1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1441


1441. Responsibilities--1. To provide upon request consultation services to existing and emerging health and welfare institutions and programs, and to jurisdictional, conference, district, and local Church units.

a) Consultation services include assistance in: organization and administration, financial management and support, securing management-level personnel, evaluation of current services, planning for new services and methods, and the development of affirmative action programs (see 815).

b) Upon request of the annual conference unit responsible for health and welfare ministries, or other appropriate unit, the department shall assist in evaluating plans for new or expanded residential or nonresidential ministries seeking approval from the annual conference or other unit (see 731.4[26]).

2. To provide leadership development opportunities for programs, institutions, annual conferences, districts, and local Churches to improve the quality of professional and volunteer leadership in health and welfare ministries, including attention to fund development work by the annual conferences, and to help annual conferences and health and welfare institutions clarify their relationship with one another, including matters of legal and financial responsibility.

3. To identify health and welfare needs and to advocate and educate on behalf of the health and welfare rights and needs of all persons.

4. To develop printed, audiovisual, and other resources to interpret and support health and welfare ministries in cooperation with the Mission Education and Cultivation Department.

5. To provide a program to encourage awareness of the gifts and needs of persons with handicapping conditions for annual conferences, districts, and local Churches and to promote the leadership and employment of persons with handicapping conditions throughout the connectional system.

6. To assist annual conference health and welfare ministries to address emerging and ongoing issues, including comprehensive community-based health care, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, environmental health, and particularly the health needs of women, children, youth, and the communities of color.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1441
1996 United Methodist General Conference