Mission Photograph Album - China #4 page 0014
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - China #4 page 0014
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscription14625 Ichang from river. 14626 River scene. 14627 Hayracks transporting millet in North China. 14628 Review of troops by Yuan Shi Kai, October 10, 1916. 14629 C*** laying loads up steps of Bund at a river stop en route Hankow Ichang. 14630 Chinese quarter mostly sounding for sanbars on Yangtze river steamer. 14631 Actual picture of sun setting on Yangtze between Hankow and Ichang. Notice pagoda on mountain top, sun and boat in center. 14632 Bishop Bashford and Dr. Goucher getting on one of our ferry boats which transported slaves and chairs, West China, 1914. 14633 Troops of city lined up to bid goodbye to our steamer, Hankow to Ichang. StatusCompleted
Percent Completed100
Percent Needs Review0