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85678 The eastern entrance of the summer palace Peking

85679 The summer palace, the entrance to the main buildings, Peking

85680 In the grounds of the summer palace Peking

85681 The lake in the gardens of the summer palace, Peking


85682 The promenade along the Lake at the summer palace, Peking

85683 In the gardens of the summer palace, Peking

85684 The gardens in the summer palace grounds, Peking


85685 Temple and seventeen arch bridge at the new summer palace, Peking

85686 The seventeen arch bridge leading to the dragon temple island at the
new summer palace Peking

85687 Bridge from northern entrance at the summer palace

85688 Bridge from northern entrance at the summer palace Peking


85689 The Camel back bridge at the summer palace Peking

85690 Jade girdle bridge at the summer palace, Peking

85691 The camel back bridge at the summer palace Peking

85692 The camel back bridge at the summer palace Peking


85693 The marble bridge at the summer palace, Peking

85694 The marble bridge in the gardens of the summer palace, Peking

85695 The marble bridge in the gardens of the summer palace, Peking

85696 A vista at the summer palace Peking


85697 A view of the summer palace, Peking

85698 The west wing of the summer palace, Peking

85699 Bronze pagoda at the summer palace made of bronze so that the
foreigners could not carry it away; contains bronze furniture, Peking


85700 Tile roofs of the summer palace Peking

85701 Tile roofs of the summer palace Peking

85702 Tile roofs of the summer palace Peking

85703 The golden tile roofs of the summer palace of the Empress Dowager


85704 Brilliant sunshine on the roofs of the summer palace Peking

85705 Roofs of the summer palace Peking

95706 Bronze urn in front of the favorite of the Empress Dowager, Peking


85707 The summer palace the favorite reception hall of the Dowager, Peking

85708 A bronze dog at the eastern entrance to the summer palace. Peking

85709 Bronze dragon at the summer palace, Peking


85710 The summer palace built by the Empress Dowager, bronze peacock,

85711 Emperor's study chair in the hall of classics, Peking


85712 memorial tablets in the hall of classics, Peking

85713 The amrble house-boat of the Empress, Peking

85714 Ruins at the old imperial summer palace

85715 Palace ruins at the old imperial summer palace, Peking


85716 Bronze astronomical instrument in the observatory, Peking

85717 Bronze astronomical instrument in the observatory yard, Peking


85719 Astronomical instrument in the observatory, Peking

85719 View of the observatory from the south, Peking

85720 The new summer palace. View from the west showing the northern end
of the palace grounds, Peking


85721 Marble work at the new summer palace, Peking

85722 The main courtyard at the new summer palace, Peking

85723 The new summer palace; small tea house, Peking

85724 The new summer palace. The lotus lake from the main gate looking
west showing the precious stone pagoda in the distance, Peking


85725 The Main Courtyard at the New Summer Palace. Peking

85726 The new summer palace promenade along the northern side of the Lake
from the east gate to the main gate of the Cloud Temple, Peking

85727 The new summer palace, Cloud Temple from the south side. Peking

85928 Cloud Temple from the east, new summer palace. peking


85729 Marble arch at the new summer palace, Peking

85730 Small temple at the new summer palace, Peking


85731 Monument in the summer palace, Peking

95732 Marble to commemorate the building of the lake at the new summer
palace, Peking

85933 The new summer palace Bronze stork model sun dial, Peking

85934 Tomb of the outcast princess, Peking


85735 Temple of the black dragon pool in the Imperial hunting park west of

85736 The marble arch ming tombs

85737 The marble arch at the western tombs, Peking


85738 Arch on the military road east of Peking

85739 View from Coal Hill, Peking

85740 View taken on top of city wall showing width, Peking

85741 The water gate where the allied troops entered in 1900, Peking


85742 Archway in native city outside the city wall, Peking

85743 Archway in city streets, Peking

85744 An Archway in the Native City, Peking

85745 Street arches and gates in the Imperial City

85746 A bridge near the southeastern gate to the city, Peking


85747 A gate to the old Chinese City, Peking

85748 A gate to the old Chinese City, Peking

85749 The tower at the southeastern corner of the city wall, Peking

85750 The camel gate; all camels entering the city must come thru this
gate and register, Peking


85751 Southeast pagoda in the city wall, Peking

85752 Red stone tablets, Ming Tombs

85753 Outside the Chien Men gate, Peking

85754 The Chen Men Gate, Peking


85755 First gate to the Chien Men entrance to the tartar city, Peking

85756 South side of the tartar wall peking

85757 A bridge near the southern wall fo the city, Peking


85758 The Hatamen Gate, Peking

85759 The Hatamen Gate, Peking

85760 The Hatamen Gate, Peking


85761 The Hatamen Gate, Peking

85762 Street scene outside the Hatamen Gate, Peking

85763 Street scene outside the Hatamen Gate, Peking

85764 Outside the Hatamen Gate, Peking


85765 The Hatamen Gate, Peking

85766 Outside the Hatamen Gate, Peking

85767 Outside the Hatamen Gate, Peking

85768 Outside The Hatamen Gate, Peking


85769 Outside The Hatamen Gate, Peking

85770 The Hatamen Street after a rain, Peking

85771 The Hatamen Street after a rain, Peking

85772 A Tower on the southeastern wall of the city, Peking


85773 A bridge near the southeastern corner of the city, Peking

85774 The Pai Hai Coal Hill, Peking

85775 A view in the old manchu city, Peking

85776 A view of the old Manchu City, Peking


85777 A scene in the northern of Old Manchu City, peking

85778 Street scene in the southern city, Peking

85779 The wall around the imperial city being attacked to make way for a
street in order to relieve traffic conjestion, Peking

85780 Two types of guard houses, Peking


85781 An American Marine on guard, Peking

85782 The barrier in the street at the American Legation Compound, Peking

85783 The barrier in the street at the American Legation Compund, Peking

85784 Street scene in the Legation Quarter, Peking


85785 The Gateway to the British Legation, Peking

85786 The gateway to the Italian Legation

85787 The entrance to the Italian legation, Peking

85788 The entrance to the Italian Legation, Peking


89652 Chinese children eating with chopsticks

89653 Chinese child eating with chopsticks

89654 School girls from a heathen family

89655 Natives gathering fuel

89656 Peking street sprinkler


89657 Oxen used as beasts of burden

89660 Shanghai Conference 1922, Shanghai

89734 Type of Chinese boy

89763 Severence Hall, Administration building Nanking University,
combining western and Chinese architecture, Nanking


89764 Scene after chapel in summer school which is composed largely of
teachers, pastors and evangelists, Nanking University

89765 Scene after chapel in summer school which is composed largely of
teachers, pastors and evangelists, Nanking University

89766 Chow Ming first, instructor in agricultural college, Nanking

89767 Students self-pollinating blossoms of the Chinese cotton to purity
of variety, Nanking University

89768 Cultivating a field of cotton with agricultural designer by one of
the men in the agricultural college, University of Nanling

89769 An improved variety of American cotton, a result of three years
selestion in China (Agricultural Department, Nanking University)


89770 Man using primitive Chinese cotton gin, Agricultural College Nanking

89771 A close up of a Chinese cotton gin which consists of a roller of
wood turned by hand and a roller of iron turned by treadle, Nanking

89772 A close up of a Chinese cotton gin at work, Nanking

89773 Part of the experiment garden Agricultural College Nanking University

89774 Student with products from farm garden Agricultural College, Nanking

89775 Experimentation garden where different varieties of rice are raised,
Agricultural College, Nanking University

89776 Raising ginger near Nanking

89777 Onions and celery being raised the same time, Agricultural College

89778 Picking tomatoes, Agricultural College Nanking University


89779 A corner of the nursery showing pots of roses, Agricultural College,
University Nanking

89780 Chrysanthemum and rose propogation, Agricultiral College, University

89781 A section of the garden used for producing seeds that are
distributed thru out China, Agricultural College Nanking University

89782 Drying vegtables and seeds on trays in the gardens, Agricultural
College, Nanking University

89783 A corner of the seed room over 2600 orders were filled from June
30th 1921 to July 1st 1922, Nanking University

89784 The herbareum of the Botany Dept of Nanking University

89785 A corner of the tapestry room showing wood shavings, Agricultural
College Nanking University

89786 Ox drawing Chinese plow at the Agricultral College Nanking University

89787 Summer school students studying deep ploughing Agricultural College
Nanking University


89788 Group of students studying foreign plow, Agricultural College
University Peking

89789 Double plow harrow drawn by oxen Agricultural College University

89790 Student practicing the use of the foreign plow Agricultural College
University Peking

89791 A class of Nanking university students learning to harness a water
buffalo to an American plow Nanking

89792 The Weather Bureau Nanking University

89793 Students mounting specimens collected from local trees in Summer
School Class in methods of agriculture and nature study Nanking University


89794 Class in agricultural and nature study methods mounting specimens of
tree leaves, University of Nanking

89795 Class in methods of teaching agriculture and nature study University
of Nanking

89796 Mulberry of a variety of spiral branches considered ornamental as
well as useful, Agricultutal College University of Nanking

89797 Foreign instructor with root of mulberry seedlings in hand
explaining to students that they are not watering the soil deep enough,
Agricultutal College University of Nanking

89798 Watering mulberry seedlings Agricultutal College University of


89799 Nursery seedlings in the Forestry Sept. shaded from the sun
Agricultutal College University of Nanking

89800 Two men carrying water and watering nursery seedlings Nanking

89801 Man watering nursery beds, Nanking

89802 Little Chinese child gathering leaves for fuel Nanking

89803 Men marketing water melon in a passenger vechicle Nanking


89804 Typical goos road and farmhouse within the city, Nanking

89805 A typical home of a northerner who emigrated to Nanking

89806 Herdsman on a country road Nanking

89807 A typical farmhouse just outside of city limits Nanking


89808 A typical Chinese farmer Nanking

89809 A raod scene near Nanking

89810 Scene on a road near Nanking

89811 Various modes of travel on a country road just outside Nanking

89812 Man hoeing bottomof pond to rid it of noxious weeds near Nanking


89813 Waterplants are raised in the square at the right near Nanking

89814 One of the girls of the Mary Porter Garnvell School having her head
bound, Peking

89815 A typical Peking cart

89816 Street scene just outside the Shuntsimen Gate Nanking

89817 A good road leading from the the Shuntsimen Gate Nanking


89818 A carriage on the road to the Shuntsimen Nanking

89819 A high class coffin, Foochow

89820 A full furnished ornamental paper house supposed to be inhabited by
the deceased which is burned at the funeral, Foochow

89821 Images that are to be burned with paper houses and which are
supposed to be servants to the dead, Foochow


89822 A large crowd at the funneral of a wealthy citizen, Foochow

89823 Part of funeral procession Foochow

89824 Girls at the Women's Foreign Missionary Society school giving play entitled "the Stone in the
Road" Taianfu

89825 Women grinding meal Millet. Taianfu


89826 Chinese woman weaving cloth to make the family's garments Shanhaikwan

89827 Man milking cow at gate of missionary's home, Chengyu

89828 Rice fields in terraces Chungking

89829 Easter service held in orange grove Tezechow


89830 Closeup of water buffalo which is used as the common draft animal of
Central and South China

89831 One way of being carried to the hospital, tientsin

89832 Man dragging a pond for snails and shrimps although this pond may be
raising fish, drinking water and laundry puropses

89833 A hat weaver of west china

89834 District Supt. Yanguhasan itinerating in mountain chair West China


89835 Deforestationin Nanking County Fukien

89836 Carrying logs to the river, Fukien

89837 Looking down hatamen from the city wall, Peking

89838 Some of the houses in the Peking conferences


89839 Each village has a market day every five days and the merchants
travel from one to another, Peking

89840 Crowd on sidewalk note Manchurian headdress in foreground

89841 Paper idols at the door, supposed to keep out the evil spirits Peking

89842 The funeral of a wealthy man Peking


89843 Wayside shrine built by wealthy man for his ancestors Peking

89844 The home of a wealthy farmer, Peking

89845 Older child taking care younger ones, Peking

89846 Two beggar women with their children on their backs, Peking

89847 A rag picker who does not miss the timest bit of straw paper of the


89848 Eating the noon day meal

89850 School boys Changli

89851 Group of C***s seated on ground enjoying a meal Peking

89851 Women washing clothes in ditch in field

89852 Looking thru archway at a pagoda


89853 Fishing with cormorants

89955 Gate at government Middle School, hideous drawing used to frighten
away evil spirits Foochow Conference

89956 School boys in the Foochow conference marching thru the street with
banners on the opening day of the disarmament conference at Washington

89957 Type of the "New Day" bible woman Foochow Conference

89958 Foochow Mission Group at Bishop Keeney's house warming, Foochow

89959 Missionary children with elaborate Chinese lanterns Foochow


89960 Lanterns as are used at the lantern Festival Foochow Conference

89961 Children playing by the roadside, Foochow Conference

89962 Crowd watching jugglers Foochow Conference

89963 Tramping roadway with poles Foochow Conference

89964 On the Futsing Coast


89965 Small shrine on the roadway

89966 Primitive roadside shrine with nothing but stone to represent the

89967 Miniature bit of a scene made of mud and sticks at the time of the
eight month festival Foochow Conference

89968 Straw hat for the guardian of the crops

89969 Grave shrine with paper lying at the top at the time of the Spring

89970 Altar at the Moon temple Foochow Conference


89971 Temple with unusual type of half moon pond and railing Foochow

89972 Buddah withtwo devout villagers Foochow Conference

89973 Walking idols frequently used in processing Foochow Conference

89974 Junks on the river

89975 Junks on the river Foochow Conference

89976 time at kindergarten heldinconjunction with an evangelistic campaign
Foochow Conference


89977 Open toilets at the edge of the village Foochow Conference

89978 Group of villagers around the missionary baggage Foochow Conference

89979 Building under construction showing long machine which is used
instead of a ladder Foochow Conference

89980 Natives in the field at rice harvest time Foochow Conference

89981 Vegtables in the field left to dry Foochow Conference


89982 Terrace valley Foochow Conference

89983 Farmer smoothing the mud of rice field Foochow Conference

89984 Old woman winnowing grain Foochow Conference

89985 Magpies rest in a tree above the Temple Foochow Conference

89986 Entrance to the Foochow mission compound Foochow


89987 Special cake prepared for the 40th anniversary of the Anglo-Chinese
College Foochow

89988 Playschool at Fucheng Church Foochow

89989 W.Y. Chen head of the Central Institutional Church at his desk

89990 Missionary Mary Carleton head of womens work at Institutional Church
at work Foochow

89991 Kindergarten classs at the central Institutional Church


89992 Children at the Union Kindergarten Training School playing out of
doors Foochow

89993 The School at the Central Institutional Church Foochow

89994 Brillantly decked out boys band Foochow

89995 Working model of a wooden typewriter keyboard

89996 Grinding out cane with sugar cane factory in background


89997 Water buffalo in the creek Foochow

89998 Pictures in a temple wall Foochow

899999 Bridge at West Park Foochow

90000 Store front decorated for "First Anniversary" bargin sale

90001 Funeral procession in cemetary Foochow


90002 Old woman in the village for many years the matron of the Magow
Memorial Hospital Foochow

90002 Proud father and his small daughter Foochow

90004 Bird's eye view of the City of Putien looking form the Altar of
heaven Kutiwen

90005 Waterwheel for irrigation near kutien

90006 Tree rhododendrons in mountain pass back of Kutien

90007 Clay pit at a Kutien Pottery Kutien


90008 Rice bowls set out to dry before being burned Kutien

90009 District church members gathered at the Centenary Bible Conference

90012 Gaudily painted temple doors Kutien

90010 Group of fine types of Yong-ing Islanders Kutien

90011 Child standing by fertilizer piles Tong-ing Islanders Kutien

90013 Idol guardains and living guardians of the temple


90014 Missionaries of the general board and Women's Foreign Missionary Society at Kuliang in 1921

90015 Mission picnic Kuliang

90016 Covered bridge near Shui-kau

90017 Field of peas in blossom Haltang island

90018 Ornate theater platform in ancestral temple Satding


90019 Tree at water's edge Mintsing

90020 Selling freshly slaughtered beef at the roadside Mintsing

90029 The new compund site of the new Girls School kindergarten and
missionary residence with the old church compund and schools in the
background YungChun

90030 Girls' in front of the school building Girls' School YungChun

90031 A group of the upper class students at the opening of the year
Girls' School Yungchun


90032 A little Chinese girl whom a Girls' Class in Maine is supporting in
school, Yungchun

90033 Prayer wheel and Taoist priests at a funneral Yungchun

90034 Natives at work in field planting rice Yungchun

90089 Rev. Earl Hoose traveling by motorcycle China

90098 Y.M.C.A. building built by General Feng for the use of his soldiers

90099 General Feng addressing his officers who are assembled on the parade
grounds Kaifeng


90100 General Feng on houseback reviewing his troops which are kept in
constant fighting form by these daily reviews Kaifeng

90101 General Feng watching men at setting up exercises Kaifeng

90102 Part of the infantry on parade Kaifeng

90103 Soldiers of General Feng's army being taught how to sing in unison

90104 Out of door class of General Feng's soldiers who are being given a
chance for a general education Kaifeng

90105 A Korean speaking thru an interpreter at the daily religious service
held. General feng's soldiers Kaifeng

90106 Children of General Feng's officers in kindergarten Kaifeng


90107 General Feng's soldiers weaving cloth at one of their factories,

90108 A lecture on foot-binding being given by one of General feng's
officers to an audience composed mostly of men Kaifeng

90109 Wives of General Feng's officers learning to make useful articles
out of straw Kaifeng

90110 A corner of the canning factory run by General Feng's soldiers

90111 Part of the group of 3000 students of Kaifeng HUnan who paraded to
petition Genral Feng as govenor of the Province Kaifeng


90112 The entrance to the govenor's palace Hunan province

90113 A typical farm house of a well to do farmer in Hunan Province

90114 Close up of a typical farm house in Siangtan Hunan province

90115 A youngster scavenger looking over a heap of refuse and garbage
Changsha Hunan Province

90116 A general view of Hanyang and Wuchang across the Yangtze , Hangyang


90117 Natives washing vegtables in the river for the market Hunan Province

90118 American school children in Shanghai acting out mother goose rhymes

90119 American school children acting out Mother Goose rhymes

90120 American school children acting out Mother Goose rhymes

90121 American school children acting out Mother Goose rhymes


90196 Hwa Nan woman's college (Women's Foreign Missionary Society) Foochow China

90263 Missionaries luggage in front of church ready for journey in
wheelbarrow Kiukiang

902648 Native doctor first convert of church at Kiukiang

90265 Students at the Wm. past college practising on athletic field

90266 Theological student Nanking Theological Seminary


90267 Drying sweet potato flour Kiukiang

90271 Dr. martin and freshman Histology Peking

90268 Idol being taken out for an airing Kiukiang

90275 View of the Great Wall China

90276 View of the Great Wall winding its way over the mountains

90273 A bird's eye view of Wuhu China


90277 One of the mountain peasants with his donkey ready to take visitors
up to the Great Wall

90278 Looking into Mongolia thru a gate in the Great Wall

90279 Temple of Heaven Peking

90280 Altar of Heaven Peking

90281 Detail of one of the marble posts Altar of Heaven Peking


90282 Street scene in Peking showing carts lined up a long the sidewalk

90283 Methodist compound Peking

90284 Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Peking

90285 A rickshaw Peking

90286 Drum tower from which at noon everyday a cannon is fired shot to
report to the hour Nanking


90287 On the Kan Rover Nanchang

90288 Chinese boat man on the Yangtze Nanking

90289 Chinese boy scouts at Arbor Day nanking celebration

90290 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921

90291 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921


90292 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921

90293 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921

90294 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921

90295 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921

90296 Chinese Boy scouts at Arbor Day Nanking Celebration 1921


90297 Two Chinese fathers holding babies Shantung

90298 One of our Day Schools Shantung

90299 Province children in the street Shantung

90300 Two children operating a mill in the famine section 1921 Shantung

90301 Crowd in famine area section Shantung Province 1921 Shantung


90302 Crowd gathered on bridge famine area 1921 Shantung Province

90303 Bread line famine section 1921 Shantung Province

90304 Bread line famine area section 1921 Shantung Province

90305 Crowd on bridge famine area Shantung Province

90306 Children famine area Shantung Province 1921


90307 Mode of transportation in famine area 1921 Shantung Province

90308 Wheelbarrow transportation famine area 1921 Shantung Province

90309 Pastor Fan in the center with two of the Blackstone pastors

90310 Pastor Fan and his helpers ready to pay off the workers in the
bridge famine area with grain 1921

90311 Bridge workers called together for a service in Sunday by Pastor Fan


90312 A street scene in one of Fukien's villages

90313 Open air theatre in one of the smaller villages Fukien Province

90314 Journeying to a mine village

90315 A squad of Chinese soldiers who helped during the famine

90316 C*** on a typical country road


90317 The official Board in the front row in an out door service in a
famine village

90318 Child in winter garb

90319 Chinese monument

90326 Type of man Chungking

90324 Congregation Chungking

90325 Setting up exercises Boys School Chungking


90359 Men's ward Wuhu Hospital

90360 Operating room Wuhu Hospital

90361 Rev. Timothy Ungfang Lew of Peking (Shanghai) University May 1922

90363 Town Hall where the National Christian Conference will be held May 2-
11 1922 Shanghai

90363 Delegates headquarters National Christian Conference Shanghai


90364 View from Ningpo Associated Building overlooking the New World
Amusemnt park, corner of Thibet and Nanking road

90380 Higher Primary School under construction Taihu

90381 Students Wm Nast college taking exercises Kiukiang

90382 Women breaking stone for the new bund at Wuhu


90383 Group which was unable to get into the church

90384 Temple in which the famous UmTuzo is located and where the priests
asked to have a steroptican lecture shown

90385 Typical Country with fireworks and grain drying and fish sunning

90394 The foreign and Chinese teachers of the Changli School


90395 About half of the second class of teh primary school Changli

90396 Showing the student body in a section of the study hall Changli

90397 Showing the students at higher tables on old benches in the Changli

90398 Students in one of the classrooms Changli School

90399 Group of students resting after class Changli School

90400 One of the most promising boys of the school who upon his entrance
was one of the most unpromising Changli school


90401 Group of scholarship boys who come from very poor families Changli

90402 Nine boys from heathen familes who are becomming strong Christian
leaders Changli School

90403 10x12 room where seven beds are crowded in and where only one door
and one window furnish all the ventilation Changli School

90404 Group of students who have carried their beds out of doors and are
working and studying on them Changli School

90405 The basket ball team of the Changli School


90406 Military drill Changli School

90407 Scene on the playground of the Changli School

90408 Students in class Miss Felt's School

90409 Students who have moved their beds out of doors Changli School

90410 Military Drill Changli School


90447 Operating Chinese pump

90448 Operating Chinese pump

90449 Pumping water by donkey power Shantung

90350 Draining water by donkey power Shantung

90451 Irrigating wheel Foochow


90452 Well with sewage draining into it, Chinkiang

90453 Paddyfields Foochow

90454 Drying rice in a valley

90456 Stacking rice straw Fukien

90455 Drying rice on the rocks of Ming River bed Fukien


90457 Harvest scene Fukien

90458 Harvesting sugar cane Fukien

90459 One of the cane crushers

90460 Carrying sugar cane to the mill and market


90461 Women grinding flour Shantung

90462 Grinding meal

90463 Drying noodles Kuckiang

90464 Farmer with hoe Nanking

90465 Plowing with an oxen Fukien

90466 Plowing with donkey and oxen Shantung


90467 Men and donkey pulling plow Shantung

90470 Shipping trees from teh Agricultural department University Nanking

90468 Poppy fields Yungchun

90471 Burning the ground to make it fertile Mintsing

90472 Sheep grazing Shansi

90469 Field of chrysanthemums Agricultural Department University of Nanking

90473 Driving sheep thru the street Shansi


90474 Water Buffalo swimming Foochow

90475 Water Buffalo getting a drink Kiangsi

90476 Driving the water buffalo home in the evening Kutien

90477 Cormorant fisher Foochow


90478 Three wheel ox cart Kiangsu

90479 Hauling a wheelbarrow up a mountain pass

90482 Grass raker on the Great Ming Dyke Kiangsu

90480 Wood piled in front of a charcoal burner's hut kuliang

90481 View of Min rover just above Foochow showing river full of rafts


90483 Evaporation of sea water for salt Haitang Island

90484 Church dedication in Shako

90485 Market day Shantung

90486 Kiangai Provincial games Nanchang

90487 Kindergarten graduating class Siong-Iu-Diong Foochow


90522 General staff making the rounds in the wards, Wuhu General Hospital

90523 Operating room where there are sometimes 4-6 operation a day Wuhu
General Hospital Wuhu

90524 Operating room where there are sometimes 4-6 operations a day Wuhu
General Hospital Wuhu

90526 Dr Brown and Miss ay consulting over the progress of a patient Wuhu
General Hospital Wuhu

90527 Dr Brown and Miss Redmond making a patients record Wuhu General
Hospital Wuhu

90525 Corner of the operating room where notes are taken at Wuhu General
Hospital Wuhu

90528 Miss Cookson one of the nurses of the Wuhu General Hospital Wuhu
with agirl with legs ampitutated

90529 Chinese girl with legs amputated Wuhu General Hospital Wuhu


90530 Dr. Mary Li, Miss Cookson and Chinese nurses dressing a patient in
the women's ward Wuhu General Hospital Wuhu

90531 Chapel in women's ward Wuhu General Hospital

90532 Chapel in men's ward Wuhu General Hospital

90533 Men's ward showing Sunday School charts with Chinese scripture texts
Wuhu General Hospital

90534 Dr Mary li Chinese doctor entering rickshaw preparatory to making
calls Wuhu General Hospital

90535 Dr Brown entering rickshaw preparatory to making calls Wuhu General

90537 Our patient building located on a beautiful little island Wuhu
General Hospital

90536 Patient being carried to hospital on a man's back Wuhu General


90488 Headdress of peasant women Hingwha

90489 Close up of peasant woman Kiangsu

90490 Close up of peasant woman Kaingsu

90501 Staff of Methodist Institutional Church Foochow

90517 Hospital Hill one of the most beautiful on the Yangtze where the new
plant of the Wuhu General Hospital is to be, Wuhu


90518 Workmen excavating on the hill for the new buildings Wuhu General
Hospital, Wuhu

90520 Mr Chen Miss redmond and office boy, office force of Wuhu General
Hospital, Wuhu

90619 Dr Mary Li Drs Djong and Wu Chinese doctors of the Wuhu General
Hospital, Wuhu

90561 Miss Cookson and teh student nurses Wuhu General Hospital, Wuhu


90538 Out patient building located on a beautiful little island Wuhu
General Hospital, Wuhu

90539 Patients entering out patient building Wuhu General Hospital, Wuhu

90540 Registration and waiting room Wuhu General Hospital, Wuhu

90541 Out patient building Wuhu General Hospital, Wuhu

90662 Water of life staff Kiukiang


90663 Wounded soldiers being carried to the Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

90664 Wounded soldiers being cared for in the Water of Life Hospital

90665 Wounded soldier of the Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

90666 A taoist priest at the Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

90667 A priest in his home on the mountains near Kiukiang

90669 Students of the Stickler memorial Day School Kiukiang

906670 Hwashengtang Methodist church after the fire devasted the property
in feb.


90668 Stickler Memorial Day School Kiukiang

90671 A Hwashengtang Methodist Church member center with her son and
daughter Kiukiang


90672 Hwashengtang Church Day School Kiukiang

90673 Primary Dept of the Rulison Fish School Kiukiang

90674 Bird's eye view of the country surrounding Methodist Valley Kiukiang

90772 Dream of what Ginling may become some day Nanking


90773 Class of 1922 Ginling College Nanking

90774 From window in Science Building Ginling College Nanking

90775 Psychology class Ginling College Nanking

90776 Biology class Ginling College Nanking


90777 Folk dancing Ginling College Nanking

90778 Two Ginling College Girls Nanking

90794 General view of Chungking High School

90795 Boys taking examinations to enter Chungking High School

90796 Forty-eight boys entering High School Chungking all from Christian
primary schools


90797 Compound taken from city wall

90841 Methodist Hospital Chungking

90848 Group of Chinese in church yard before church Kiukiang

90849 The college chapel which has been under construction for eight years

90850 The Catholic Church Kiukiang


90851 Boats in the canal Kiukiang

90852 A scene near the canal Kiukiang

90854 Bales of cotton being loaded on a boat Kiukiang

90853 Men loading cargo for the river steamer Kiukiang

90855 Group of Chinese men waiting a boat to dock

90856 Scene of the river Kiukiang


90857 Street scene along the river Kiukiang

90858 Scene along the river Kiukiang

90859 Boat used to carry passengers to and fro from the river steamer

90860 Scene of the harbor Kiukiang

90681 Carrying water form the river in buckets Kiukiang

90862 Chinese woman tending to foreign children Kiukiang


90863 View of Nanchang

90864 A view from the Nanchang Academy

90865 One of the governmental Schools Nanchang

90866 Academy for boys Nanchang

90867 Foundation of the unfinished Nanchang Hospital

90868 Bridge over the moat Nanchang


90869 Child with bucket going for water from the city moat which is
covered with slime Nanchang

90870 Mrs Julia Cheng

90871 Women of Nanchang in a provincial athletic contest Nanchang

90872 Deaf and dumb Chinese girl on her way to the athletic contest in a
wheel barrow Nanchang

90873 Natives in the Nanchang Kiukinag train


90874 Soldiers waiting for military supplies by the Nanchang Kiukiang train

90875 Nanchang Kiukiang train

90876 Natives waiting at railway station for train to come with doughnouts
to sell Nanchang

90877 Two natives waiting for train to come in with doughnouts to sell

90878 Natives going to a Bible meeting Nanchang


90879 Kindergarten Nanchang

90881 Two children Nanchang

90880 Two kindergarten children

90882 Children Nanchang

90883 Son of Nanchang farmer


90884 Native who writes calling cards or letters to order Nanchang

90885 Native selling charms and fortunes Nanchang

90886 Chinese woman weighing small articles Nanchang

90887 Selling food on the streets Nanchang

90888 Food served on the streets Nanchang


90889 Native buying cakes Nanchang

90890 Native woman selling fruit Nanchang

90891 Chinese "Hot Tamali" man Nanchang

90892 A shoe mender Nanchang

90893 Native smoking with water pipe Nanchang


90894 A street barber Nanchang

90895 A native medicine shop Nanchang

90896 Native men having a discussion Nanchang

90897 A tubercular native Nanchang

90898 A blind beggar Nanchang


90899 Type Nanchang

90900 Type Nanchang

90901 Type Nanchang

90902 Type Nanchang

90903 Small boy Nanchang


90804 Type Nanchang

90905 Type Nanchang

90906 Type Nanchang

90908 Type Nanchang

90909 F.C. Yale standing before the Institutional Church Nanchang


90910 F.C. Yale and the first foreign cow in that part of the country

90911 Mary Koo little Nanchang girl

90912 Mary Koo student at Baldwin School Nanchang

90913 Parade of Baldwin school girls Nanchang

90914 Native women pasting small pieces of cloth together to make shoes


91014 General Feng Kaifeng

91015 General Feng and his staff

91016 Hospital Unit General Feng's army

91017 General feng's troop on Humiliatica Day Manoeuvres

91018 Field Hospital Activities General Feng's Army

91019 Staff of Wuhu Hospital Wuhu

91020 Woman doctor of the Wuhu Hospital Wuhu

91021 Patients of Wuhu Hospital having their lunch in bed Wuhu

91022 Patient of Wuhu Hospital before being provided with an artifical
limb Wuhu


91023 Patient with an artifical limb Wuhu Hospital Wuhu

91024 patient at Wuhu Hospital before being provided with an artifial limb
Wuhu Hospital Wuhu

91025 Patient after he has received his limb Wuhu Hospital Wuhu

91026 Representation of smallpox seizing victim Wuhu

91028 Smallpox preventation poster Wuhu


91029 Smallpox prevention demonstration Wuhu

91030 Smallpox prevention demonstration Wuhu

91031 Smallpox prevention demonstration Wuhu

91032 A Chinese toth powder sign Wuhu

91033 Girls Drill at Women's Foreign Missionary Society School Peking

91034 Railroad penitrating Great Wall Mongolian Border Peking

91041 Region of death where there is grass weeds or animals Weihsien

91042 Famine subjects faces badly puffed Shuntehfu


91043 Plow demonstration Shuntchfu

91044 Pneumonic plaque prevention physician wearing mask passing out free
literature Shantung

91045 Some of the refugee girls taken by Tehchow Shantung Girls School at
the time of the famine

91046 Famine victims Shantung


91047 A Chinese Independence Day celebration being held in the court of
the water of life hospital Kiukiang

91049 Girls of the Rulison High School Kiukiang

91048 Faculty children having an Easter egg hunt on the campus of the
William Nast College Kiukiang

91050 A rural scene near Kiukiang


91051 Children of Christian parents who are teachers in the Nanking
University Nanking

91053 A Christian mother and her son and daughter Nanking

91052 A Chinese family including grandmother daughter-in-law and
grandchildren Nanking

91054 A christian mother with her son and daughter Nanking


91055 A Christian worker and son Nanking

91056 Harbor at sunset Chinkiang

91111 Old fashioned way of mailing letters west China

91116 Tu TsenLu Tien Ku Chioce

91117 Pyramid mountains


91119 Group of school girls

91120 Commencement group Ginling College June 1923


91184 Looking out over the roofs of a Chinese village

91185 One of the main streets on a busy day

91186 A little shepperd boy who attended sheep near Peking

91187 Inside of school room at middle school Peking

91196 Condition of wall of Middle School after rainy season in the fall

91195 Condition of Middle School after the rainy season in the fall Peking

91197 Condition of the Middle School after the fall rains Peking


91282 Bishop Birney speaking at the cornerstone laying of the new science
building at Fukien Christian University

91283 Stone being set in place F.C.U. Foochow

91284 Visitors at the F.C.U. building which is half erected Foochow

91285 Visitors at the F.C.U. a river cargo in the foreground Foochow

91286 An academic procession at the F.C.U. Ming river in the background

91287 A small raft on the Ming River Foochow

91288 Head of procession at jubilee celebration Dr John Gowdy and Gov
Sahat the head Bishop Welch and Birney in the third line Foochow

91289 Afternoon at the Jubilee Bishops and government officials on open
air platform Foochow

91290 Jubilee guests arriving by house boat Bishop Welch prominant in the
group Foochow


91291 Bishop Welch and Chinese friends laying plans on a house boat trip

91292 Rice harvest near Foochow

91311 Medical students Chentu


91315 People who yearly receive Christmas such as money, food and clothing


91336 John and Clara Kessick Memorial Kutien

91345 Sunday School before the Confucius Temple Peking

91346 Bird's eye view of the central section of Foochow

91344 Sunday School convention Foochow

91347 Modern church with congregation


91414 Baptismal Service General Feng's Army Kaifeng

91422 Budding a young olive tree according to the primitive method

91423 Building a big farm house all the houses in this region are built on
six foot found foundations because of the floods

91424 A dilapathated temple at Tang Kau up the river from Foochow

91425 Group of men representing the Congregational and Methodist churches
of Foochow who meet monthly for conference and prayer Foochow

91427 Road thru the field leading to Black Rockville the site of teh
Women's Foreign Missionary Society City Hospital

91429 A birthday offering decorated with pink and green flowers made of
paper Foochow


91430 A lumber raft on the canal near Foochow City

91431 A crowded canal in the heart of the crowded section Foochow

91432 Loaded boat on the Ming River

91433 Junks on the river looking toward the bund Foochow

91434 A way side restaurant Foochow

91435 Boy selling honeyed olives at the front of the White Pagoda

91436 Small boy dressedin his New Year's regalia

91437 Family digging water chestnuts Foochow

91438 A family in morning attire who are waiting for the time of burial of
the wife and mother Foochow


92548 A group of Christian Korean women Manchuria China

92614 Hills in China

92615 Goddess of Mercy bridge China

92616 Paddy rice fields in China


92617 Travelling in a Peking cart on famine relief duty

92618 Missionaries' Christmas tree Kiukiang China

92619 School gardens Rulison Fish School Kiukiang China


92627 Chinese children at play Kiukiang China

92628 Baby sleeping in basket on the road Kiukiang China

92629 Washing hung out on the line Kiukiang China

92715 Man moulding mud on an olive tree a step in gathering and building
process Hinghiva, China

92716 Poppy field in bloom on the way to Hinghiva China

92717 Girl Scouts of the government normal school in line for parade Nat'l
Shame Day Foochow China


92718 Missionaries at their noon meal wating in the courtyard of a farmer

92719 Preachers and selected layman of the Foochow north district

92720 Peculiar type of boart used on the rivers around Hinghiva

92721 Boats at Siong-gang at low tide, at the launch landing China

92722 Mount Fugi Hinghiva China

92723 View of Foochow from above, China


92724 Students in line for a parade on National Shame Day, Foochow

92725 Scene of the parade on National Shame Day, Foochow

92812 Chinese family outside their home

92816 Soochow great Pagoda

92817 Small junk Shanghai harbor

92818 Sampans and other small boats under a bridge Shanghai


92819 A country bridge

92820 Primary and middle school Peking Academy

92821 Japanese children playing in Quinsan Garden Park Shanghai

92822 Street restaurant


92825 Man pushing cart with load Shanghai

92826 Seik police man in Shanghai

92827 Seik soldier police man Shanghai

92828 Poor boys saluting the Americans


92829 Shantung Christian College Shantung

92830 One of the buildings of the Shantung Christian College

92831 One of the buildings of the Shantung Christian College

92832 Shantung Christian College Hospital


92833 Moonlight on the sea

92933 Group of missionaries at the Jubilee of all whom have been on the
field for over 25 years Foochow

92934 One of the scenes of the Jubilee pageant Foochow

92935 Outdoor Jubilee meeting Civil governor speaking held on the J.C.
College campus Foochow


92936 Eastern Asia Central Conference in session Foochow

92937 Eastern Asia central conference Foochow


92948 Scene after the March of the Nation Jubilee pageant Foochow

92949 Reception hall decorated for the Jubilee Wha Nang Girls' School

92950 Main building of Wha Nang Girls' School Foochow


93005 China National Christian Conference

93079 Birdseye view of Chadwick hospital and Women's Foreign Missionary Society School Tzechow

93080 The hospital Tzechow

93081 Women's Foreign Missionary Society plant and hospital Tzechow

93097 Paul wiant's house on kuliang Fukien

93098 Waterfront street after the June flood had receeded six feet Foochow


93100 Curious Chinese watching missionaries Fukien

93101 Dragon boats racing in West Lake Park Fukien

93102 Bridge at west lake park showing dragon boats on the lake Fukien

93103 Bridge at Duaigio one of our circuit points Fukien

93241 Kindergarten Class


93242 Freshmen gymnasium class Hua Nang Foochow

93243 Students room at Hua Nang Foochow

93244 Biology class Hua Nang Foochow

93246 Missionary children in pageant Kuliang

93247 A "road" on Kuliang near "Stone Pine" Kuliang


93248 Porch of a Kuliang house showing the massive stone construct
necessary for protection against typhoons Kuliang

93249 Part of the delight of kuliang for active boys

93250 Principals in pageant Kuliang

93251 Looking from the stage toward the audience (mostly made up of
missionaries) Kuliang

93252 Trackers on way to annual conference waiting for the launch

93253 Travellers on way to annual conference waiting for the launch coming
up the creek between fields

93254 Conference site Church at Futsing. The wall at the left is all that
remains of the first church building used.

93255 Rev. H.M. Warling and students of Theological school

93256 Centenary Project church built at Chiang-tau Being-hu with only $200
of American money entering the project


93257 Bishop Brown and his first class of men to be ordained

93258 Up country woman in local dress stacking rice for drying

93259 Cargo boat working up narrow creek between rice fields

93260 Masquerade party of missionary children Foochow

93261 Missionary boys camping a la boy scout at the Kushan Monastery

93262 An up-country woman carrying split bamboo

93263 An old clothes vendor at roadside Foochow

93264 New building if the union Kindergarten Training School Foochow


93352 Pool cliffs and rapids in supernally beautiful regions of China

93353 Roofs and background of Kangdie a big mountain village which is the
home of a famous bandit

93354 Smelly canal and footbridge in a large village

93355 A poor sample of the scenery of China

93356 A bridge and valley scene

93357 Looking back along the raodway from under a delapidated bridge

93359 Group of mountaineers surrounding Bissonnette and stove. They said
we were the first white men ever in their village


93360 Close up of a gilded Buddah on Snowy Peak monastery

93361 Paper lanterns and banners placed outside a temple. These are to
advertise a Buddist series of prayers to drive out the bubonic plague which
had killed forty in this village just before our arrival

93362 Women's Foreign Missionary Society newly errected residence at Futsing

93363 Corner stone laying of Women's Foreign Missionary Society hospital being built at Futsing for
the work of Dr Li Bi Cu

93364 Miss Trimble president of Hua Nang College with group of graduation
and former students

93365 Girls at Women's Foreign Missionary Society School Futsing

93366 Girls at Women's Foreign Missionary Society School returning from church

93367 Girls at Futsing Women's Foreign Missionary Society School exercising with dumbbells

93368 View of Women's Foreign Missionary Society School girls at exercise Futsing


93369 View of the Gamble Memorial Church, Hinghwa, from the yard of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence.

93370 Newly completed Brewster Memorial High School Building. Hinghwa.

93371 Miniature mountain built of clay and stone by students of Brewster
Memorial High School for the Commencement exercises. 1924

93372 Bishop Brown and party on way to Yemping Annual Conference.

93373 Trackers straining at the bamboo rope to pull the boat thru rapids
on way to Yemping.

93374 Lumber rafts seen on the trip to Yemping.

93375 A view from up-river of the buildings of Anglo-Chinese College and
the Methodist Compound. Foochow.

93376 A view along the Hinghwa Road.

93377 Bishop Brown and son, Don, ready for lunch along the roadside.


93378 Bishop Brown and son, Don, ready for lunch along the roadside.

93379 Roadway with one of Bishop Brown's load bearers in middle foreground.

93380 Screen of branches from behind which bandits rushed for some victims
a day before our trip.

93381 Mountain loadbearers, watching those strange foreigners.

93382 The "Big Road" toward Hinghwa. Woman winnowing rice in foreground,
Bishop Brown in distance.

93383 Village drying platforms for rice. Temporarily built above the
fields where the rice has recently been cut.

93384 Old woman spreading rice to dry.

93385 Fishermen wading in mud for the fish.

93386 The catch a poor one this year because last Spring's floods covered
the ponds, allowing many to escape.


93387 Weighing the catch, the pond is the property of the village.

93388 Boys along roadway.

93389 Kiddie out with basket and tongs to look for pig manure.

93404 Indian gateman at Methodist Publishing house. Shanghai.

93425 Three generations of Christians.


93427 Showing method of splitting boulders in China.

93428 Showing method of splitting boulders in China.

93426 Bishops and "Prayer Stone." Chaughupan.

93429 Drying Hung-gang. Hok-Chiang.

93430 Warp making. Hok-Chiang.


93431 Woman weaving in Hok-Chiang.

93432 Logging at A-Oiong. Yemping.

93433 A houseboat on lower Min River.

93434 Working way inch-by-inch against current of Min River.


93435 Some job to keep a boat off the rocks when a score of men are
lugging at end of line a quarter of a mile away, and about the only way to
communicate is by means of tapping on taut line.

93436 Men trying to keep boat off rocks when men are lugging at rope a
quarter of a mile away.

93437 Men trying to keep boat of rocks when men are lugging at rope a
quarter of a mile away.

93438 "Trackers," or men who pull boat up river.


93439 Party sitting on rocks near rapids awaiting repairs on boat. Min

93440 Starting for camp with Scientific specimens.

93441 Camel train crossing the desert.

93442 The "Centenary Limited" a conference Centenary secretary (H. R.
Caldwell) covering nearly 500 miles and the "train" came in "on time" at
end of 35th day.


93443 Village of Shansi.

93444 Village of Shansi.

93445 Temple on a desert, Shansi Province.

93446 Hulling mill. Shansi.


93447 A Shansi inn at noon.

93448 Under ground village in North Shansi.

93449 North China inn at busy hour.

93450 400 pound man-eating tiger killed by one shot with 22 High-power
savage rifle. Futsing.


93451 Head of prize trophy--wapity of North China.

93452 The morning after Christmas carrying in two wild hogs.

93453 The nest of whilte-browed hill warbler of China.

93454 The locating and identifying of such fairies is an interesting and
profitable past-time.


93455 Old hunter, Camp--Mongolian border.

93456 Sugar mill at Hok-Chiang.


93466 General Feng, 11th Division of Chinese Army. All-Christian Division.

93467 General Feng 11th Division of the Chinese Army. All-Christian

93468 General Feng 11th Division of the Chinese Army. All-Christian

93469 General Feng 11th Division of the Chinese Army. All-Christian

93470 General Feng and Dr. Ralph A. Ward.

93471 General Feng and his favorite Christian minister, Liu Fang.


93472 General Feng and his favorite Christian Minister, Liu Fang, District
Superintendent of Peking District Methodist Episcopal Church. General Feng
is a member of Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church.

93473 General Feng, "Chinese Cromwell," and Liu Fang, Methodist Minister,
in Peking before a Bible class of his officers.

93474 Feng's officers at Daily Exercises.

93475 Feng's (Non-Commissioned) Officers' School.

93476 Officers' School for General Feng, 11th Division.

93477 Gendarmes of Kaifeng being instructed by the Chief-of-Staff who is
Puritanic in his idea of Duty and Ethics.


93478 General Feng's officers at their exercises.

93479 Officers' Mess. Feng Army. 11th Division.

93480 Officers' Mess. Feng Army. 11th Division.

93481 General Feng at Mess with members of his staff.

93482 General Feng at Mess with members of his staff.

93483 Poster in General Feng's Campaign in Kaifeng, Honan. it advocates
Kindness to Animals and Asserts "Confucius was no Pot-hunter."


93484 Anti opium and anti cigarette posters--China.

93485 Anti opium and anti-cigarette poster--China.

93523 Arbor Day at the Chungking High School. Students planting trees.

93524 Student in Chungking High School demonstrating a proposition in

93525 Class in gymnastics in girls' boarding school. Chungking.

93526 Gymnastic exercises in girls' boarding school. Chungking.


93527 Students of the school for the poor.

93534 Meat shop. Note the "Sanitary" display.

93535 Hut of an "herb doctor" temporarily built on a burned over region.
The commonest medicines in Fukien are these. China.

93530 Original picture made by Chinese artist to illustrate parables,
later made into a Centenary lantern lecture for use in China.

93536 Another type of "medicine man." Seller of tiger, leopard, and other
wild animals skins and skeletons.

93537 Bishop Brown and hordes of kiddies baptized at Hinghua at his first
annual conference there.

93538 Group of missionaries and their children with the highly colored and
unique paper lanterns at Lantern Festival time.

93539 Painted "guardian demons" on the wall of Ing-ling-se near Futsing
where we held a religious retreat.


93540 Painted "guardian demons" on the wall of Ing-Ling-se near Futsing
where we held a religious retreat.

93541 Four district superintendents and H. V. Lacy at this retreat at

93542 Students making the three obeisances before main temple. Futsing.

93543 Group of drilled students with decorated boards and morter-board

93544 Rack of ancient bells used during rites.

93545 One of main pavilions during rites.

93546 The main table of special offerings before the ancestral tablet of

93547 One of the best schools on the Foochow District.

93548 Bars with barbed wire on boat for protection of first-class quaters
against pirate attacks from steerage. (All ships leaving Foochow for the
South have this protection).


93549 Paul Wiant standing with hand touching side walls of an Amoy street

93550 Harbor sampians special type used in Amoy waiting at side of boat
for trade, Amoy

93551 Jetty scene, Amoy

93552 A specially picturesque temple, Amoy

93553 upper room in the Center is the place where the first missionary go
to gain access to long-closed Swatow was allowed to live

93554 Temple at Swatow showing ornate type of temple roof rather
frequently found there

93555 Loaded cargo boat at Swatow harbor Special form not found elsewhere
along the coast

93556 Street scene in South China

93557 Custom officials examining steerage passengers luggage for revolvers
or ammuniation. Another form of preventing piracy


93700 Man being punished for stealing in Shanghai

93999 Houseboat Foochow

94001 Story teller selling candy Hangchow

94000 Reading the Buda Bible Hangchow

94002 Island Temple Kai Sing Chekiang


94003 Bridge Kai Sing

94004 Bridge Kai Sing

94005 Brook scene Kai Sing

94006 Cormorant fisher Kai Sing

94007 Playground for the city Quinsan KaingSu


94008 Water Falls Kuling

94009 Water fallls Kuling "Three falls"

94010 View of the houses on the mountain side Kuling

94011 Richa C*** Nanking

941012 View of south gate by bridge Nanking


94013 Woman sewing in front of her hut Nanking

94014 A country theatre Nanking

94015 Transporting the cargo in Nanking

94016 Sign written in character to indicate Chang Tai Kon to frighten


94017 Chinese family Ningpo

94018 Cutting wheat in the fields North China

94019 Rolling the wheat by stone roller pulled by ox in the farm North

94020 Blue express train from Peking to Pukow

94021 Yard in the front of Chinese houses in Shanghai


94022 Boats anchored at Shanghai

94023 A street show Shanghai

94024 View of a Methodist Episcopal Congregation

94025 Chinese doctors and nurses during operation Shanghai


94026 Children in the Kindergarten Shanghai

94027 View of a new shop front Shanghai

94028 Selling knitting needles Shanghai

94029 Street barber cleans the customers eyes Shanghai

94030 Boy barber and customer Shanghai


94031 Making thread Shanghai

94032 Furniture made of paper for spirit Shanghai

94033 View of a wedding chair and c***s Shanghai

94034 Ricsha c*** buys his tiffing from cake peddler Shanghai

94035 Moving by flat cart Shanghai


94036 Gardeners at work Shanghai

94037 Washing in a brook near Shanghai

94038 Women working in the fields Shanghai

94039 Women knitting on a wheelbarrow Shanghai

94040 The first bible printed written in Chinese Shanghai

94041 A heavy loaded wheelbarrow Shanghai


94042 Chinese boy picking fuel near Shanghai

94043 Chinese girl guards Shanghai

94044 Peasant girls Shanghai

94045 Folks waiting vaccinated free of charge Shanghai

94046 Folks being vaccinated Shanghai


94047 Chinese folks after vaccination

94048 Street car Shanghai

94049 chinese girls in sewing class Shanghai

94050 Mission books written in Chinese Shanghai

94051 Man standing in a good wheat field Nan Soochow


94052 View of houses along a brook. Nan Soochow.

94053 A view of some of the decoration on the roof of a temple in Soochow.

94054 an archway standing at the front of Yo Fa's grave. West Lake.

94055 A view of a bridge. Wusih.


94056 A view of Wusih Park.

94057 Cormorant fisther. Wusih.

94058 Child type. Misih.

94059 child type.


94060 Child types.

94061 Group of Chinese children showing child types.

94065 Preaching in the theatre which was rented for campaign purposes.

94066 Beautiful signs were put up on the walls of the entrance of the
theatre rented for the campaign. Chenkiang.


94068 Hills being stripped of timber in Central Fukien Province.

94069 Drying the new rice in the mountain region near Kutien Province.

94070 Houses on stilts on the bank of the Hankow River.

94071 A refugee hut in North Kiangsu where flood and bandits did their


94072 View showing the new Auditorium and lower valley. Kuling.

94073 Chinese playing tennis. Kuling.

94074 Students breaking up after class. Nanking.

94075 A driver with his ox laden with brush and leaves.

94076 A class in biology. Peking.

94077 A view of the bund and river front on the Whangpoo. Shanghai.


94078 Refugee's hut in Shanghai during the recent civil war. Shanghai.

94079 Over 6000 workers leaving the commercial Press at noon hour.

94080 Women workers leaving the works of the Commercial Press. They are
first out, five minutes before the men. Shanghai.

90481 A street book vendor. Shanghai.

94082 Dung gatherer of Shantung.

94083 Nurses and their little patients at the Methodist Episcopal
Hospital. Tientsin.

94084 A gleaner on the great Tai Ming Dike near Tsing.


94085 Methodist Episcopal students. West China Union University. 1924.

94088 A Christian pastor preaching to poor families. Chefoo.

94086 "Treading water" near Yanghsien.

94089 Girl student recruiting for Popular Education Campaign, at the hair
net factories. Chefoo.


94090 Girl student recruiting for Popular Education Campaign at the hair
net factories. Chefoo.

94091 Men going into reading room of Institutional Church. Chengtu.

94092 A girl of the Methodist Mission School at Chinkiang in her gym suit
ready for morning exercises.

94093 Girls jumping rope. Methodist Episcopal Girls' School. Chinkiang.


94094 Kindergarten story telling hour. Foochow.

94095 A lad of Foochow.

94096 Bible class, Hinghwa prison.

94097 Women Missionary books sellers. Peking.


94067 New Methodist Episcopal Hospital (Women). Chenkiang.

94098 Receiving a patient. Sleeper Davis. Hospital. Peking.

94099 Girls weaving cotton. Peking.

94100 A typical Chinese street scene of the old city. Shanghai.

94101 Riverside residence: many thousands live in boats perched up in this
way. Shanghai.


94102 D.V.B.S. (Daily Vacation Bible School) Shanghai on parade. Shanghai.

94104 Dental Department of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Shanhaikwan.

94103 A sandle peddler boy. Shanghai.

94105 Children singing class. Womens Foreign Missionary Society. Tientsin.


94106 One of the baby famine refugee. Hospital. Tientsin.

94107 Chinese kiddies learning an American game. Tientsin.

94108 A merry game of see-saw. Methodist Episcopal Girls' School. Tientsin.

94109 A Chinese Boy Scout.


94062 Child type.

94110 A Chinese girl enjoying a train ride.

94111 "East meets West." A little American girl and her Chinese friend.

94113 Futsing District preachers and H. V. Lacy at Bible Study. Fukien.


94114 Missionary residence. Futsing, Fukien.

94115 Missionary residence, Methodist Compound. Shanghai.

94116 Bishop's residence, Methodist Compound. Shanghai.

94117 District Superintendents Retreat Englingse. Futsing, Fukien.

94118 Fukien Christian University Residence. Hur-gie, Foochow.

94119 Administration Building, Carolyn Johnson Memorial Institute.
Lungtien, Futsing.

94120 Workmen at morning lunch. Mingngie School. Futsing.

94121 Mingngie School Building. Fukien, Futsing.


94122 Primary School Building. Kaosanshib Fungtien. Futsing. Fukien.

94123 Bricklayers at work. Mingngie Building. Futsing, Fukien.

94125 Lower Primary School for Girls. Tangtau. Bingtang. Futsing. Fukien.

94126 Mingngie School Building. Futsing. Fukien.


94127 Beds in dormitory. Mingngie School. Futsing. Fukien.

94128 Students and teacher in class room, Mingngie School. Futsing. Fukien.

94129 Teacher and students. Mingngie School. Futsing. Fukien.

94130 Modern Horse Road. Foochow.


94131 Sedan chair (H. J. Halverstadt). Bingtang.

94132 Bridal chair. Peking.

94133 Wheelbarrow load of vegetables. Shanghai.

94134 Concrete bridge under erection. Shanghai.


94135 Sister and nieces of first Christian in Hantangfu, Tangtau.

94136 H. W. Worley and District Superintendents at retreat. Ngo-Lung-se,
Futsing. Fukien.

94137 District Superintendents in Conference. Ngo-Lung-se, Futsing, Fukien.

94138 Preachers washing feet after landing thru the mud. Seu-tau. Futsing,


94139 Group of Nguka District preachers. Duai-chio, Gong-ing. Futsing,

94140 Nguka District preachers at Bible Study, Lingsioh. Futsing, Fukien.

94141 Early Christian at Tong-ing. Gong-ing. Futsing, Fukien.

94142 Official members' Conference in session. Cui-cong-bieng. Futsing,


94143 Mrs. Wong Gong Nguong and family with Miss Ding Chok Sieng. Futsing,

94145 Roadside Shrine. Sang-sang, Lungtien, Futsing, Fukien.

94146 Decorative cover for coffin Lin-min. Futsing. Fukien.

94144 Four generations of Christians. A-Puo-Long. Futsing. Fukien.

94147 Protective Idol in funeral procession. Li-min, Futsing, Fukien.

94148 Stone Buddha, Mi-ta-ngang. Haikau. Futsing, Fukien.


94149 Stone Buddha. Mi-ta-ngang. Haikau. Futsing, Fukien.

94150 "White Devil" Hok-Lu-sang. Lungien. Futsing, Fukien.

94151 "White Devil" Hok-Lu-sang. Lungien. Futsing, Fukien.

94152 Stone cutters at work. Su-o. Haitang. Futsing, Fukien.

94153 Choi-die Church. Futsing, Fukien.


94154 Crowd at dedicatory service looking from the platform, Choi-die
Futsing Fukien

94155 Chinese style of church bldg Ab puo-iong Futsing-Fukien

94156 Dogs waiting for crumbs from master's table Futsing, Fukien

94157 Building roadside store about windows arch An-ming Futsing, Fukien

94158 Stone bridge crossing arm of sea sa-geng Kaosanetub Futsing, Fukien


94159 View of Futsing from Pagada Futsing, Fukien

94161 Memorial arch Futsing, Fukien

94162 Widow's arch Llangtan Lungtien Futsing, Fukien

94160 Last lone tree Futsing, Fukien

94163 Lane of widow's arches Lungtien Futsing, Fukien

94164 Woman flaihing out wheat, Futsing, Fukien


95165 Slicing ruret potatoes Sok-ko Futsing, Fukien

94167 Supply of standard oil used for carrying peanut oil Siot-lin-liang
Futsing, Fukien

94168 Drying peanuts Deng-diong Futsing, Fukien

94166 Sifting rut chaff from wheat from an old tin oil can Deng-goh
Futsing, Fukien

94169 Harrowing peanut field Futsing, Fukien

94170 Thrashing out wheat Nguka Futsing, Fukien


94171 Farmer carrying his crops Saw-taw Futsing, Fukien

94172 Drying radishes liong-chio Futsing, Fukien

94173 Drying sweet potaties rice Choi-die Futsing, Fukien

94174 Treading down radish pickles liong-chio Futsing, Fukien

94175 Carrying goods in oil tins Futsing, Fukien

94176 Mule carrying load of cloth Futsing, Fukien


94177 Ox carts Gengtaw-len Bingtang Fukien

94179 Child carrying load of fuel Futsing

94180 Repairing a broken dike Li-nin Futsing, Fukien

93178 Load of vermicelli deng-diong Futsing, Fukien

94181 Load of candles Futsing, Fukien

94182 Moving boiler for electric light plant Futsing, Fukien


94183 Morning catch Chiangtan Futsing, Fukien

94185 H.C. Buckles preparing urchins for bath Futsing, Fukien

94187 detail of Pagoda decorated during 8th month festival of first
Chinese cycle Futsing, Fukien

94184 Boy waiting for his turn at bath Futsing, Fukien

94186 One two three out you go children's baths Futsing, Fukien

94188 Pedestrian Deng-liong Futsing, Fukien


94189 Everybody has his turn at bath Futsing, Fukien

94192 Carrying peanut oil baskets to market duai-buo Futsing, Fukien

94190 Nanygang Bros. Cigarettes booth at 8th month festival of first year
of Chinese cycle

94691 A mud walled fort against bandits Bamboo Creek

94692 Bamboo rafts moored at the mouth of the creek ready for assembling
into river rafts Bamboo Creek

94191 Boat at 8th month festival

95693 The long curve under Bamboo Creek


94694 Snaking a raft down the rapids Bamboo Creek

94695 A Horse Tooth bridge with bamboo raft passing thru the toothless
section bamboo Creek

94696 Interlaced banyan roots reflected in an irrigation canal Bamboo Creek

94697 A reach of Bamboo Creek from under a banyan

94698 A rarely seen vista up Bamboo Creek a day's journet from Foochow

94699 A specially good section of country road near Bamboo Creek

94900 Folks in bamboo grove Bamboo Creek

94701 Yarn hung out to bleach in the sun Bamboo Creek

94702 View of the newly residence of Bishop brown in Foochow (built
especially to be rented to the bishops) Foochow


94703 Front of newly completed residence of Bishop Brown with French flag
and consulate in background. Foochow.

94704 Moving day in Foochow. Missionary furniture piled at the edge of a
canal waiting for the boat to come and move it to his new appointment.

94705 The rented launch, the collies' baskets and sedan chairs for the
Bishop's long trek.

94706 Cooking cakes in peanut oil at the end of the Guang-Kau bridge.

94707 Missionary Rossiter of Hinghua and his pride goats. Hinghua.

94708 Boats being poled and pulled up thru the rapids between Hinghua and

94709 Roadway ripped thru the heart of a village, in this Hinghua-Sienyu
Yungchou region.

94710 Bishop and Mrs. W. E. Brown and their son, Morris, on the porch of
their summer home on Kuliang.

94711 The Bishop enjoying summer life. Kuliang.


94712 A good pitch by the Bishop. Kuliang.

94713 A bible study group from the True Spirit Church meeting in a
Buddhist monastery. "True Spirit Church" has oldest Methodist Episcopal
Church building in Asia. Sienyu.

94714 An actor on a wayside state. Sienyu.

94715 Trucking in South China. Carrying a new mill-stone near Sienyu.

94716 The lovliest widow's arch in China is at the east gate of Sienyu.

94717 Bishop Brown and Mrs. W. N. Brewster in sedan chairs on the Sienyu
Yungchun Road, villagers out praying for rain. Sienyu.

94718 Bishop Brown on the road. A fine type of new bridge on the Sienyu-
Yungchow section of the road. Sienyu-Yungchun.

94719 Loadmen carrying the Bishop's duffel, crossing a mountain streat at
the foot of the Sienyu-Yungchun Pass.

94720 Palms along the road. Sienyu-Yungchun.


94721 A small pagoda for luck at a wayside resthouse. Sienyu-Yungchow.

94722 Roadworkmen tearing down village houses to make way for the road.

94723 Irrigating the parched rice fields by means of wooden sweeps. Sienyu-

94724 Wood and glazing frames piled in a Tehwa street.

94725 Open pits with pile of clay in background. Tehwa.

94726 A series of mills and wheels at the riverside. Tehwa.

94727 Straw thatched hut covering pits where the clay is soaked and
cleaned for making pottery. Tehwa.

94728 Mill wheel pounding the clay rock to fineness sufficient for use.

94729 The door of a kiln bricked up and with wood, sticking in the small
opening left for feeding fire. Tehwa


94730 Kilns built on the hillside so that heat from one can work up thru
the next one. Tehwa.

94731 More kilns and stacks of glazing frames in which the pottery is set
for the burning.

94732 Pottery stacked for drying before being burned. Tehwa.

94733 A workman decorating pottery. Tehwa.

94734 Fancy pieces of pottery on shop shelves. Tehwa.

94735 A look at the front and interior of our church at Ngie-Seu after the
1925 typhoon had finished with it.

94736 A view of the entire compound showing Hawley and Paelin residences.

94737 A view of the river taken from a point near the compound. Yungchun.

94738 The Hawley residence at the Yungchun compound.


94739 Bishop Brown and "Little Sister," his cook and friend. Yungchun.

94740 Mr. and Mrs. Ngoi and adopted daughter. Yungchun.

94741 Mr. Ngoi seated at the foot of some heroic-sized idols out in a
cliff behind the Buddhist temple of Yungchun.

94742 Girls' School and missionaries welcoming Bishop Brown. Yungchun.

94743 Fine, modern roadway in Yungchow with the shops on either side.

94744 Looking down from a devil ridden pass beyond Yungchun/

94745 An extra fine type of house construction seen near Yungchun.

94746 Details of doorway of this house at Yungchun as seen in 94745.

94747 Another section of the Yungchun street.


94748 A little child on a Yungchun street.

94749 A display of second-hand stuff spread on an open place furnished by
a providential fire. Yungchun.

94750 Straw and grass bundles set in the village street to dry. Used later
for fuel in cooking rice. Yungchun.

94751 Loads of fuel for sale. Yungchun.

94752 Making the coffin in the village street for a dead man who is just
inside the door. Yungchun.

84753 A widower and family after a memorial service beside the coffin of
the wife and mother. Yungchun.


94977 The hundred bags loaded for Wukiang outside Hansimen gate. Hansimen.

94978 Modern plow in China.

94979 Hundred bags of Scala cotton seed from line-bred selected stock
starting for Wukiang, one of the University of Nanking Centers for
expansion on a community bases.


94980 Silk worm mothers and eggs.

94981 Silk cocoons.

94982 A crowd being held spellbound by the dramatization of better methods
of growing cotton. Shantung.

95212 the Pagoda on the Yangste River. Anking Anhiver.


95213 Sail boats on the Grand Canal.

95214 Reeds for firming birch on the Grand Canal. Kiangsu.

95215 View from left to right, of the Nanchang Hospital, old plant, the
Highway and entrance to Nanchang Academy. Kiangsi

95216 View of Susan Toy Ensign Memorial Hospital under construction, from
the south. Two homes for Chinese doctors in foreground. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95217 Model day school in foreground facing south used in main highway.
Nanchang Academy for boys in background. Kiangsi, Nanchang.


95218 View of Nanchang Academy on the Residence Compound. Kiangsi,

95219 Home for residence Physician. Nanchang. Susan Toy Ensign Memorial
Hospital. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95220 Hospital staff at the Susan Toy Ensign Memorial Hospital. Kiangsi,

95221 Dr. and Mrs. George T. Blydenburgh, M.D., trying out a "Chinese
Ford." Kiangsu, Nanchang.

95222 Miss Lillian Cookson, R. N. Superintendent of nurses, Susan Toy
Ensign Memorial Hospital, in ricksha. C*** happy though barefooted in
snow. Kiangsi.


95223 Group of workers. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95224 Y. T. Chang and family. House surgeon, Susan toy Ensign Memorial
Hospital. Kiangsi-Nanchang.

95225 A patient grateful for the recovery of sight following a cataract
extraction presenting a "Merit Board" to the Hospital. Chinese characters
on gatepost mean Methodist Church. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95226 A ward in Nanchang Hospital. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95227 A badly wounded soldier having his badly shattered leg treated by
western methods. Susn Toy Ensign Memorial Hospital. Kiangsi, Nanchang.


95228 Practicing the Dragon dance a seen from the Residence compound.
Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95229 A Chinese boy, protected from the devils, who think him a dog,
because of the ring thru his nose and around his neck. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95230 River scenes from residence compound of the Missionaries. Boats on
the Kan. Kiangsi, Nanchang.

95231 view across the rice paddies to the Language School. Pei Chi Ko in
the left background, purple mountain in the distance, Mrs. Blydenburgh on
the right. Nanking.

85232 Silhouette of Mr. Chah, Vice-Principal of the Nanking Language
School, Nanking.


95233 Women burning incense and bowing before idol in hill top temple.
Kiangsu, Nan Tung Chow.

95234 Courtyard in front of entrance to clinic. Peking Union Medical

95235 The Anatomy building seen from College Chapel. Peking Union Medical
College, Peking.

95236 Ward building to right, clinical building in the rear. Peking Union
Medical College, Peking,

95237 Western approach entrance to the clinic. Peking Union Medical


95238 College Chapel Union Medical College

95339 A funeral procession along Natamen street Peking

95240 Type of transportation wheelbarrow Peking

95469 Plowing in Foochow

95470 Tray of silk worms feeding


95472 General Feng Kaifeng

95473 Indoor meeting of General Feng's Army

95474 Part of General Feng's army out drilling

95475 Part of General Feng's Army at meal time

95476 Inspection of a part of General Feng's Army

95477 General Feng's Army at sports


95486 A Chinese medicine shop called Chungking "One Hundred Grass Hall"

95487 A large tumor Chungking

95539 View of Foochow

95540 Boating near Foochow

95548 A funeral Peking


95607 Group of Chinese friends come to "send off" Bishop Brown on his
recent trip to the States Foochow

95608 The Scramble for bargins in lottery tickets Foochow

95609 Soldiers seated around rear of hall where lottery drawing is taking
place Foochow

95610 Rafts tied in the min river opposite Foochow

95611 Rafts tied in the min river opposite Foochow

95612 Fukien Christian University

95613 Foochow missionaries at the Thanksgiving dinner 1925

95614 A Japanese circus showing in Foochow

95615 A shop where incense and idol paper are dold to worship Foochow


95616 Worship in the main shrine on v-sang in Foochow on a feast day

95617 Ttitle decoration on a temple near Foochow

95618 Looking up the min river near Foochow

95619 Heaps of earth piled up for aerating during the winter seass on
Yuang Nguong Die near Foochow

95620 The flower pot mentioned in story in file Foochow

95621 The owners of the flower pot in his garden Foochow

95622 Fower pot and owner Foochow

95623 Worship in the main shrine v-sang in Foochow on a feast day Foochow


95682 Junk on Yangtse river between Wuhu and Kiukiang

95683 Junks on Yangtsee river between Wuhu and Kiukiang

95684 Left to right : Mary Dollivar Graham memorial Dormitory recitation
hall of Ruliston Fish School roof of college church William Nast Primary
building Kiukiang

95685 Left to right: city pagoda; home of commission of roads roofs of
Knowles School Buddist Temple W.M. Nast Primary School faculty residence of
supt of Water of Life hospital Kiukiang


95686 City pagoda from upper veranda of W.L.H. physicians residence

95688 Water of Life Hospital court, 1925

95687 Water of Life Hospital from military drill grounds barracks on all
sides of the hospital Women's Foreign Missionary Society residence on hill behind Kiukiang

95689 Chrysanthmum time Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang


95690 Soldiers starting out for war in Anhwei passing Water of Life
Hospital Gate, chrysantemum in flower pots in foreground Kiukiang

95691 Soldiers driling for parade grounds at front of Water of Life
Hospital Kiukiang

95692 A Baker and other vendors at front of Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

95693 Dedication of contageous cottage gift of methodist Church at Elmira
to Water of Life Hospital Christmas Day 1925 Kiukiang


95694 Water of Life Hospital staff 1925 Kiukiang

95695 Physicians Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

95696 Lady physician and her first son 1925 Kiukiang

95697 Chinese physician and his first son 1925 Kiukiang

95698 Chinese physicians and their first son 1925 Kiukiang


95699 A Chinese physician and his first son Kiukiang

95700 The son of Christian Physician Kiukiang

95701 Boy in patients at the Water of Life Hospital Kiukiang

95702 Boys at morning clinic at Water of Life Hospital


95700 Boys waiting their turn at the morning clinic Water of Life Clinic

95704 Patients waiting at Water of Life Hospital entrance Kiukiang

95705 Cholera case about to go home cured from Water of Life Hospital

95706 Two soldiers Water of Life hospital patients who have been operated
on for mastoriatis and were recovering 1925

95707 Leper on the steps of the Water of Life Hospital waiting his turn to
be treated; he has just eaten breakfast and his bowl is on the steps beside
him, Kiukiang


95708 Christmas Day Water of Life Hospital 1925 Kiukiang

95709 A chinese Bride, Bridesmaid and flower girls going to meet groom. A
Christian wedding at Water of Life Hospital, 1926 Kiukiang

95710 Kindergarten pupils Kulison School Kiukiang

95711 Kulison Primary School building Kiukiang


95712 Christmas Day - These mission school children have just received
their presents and are happy 1925 Kiukiang

95713 Two day school pupils Kiukiang

95715 Day school pupils at work outside school gathering up fuel for the
home Kiukiang


95716 School girls June 1925 Kiukiang

95717 Day School pupil Kiukiang

95719 Senior class Rulison Fish H.S. to graduate June 1927 Kiukiang

95718 Rulison Fish High School girls Kiukiang

95720 Girl graduates from Junior class Rulison Fish School June 1926


95721 May day celebration Rulison Fish H.S. 1926 Kiukiang

95722 May Day celebration Rulison Fish H.S. 1926 Kiukiang

95723 May Day celebration Rulison Fish H.S. 1926 Kiukiang

95724 An evangelistic group held each Wednesday afternoon at the home of a
missionary Kiukiang 1925


95725 An Easter egg hunt party being given by missionaries for Chinese
children Kiukiang

95726 A Sunday School class of missionaries' sons at Kiukiang

95728 A bright eyed Chinese boy

95729 Loading standard oil on the up-river steamer

95730 An anti-Christian placard

95731 Water marks on the river bank of Yangtsee Gorge

95736 A west China village in which we have a church and a Christian Church


95732 Chungking West China - taken from across the Yangtse river

95733 Bishop Grose and intelligent and progressive official Chungking

95734 From left to right a leading layman Christian - A Buddhist priest
and Mwthodist District Supt. Chungking, West China

95735 Bishop Grose with some of the babies he baptised Chungking, West

95737 The roof of a West China Buddhist Temple

95738 West China village church memorial to a loved one

95739 A West China memorial Arch

95740 A poppy field with wheat showing in the distance


95741 A West China medicine shop

95742 Tumor patient west China Chungking

95744 Children 10-12-14 years old carrying coal to market, West China

95745 Three H.S. Boys all sons of Christian Cators West China

95771 Buddhist Headquarters in Harbin showing richshaws gathered about on
women's meeting day

95772 Russian Cathedral, Harbin


95773 Greek Cathedral in Harbin dedicate to the soldiers of Russia

95774 Bridge across the Sungari at Harbin

95775 Russian and China both guarding the Chinese Eastern Railroad - Harbin

95776 Peking carts, Mukden

95777 Street in the Chinese section Koshurei, Manchuria

95778 Picture taken from window of Chinese restaurant Koshuei Manchuria


95779 Glimpse of scenery along South Manchuria

95780 At a station along the South Manchurian railroad

95823 Two missionary kiddies with Bishop Brown's cat and Cartwright's pup

95824 Living room of Episcopal residence Foochow

95825 Dining room of Episcopal residence Foochow

95826 Cartwright with two sons and the three children on the Y. Sec't
after return from a bicycle picnic

95827 Tearing down a Chinese village to make room for the ground of the
new Anglo Chinese college

95828 Looking across a fleet of house-boats moored at Pagoda Anchorage to
meet in coming steamers

95829 River life on the Min River


95830 Pigs and a seller of sugar cane finding the shade

95831 Church of the Nau-kang seen thru the grove surrounding it.

95832 Salt pans where sea water is evaporated Haitang

95833 Main harbor, Haitang

95834 Harbor seen across ancient forts, Haitang

95835 Church being built at Su- O Dr. John Gowdy and pastor among those in
picture Haitang

95836 Boats on the Min River

95837 Sunset view thru pines on Island, Foochow

95838 Sunset view thru pines on island Foochow


95839 Sunset view thru pines on island, Foochow

95840 The island and pagoda Anchorage

95841 Boat woman's baby in a bamboo "Kiddie Koop"

95842 Junks moving up river from Pagoda Anchorage

95843 Deck view of an ocean going junk

95844 A section of the main building of the Union Kindergarten Training
School, Foochow

95845 Main building of the Union Kindergarten Training School seen from
porch of residence. Kindegarten building in background, Foochow

95846 Newly compleated residence of Union Training School, Foochow

95847 Preachers of Foochow north district in a bible study conference at
the Y.M.C.A. Summer Conference Building


95848 Section of a rose garden in full bloom

95849 A boundfooted girl at roadside near Kutien

95850 Children washing household furniture in roadside ditch

95851 Rice field in early spring near Kutien 18th township

95852 A mountain valley temple 18th township

95853 A "big" road neear Kutien

95854 Kiddie with scoop working in rice fields for small fish and eels
18th township

95855 Girls in industrial school 18th township

95856 Boys in industrial school 18th township


95857 Women in industrial school 18th township

95858 Setting coffin in place for hillside funneral 18th township

95859 Christian service at the grave stone of Kutien conducting 18th

95860 Lifting heavy coffin to the grave level 18th township

95861 Coffin and procession in village street 18th township

95989 Prayer meeting group at Dr. Sin Fang's home of the Chinese leaders,
held every Sunday afternoon -- Dr. Lin General Feng -- C.H. wang. Premier
and former chief justice of China. At present, 1924 Chinese delegate of
League of Nations at Geneva - W.W. Cahng Minister Finance -- Admiral Li
former Vice-Minister of nary. Other leaders of parliament, wives of all of


96049 A street type found outside the gate of the mission compound

96050 A c*** type, Peking

96051 A street shop Peking

96052 A B.M. compound Peking

96053 The bank of China

96054 The reviewing stand of the Emperotr Chun Lung Peking


96055 An imitation paper temple to be used in connection with a funeral
cermony Peking

96056 Bien Su temple an important shrine Peking

96057 Gateways at the Bien Su temple Peking

96058 The Great Wall Nankow

96073 Dental students at work in the prosthetic laboratory Peking

96074 Dental room of the university of Peking Dr. Prentice


96075 Medical college the last of the procession crossing to college
chapel Mr. Rockefeller and Dr. Houghten center, Peking

96076 Indemnity college near Peking

96079 Chinese band

96077 Union University Theology building West China

96078 Union university Methodist Episcopal building west China


96080 Bronze dragon at the Summer Palace Peking

96081 Farm pump

96082 A street cleaner Peking

96083 A busy street scene

96084 Washday along the Yangtsee river


98085 Over 1000 years old bridge west China

96086 The water gate where the allied troops entered in 1900 Peking

96087 The Great Wall of China

96088 Ming tomb monument to a priest Peking

96089 A scene in a small town showing stream running thru Kiangsu


96090 Boat on the Foan Yang Lake Kiangsi

96091 Young boys on street in Southern China

96093 Cigarette sign board Nansiang

96092 A railroad station in the small town of Nansiang

96094 Natives constructing a native home Tibet


96095 A shepherd and his family with their shop Tibet

96096 Fancy laterns being sold for Chinese New Years the 15th day of the
Chinese first month on the lantern festival day Ningpoo

96097 An old Chinese woman Ningpoo

96098 The "Balance" mountain Soochow

96099 Drying the ox hide Soochow


96100 Child study a girl about 12 years old, Soochow

96102 Women burn spirit money in the front of a small temple Foochow

96103 A stone bridge Kaising Chekiang

96101 The fishing net is hung on the mast to dry

96104 Natives mending the sail raising Chekiang


95105 Natives catch oysters by feeling for them with their hands.
Kaising, Chekiang.

96106 Natives catch oysters by feeling for them with their hands.
Kaising, Chekiang.

96107 A small village bordering on bank of stream. Wusih.

96108 A public garden. Wusih.


96109 An old Chiense man. Wusih.

96110 A Chiense man traveling about for money carrying with him a Buddhist
idol. Wusih.

96112 Dragons carved on stone steps leading to the temple of heaven where
the Emperor worships. Peking.

96111 Bird's eye view of a part of Peking over house tops. Peking.

96113 Bird's eye view of West Lake. Hangchow.


96144 A stone cutter using a chisel at his work. Hangchow.

96115 The opium memorial bell dedicated to the opium smokers. Hangchow.

96116 Paper suits are hung outside the temple for the ghosts in the
autumn. Hangchow.

96117 Bird's eye view of Kuling.


96118 Bird's eye view of Kuling.

96119 View of Kuling.

96120 The Lions Leap and the Pan Yang Lake in the distance. Kuling.

96121 The swimming "pool" located between two mountains. Kuling.


96122 The path up to the Methodist Episcopal church compound. Kuling.

96123 A road in Kuling among the trees.

96124 The "Marble" waterfall" in Kuling.

96125 A water mill near Kuling.

96126 The gateway and spring on the property of a great teacher in the
Ming Dynasty. Kuling.


96127 A stream running down the mountain side. Kuling.

96128 A stream running down the mountain side. Kuling.

96129 Natives utilizing a hot water pool. Kuling

96130 Rock formation of a 1000 layer of stone. Kuling.

96131 A Rest House where c***s can get tea and coffee on the pass
leading up to Kuling.


96132 The Luen Hwa Tung Rest House - half way to Kuling from Kuikiang.

96133 The Rest House of the White Dear Grotto which was used as a

96134 The White Dear Grotto which was used as a university during the Ming
Dynasty. Kuling.

96135 Winter scene in Kuling.

96136 Kindergarten children in a drill. Kiukiang.


96137 The Kuling church.

96138 A Yangtse River steamer. Nanking

96139 Bird's eye view of a bridge on which a great many shops are located.

96140 Fishing boats anchored in Nanking harbor drying their fish nets.


96140 Nanking University established by the missionaries. Nanking.

96142 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96143 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96144 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.


96145 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96146 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96147 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96148 Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96149 Distant view of Ginling Girls College. Nanking.


96150 Distant view of Ginling Girls College. Nanking.

96151 A Christian church. Shanghai.

96152 Methodist Episcopal Church compound. Shanghai.

96153 A Cantonese kindergarten with children at play. Shanghai.

96154 Girl students receiving swimming instructions. Shanghai.

96155 The General Hospital located on the banks of the Soochow River.

96156 A Chinese Hospital. Shanghai.


96157 Chinese doctors at work in the operating room. Shanghai.

96158 Infants in a missionary hospital. Shanghai.

96159 A view of the Hong Poo river in the morning. Shanghai.

96160 A river scene of boats loaded with coal. Shanghai.


96161 A garden bridge with steel beams and posts. Shanghai.

96162 A zig-zag bridge in a public passing in front of the tea house.

96163 A stork in a Chinese garden. Shanghai.

96164 A native house. Shanghai.

96165 A portable kitchen. Shanghai.


96166 A European war monument - 1923. Shanghai.

96167 A signal tower. Shanghai.

96168 The railway station of the Shanghai Nanking line. Shanghai.

96169 The Hongkong-Shanghai banking corp.


96170 A big cotton co. Shanghai.

96171 North China Daily News Building. Shanghai.

96172 The roof floor of "The Great World" a public enjoyment place.

96173 A ricsha. Shanghai.


96174 The ricsha waiting place. Shanghai.

96175 Ricsha waiting place. Shanghai.

96176 A temple near Shanghai.

26177 A traveling monk. Shanghai.

96178 Worship in the temple. Shanghai.

96179 Minature candle bridge in a temple. Shanghai.


96180 A funeral procession. Shanghai.

96181 Representation of silk umbrellas used in a funeral procession.

96182 Farmer spreading fertilizer over the fields. Kiang Kwan near

96183 Drain digging. Shanghai.

96184 A traveling clothes mending woman. Shanghai.

96185 Shoe repairing. Shanghai.


96186 Chinese man wheeling huge baskets which were used to carry chickens
to market. Shanghai.

96187 A man "carring merit" by gathering and burning all waste papers
having Chinese characters. Shanghai.

96188 Chinese woman gathering up vegetables for her pigs after market
hours. Shanghai.

96189 Shearing - a street show. Shanghai.


26190 Factory workers off at noon hour. Shanghai.

96191 Street scene in Shanghai during times of big sales.

96192 Pictures being displayed in a street shop. Shanghai.

96193 Shop where paper money is sold for use in burning at the graves for
the ghosts. Shanghai.

96194 A goldsmith shop showing the decorations on the building. Shanghai.


96195 Selling black Chinese characters written on red paper for use on
Chinese New Year. Shanghai.

96196 Selling tobacco pipes. Shanghai.

96197 Chinese boys buying novels from a street book seller. Shanghai.

96198 Woman flower - peddler. Shanghai.

96199 Chinese woman selling newspapers. Shanghai.

96200 Small Chinese girls selling newspapers. Shanghai.


96201 Child study. Shanghai.

96202 Child study. Shanghai.

96603 Missionaries children visiting at seaside Sharp Peak Foochow

96604 Goats in a cove at Sharp Peak Island.

96605 A Missionary picnic setting out from Sharp Peak R.S. Ward and H.W.
Worley in the group. Foochow Conference.

96606 A bamboo basket to be filled with rock and used as an anchor for
nets. Foochow Conference.

96607 A wheeled vehicle on Haitang Island only kind used in Fukien
Provinces. 1926.

96608 Foriegn children's Sunday school. Foochow.

96609 One of the two known flocks of turkeys in Fukien. Foochow Conference.


96610 Rice piled for drying in village street - Siong Uguong Foochow

96611 River view from near Bishop Brown's House. Foochow Conference.

96612 River view from near Bishop Brown's House. Foochow Conference.

96613 Methodist missionaries at picnic Kuliang summer 1926. River Foochow

96614 Methodist missionaries at picnic Kuliang summer 1926. River Foochow

96615 The squat stone church built with protection against typhoons
Kuliang. Foochow Conference.

96616 Banyan at roadside near Duai-Hu. Foochow Conference.

96617 Famous Buddhist temple at Long Quang near Duai-Hu. Foochow

96618 Famous Buddhist taoist temple Long Quang near Duai-Hu showing roof
decorations. Foochow Conference.


96619 Theater stage inside Buddhist taoist temple at Long Quang near Duai-
Hu. Foochow Conference.

96620 District superintendent of Foochow Conference Rev. Sin Ling Ung in
front of village ancestral temple.

96621 Cargo boats tied up at lower Min river. Foochow Conference.

96622 Baggage for Evangelistic party crossing plain to Duai-Hu plateau,
Foochow Conference.

96623 Field workers resting. Foochow Conference.

96624 Foot irrigation pump. Foochow Conference.

96625 Village "Church Uncle" and his wife. Foochow Conference.

96626 Funeral urne at Kushan Buddhist monastry. Foochow Conference.

96627 Roses in a Shanghai garden. Foochow Conference.


96628 Miss Ruth Jayne of Women's Foreign Missionary Society with members of the Carturight family
eating mangoes. Foochow Conference.

96629 Group of new Anglo Chinese college buildings. Foochow Conference.

96630 One of the buildings at Kushan monastry. Foochow Conference.

96631 Monks and laborers gathering rice from drying. Kushan Monastry,
Foochow Conference.

96632 Clearing debris after fire. Foochow Conference.

96633 Fruit venders install in city street. Foochow Conference.

96634 God of learning and his attendants inner Temple Gang Gia. Foochow

96635 Winter coats and summer bare legs. Foochow Conference.

96636 Ruins of Foochow's most disastrous fire.


96637 Starting to rebuild after fire. Foochow Conference.

96638 Missionary in tramping outfit. Foochow Conference.

96640 Straw thatched houses near Funing. Foochow Conference.

96641 Buffalo and calves returning to Funing. Foochow Conference.

96642 A house on slilts near Lieng-Kong. Foochow Conference.

96644 Wayside and shrine. Foochow Conference.

96645 Horse tooth bridge unique construction, Funing ninteh. Foochow


96646 Herd of goats from Chekiang Province on the way to Foochow.

96647 Peanuts drying on a wall of ninteh city. Foochow Conference.

96648 Pagoda shaped grave containing the bones of many people. Foochow

96649 A quaint street in ninteh city. Foochow Conference.

96650 Arched bridge and church outside Ninteh city wall. Foochow

96651 Fishing village and fishing vessels with nets drying on the beach at
low tide. Foochow Conference.

96801 Christmas toys sent out from Sunday Schools in America to children
in Foochow Schools.

96802 Christmas parcels on a tree at a country church. Foochow.

96803 Special decoration on high poles outside home of a dead person.


96804 A stone guard and some funnery banners on a tree beside a grave.
North of Foochow.

96805 An aged Christian from a country church. Foochow.

96806 A newly decorated temple near Foochow.

96807 Hwa Nan College for women and Magaw Womens Hospital. Foochow.

96808 A farm scene. Foochow.

96809 A peep show. Foochow.

96810 A Sikh policeman regulating traffic. Shanghai.

96811 Bishop and Mrs. Brown starting for Foochow from Shanghai.

96812 Three Bishops for China attending executive committee meeting.
February 1957.

96813 Wife and daughter of a Methodist Preacher educated type.

96814 The U.S.S. Pittsburgh, in front of business section. Shangai 1927

96815 Crowd on the bund watching the march of the U.S. Marines. 1927

96816 The color bearers of the U.S. Marines. Shanghai 1927

96817 Color bearers of the U.S. Marines on march. 1927 Shanghai

96818 Machine gun batteries of the U.S. Marines on the day fighting started in Shanghai. 1927

96819 Machine gun batteries of the U.S. Marines on the day fighting started in Shanghai. 1927

96820 Camp of British Soldiers on guard at the boundary of Shanghai. 1927

96821 Trenches and sandbag fortifications near Methodist Compound Shanghai. 1927


96822 River boat heading for Ningho showing how passengers fasten their
luggage to the rail. Shanghai

96989 Japanese marines on first march through Shanghai streets during
civil war 1927.

96990 Annamese (French) soldiers inside the wire barricade and Cantonese
(Nationalist) soldiers outside, two days after General Chiang Kai Shek
captured Shanghai.

96991 Strengthening the barbed wire barricades between the French
settlement and the native city on day when big mass meeting celebrating

96992 British Tommies (Durhams) moving to a new billet.

96993 Spanish Marines with machine guns guard park bridge in Shanghai
directly in front of British Consulate.

96994 The "Preble" no. 344 U.S. gun boat arriving in Shanghai with the
first boat load of refugees from the rioting and looting of Nanking.

96995 British guns lumbering up Nanking road in Shanghai near the race

96997 Headquarters for foreign (western) refugees. Tientsin.


97035 Institutional church built with cemetary money. Chengtu.

97277 Chinese naval boats in Pearl river. Canton.

97278 Chinese father and boy on Goddess of Mercy Hill. Canton.

97279 View of Nagoda from Central Park. Canton.

97280 Dr. Chen and Dr. Lee with P.E.D. Canton.


97281 View of Min River from Fukien Christian University

97282 View of Min River from Fukien Christian University. Foochow.

97283 View of Min River at Fukien Christian University from Sites'
residence, April 21. Foochow.

97285 General view of city from Methodist residences. Foochow.


97286 General view of city showing location of An Chang Methodist
Episcopal Church. Foochow.

97287 Party viewing the city. Foochow.

97288 Inside old city walls, view from hilltop. Foochow.

97289 View of city from hill within the walls. Foochow.

97290 Inside the city walls; view from hilltop. Foochow.


97291 Entrance to city court. Foochow.

97292 Nationalist soldiers drilling recruits inside city walls. Foochow.

97293 Nationalist soldiers guarding gates.

97294 Carriage in use to Ana from Yamen. Foochow.

97295 R.E.D. and Mrs. D in Governors' Yamen. Foochow.


97296 Field Finance Committee, April '27. Foochow.

97297 Mr. Chen, Chairman Administration Council, and Gen. Chang of the
Nationalist Army with R.E.D. Foochow.

97298 Mr. Chen, Chairman Administration Council, and General Chang of the
Nationalist Army, with R.E.D. Foochow.

97299 Lan La Seng, Principal of boys school, Wong Gang Huo, dist. supt.
and R.E.D. Foochow.

97300 Science laboratory, Fukien Christian University. Foochow.


97301 Sum Yat Ren memorial set in lecture room of Fukien Christian

97302 View of Min River from Fukien Christian University. Foochow.

97303 New buildings Anglo Chinese College. Foochow.

97304 Union Kindergarten Training School. Foochow.

97305 Union Kindergaten Training School. Foochow.


97306 Union Kindergarten Training School. Foochow.

97307 American Board Hospital for men. Foochow.

97308 Grotto of former Chinese house now part of Institutional Church.

97309 Plowing paddy fields near Fukien Christian University. Foochow.

97310 Lifting water by tread from the Min River to irrigate paddy fields.


97311 Lifting water for irrigating rice fields by tread power. Foochow.

97312 Group and celebration with firecrackers on wharf as R.E.D. and party
left city. Foochow.

97313 U.S.S. Pittsburg near Standard Oil C. Shangai

97314 U.S.S. Pittsburg near Standard Oil Company. Shangai

97315 U.S. Battleships near Standard Oil Co. May '27


97316 U.S. Battleships near Standard Oil Co. Shanghai

97317 U.S. Battleships near Standard Oil Co. Shanghai

97318 French warship. May 1927. Shanghai.

97319 British mother ship for sea planes. Shanghai.

97320 H.M.S. Hawkins. Shanghai.


97321 Warship in river. May '27. Shanghai.

97322 Warships in river. May '27. Shanghai.

97323 Warships in river. British, US, French, Japan. May '27. Shanghai.

97324 Chinese patrol boat. Shanghai.

97325 Foochow lumber junks in river below city. Shanghai.


97326 Foochow lumber junks in river below city. Shanghai.

97327 Chinese sailing junk. Shanghai.

97328 U.S. Marines erecting temporary barracks on Standard Oil Co.
property. Shanghai.

97329 Billboard advertising below city on river bank. Shanghai.

97330 S.S. Tungchow, modern Chinese woman 3 1/2 years in America,
interested ni social work.


97331 Harbor scene. Chefoo.

97332 Harbor scene. Chefoo.

97333 Harbor scene. Chefoo.

97334 Harbor scene. Chefoo.

97335 C***s crowding on board S.S. Tungchow. Chefoo.


97336 C***s crowding on board S.S. Tungchow.

97337 Coolies crowding on board S.S. Tungchow.

97338 Stationary engineer on S.S. Tungchow. Chefoo Harbor.

97339 Unloading flour from S.S. Tungchow. Chefoo.

97340 Street group reading bulletin board. Peking.


97341 Empress Dowager's Residence. Peking.

97342 Ornamental gateway to lagoon in summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97344 View of Lagoon and island from temple summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97345 Vine covered rock used in Chinese gardens, Summer Palace gounds.


97346 Bronze Phoenix Summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97347 Bronze Dragon Summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97348 Bridge in Summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97349 Bridge in Summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97350 Typical griffen, Summer Palace grounds. Peking.


97351 Temple view in the Summer Palace grounds. Peking.

97352 Temple of the Tablet in Star of Heaven enclosure. Peking.

97353 Temple of the Tablet. Peking.

97352 Temple of the Tablet in Star of Heaven enclosure. Peking.

97352 Temple of the Tablet. Peking.

97354 Chinese architecture of 150 years ago building near Temple of
Tablets. Peking.

97355 Temple of the New Year. Peking.


97356 Temple of the New Year. Peking.

97356 Temple of the New Year. Peking.

97357 General Smedley Butler at the Summer Palace. Peking.

97358 Summer Palace Temple Tower. Peking.

97359 Methodist compound, entrance gate. Peking.

97360 Methodist compoung, row of residences. Peking.