1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 529


529. Cabinet--1. District superintendents, although appointed to districts, are also to be given conference-wide responsibilities. As all ordained ministers are first elected into membership of an annual conference and subsequently appointed to pastoral charges, so district superintendents become through their selection members first of a Cabinet before they are subsequently appointed to service in districts.

2. The Cabinet under the leadership of the bishop is the expression of superintending leadership in and through the annual conference. It is expected to speak to the conference and for the conference to the spiritual and temporal issues that exist within the region encompassed by the conference.

3. The Cabinet is thus also the body in which the individual district superintendents are held accountable for their work, both for conference and district responsibilities.

4. In order to exercise meaningful leadership, the Cabinet is to meet at stated intervals. The Cabinet is charged with the oversight of the spiritual and temporal affairs of a conference, to be executed in regularized consultation and cooperation with other councils and service agencies of the conference.

5. To consult and plan with the district committee and conference board of ordained ministry in order to make a thorough analysis of the needs of the district for clergy, implementing this planning with a positive and conscious effort to fill these needs (733.2a).

6. When the Cabinet considers matters relating to coordination, implementation, or administration of the conference program, and other matters as the Cabinet and director may determine, the conference council director shall be present. The director shall not be present during the Cabinet discussions on matters related to the making of appointments.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 529
1996 United Methodist General Conference