1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1224


1224. Curriculum Resources Committee--There shall be a Curriculum Resources Committee, organized and administered by the General Board of Discipleship, which shall be responsible for the construction of plans for curriculum and curriculum resources to be used in the Christian educational ministry of the Church and other study settings. (See 264.1.)

1. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall carefully review and act on the plans constructed and proposed by the staff of Church School Publications based upon research, including ideas from the Curriculum Resources Committee and other persons in United Methodist educational ministries.

2. The plans for curriculum and curriculum resources shall be designed to help local Churches carry out the Church's educational ministry with children, youth, young adults, adults, and families, and to meet the needs of various racial, ethnic, age, cultural, and language constituencies, as well as the needs of persons of various learning capacities, backgrounds, levels of psychological development, sight and hearing impairments, and Christian maturity. Plans for curriculum shall give particular attention to the characteristics and needs of small membership congregations. They shall be for use in a variety of settings, both formal and informal, including Sunday schools, fellowship groups, outdoor experiences, family life, leadership education, campus ministries, and confirmation preparation classes.

3. The plans for curriculum and curriculum resources shall be consistent with the educational philosophy and approach formulated for the educational ministry of the Church by the General Board of Discipleship and shall reflect a unity of purpose and a planned comprehensiveness of scope. They shall be designed to support the total life and work of the Church and shall reflect the official positions of The United Methodist Church as authorized by the General Conference.

4. Plans for major new curriculum resources and new series that have been approved by the General Board of Discipleship shall be circulated by staff among appropriate persons and groups in the Church for review, suggestions for improvement, and for additional ideas. In all matters staff shall be responsible for bringing the review results into unity and harmony with the intent of the Curriculum Resources Committee.

a) The purpose of the review process shall be to improve the resource plans in order to fulfill 1224.

b) Opportunity for timely review shall be offered to teachers, leaders, and pastors in local Churches of various sizes, locations, and racial/ethnic/cultural constituencies, general secretaries of the General Boards of Discipleship, Global Ministries, Church and Society, Higher Education and Ministry, History and Archives, Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, Status and Role of Women, and Religion and Race, professors of educational ministries in United Methodist colleges and seminaries, professional Christian educators, and others who may have interest, experience, and skills to aid the perfection of the plans.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1224
1996 United Methodist General Conference