Mission Photograph Album - Japan #06 Page 0094
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - Japan #06 Page 0094
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscriptionC11878 Boots on playing field at Kwansei Gakuin, Methodist School in Kobe, part of equipment for training of Japanese naval personnel during the war. C11879 This Episcopal Church in Nara, Japan, shows the use of native Japanese architectural forms in Christian churches. C11889 Mr. K. Motoyoshi, teacher at Hiroshima Girls School. C11881 This broken Madonna lies among the ruins of the Catholic compound in Hiroshima. C11882 This was the campus of Hiroshima Girls School. 350 students lost their lives when the first atom bomb fell on Aug. 5, 1945. C11883 Ruins of the campus of Hiroshima Girls School. StatusCompleted
Percent Completed100
Percent Needs Review0