1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1222


1222. Comprehensive Youth Ministry--1. There shall be a comprehensive approach to development and implementation of youth ministry programming at all levels of the Church. The comprehensive approach is based on the understanding of the primary task of youth ministry: to love youth where they are, to encourage them in developing their relationship to God, to provide them with opportunities for nurture and growth, and to challenge them to respond to God's call to serve in their communities. Four component parts undergird this comprehensive ministry:

a) Curriculum. Through the Curriculum Resources Committee (1224) the General Board of Discipleship shall ensure the availability of curriculum and leaders' guides for use in a variety of settings suitable for the specific needs of all persons in the 12 to 18-year-old age group.

b) Program Resources. Additional and supplemental guidebooks and other program aids shall be developed and promoted for effective youth ministry programs in the local Church and at the district, conference, jurisdictional, and general Church levels.

c) Leadership Training and Networking. Leadership training shall be provided to encourage and support adult workers with youth and youth leaders in their roles as teachers, counselors, advisors, and enablers at all levels of the Church. Networking shall be developed to maintain ongoing communication through workshops, special mailings, and publications between leaders in youth ministries across the denomination for the enhancement of skills and the sharing of effective models and resources.

d) Structures. Active and effective structures for youth ministry programming shall be promoted and maintained at the local Church, district, conference, jurisdictional, and general Church levels for the full involvement of youth in leadership and membership, and for the advocacy of youth concerns in all areas of Church life, planning, and administration.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1222
1996 United Methodist General Conference