1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 412


Section III. Admission and Continuance

412. General Provisions--1. The annual conference is the basic body of The United Methodist Church. The clergy membership of an annual conference shall consist of members in full connection (422, 423), probationary members (413), associate members (419), affiliate members (1432.5a), and local pastors under full-time appointment to a pastoral charge (408.1). All clergy are amenable to the annual conference in the performance of their duties in the positions to which they are appointed.10

2. Both men and women are included in all provisions of the Discipline which refer to the ordained ministry.11

3. In all cases where district committees on ordained ministry, boards of ordained ministry, or clergy in executive session vote on granting any status regarding license, ordination, or conference membership, it is understood that the requirements set forth herein are minimum requirements only. Each person voting is expected to vote prayerfully based on his/her personal judgment of the applicant's gifts, evidence of God's grace, and promise of future usefulness for the mission of the Church.

4. All clergy members mentioned in 412.1 shall receive written communication about decisions made regarding their relationship with the annual conference.

10See Judicial Council Decisions 327, 371.

11See Judicial Council Decisions 317, 155.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 412
1996 United Methodist General Conference