31939 Group of Chinese Christians who have faithfully maintained the
Gospel testimony in a city in the South of Provence for about twelve years
with practically no missionary supervision.
31940 Chinese temple where demon and idol worship is carried on.
31942 Road to the bottom of a gorge. After crossing the river, the road
ascends to the heights on the other side from top to top is just one day's
31943 Waterfall in the South-West of Kiveichow Province.
26541 Outdoor view of Sunday school Rally Soochow, China.
26544 First class of children graduation from kindergarten of June 1910.
(Ceng-Daik Kindergarten of Siong-In-Dong.)
26620 Girls' school in Kiuiang, 1889 - Miss Frances Wheeler (my wife)
teachers; Mary Stone and Ida Kahn immediately to our right of the Chinese
39173 A Christian wedding dinner party Nanchang, China.
39174 Taoist priests in the home of a deceased wealthy Chinese. For 5
days they celebrated rites and read prayers to the gods asking their
protection for the spirit of the dead man. Nanchang, China.
39165 Outside the city wall, Nanchang. This ancient city is one of the
few cities of central China that successfully resisted the Taiping rebels,
thanks to its great wall and moat.
39166 Dr. Vaughn at Nanchang after the trials of an inland steamboat trip.
On his way to the hills to escape the heat.
39167 The first steamboat bearing the revolutionary flag to get through to
Nanchang. The river view from the Methodist Mission Compound. Nanchang.
39168 Mrs. Charles and children and Mrs. Vaughn outside Nanchang's ancient
39161 Dr. Vaughn investigating his crumbling river wall. Will it stand
the coming floods and heavy currents? *1500 wanted to wall in this end of
our spendid hospital sites at Nanchang.
39162 A salt "go-down" or warehouse in Nanchang, China. These warehouses
under government control and inspection are outstanding structures in the
wholesale district of China's ancient cities.
39163 Dr. Charles (standing) and Dr. Vaughn watching Chinese digging lotus
root from the black muck of the moat, outside the city wall. Nanchang.
39164 With the rush of the new spirit follows the edict abolishing the old
system of education. These buildings were hastily erected as the new
provincial university of Kiangsu. They found that buildings do not make a
university and tehy are now used as soldiers' barracks.
39086 Sophomore class of Fukieu Union College at Foochow. 1917.
39087 Bishop Lewis and group of Chinese preachers and laymen gathered for
a ten-day Bible training Institute at Foochow, during the New Year's
holidays. 1915.
39104 Another village nearly all destroyed. South Tientsin.
39105 Trolley cars have given place to boats and sampairs in the richest
street in the Japanese Concession.
39106 Primary grade children coming from Sunday Children's service held in
the Rulison High School building. Kiukiang, China.
39082 Bishop Lewis and other workers on deck of house boat bidding good-
bye to Gong-cia Sunday School children and members of Bible study
Institute District superintendent Ling standing back of Bishop. China.
39083 Grave of Ling Ching Ding, a rough fisherman and also a pirate. The
story of his conversion is a thrilling one. China.
39084 Just outside the city of Suki ("Bomueburu") among the mountains.
100 miles back of Foochow is the place where the great sage and teacher
Phu. He was born 900 years ago. These temples mark the spot. China.
39085 Junior class of the Fukiew Union College at Foochow, 1917. With
Professor Sites and Kellogg. China.
39103 All that is left of a village of 400 homes. South of Tientsin, all
mud-built houses dissolved and disappeared. On a tour of the South
Tientsin District.
39048 Hong Kong, China. University Students. Hong Kong, China.
38071 A group of the fellows. Union Theological School. Foochow, China.
38072 Right - Mr. Lu, the pastor
Center - J.M. Yard Missionary
Left - Mr. Den District Supt.
38073 The primary Sunday School overflowing on to the sidewalk leading to
the missionaries' house. This shed-like place is where our Sedan chairs
are kept where c***s wait. China.
38047 Chengtu Church seats 450 - 500 turned away every Sunday morning.
Built 20 years ago and paid for by (Miss?) H.D. Pady (no board money.)
Gray brick. Window panes dark brown.
38048 Mrs. Ding Graduate of Women's Foreign Missionary Society School, Chengtu. Leading woman
authortiy on primary education in West China. Supt. of Women's Foreign Missionary Society Schools in
Chengtu District. Husband is pastor of Church at Yang Huan. Brick gray
stone brown. Dress black silk. China.
38049 Street front of property in Chengtu. Women's Foreign Missionary Society property wall at
right, (lamp post and frame light green.) China.
38050 Preachers of Chengtu district. Bishop Lewis and superintendents.
January 1917. Chengtu, China.
38040 Two smiling Chinese boys. China General S.S. Slide #6.
38039 Two smiling Chinese boys.
38044 Headquarters Electric Light Plant, Chengtu. 1000 miles from a
railroad - entirely under Chinese Control.
38045 Preachers and superintendents Chengtu District with leading gentry
of town of Sikiaba where there has been very great opposition but when the
gentry finally changed their attitude made gifts to the Church, had a feast
with Christians leaders and permitted this picture to be taken with the
Christians. (Picture taken by travelling photographers.) (2 day journey
from Chengtu.)
38046 Tailor's shop, Chengtu, showing 4 Singer machines. Trousers hanging
up and in machines. Khaki Soldiers clothes.
38048 Mrs. Feng, Women's Foreign Missionary Society School. Chengtu, China. Leading woman
authority on primary education in China. Supt. of Women's Foreign Missionary Society School in
38024 Dr. Hartman with a group of Chinese boys who have just completed a
hike over the Great Wall of China. Wall built B.F. It is nearly 2000
miles long. China.
38030 One of the largest S.S. in China is at Daianfa. This has an
enrollment of 600. China.
38037 Building on site of home of Confucius China General S.S.
38038 "Temple of Hell," Fian-Fu." China S.S. Slide #1.
33600 A man cured of blindness leading his friends to the hospital.
33601 Eye patients, Changtu Hunan Hospital. The heavy man at the back
named Sen was cured of cataract after five years of blindness. He and his
family live 150 miles from Changtu. All because Christians, China.
33602 Chinese ambulance - man being carried to Union Medical College
Hospital. Peking.
33604 The largest theater in Peking where Sherwood Eddy held his first
meeting in southern city. Every day....crowded with...enjoying...
33605 This is part of the famous Parl St. Church in Peking. It is one of
the best churches that the Methodists own in Peking. But this dirty hovel
does not attract people to Christ. We want 26,000 gold to build a modern
31562 Foreign American School close to the house of W.F. Wilson. Mr.
Wilson is missionary in charge of the Chinkiang District China Conference
with residence in Nankina, China.
31865 Group of intermediate girls in May pole exercise. Rulison School.
(Kinkiang, 1915). China.
31864 Grave of Confucius Chufu, China.
31854 Intinerating on the South Tientsin District. An ancient bridge
crossing an old river in which there has been no water for four hundred
years. In the Ming Dynasty, the river changed its course. This shows Dr.
Davis on the cart. He accompanied M.M. Brown on his first trip over the
28927 First Girls' School in Chunghing, West China opened in 1882 by Miss
Frances Wheeler. Her father and mother were the pioneers of our board in
West China. She could have had 100 pupils but had room for only 22. Dr.
Wheeler died in Shanghai 1902. Mr. Wheeler is in Geneva. Mrs. Wheeler has
been in the work for 33 years.
28928 Dr. Diao and family (Y.K) Lewis (22), Harry (10), Walter (9),
Stephen (6), Clara (6), Daisy.
28929 Chinese wedding.
28931 New Testament presented to Emperor Kuang Hiu, 1893.
28744 The Prinipal, Mr. J.H. Irish, and Mrs. Irish. Hinghwa, Guthrie
Memorial High School. China.
28740 Guthrie Memorial High School. Hinghwa, China. Top row from left to
right: Li Ping Ling - normal school. Li Phiong Liu - Turkieu Union
College. Hong Ga. Hang - normal school. Li Ping Ming - Turkieu Union
College. Ling Hing Goh - normal school.
28799 The last stop on a 200 miles round of District by mule cart last
January and December. My pac of food is tied on behind and my bedding is
inside to help break the jolt...
28545 Teacher and Preacher and Mrs. Manly. Tzechow, China.
28546 Teachers and Preachers, China. Group of native teachers and
preachers, Tzechow, W. China. Left hand standing Wang Chin Fuh, teacher
Tzechow Boarding School. Right di Tien Yuin, left Yang Gin Nagan. Middle,
Shiong Shia Tsen.
28547 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Girls' Day School, Tzechow, West China.
28548 Two native preachers and their families. Chang Fah Ka and di Tien
Yuin with old Mrs. Shao Tzechow.
28841 H.E. Governor Tang Chi Yao Military Governor of Yuanan. Province
China Governor Tand Chi Yao after completing the studies in China next to
Japan and graduated from a military college. While in Japan he was a
member of the Y.M.C.A.. On his return to Yunan, he set aside a Confucian
temple for Y.M.C.A. purposes. The Governor, though not a Christian, is
very sympathetic toward Christianity and by mandate has instructed
officials and people to hold in honor all missionaries and allow them full
liberty to propagate the Gospel.
27552 University of Nanking. In the foreground two residents. In the
background beginning at the left - high school classroom building. The
dormitory: Administration building; Chapel; Science Hall. Beyond these
(not university) Girls' High School. Women's Bible Training School. The
dwelling nearest in the foreground is the Urlson Home.
27553 A view of the hill from which the general view was taken. Chinese
graves cover the hills.
27554 Entrance to the University Campus.
27555 On the campus, facing west. Nanking University.
27795 The way babies come to the Rebecca Mc Cake Orphanage when they are
left at the gate.
27873 Graduating class, Nanking School of Theology, Nanking, China, 1916.
These men have taken a three-year course and are now in the Christian
27874 Theological School. Foochow, China.
27898 Flash light of te interior of the boys' school...
28426 Hospital, Dieutsui. This picture was taken after he had been two
months in the hospital and was about to leave. The child was wearing a new
pair of shoes presented by Russian shoemaker who was interested in this
case. China.
28427 Curious natives about Dr. Gamewell and his portable typewriters.
26498 Methodist Episcopal Gateway and Church. Methodist Episcopal Compound, Peking.
26499 Changhi Girls' School, China
26500 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Southwest side of hill woman washing in pool little baby
near her. Man washing vegetables. White spots and broken ice, pond
covered with ice in winter. Five grave stones are on the hill to the right
of the three and lowest down are the stones breaking? graves and property
in _____.
26487 General view of the university compound. The mountains in the
distance is where Prof. Bailie has his forestry Experiment Station, the
agriculture Department of the University of Nanking, which is in the
26354 Throughout China the mission schools are now recognized etc.
26355 Kiangso is approximately a fifth larger than Illinois.
26397 A needle image, which Dr. Huntly got from a needle doctor in the
city of Hangang. It represents the different parts of the human anatomy
into which he is prepared to plunge needles which are from four to twelve
inches long for the cure of disease.
26210 Police Station, Hatamen Street, Peking. 1903. See 24813.
26233 Workmen constructing main college building. Heart College West
China University Canadian Methodist Mission. The building is of gray brick
and tile; is 170 ft. long and 3.5 stories high and cost about $30,000.
25180 Rev. Ding Li Mei a graduate of the Shantung Christian University,
whose gifts, as a powerful evangelist, are recognized throughout China.
25181 Rev. Ding Li Mei; "Men and Missions" Oct. 1916
25182 Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Keeler and Christians who have come to see them
25183 Section of Foochow (walled city) China. Picture taken from ancient
Lion Tower. Near it in foreground are native buildings on main business
streets, at chief points in which is temporarily housed Central Methodist Episcopal
Church. (Institutional)
25140 Little ones at dinner. It costs only $10 gold a year to keep one of
these littles ones in the Anchuanchwang School and give them all the food
they need.
25141 Two boys being educated in a Christian School. The little fellow on
the left was given away by his father to work in a cotton factory - a sure
and early death for him. He was rescued by the missionary. The boy on the
right is the son of a poor Christian widow in Peking. He is bright and
lovable. There are many just such promising boys as this who can be
rescued from heathen homes and brought up in Christian schools.
25142 Men's Evangelistic Meeting in Shanghai addressed by Sherwood Eddy.
2500 in attendence.
25032 The stone dragon along the Kan. A stone tail of this dragon
stretches for half a mile down the river. A remarkable natural dragon like
the "Old Man" of the White Mountains.
25016 Closer view of "Our Raft on the Kan." Dr. Kupfer slept in the chair
at the right of the man. I (Bishop Bashford) slept two nights on this raft
under the stars of heaven and "good sleeping" it was.
24861 Ruins of Hatamen St. Methodist Church - Peking. First building
destroyed by Boxers. It is now rebuilt and is International Army Y.M.C.A.
24862 Shepard Scene painted by Chinese artist for Christmas decorations at
Peking Asbury Church, 1902. Methodist Episcopal Mission
24863 Japanese well-drillers. Methodist Episcopal Mission, Peking, 1902. Durban Hall,
Peking University in background. An artesian well, supplying residences,
schools, hostals, and University.
24841 Residence of Isaac Taylor Headland. Peking. Dr. Headland on porch.
24842 Graves of cholera victims, taken during the epidemic at Tientsin in
1908. Showing the temporary burials in close proximity to a dense
residential section.
24843 Inmates of Widows and Freed Slaves Homes - a semi-public charity of
Tientsin. 1906.
24844 Faculty of Tientsin Intermediate School, 1908. B. St. John in
24821 Dr. Lilburn Merrill examining boys from the Methodist Tientsin
Intermediate School. 1907.
24822 Procession of wheelbarrows bringing dirt for filling in South Gate
Property, Methodist Episcopal Mission, Tientsin, 1904-5. 18 acres filled in this way.
Much brought from half a mile away.
24817 Grares in a cotton field. Shanghai - cotton mill in the distance
temporary and plaster-covered.
24818 One method of catching fish - North China. Fisher's hut and dip net
Haiche (Sea River) below Tientsin. 1902.
24819 Great scaffolding erected while building the Von Kettler Monument
(arch) Hatamen St., Peking. These poles, many thousands, were all tied
together with ropes. 1902-3.
24793 Making first tennis court on Methodist Episcopal Compound after Boxer uprising.
Pounding earth with a "Spider." Durham Hall, Peking. University in
24794 Compound. Getting ready to build the Women's Foreign Missionary Society buildings. Hatamen
(City Gate) tower and city wall (south wall of Tartar city) in background.
German fort on wall at right of Gate Tower. Part of Hopkins Memorial
Hospital at extreme right-back, 1902.
24787 Ruins of London Mission Church, Hatamen St., Peking, 1902.
Destroyed by Boxers and not rebuilt at time this was taken.
24788 German Military Fort on City Wall near Hatamen Gate, Peking, 1902
24789 "Donkey" party on Tartar Wall, Peking. Left to right: Katherine
King; Edward Davis; (back of H.E. King); H.E. King; 2 unknown; Mrs. E.K.
Lowery. W. side of city. 1902-3.
24790 Two Manchu girls on I.T. Headland's porch. Peking, 1903.
24775 Rev. Verity, Rev. Hobart and others with missionary brokboard at
Trientsin, about to start to taianfu, Shantung Taken on Taku Road, Tientsin
opposite Mission, 1904
24776 Interior West Gate Street Chapel. Peking. Lord's Prayer in middle;
Beatitudes at right - Commandments at left; on wall, 1904
24777 Rev. and Mrs. B.L. St. John receiving lesson in Chinese, mandarin
New Testament, in home of Dr. and Mrs. H.H. Lowry. Peking. Teacher Gold
(Chin), 1903.
24778 A Chinese Preacher, baby, and chrysenthemums. North China.
Parsonage of Wesley Church, Tientsin