Mission Photograph Album - China #13 Introductory page
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Mission Photograph Album - China #13 page 0001
86180 Christian Type. Peking.
86181 Christian Type. Peking.
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86182 Christian Type. Peking.
86183 Christian Type. Peking.
86184 Christian Type. Peking.
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86185 Christian Type. Peking.
86186 Christian Type. Peking.
86187a Christian Types. Peking.
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86187b Christian Type. Peking.
86188 Christian Types. Peking.
86189 Christian Type. Peking.
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86190 Christian Type. Peking.
86191 Type of second generation Christian children. Peking.
86192 Type taken after Sunday School service. Peking.
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86193 Christian young woman. Peking.
86194 Christian young woman. Peking.
86195 A Christian family. Peking.
86196 Christian family. Peking.
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86197 Christian family. Peking.
86198 Christian type. Peking.
86199 Christian type. Peking.
86200 Christian type. Peking.
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86201 Christian type. Peking.
86202 Christian type. Peking.
86203 Christian type. Peking.
86204 Christian type. Peking.
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Mission Photograph Album - China #13 page 0009
86205 Christian family. Peking.
86206 Christian family. Peking.
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86207 Christian family. Peking.
86208 Christian family. Peking. C. Wang, Direct General of Chinese
Eastern Railway (1921-ff).
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86209 Christian family. Peking.
86210 In the home of a Christian family. Evening prayers are being held.
This picture is not posed but is an actual photograph obtained by
concealing the camera. Peking.
86211 The son of the Dr. who was given charge of the plague prevention
work by the Chinese government. Peking.
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86212 A group of pupils from a model day school.
86213 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86214 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86215 The Great Wall. Nankow.
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86216 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86217 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86218 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86219 The Great Wall. Nankow.
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86220 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86221 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86222 The Great Wall. Nankow.
86223 The Great Wall. Nankow pass.
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86224 Nankow pass. The Great Wall. Nankow.
86225 Nankow pass, the Great Wall. Nankow.
86226 Nankow pass, the highest point on the Great Wall. China.
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86227 Nankow pass, the Great Wall, Nankow.
86228 Nankow pass, the Great Wall.
86229 Nankow pass, the Great Wall.
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86230 Nankow pass, the Great Wall. Nankow.
86231 Nankow pass, the Great Wall.
86232 One of the Gods in the Buddhist temple. Gang Kau.
86233 Buddhist God in the great temple near here. Gang Kau.
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86234 One of the Buddhist gods in the great temple near here. Gang Kau.
86235 God in Buddhist temple. Gang Kau.
86236 Man at worship in the great Buddhist temple. As he burns the joss
sticks, he bows repeatedly and quietly murmurs his prayers. Gang Kau.
86237 A Chinese merchant. Gang Kau.
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86238 Foot of Tai Shan. Taian Fu.
86239 Foot of Tai Shan. Taian Fu.
86240 Entrance to Confucian Temple. Taian Fu.
86241 North China types. Taian Fu.
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86242 North China type. Taian Fu.
86243 North China type. Taian Fu.
86244 Type of North China. Taian Fu.
86245 Street type. Taian Fu.
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86246 C***s. Taian Fu.
86247 C*** drinking hot soup. Picture made in December. Taian Fu.
86248 Barber selling false cues to men who have lost their hair. Taian Fu.
86249 Sweet potato merchant. Taian Fu.
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Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
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86254 A non-Christian type. Taian Fu.
86255 Non Christian type. Taian Fu.
86256 Non-Christian type. Taian Fu.
86258 Methodist Episcopal Church. Taian Fu.
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86257 Mohammedan type of North China.
86259 Mohammedan who has turned Christian. Taian Fu.
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86260 Samuel Yang, now teaching Biology in West China Christian School.
86261 Christian type. Taian Fu.
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86262 President of Senior class of Boys Preparatory School. Taian Fu.
86263 Type of student at the Boys Preparatory School.
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86264 Student type of Boys' Preparatory School. Taian Fu.
86265 Type. Taian Fu.
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86266 Type from the Boys' School. Taian Fu.
86269 Type from the Boys' School. Taian Fu.
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86268 Type, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society School. Taian Fu.
86269 Type, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society School. Taian Fu.
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86270 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86271 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
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86272 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86273 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
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86274 Student of the Girls' Bible School. Taian Fu.
86275 Student of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Bible School.
Taian Fu.
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86276 Student of the Women's Bible School. Taian Fu.
86277 Type from Girls' School. Taian Fu.
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86278 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86279 Type from the Girls' School. Taian Fu.
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Type from Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86267 Type from Boys' School. Taian Fu.
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86279 Type from Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86280 Type from Girls' School. Taian Fu.
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86280 Type from Girls' School. Taian Fu.
86281 The bridge of Ten Thousand years showing the flooded condition of
the river. It is this sort of a spring flood that covers the rice fields.
86282 Junks in the Min River below the Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages.
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86283 Devastation caused by the spring floods in the Min River. Foochow.
86284 Boy selling candies. Foochow.
86285 Woman shoe maker. Foochow.
86286 The awaking China. The posting of newspapers around the different
parts of the city so that all might read the news of the day. Foochow.
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86287 Children at play. Foochow.
86288 Children having their meal int he street. Foowchow.
86289 The students of the lower and upper primary of the Girls' School.
86290 A group of children from the lower primary school. Foochow.
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86291 The courtyard of the institutional city church. Foochow.
86292 Group of children at the Girls' School. Hingwha.
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86293 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Women's College of South China.
The student body.
86294 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Women's College of South China.
The student body.
86295 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Women's College of South China.
The student body.
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86296 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Women's College of South China.
The student body.
86297 Operating room at the Wooston Memorial Hospital. (Woman's Foreign
Missionary Society) A typical case of accidental burn treated by native
women doctors.
86298 The nurses training class at the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
Woolston Memorial hospital. Foochow.
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86299 Dr. Gowdy and his Boy Scouts. Foochow.
86300 The Boy Scouts at the Anglo-Chinese college. Foochow.
86301 The Boy Scout troop at the Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.
86302 The Boy Scouts at the Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.
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86303 Boy Scouts of the Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.
86304 Boy Scout holding the honors in scholarship at the Anglo Chinese
College. Foochow.
86305 Dr. Gowdy talking with the athletic director at the Anglo Chinese
College. This young man took part in Olympic games of the East. Foochow.
86306 The track-team at the Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.
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86307 The track team at the Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.
86308 The boys of the Anglo Chinese College playing Volley Ball. Foochow.
86309 Students body at Anglo-Chinese college, assembled for Chapel-
exercises. Foochow.
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86310 The Anglo Chinese college. the geography class, Upper Primary
division. Foochow.
86311 The Anglo Chinese college. The dining room at the noon-day meal.
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86312 The Anglo Chinese college. The library during the study hour is one
of the most popular places on the campus. Foochow.
86318 Dr. Gowdy, President of Peking University. (Left) Rev. G. H. Wang--
graduate Anglo Chinese College and pastor Foochow Methodist Church. (Right)
Wang--Layman, Foowchow Methodist Church.
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86314 The Union University. Bishop Welch addressing the students at
Chapel. Foochow.
86315 The children of the missionaries of the Methodist Episcopal Mission.
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86316 On the way to Hingwha--the house boats used for the first part of
the journey. Foochow.
86317 On the way to Hingwha--the house boats used for the first part of
the journey. Foochow.
86318 The Bishop Welch party about to start its overland journey to
Hingwha. Foochow.
86319 Bishop Welch and party about to start for Hingwha. Foochow.
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86320 Village enroute to Hingwha. Foochow.
86321 A mountain pass between Futsing and Foochow.
86322 Pagoda at entrance to city. Futsing.
86323 Pagoda at the entrance to the city. Futsing.
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86324 The Pagoda and Widows Arch at the entrance to the city. Futsing.
86325 Widows Arch and Pagoda near entrance to the city. Futsing.
86326 Child playing in the street. Futsing.
86327 Child at play in the street. Futsing.
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86328 A child in a doorway opposite the mission school watching the school
children at play. Futsing.
86329 Fisherman with their catch. Futsing.
86330 Native fishermen with their catch.
86331 Boat left high and dry by the tide. Pagoda of Lungtien in the
background. Lungtien Peninsula.
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86332 Boat left high and dry by the tide. Pagoda at Lungtien in the
background. Lungtien Peninsula.
86333 A chair c***. Lungtien Peninsula.
86334 Bishop Welch and party taking a rest enroute to Lungtien.
86335 Bishop Welch and party taking a rest enroute to Lungtien.
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86336 Bishop Welch and party taking a rest enroute to Lungtien Peninsula.
86337 Bishop Welch and party taking a rest enroute to Lungtien Peninsula.
86338 God in Buddhist temple near Antou.
86339 God in Buddhist temple near the city. Antou.
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86340 Group of children watching. Bishop Welch taking pictures. Antou.
86341 A village street. The chairs of the party of Bishop Welch. Hingwha.
86342 The party of Bishop Welch enroute to Hingwha.
86343 Bishop Welch and party leaving house boats enroute to Hingwha.
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86344 Enroute to Hingwha. The boats that took us from Foochow over the
first part of the journey. Hingwha.
86345 Mountain Pass enroute to Hingwha.
86346 Bishop Welch's party crossing a flooded stream on the way to
86347 Village street enroute to Hingwha.
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86348 Children enroute to Hingwha village.
86349 C*** eating rice at wayside Inn enroute to Hingwha.
86350 Looking toward the city of Antou. Hingwha.
86351 A c*** type. Hingwha.
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86352 A c*** type. Hingwha.
86353 Washing clothes in filthy sewerage water. Hingwha.
86354 Child playing in the street. Hingwha.
86355 A Widow's Gate. Futsing.
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86356 Group of kindergarten children. Hingwha.
86357 Type from the kindergarten group. Hingwha.
86358 Kindergarten class in session on the veranda of girls' school.
86359 Kindergarten class being held out of doors on the veranda of the
girls' school. Hingwha.
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86360 Child in kindergarten class cutting paper box from green paper.
86361 Kindergarten pupil making a box. Hingwha.
86362 Kindergarten pupil at her task of making a paper box. Hingwha.
86363 Kindergarten students hard at work making boxes out of green paper.
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86364 The students of the lower primary school and the girls' school.
86365 Class in the upper primary school. Hingwha.
86366 Class in the High School. Hingwha.
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86367 Attendance at the regular Sunday service at the city church. Hingwha.
86368 A group of the students at the girls boarding school. Hingwha.
86369 A Christian woman who was found by the missionaries in a dying
condition in the fields. They took her into the hospital and she has
developed into an earnest worker. she is now a Bible woman and doing good
work amongst the people that cast her off. Hingwha.
86370 An earnest Christian worker among women in the city. Hingwha.
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86371 Attendance at the regular Sunday service at the City Church. Hingwha.
86372 Illustrating the difficulties under which the photographer has to
work. Notice how the women and children are afraid of the camera.
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86372 A group of men attending the evangelistic meetings being held in a
town near by. Hingwha.
86374 Bishop and Mrs. Welch and Missionaries of the district. Hingwha.
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86375 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.
86376 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.
86377 Sampans. Shanghai.
86378 Congestion in the river. Shanghai.
86379 The congestion in the river. Shanghai.
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Mission Photograph Album - China #13 page 0066
86380 River congestion. Shanghai.
86381 Ferry landing at the Bund. Shanghai.
86382 Bridge over Soochow. Shanghai.
86383 The Soochow Creek. Shanghai.
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Mission Photograph Album - China #13 page 0067
86384 View taken along the Soochow Creek. Shanghai.
86385 Unloading Japanese goods. Shanghai.
86386 A fisherman casting his net. Shanghai.
86387 Hides awaiting shipment to Japan. Shanghai.
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86388 Street scene. Shanghai.
86389 A human steam roller at work on one of the principal streets.
86390 C*** type. Shanghai.
86391 Chinese wheel-barrow and load. Shanghai.
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86392 Chinese wheel-barrow and load. Shanghai.
86393 Street life. Shanghai.
86394 Street life. Shanghai.
86395 A letter writer. Shanghai.
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86396 Corner of Sechuan Road and Wangpoo Loo. Shanghai.
86397 Looking from Public Gardens toward Yangtze Insurance Building.
86398 View in the Public Gardens. Shanghai.
86399 A Buddhist funeral in progress. Shanghai.
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86400 McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
86401 McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
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86402 Class in writing in the McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
86403 Class in writing in the McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
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86404 Bible class at McTyre School. Shanghai.
86405 Student at McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
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86406 Students at McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
86407 Students at McTyre School for Girls. Shanghai.
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86408 Employees of the Methodist Episcopal Publishing House, Shanghai.
86409 Employees of the Methodist Episcopal Publishing House. Shanghai.
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86410 Treasurer's Staff. Shanghai.
86401 Dr. Gamewell explaining charts of educational statistics. Shanghai.
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86412 Dr. Gamewell at his desk in office of Educational Society. Shanghai.
86413 Dr. Chung Whei Ping. Shanghai.
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86414 Reflection of pagoda. Soochow.
86415 Reflection of pagoda. Soochow.
86416 Pagoda. Soochow.
86417 One of the main water ways at Soochow.
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86418 One of the main water ways at Soochow.
86419 One of the water gates. Soochow.
86420 View along the canal. Soochow.
86421 Canal around the city. Soochow
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86422 Bridge over one of the canals. Soochow.
86423 A watergate. Soochow.
86424 Water gates. Soochow.
86425 One of the water gates (Fu-Men). Soochow.
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86426 A watergate. Soochow.
86427 Children of the slums. Soochow.
86428 Non-Christian taype. Soochow.
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86429 Non-Christian type. Soochow.
86430 Pastor of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church South. Soochow.
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86431 Pastor of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church South. Soochow.
86432 St. John's Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. Soochow.
86433 Type from kindergarden. Soochow.
86434 Type from Sunday School. Soochow.
Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org