Mission Photograph Album - China #14 page 0194
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - China #14 page 0194
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscription95616 Worship in the main shrine on v-sang in Foochow on a feast day Foochow 95617 Ttitle decoration on a temple near Foochow 95618 Looking up the min river near Foochow 95619 Heaps of earth piled up for aerating during the winter seass on Yuang Nguong Die near Foochow 95620 The flower pot mentioned in story in file Foochow 95621 The owners of the flower pot in his garden Foochow 95622 Fower pot and owner Foochow 95623 Worship in the main shrine v-sang in Foochow on a feast day Foochow StatusCompleted
Percent Completed100
Percent Needs Review0