1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 654


Becoming Part of The United Methodist Church

654. 1. An autonomous Methodist Church or affiliated autonomous Methodist Church outside the United States may become a part of The United Methodist Church, when all of the following requirements are fulfilled:

a) Said church shall accept and approve the Constitution, Articles of Faith, Discipline, and polity of The United Methodist Church.

b) Said church, if it is within the boundaries of a central or provisional central conference, shall apply for membership in that conference. Such application shall be approved by the central or provisional central conference and by the General Conference. In the event that said Church is not within the boundaries of an existing central or provisional conference, then its membership application shall be reviewed by the Council of Bishops and shall be approved by the General Conference.

c) Said Church shall declare its own constitution and church order null and void.

d) The Commission on Central Conference Affairs shall advise and assist said Church in this process, and prepare the necessary enabling act for approval by the General Conference.

e) The General Conference shall approve legislation authorizing the necessary adjustments in the organization of the central or provisional central conference involved. In the event that said church is not within the boundaries of an existing central or provisional central conference, then legislation shall be approved to either change boundaries of a contiguous conference or to establish a new central or provisional central conference.

f) The Commission on Central Conference Affairs shall assist said Church in the process of becoming a part of The United Methodist Church, determine when all requirements are met, and report to the General Conference.

2. Other churches outside the United States may become a part of The United Methodist Church by following the same procedure.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 654
1996 United Methodist General Conference