H10632 The World's famous Hero Major General John F. O'Ryan at left
General Vanderbilt in center, just after getting off the Transport
Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey
H10633 Transport Leviathan docking, ready to unload its passengers, the
heroic 27th Division. Hoboken, New Jersey
H10634 The upper decks of the Transport Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey
H10521 Interior of the kitchen of a Polish home of two rooms. Pittsburg,
H10522 Mrs. Mary McKaskey - one of the old ladies in the Frances Hamilton
Home for the aged who, at the age of 78, is an exceptional pianist and
singer and who leads all the singing in the home. Near Pittsburg, PA
55375 Eastgate Hospital. This child was found deserted and alone, almost
dead during the coldest part of the winter of 1918. It is totally blind but
its life has been saved. Seoul, Korea.
55273 Picture of the modern grave yard. Formerly the Koreans had their
grave sites everywhere over the hill sides and many times where it was a
menace. Kongju, Korea.
55259 School boy pruning pine tree. Kongju, Korea.
55260 The horse which has a long haul. The log came from the Yaln river by
train and is being hauled 20 miles across the country to Kongju where it
will be sawed up into smaller timbers of lumber. Kongju, Korea.
55261 A campany of farmers at their noon day meal. These farmers were road
making. Kongju, Korea.
55262 The teacher showing the boys how to trim the trees. Kongju, Korea.
55251 High school student cooking his own food. Kongju, Korea.
55252 Farmers eating rice by the road side. Kongju, Korea.
55253 Weeding rice by band music. When the farmers get together to weed
the rice fields they hire a Korean oldtime band to come and go through the
field playing. The workers then pull weeds to the time of the music.
Kongju, Korea.
51982 New Girls school building Women's Foreign Missionary Society Kang Kyung Po, Mrs. Sharp and
workers. Korea.
51983 Same as 51982
51984 Making the mud wall around helpers house Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school. Mud
is tamped in mould, sun dried and then roofed with straw. Korea.
51985 Boys running down the road toward the motorcycle. Korea.
51575 Kim Chang Choon pastor of Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.
51577 Kim Young Chin (son of Kim Chan Sik) now in second year of Government Meidcal College. Seoul. 1918. was instrumental in getting Bible Class started for Mr. Billings having average attendance of 15. Taught in Korean so there was no bait in the way of a chance to learn English. Leads singing in Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.
51578 Chongno Methodist Church, Seoul. A modern Venice when it rains. Old weather beaten boards. Seoul. Korea.
51564 Mr. Appenzeller and children in front of wretched old Y.M.C.A
building now used as a church old weather worm boards. Chongno Church.
Seoul. Korea.