82596 Near Kutien--party of missionary at falls - China.
82597 Kutien - view across river toward Methodist Episcopal Mission
Compound, China.
82598 Ngien Sieu - Altar of the Green Frog is located where cult of Green
Frog is located. China.
82599 Ngieu Sieu--Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church in whose parish the
cult of Green Frog sprang up as result of deliverance from cholera
epidemic, almost driving out the Christian work for a time. China.
82025 China - A village group who came to Yung Chin to aks the missionary
to send a Bible woman or teacher. They walked 38 miles round trip. We sent
for a teacher for 2 months only. 40 of this group are now probationers.
82026 China - A Bible class taught by Mrs. Sang, Spring 1919. China
82028 China, Nanking - Section of the University of Nanking College of
Agriculture and Forestry nurseries. China.
12035 Shanghai - Rescued slave girls of "Door of Hope" with dolls they
have dressed. China.
80852 Stick around which bladder stone had grown, removed from abdomen of
patient. (little girl fell and ran piece of bamboo into her abdomen,
Chinese doctor cut it off and left it there - (christian doctor removed
cane) Canton)