Mission Photograph Album - Hawaii #3 page 0009
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - Hawaii #3 page 0009
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscriptionK2338 - Hawaiian-Chinese girl
K2339 - Honolulu school playground K2340 - Honolulu school playground K2341 - Honolulu cheer leaders at football game K2342 - Honolulu cheer leaders at football game K2343 - Kakalu farmer and wife plowing with a water buffalo K2344 - Kakalu farmer K2345 - Kakalu farmer's wife K2346 - Pineapple field ready for planting StatusStarted
Percent Completed100
Percent Needs Review0