H32923 Supervised recreation of Boys Class on hike to study nature and to get acquainted with their Sunday School Teacher. Huntington District, West Virginia
H45061 Pittman Center, Tennessee. Basketball coach with Captains of girls and boys basketball teams. 1950
H45062 Pittman Center, Tennessee. Mrs. Robert Thomas meets a mountain woman who makes baskets at the store. The baskets will be sold at the store. 1950
H45063 Pittman Center, Tennessee.
Mountain woman bringing baskets she has made to store for selling to tourists. 1950
H45064 Pittman Center, Tennessee. Mrs. Robert Thomas receiving baskets made by a mountain woman. 1950
H45065 Pittman Center, Tennessee. Mrs. Robert Thomas packing hand made linens for shipping. 1950
H45066 Pittman Center, Tennessee. Mrs. Robert Thomas mailing a package of handcraft linens at the post office. 1950