H24349 Beulah Tillotson who took the part of the "Angel of God" in pageant
"Moses the Deliverer" putting child in the rushes school of Religious
Education. Evanston, IL
H24350 "Moses the Deliverer" with Moses interviewing Pharaoh school of
Religious Education. Evanston, IL
H24693 Boys making toys at the daily vacation Bible school central Methodist Episcopal
Church. Utica, New York.
H24694 Oriental dining table and furniture used in Palestine made by the
boys and girls in the daily vacation Bible school central Methodist Episcopal Church.
Utica, New York.
H24695 Sheepfold made in the daily vacation Bible school central Methodist Episcopal
Church to be used in the S.S. or object lessons. Utica, New York.
H24696 Toys made by children at the daily vacation Bible school central
Methodist Episcopal Church to be given to the children's Hospital. Utica, New York.
H25151 Property adjoining First Italian Mission. Chicago, IL
H25240 Open air meeting in St. Paul community house district, in charge of
Italian pastor with Salvation Army band hired for occasion, to attract
crowd. Jersey City.
H25238 Ore digger in shaft. Duluth, Minn,
H25148 Crowd in front of Trinity Church. New York City.
H25241 Patriotic gathering in Italian Church. (Speaker read uninteresting
paper, so crowded house dwindled) Jersey City.
H25263 Scene in pageant "Rebecca at the well", given at closing exercise
of Daily Vacation Bible school, Roseville Methodist Episcopal Church. Newark, N.J.
H25930 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church formerly a family church, has now adjusted its
program to meet boarding house district conditions. Denver, Colo.
H25931 A corner of the Primary Sunday School Dept. of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church.
Denver. Colo.