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H41995 Betty and Jack off to school

H41996 Jack on playground

H41997 Bob signals to Jack

H41998 Bob, Jack and Jim

H41999 Jack and Bob on Benson lawn

H42000 Boys entering church door

H42001 Mr. Jerrold and boys at church door

H42002 Boys class in club room

H42003 Jack at home with Mr. Benson

H42004 Another scene - Jack and Mr. Benson

H42005 Minister stops to greet Mrs. Benson

H42006 Church school class on Sunday

H42007 Church school department

H42008 Church school department singing

H42009 Benson home - Jack and Betty

H42010 Mrs. Terry calls on Mrs. Benson

H42011 Minister calls in Benson home

H42012 The Bensons at church

H42013 The minister calls to worship

H42015 The minister preaching

H42016 The benediction

H42017 The minister greets the Bensons at the church door

H42018 Minister addresses his leaders

H42019 The minister and survey group

H42020 Survey committee at work

H42021 The Bensons at family devotions

H42022 Mr. Benson at minister's study

H42023 Mr. Benson leaving study

H42024 Mr. and Mrs. Benson studying

H42025 Mr. Benson before church school leaders

H42026 The enrollment secretary

H42027 Watch our church school grow

H42028 Women teacher training group

H42029 Mr. Benson with group of workers

H42030 Mr. Benson and minister at doorway

H42031 Teachers with primary group

H42032 Commitment service

H42033 Dedication service

H42083 A choir singing

H42227 Boys and girls receive commissions of leadership, First Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42085 Joint staff conference, September 11, 1939

H42228 Electing their class representatives of leadership, First Methodist Church, Evanston, Illiniois

H42229 Original drama in seniors department worship, First Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42230 New officers lighting candles from those of old, Junior High Fellowship, First Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42231 Junior high officers after being installed, First Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42270 Exhibit table, religious education open house, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42271 Periodical and group lesson table, Religious education open house, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 1940

H42272 Book and periodical table, Religious education open house, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 1940

H42273 Church school advance exhibit. Religious education open house. 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42274 Vacation church school exhibit. Religious education open house. 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42275 Missionary education exhibit. Religious education open house. 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42276 Stereopticon lecture. Religious education open house. 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42277 The tea table. Religious education open house. 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois

H42278 Serving tea. Religious education open house, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 1940

H42308 A portion of the missionary exhibit, Primary department, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42309 A portion of the missionary exhibit, Junior department, Evanston, Illinois

H42310 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42311 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42312 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42313 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42314 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42315 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42316 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42317 Missionary display, Covenant Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois

H42457 Powell family leaving home

H42458 Powells entering church

H42459 Pastor and superintendent in pastor's study

H42460 Pastor and superintendent in pastor's study

H42461 Miss Bennett and her class

H42462 Boy speaking to teacher

H42463 Dorothy questioning her teacher

H42464 Caroline, another girl in the class

H42465 Pastor and superintendent at door of study

H42466 Pastor and superintendent watch the Powells leave church

H42467 At the parsonage

H42468 Mr. Jackson walking home

H42469 Mr. Jackson entering his home

H42470 Mr. Jackson in his easy chair

H42471 Mr. Jackson and Miss Bennett in her home

H42472 Another conference in Miss Bennett's home

H42473 A month later Miss Bennett returns her book

H42474 Mr. Jackson and Miss Bennett

H42474 Mr. Jackson and Miss Bennett in conference

H42477 Primary boys and girls with teacher

H42476 Primary children at work table

H42478 Miss Bennett with her own Primary class

H42479 Mr. Jackson at his desk

H42480 Dr. Wallace and Mr. Jackson at the parsonage

H42481 The Church Board of Education meets at the church

H42482 Church Board of Education banquet

H42483 Minister

H42485 Freckled face boy

H52486 Business man at his desk

H42484 An old lady in her hundredth year

H42488 Minister speaking

H42488 Pastor speaking earnestly

H42489 Eager group listening

H42490 Miss Bennett

H42491 The superintendent and minister

H42492 The Powells

H42493 Group listening

H42494 Minister speaking to group

H42495 Mr. Jackson standing at the speaker's table

H42496 Upraised hands of group

H42497 Miss Bennett visiting the Powell family

H42498 A Leadership Education class in session

H42499 The Powell family attend church

H42500 The church worship service

H42501 Miss Bennett greeting the pupils on Sunday morning


H83 Missionary Transformation

H120 Pussy Willows

H121 Plowing in the field

H122 Village Church

H123 Planning the front garden

H124 Way down east

H125 Better than Sugar

H126 At the pump

H127 Noon

H128 A meadow brook

H129 Pasture of sheep

H191 Russo-Hungarian Mission conducted under the auspices of First Methodist Episcopal Church, Akron Ohio, Central German Conference

H1761 Exterior of County Church, Henrietta Ohio

H1836 Poorest Type of Country House

H1837 Average Country House

H1838 Best Country House

H1839 Poorest type of church in District

H1840 Average Church Building

H1841 Best Rural Church in District

H1959 Scottdale Pennsylvania. Interior of Methodist Church.

H1960 Scottdale Pennsylvania. Methodist Church, Mulberry Street

H1961 Scottdale Pensylvania. Methodist Church, Mulberry street

H1962 Scottdale Pennsylvania. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mulberry Street

H1963 Scottdale Pennsylvania YMCA

H164 Scottdale Pennsylvania. Home of Rev. N.B. Tannehill

H1965 Scottdale Pennsylvania. Home of the president of the H.C. Frick Coke Company

H1966 Pennsylvania - Continental Coke Works. View towards coke ovens. Sky is always hazy and smokey about these ovens.

H1967 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works (Number 1) Coke ovens and freight cars

H1968 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works. Coke unloading machine.

H1969 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works. Coke unloading machine.

H1970 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works Close view of coke oven.

H1971 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works. Coke oven. Close view.

H1972 Uniontown Pennsylvania House of the workers of the Continental Coke Works. These buildings are kept very clean.

H1973 Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works. Number 1 entrance to mine. Hoist building

H1974 Uniontown Pennsylvania Continental Coke Works. Hoist building and mine shaft.

H2086 Where Sunday School was organized and preaching services were held in Bay Island district from which we were forced to withdraw because children carried mud on their shoes into the houses.

H2087 Where we are now forced to hold Sunday School and church services. Building in a corn field, half mile from road. Children and grown people compelled to creep though two barb wire fences to reach the dilapidated place of worship.

H2088 New Boston Methodist Episcopal Church

H2089 Tile Works Griffin


H2099 Pennsylvania "Breaker" said to be the second largest in the world and coaste dumps at Glen Lyon

H2102 Texas "Long Horns" just out of Mexico stolen from American and English ranches and sold to Americans in order to finance the bandits.

H2169 Coke Ovens at night. Continental Pennsylvania

H2187 Drew Theological Seminary. Rural Ministers Institute. Leaders Conference May 1918

H2188 Fife and drum corps. Memorial Day. In front of the Unitarian Church. Hubbardston Mass

H2189 Post office and Public Library Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2190 Post office and Public Library. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2191 Home of Rev. Otis Moore. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2192 Home of Rev. Otis Moore. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2193 School Team. There are several which take the children to their homes in the surrounding towns. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2194 School Team. There are three of four of these teams which take the children to their houses in surrounding towns. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2195 School Team. There are three of four of these teams which take the children to their houses in surrounding towns. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2196 Children coming out of school. Hubbardston, Massachusetts.

H2197 Methodist Church Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2198 Soldiers monument in front of Unitarian Church.In memory of the soldiers of the Civil War. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2199 Children entering Methodist Church, after the school period. They just sing a few sacred songs and the teacher says a prayer. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2200 Children going to Methodist Church after school. They just sing a few sacred songs. The class teacher takes charge of them. She can be seen leading the line. The school just across the way from the church. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2201 Group of girls in front of the school entrance. Some of these girls are Camp Fire Girls. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2202 Group of girls in front of school entrance. Some of these girls are Camp Fire Girls. Rev. Moore's house adjoins the school house. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2203 Boy scouts at practice for the Memorial Day Parade. The Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are directed by Rev. Otis Moore. The boys have khaki suits on. Everyone of the scouts has a bicycle on which they take long trips with Rev.Moore as their guardian. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2204 Boy scouts at practice for the Memorial Day Parade. The Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are directed by Rev. Otis Moore. The boys have khaki suits on. Everyone of the scouts has a bicycle on which they take long trips with Rev.Moore as their guardian. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2205 Children coming out of school. This school is next to Rev. Moore's house. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2206 Hubbardston Massachusetts. Boys who paraded to boast the third Liberty Bond Loan. This was under Rev. Otis Moore's supervision. Hubbardston went far over its quota.

H2207 Flashlight of the Pageant in the Unitarian Church. This was the first church in Hubbardston Massachusetts. Rev. Moore supervised the Pageant. He can be seen with the farmer's hat and hoe in his hand.

H2208 Unitarian Church built in 1773 remodelled in 1842. In former years the Church was called the First Congregational Church of Hubbardston. This is the oldest Church in Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2209 Unitarian Church built in 1773 remodelled in 1842. In former years the Church was called the First Congregational Church of Hubbardston. This is the oldest Church in Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2210 Saw Mill. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2211 Audience at the Pageant in the Unitarian Church. Hubbardston Massachusetts May 1918

H2212 Red Cross Building. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2213 Residence showing large pile of wood. The people gather and cut great piles of wood to be prepared for the cold weather. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2214 Stumps of Pine trees cut down forlumber. There are a great many pine forests in Massachusetts. Hubbardston

H2215 Abandone barn on farm. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2216 Road scene Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2217 Abandoned Farm House about two years ago. This was a large dairy. Twenty cows and two teams of horses were kept here. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2218 Landscape view taken from Lombard Road. There are at least seven abandoned houses within a radius of half mile of this section.

H2219 Millstream. The Mill on the stream has been torn down years ago, but the foundation was left and has rotted away with age. Hubbardston Massachusetts

H2246 Methodist Episcopal Chapel preacher in doorway. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2247 Methodist Episcopal Chapel preacher in doorway. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2248 Pioneers home. These shacks are very crude and old. When the settlers came here they had to cut down the trees and clear the land of all rocks (the soil out here is full of rocks and stones) so that they could do their farming. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2249 Pioneers home. These shacks are very crude and old. When the settlers came here they had to cut down the trees and clear the land of all rocks (the soil out here is full of rocks and stones) so that they could do their farming. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2250 Ox team and cart. The dirt and soil from the roads is carted away by ox teams when a new road is being built. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2251 Ox team and cart. The dirt and soil from the roads is carted away by ox teams when a new road is being built. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2252 View showing the drawbacks to farming. The soil is filled with rocks and stones and the ground is very hilly. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2253 Peach Orchard (These trees are only about 2 years old) The men are picking the stones out of the soil. The soil is full of rocks and stones. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2254 Panoramic view showing the valleys and hills. This part of Massachusetts us mostly all hills and valleys. Phillipstone Massachusetts

H2255 Road repairing apparatus. A good community depends upon the kind of roads it possesses. Westminster Massachusetts

H2256 Playground adjoining the Grammar School. Westminster Massachusetts

H2257 Grammar School - Picture taken at noon just as the children were going out for lunch. Westminster Massachusetts

H2258 Grammar school Picture taken as children were going to lunch. Westminster Massachusetts

H2259 Abandoned school house. The children go to the new brick school building about half mile up the road. Westminster Massachusetts