Mission Photograph Album - China #14 page 0180
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - China #14 page 0180
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscription94730 Kilns built on the hillside so that heat from one can work up thru the next one. Tehwa. 94731 More kilns and stacks of glazing frames in which the pottery is set for the burning. 94732 Pottery stacked for drying before being burned. Tehwa. 94733 A workman decorating pottery. Tehwa. 94734 Fancy pieces of pottery on shop shelves. Tehwa. 94735 A look at the front and interior of our church at Ngie-Seu after the 1925 typhoon had finished with it. 94736 A view of the entire compound showing Hawley and Paelin residences. Yungchun 94737 A view of the river taken from a point near the compound. Yungchun. 94738 The Hawley residence at the Yungchun compound. StatusCompleted
Percent Completed100
Percent Needs Review0