 60719 - Versailles, France 60721 - Noyon, France 60720 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60715 - Versailles, France 60716 - Versailles, France 60717 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60711 - Versailles, France 60712 - Versailles, France 60713 - Versailles, France 60714 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60707 - Versailles, France 60708 - Versailles, France 60709 - Versailles, France 60710 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60703 - Versailles, France 60705 - Versailles, France 60704 - Versailles, France 60706 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60700 - Versailles, France 60701 - Versailles, France 60702 - Versailles, France
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    Transcription: 60614 - 60615 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60610 - 60611 - 60612 - 60613 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60606 - 60607 - 60608 - 60609 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60602 - 60603 - 60604 - 60605 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60489 - The Panthenon, Rome 60579 Captain F. W. Heckelman with Czech and Serb assistant in Siberia 60565 A funk hole to hide i during an enemy bombardment 60600 60601
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60447 - Returned refugees. 60448 - In front of Chateau all inhabitants left after four years of German occupation Forum of La Cuine. 60487 - Looking from main building of Industrial Institute across campus to the laboratory building where classes in wood carving, typography etc. meet. Venice. 60488 - A boy of the Industrial Institute and his father, a soldier of Italy.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60311 - Family returned to ruined home. Arrival for relief of Committee for devastated. France. 60312 - Ruined farm, owner discussing plans for rebuilding. France 60445 - The last wagon load of women deported to Germany. Roye France. 60446 - House at Allin Court, German Crosses on.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60307 - Refugees leaving home for the second time. France 60308 - Girls' ruined school. Germans gave order all art and education should be destroyed. France. 60310 - Paris Station, American Committee devastated France. 60309 - Refugees camping along roads being fed by the American Committee for the devastated. France.
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    Transcription: 60305 - Town taken from an Airplane. (Aeroplane) 60306 - Farmer just returned home with his cow. France.
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  • Completed
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60286 - From yard (front) to farm yard. 60287 - On the Orphanage farm at Charview. 60288 - Farmer's daughter 60289 - Farm at Orphanage registered bull.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60282 60283 - Entrance Charview 60284 - Two of the thirty eight calves 60285 - One of the boys, Charview, on top of the observation tower looking out over farm. France
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60261 - French Refugees 60262 60263 - Aisne Courcelles. French returned inhabitants searching for their goods amidst ruins. Sewing machine discovered among the ruins. French Pictoral Service. 60264
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    Transcription: 60225 - 60258 - 60259 - 60260 -
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60119 - Gun captured from the Germans 60120 - Mr. Aickerson and his unit of Y.M.C.A.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60201 - Waiting for a good one! The French Children like to play American games and are learning to play baseball under the tutelage of Y.M.C.A. Athletic directors. France. 60202 - Did you ever have a whole regiment of American soldiers for your ready made papa? the American Red Cross helped these little tots find new daddies. 60204 - American Red Cross representatives placing a wreath of flowers on the grave of Miss Edith Cavell near Brussels Nov. 1918. 60208 - The dining room. The conditions of Cevary house (France) in Chateau Thierry which happens not to be destroyed.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60140 - First Aid to the wounded. France. 60198 - Refugee children not merely a fair weather friend, this little refugee clings to her dog throughout thick and thin. France. 60199 - Little refugee children who have been adopted by American regiments. France. 60200 - Little refugee children who have been adopted by American regiments. France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60117 - American Workers in the Bois. France. 60118 - The German pill box in which our boys used to shut up German captives. France. 60138 - 60139 - Red Cross stretcher bearers carrying wounded.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 600113 - Interior des Invalides. Paris. 60114 - American soldiers in Bois de Boubogne. France. 60115 - American hospital boat on the Seine. 60116 - Sandwiches for the wounded on board Seine Hospital boat.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60099 - Artificial limbs made according to American patterns. France. 60100 - Red Cross Home for Refugees in France. 60101 - Artificial faces. 60112 - Notre Dame in war Siren on top, sand bags. France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60095 - Refugee women employed by the American Red Cross. 60096 - La Maison Blanche home for the re - education of motiles, wounded pitching hay by means of hand apparatus. France. 60097 - Masonry work completed for the first of the buildings in the village. France 60098 - American Red Cross Station.
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    Transcription: 60091 - Vase of St. Chrime Hammered by the Germans. Soissons. 60092 - North of France Library destroyed by the Germans. Douai, France. 60093 - A destroyed factory. France 60094 - Mrs. Anna Coleman Ladd and Mr. Caudron. Mrs. Ladd, working on portrait mask. France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60087 - Result of a recent Austrian air raid on the Italian town of Castelfranco. 60088 - Southeast of Vausceut, General view of the distillery deliberately destroyed by the Germans. France 60089 - Clearing up the ruins, Aise Roye. 60090 - Sarcophagus despoiled by the Germans. Soissons.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60083 - Ruins of Albert's beautiful Cathedral. 60084 - Reconstruction work in France. 60085 - Rebuilding devastated France. 60086 - Purifying mills and streams of France.
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    Transcription: 60079 - 60080 - 60081 - Effect of an Austrian air raid Padova, Italy. 60082 - A clock that didn't know how to stop. Italy.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60075 - Plundered tombs in the cemetery. Vendell - Aisne 60076 - Some silver ware stolen by the Germans. 60074 - A partly destroyed harmonium in a Protestant church. Aisne France. 60078 - Bedroom destroyed by the Germans. Douai, north of France.
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  • Completed
    Transcription: 60010 - Going for the bread. Belgium 60073 - The sugar refiner. Flary - le Martil (Aisne) 60074 - Interior of the library. Aoyon - Oise.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0029

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    Transcription: 55536 - interior of the Cathedral. Soissons Aisne. 55537 - Reading a German sign left on a French house. 55538 - Personnel of Evacuation hospital prepared for inspection 26th division. France. 60001 - American soldiers in shelter back of the the lines.
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    Transcription: 59016 - Centenary shoes worn by orphan at Venice Industrial Institute. Italy. 59017 - Industrial Institute boys in Venice wearing Centenary clothes. Italy 59018 - Rope soled shoes, worn by Italians. Italy. 59020 - Russian pesants, man and wife. Russia.
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    Transcription: 57011 - Industrial work of Mt. St. Pere. France. 50912 - Methodist Episcopal School at Alicante - Spain 50913 - Students at Alicante - Spain 59015 - Bethany Hospital at Zurich, Switzerland. 59014 - School girls class. Spinazzola Spain
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    Transcription: 59006 - Children at calisthenics at Methodist Episcopal School village. Tuloup France. 59007 - Methodist Episcopal worker at Cregancy presenting new broom. France. 59008 - Methodist Episcopal village children waiting for Cinema. 59009 - Old lady villager at Methodist Episcopal sale at Vincelles, France. 59010 - Basketball team at Mt. St. Pere. France.
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    Transcription: 59001 - Marne River bank showing Methodist Episcopal property at Chateau Thierry. - France. 59002 - View of Ruined Verdun. France. 59003 - Water work at St. Quentin. France. 59004 - French Villagers, France. 59005 - Orphans at Mentone France.
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    Transcription: 55532 - The ruined protestant temple at Nancy with its Pastor. 55533 - Refugee employed by the American Red Cross. 55534 - French Mutiles, many of whom have been fitted with artificial limbs by the American Red Cross, making furniture which will be sold at a very low price to refugee families. 55535 - Assistant of Mrs. Ladd of the American Red Cross Adjusting mask made made by Mrs. Ladd for French soldiers who's face was mutilated in the war.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

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    Transcription: 555029 - 55530 - La Maison Blanche, home for the re - education of motiles, wounded men gardening. France. 55531 - Model of farm building used in traveling exhibitions by the American red cross.
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    Transcription: 55505 - Burned patient, Russian Sister and Doctor. Russia. 55506 - A view of the top of the ruined tower of the cloth Hall. Ypres. 55507 - "New faces"
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    Transcription: 55380 - Second Battalion Infantry 55489 - Refugees from south of Sedan. 55503 - French soldier disfigured. 55504 - French soldier with a "new face"
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0020

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    Transcription: 55366 - Sept, offensive of 1918. 55367 - Chinese laborers constructing drainage. 55376 - A domestic scene In a forest. Marne, France. 55379 - Battle of the Menin Road. British Western front.
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    Transcription: 55359 - Entrance into the city photo shows the English troops passing over a temporary bridge, also the terrible ruins of the village. 55360 - Photo shows what was once the Grand street of Lac Bassée in the north of France. 55361 - Photo shows, the interior of the ruined church in the north of France. 55362 - View of wrecked railroad station. St. Quentin. France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

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    Transcription: 56355 - The queen of Belgium leaving a hospital. Belgium. 55356 - House restored by American Red Cross. Quivières, Somme. 55357 - Home of old French woman. Moignaux Croix. 55358 - Manufacturers who have been entirely robbed of their machinery by the Germans. Donai, France.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0017

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    Transcription: 55350 - 55351 - 55353 - The firemen of the village called out. Naubenge France. 55354 - Shock troops near Somme Crossing. Marne.
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    Transcription: 553646 - Interior view of a destroyed church. Belgium. 55347 - 55348 - 55349 -
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    Transcription: 55342 - Part of the French Artillery Regiment. Belgium. 55343 - Photo shows group of inhabitants who remained in the Chateau during the short German occupation. Aisne, Chateau Thierry. 55344 - Refugees leaving their home. Aise. 55345 - The railway bridge destroyed by the Germans.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

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    Transcription: 55338 - A view of the flood at the front in Flanders. 55339 - Construction work of a pont on piles. Belgium. 55340 - Conquered terrain is reorganized by troops, Belgium. 55341 - In the ruins of a village.
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    Transcription: 55334 - A road near the Belgian Front. 55335 - First line trenches, Belgium. 55306 - First line Belgian trenches. 55337 - Poison gas shell prepared by the Germans to poison the wells in case of retreat.
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    Transcription: 55330 - At certain points of the Belgian front, the enemy trenches are extremely near ours. Only the width of a canal separates these trenches from the German trenches. 55331 - The indescribable conditions of Flanders. 55332 - Trenches near Nordschoote. 55333 - National Fete of Belgians at Versailles Park.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

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    Transcription: 55326 - Mill entirely destroyed by the Germans. 55327 - Returning from work soup is distributed to men. 55328 - Work ended, the men are busy putting there material in order. Agriculture School of Belgian Army. 55329 - A watery station in the flooded region.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0010

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    Transcription: 55322 - Looking towards second line trenches. 55323 - Belgian front. 55324 - Ruins near the first line trenches. 555325 - The transportation of bombs in the trench.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0009

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    Transcription: 55318 - Farm flooded by the Germans. Bethel Ardennes. 55319 - House in the course of reconstruction. Somme. 55320 - Recapture of Chateau Thierry. 55321 - French officers helping to distribute food. Aisne.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0008

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    Transcription: 55314 - Commander's post. Belgium. 55313 - Life in a shell swept city. France. 55316 - At the trench battle field. Chateau Thierry. 55317 - Recapture of Chateau Thierry. Carpenters and bakers who remained during the short occupation of the Germans.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0007

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55310 - Wooden cottages built by the Red Cross. Somme. 53311 - Life in a shell swept city. 55312 - Terrain captured by the French. Belgium 5313 - The last great German offensive. Belgium.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0006

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    Transcription: 55306 - Types of Siamese Soldiers 55307 - The evacuation. Aise. 55308 - Refugees camping outside in open field. Marne. 55309 - Mother of the regiment being told by French officer of the routing of the Germans. Aise.
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0005

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55302 - Departure of the Siamese troops for the front. 55303 - 55303 - Siamese bugler in their cantonment in the army. 55304 - Siamese troops. 55305 - The armistice is signed.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0004

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55040 - Scene in the court of the hospital. Belgrade. 55042 - Little Serbian finds a happy refuge. 55300 - Departure of the Siamese troops for the front. 55301 - First Siamese army lands safely in Marseilles.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0003

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55036 - Supply columns. 55037 - Red Cross Motor Ambulance. 55039 - The hanging of Serbians in Yagodina.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0002

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55032 - View of a village on the Danube front. 55033 - 4th regiment on the march near Valievo. 55034 - Ruins of a mosque at Kumanovo. 55035 - Mosque of Cara Mustafa at Scoplie.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Page 0001

  • Completed
    Transcription: 55028 - The Ambulance in the day of battle. 55029 - Supply column at Kumanovo. 55030 - Turkish prisoners from Prilep. 55031 - The capture of Turks on Scoplie. (Skopje).
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    Mission Photograph Album - Europe #03 Introductory page

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