1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 53


icle II. Name.--The name of the Church shall be The53. Article VI.--The bishops, both active and retired, of The Evangelical United Brethren Church and of The Methodist Church at the time union is consummated, shall be bishops of The United Methodist Church.

The bishops of The Methodist Church elected by the jurisdictions, the active bishops of The Evangelical United Brethren Church at the time of union, and bishops elected by the jurisdictions of The United Methodist Church shall have life tenure. Each bishop elected by a central conference of The Methodist Church shall have such tenure as the central conference electing him shall have determined.72

The jurisdictional conference shall elect a standing committee on episcopacy, to consist of one ministerial and one lay delegate from each Annual Conference, on nomination of the annual conference delegation. The committee shall review the work of the bishops, pass on their character and official administration, and report to the jurisdictional conference its findings for such action as the conference may deem appropriate within its constitutional warrant of power. The committee shall recommend the assignments of the bishops to their respective residences for final action by the jurisdictional conference.

72See Judicial Council Decisions 4, 303, 361.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 53
1996 United Methodist General Conference