1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1213


1213. Worship Responsibilities--1. To cultivate the fullest possible meaning in the corporate worship celebrations of the Church to the glory of God, including liturgy, preaching, the Sacraments, music, and related arts. The Section on Worship shall encourage observance of the seasons of the Christian Year, emphasizing the surprising and inspirational opportunities for glorifying God everywhere in creation in a profusion of variety.

2. To develop standards and resources for the conduct of public worship in the Churches, including liturgy, preaching, the Sacraments, music, and related arts.

3. To make recommendations to the General Conference regarding future editions of a book of worship and a hymnal and, as ordered, to provide editorial supervision of the contents of these publications, which shall be published by The United Methodist Publishing House. The hymnal of The United Methodist Church is The United Methodist Hymnal (1989). The ritual of the Church is that contained in Cultos Principales de la Iglesia (1984), The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), and The United Methodist Book of Worship (1992).

4. To prepare revisions of the Ritual of the Church and approved orders of worship for recommendation to the General Conference for adoption.

5. To work with other North American Christian denominations through the Consultation on Common Texts in the continuing development of a common calendar and lectionary and to encourage the voluntary use of the Revised Common Lectionary and of resources based upon it.

6. To prepare and sponsor the publication of supplemental orders and texts of worship.28

7. To maintain a cooperative but not exclusive relationship with The United Methodist Publishing House in the preparation and publication of worship resources.

8. To advise the general agencies of the Church in the preparation, publication, and circulation of orders of service and other liturgical materials bearing the imprint of The United Methodist Church, including racial and ethnic worship resources and other language publications, incorporating sensitivities to language which embodies 4 (Article IV) of the Constitution of The United Methodist Church and serves the needs of the several constituencies of the Church.

9. To counsel with the editors of the periodicals and publications of The United Methodist Church concerning material offered in the fields of worship, including preaching, music, and the other liturgical arts.

10. To participate in and cooperate with the Curriculum Resources Committee of the board for the inclusion of worship concepts and resources in local Church study curriculum.

11. To encourage in the schools of theology and pastors' schools and other settings, the offering of instruction in the meaning and conduct of worship. This should include the worship practices and expressions of the various racial cultures.

12. To counsel with those responsible for planning and conducting the worship services of the General Conference and other general assemblies of the Church.

13. To develop, in cooperation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, performance standards that encourage the continuing growth of local Church directors, ordained ministers, and associates of music; music assistants; and others in the local Church related to music and the other arts. (See 1209.4, 1505.7, 1526.2.)

14. To cooperate with the Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship, Music, and Other Arts and The Order of St. Luke in affirming the sacramental life embracing liturgy, preaching, music, and other arts appropriate for the inclusive worship life of the Church.

15. To give guidance to, and develop performance standards for, directors and ministers of music, in cooperation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and to cooperate with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry in their certification of directors and ministers of music as provided in 1526.2.

28See Judicial Council Decision 445.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1213
1996 United Methodist General Conference