1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 707



¶ 707. The annual conference shall provide for the connectional relationship between the general boards and commissions and the conference, district, and local Church.

1. An annual conference shall provide for the functions and General Conference connections of all boards and agencies provided by the Discipline. In doing this the annual conference may utilize structures unique to regional aspects of its mission, other mandated structures not withstanding.38

2. The annual conference may appoint additional committees for the purpose of promoting the work of The United Methodist Church within the bounds of the said annual conference and may prescribe their membership and their powers and duties.

3. Each annual conference may make its agencies of such size as its work may require; provided that consideration shall be given to the inclusion of lay and clergy persons from small membership churches. All local pastors serving charges are eligible for election or appointment to such agencies, except those dealing with qualifications, orders, and status of clergy and local pastors.

4. In the nomination and election of the membership on councils, boards, and agencies of the annual conference, special attention shall be given to the inclusion of clergywomen, youth (¶ 264.2.), young adults (¶ 264.3.), older adults (¶ 264.5.), persons with handicapping conditions, and racial and ethnic persons, in keeping with policies for general Church agencies. It is further recommended that the membership of such agencies include one-third clergy, one-third laywomen, and one-third laymen, except for the board of ordained ministry.39

5. Members of general agencies (¶ 801) shall serve as ex-officio members of the corresponding annual conference agency or its equivalent structure (see ¶ 810.4, .5). If this results in a person being a member of more than one annual conference agency in violation of either annual conference policy or another provision of The Book of Discipline, the person shall choose the annual conference agency on which to serve.

6. It is strongly recommended that the annual conference provide for child and dependent care both during the sessions of the annual conference and meetings of the annual conference boards and agencies.

38See Judicial Council Decisions 411, 417, 418.

39See Judicial Council Decisions 446, 558.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 707
1996 United Methodist General Conference