1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 2520


2520. 1. Local Church Building Sites and Plans--The board of Church location and building shall investigate all proposed local church building sites, ascertaining that such sites are properly located for the community to be served and adequate in size to provide space for future expansion and parking facilities. (See 271.1, 2544.2.)

2. If there is a district strategy committee for parish development or a metropolitan commission (1415.7j) in the district, the board shall consider its recommendations in planning a strategy for continuing the service of The United Methodist Church in changing neighborhoods. If no parish development committee or commission is operative, the board shall study the duties assigned to each and seek ways to provide continuity of service in parishes where there is a change in the racial, ethnic, or cultural character of the residents to the end that the resolutions of the General Conference involving such neighborhoods be given careful consideration. One member of the board shall also have membership on the strategy committee or on the commission.

3. The board of church location and building shall investigate all proposed local church or parsonage buildings to determine the best method to make the structure energy efficient.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 2520
1996 United Methodist General Conference