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Browse Items (44099 total)


H4772 First Church Parish House, Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ

H4773 Union County Court House and West Minster Church, Elizabeth, NJ


H4774 Park Methodist Episcopal Church on Madison Ave, Elizabeth, NJ

H4775 Same caption as H4474


H4776 View of Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ

H4777 Fountain in Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ


H4778 Scene in Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ

H4779 View along the railroad tracks showing tree nurseries on each side
of the track, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4780 Tree nursery, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4781 Same Caption as above


H4782 Street scene showing school, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4783 Some of the new homes, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4784 Street scene showing school, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4785 Hillside First Presbyterian Church, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4786 Tree nursery. This business is carried on extensively in NJ. Lyons
Farms, NJ

H4787 View down Fulton Street, Elizabethport, NJ


H4788 View down Fulton Street, Elizabethport, NJ

H4789 Singer sewing machine factory, looking down Second Street,
Elizabethport, NJ


H4790 Second Street showing Roman Catholic Catherdal, Elizabethport, NJ

H4791 Franklin Street from Second Street, Elizabethport, NJ


H4792 New houses at Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ

H4793 Panoramic view of part of Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ


H4794 The Hillside Public School, West Newark, NJ

H4795 Same as above


H4796 Up to date homes in Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ

H4797 View Towards Newark, NJ


H4800 Crowd of children keeping cool, West End, Newark, NJ

H4801 View down Pershing Ave., West End, Newark, NJ


H4802 Rennar Ave., West End, NJ


H4803 Garden Colony restricted residential section. New Dorp, Staten
Island. No Church in this section.

H4822 Home of the Dist. Sup't rev. Fred J. Hubach of the Elizabeth Dist.
Newark Conference, Plainfield, NJ

H4828 Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage - Linoleumville, Staten Island, NY


H4824 Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church - The first Methodist Episcopal Church built on Staten Island
1787 - was rebuilt in 1842, Woodrow, Staten Island

H4825 Monument to Father Boehm in the Methodist Episcopal Church Graveyard - Woodrow
Staten Island


H4826 View showing two of the oldest graves in the Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church
Cemetery, Woodrow, Staten Island

H4827 Graveyard by the Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church - oldest church in Staten
Island - Woodrow S.I.


H4828 Old grave in Methodist Episcopal cemetery, Woodrow, Staten Is.

H4829 Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, Graniteville, Staten Island.


H4830 View from cemetery, Graniteville, Staten Island

H4831 View from Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, Graniteville, Staten Island


H4832 Groups of children in the vicinity of Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, with
hardly any clothes on, in the very hot weather, Staten Island

H4833 Group of children keeping themselves cool under a pray of water
during the very hot weather, Graniteville, S.I.


H4834 Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage, Stapleton, S.I.

H4835 Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church, Stapleton, Staten Is.


H4836 German Lutheran Church, Stapleton, Staten Island

H4837 Street scene in Concord, Staten Island


H4838 View of Concord and Grasmere, Concord, Staten Island

H4839 Wandell Methodist Episcopal Church, Concord, S. Island


H4840 St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, Rosebank, Staten Island

H4841 Trinty Methodist Episcopal Church built in 1912. The finest church on Staten
Island in general equipment. Warren R. Niff, Pastor, West Brighton, Staten


H4842 Trinty Methodist Episcopal Church, West Brighton, Staten Island

H4843 General view of Carteret, Staten Island


H4844 Italian children on South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL

H4845 Typical Italian child, Chicago, IL

H4846 Sunday street scene in the Italian Quarter, Chicago, IL 1918

H4847 Family gathering on Sunday afternoon in the Italian Quarter,
Chicago, IL 1918


H4848 Two blocks from Madison Street. This ancient fire trap of a
tenement house is occupied by tramps, Chicago, IL 1918

H4849 "Driftwood on the Tide of Life." A "has been" for whom Life holds
no interest and whose existence is but a pathetic hopelessness. One of the
Fruits of Alcohol's harvest. Chicago, IL 1918

H4850 Selling ice cream to help pay for the new Church. Chicago, IL 1918

H4851 "Drifters" studying the signs in front of an employment agency on
Madison Street, Chicago, IL


H4852 Italian girl of better class, Chicago, IL 1918

H4853 In the Italian Quarter playiing in the filthy gutter on South Morgan
St., Chicago, IL

H4854 Colored Boy Scouts returning from a hike out, South Chicago, IL 1918

H4855 "Death Corner" in the Italian Quarter where it is said there has
been a murder every two weeks or oftener for the past eight years. The
murderers are very rarely caught. Mission work of a very decided character
should be established here. Chicago, IL 1918


H4856 In the wholesale market district, Chicago, IL

H4856 The night before this was taken a bomb had been exploded under the
back stairway because a demand for $2000 had been ignored, Chicago, IL

H4858 The wholesale market district (Water St.), Chicago, IL

H4859 Keeping cool during the hot August days on the beach at North Chicago


H4860 Chicago folks at play keeping cool, Lake Michigan Beach, Chicago, IL

H4861 The start of the Parade for the August Salvation Army Division,
Chicago, IL

H4862 Part of the Salvation Army Division Parade, Chicago, IL 1918

H4863 Ready for the start of the Salvation Army Parade, Chicago, IL 1918


H4864 Colored boy scouts coming home from a hike out toward Hammond,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4865 Rev. Fleming preaching from the Methodist gospel car to a gathering
in the Negro quarters, Chicago, IL 1918

H4866 Same caption as H4865


H4868 Rev. Fleming preaching from the Methodist Gospel Car to a gathering
in the Negro quarter, Chicago, IL 1918

H4869 Italian Quarter. Getting ready for a Sunday "picnic-orgy," Chicago,
IL 1918

H4870 Part of the crowd listening to Rev. Fleming, Chicago, IL 1918

H4871 The street of the side shows, Springfield, IL 1918


H4872 Various exhibits of harvesting machinery at the Illinois State Fair,
Springfield, IL 1918

H4873 In the "whip cracker" at the State Fair, Springfield, IL

4874 Lunching in the State Fair Grouds, Springfield, IL 1918

H4879 The "Gospel Truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday
gathering on State St., Chicago, IL


H4876 Chicago River showing draw bridges opening and closing for passage of
ships, Chicago, IL 1918

H4877 Betty who lived next to the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, Moline, IL 1918

H4878 The "Gospel Truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday gathering
in State Street Chicago, IL 1918

H4879 Italian women taking what little comfort the trees afford from the
great heat of August days, Springfield, IL 1918


H4880 Drawbridge opening to allow a ship to pass up the Chicago River,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4881 The "Gospel truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday gathering
on State St., Chicago, IL 1918

H4883 Illinois State Fair Side Show. The world famous Egyptian Dancers
from Chicago, etc., Springfield, IL 1918

H4884 Part of the side show area at Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL


H4885 Type of poor white child, Springfield, IL 1918

H4886 A human derelect begging from passengers in station

H4888 Merry go round at Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL 1918

H4788 Slavish and Russian Catholic Church, Carteret, Staten Island


H4894 Bethany German Methodist Episcopal Home and Industrial School for Girls, Chicago, IL

H4895 German Methodist Episcopal Church Pevria, IL


H4896 Emanuel Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Evanston, IL

H4897 Same as H4896

H4899 The New Marks Steel Co.'s Plant and the famous inland steel mills,
Indiana Harbor, Indiana


H4898 The only Swedish Methodist Theological School, Evanston, IL


H4900 First Italian Methodist Church, Chicago, IL

H4901 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL 1918


H4902 Community Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL

H4903 South Chicago Methodist Church, Chicago, IL


H4905 The Clothing and Book salesroom at Centenary Church, Chicago, IL

H4906 Bethany Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL


H4907 Second German Methodist Episcopal Church whose congregation is mostly Italian


H4911 Cottages in the rapidly growing colored settlement, Gary, Indiana

H4912 The Gary Public Library, Gary, Indiana 1918


H4913 Wabash Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL 1918

H4914 The Y.M.C.A., Gary, Indiana


H4915 Presbyterian Community House, Gary, Indiana 1918

H4916 Friendship House, Gary, Indiana 1918


H4917 Bridgewell, Chicago's City Prison, Chicago, IL 1918

H4918 In the rag carpet and serving room at Centenary Church, Chicago, IL


H4919 Main buildings of the International Harvester Co., Chicago, IL

H4920 The lecture room in the basement of Centenary Church, Chicago, IL


H4921 The hammock making class in the Daily Vacation Bible School,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4922 Making kites and other toys in the Daily Vacation Bible School,
Chicago, IL 1918


H4923 John Huse Bohemian Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago, IL

H4925 tent used as a Methodist Episcopal Church by the colored people of the Southend of
Gary, Indiana 1918


H4926 Bethany German Methodist Episcopal Home and Industrial School for Girls, Chicago, IL

H4927 The Lecture Room in the basement of Centenary Church Chicago, IL


H4928 The auditorium of Centenary Church. It is hoped that here it will be
possible to establish a second Morgan Memorial, Chicago, IL 1918

H4931 The Clothing and book salesroom at Centenary Church under the right
balcony of the auditorium, Chicago, IL 1918


H4923 Italian Mission, where the pastor has a community Mission and with
little or no means has secured 3 old sewing machines for the teaching of
sensible dressmaking, also fitted up part of the basement as a manual
training dept. for boys with but one work bench, Moline, IL 1918

H4936 Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church where it is planned to establish another
Morgan Memorial for Chicago's "Down and out" population, Chicago, IL 1918


H4938 One of the new streets of Moline Illinois showing the type of houses
being built, 1918

H4939 Some of the cottages erected for the employees of the Steel Mills,
Gary, IN 1918


H4940 A general view of the John Deere Plow and Turn Machinery Plants,
Moline, IL 1918

H4941 Part of the John Deere Factories showing the of houses occupied by
the common laborers most of whom are foreigners, Moline, IL 1918

H4942 View of the Mississippi River. This is one of the great Industrail
centers and should have intensive Christian work on a much larger scale
than at present found, Moline, IL 1918


H4943 First Methodist Episcopal Church. Great need for parsonage at right of church and
for equipment for social uplift, East Moline, IL 1918


H4944 Bradley Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL 1918

H4945 Portable schoolhouses to take care of the overflow of pupils,
Springfield, IL 1918


H4951 First Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL

H4952 Sears Roebuck and Co.'s factory ay Kankakee. This is Americas largest
mail order house, selling exclusively to Americans; Montgomery-- Ward
having most of the export trade, IL 1918


H4953 Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church (the successor to 4954 "below"). It has
largest membership in German Methodism, Pekin, IL 1918

H4954 First Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church, now a residence, Pekin IL 1918


H4955 Group of McCluny's Sunday School Boys scrambling for pennies,
Kankakee, IL

H4956 Emmanuel German Methodist Episcopal Church, now reduced to less than 30 members,
because the German element has moved away, Pevria, IL 1918

H4957 Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL

H4958 In the Italian section of Springfield, showing one of the 200 saloons that went out of business when the people under local option voted "dry." Everybody is recognizing the wonderful moral uplift of the city and there is no danger of the saloon ever coming back in Springfield. A mission should by all means be started here. IL 1918


H4959 One of the schoolhouses of Springfield where nearly,,, if not half
of the children are of foreign parentage, Springfield, IL 1918

H4960 Types of houses being built by the people who are moving into the
new section of the city, Springfield, IL 1918


H4961 Riverview Chapel, Kankakee, IL

H4965 Keeley Institute, famous for its cure of drunkiness and drug using.
Prohibition and the war have reduced the number of patients to 25% of the
pre-war crowd and there are plans discussed for turning the plant into a
rest-cure sanitarium, Dwight, IL 1918


H4966 Northern end of Italian Bldg. showing War Design which is situated
on top of the store about 25 feet high, from the ground. Corner of Buay and
23rd St. N.Y.C

H4967 Caption same as above.


H4968 One of the "Horse meat" butcher shops Eighth Ave, between 23rd+ 24
St. N.Y.C.

H4969 Same caption as above.


H4970 Looking east on 23rd Street and 8th Ave. showing the YMCA building

H4971 Looking north on 8th Ave+ 23rd St. showing the traffic on 8th Ave


H4972 U.S. Dept of Labor Employment Agencies 23rd St. + 6+7th Ave. New
York City N.Y.

H4973 Laborers repairing worn car-tracks at 23rd St. and 8th Ave N.Y.C.


H4974 Using the "lucky wheel" to sell War Saving Stamps. This wheel was
used quite extensively, but in some places the police objected to its use.

H4975 Same caption as above.


H4979 New church- at Roselle Park will be dedicated May 1st. Newark N.J.

H4987 First Methodist Episcopal Church Woodrow, Staten Island

H5002 Wheadon Methodist Episcopal Church, where it is proposed to put an adequate
Community House in a strategic center. The entire plot of ground shown is
church property, and the present building was considered inadequate ten
years ago. Evanston Ill.


H5003 Proposed site of Evanstontownship High School, one and a half blocks
from Wheadon Methodist Episcopal Church. When or if this project goes through as is
expected, Wheadon Church will be the center of an educational district.
Evanston, Ill.

H5004 Gymnasium of Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church, fully equiped with fine
lockers and bath rooms. Since finished there have been over three hundred
in physical classes constantly. Size 46x72 feet. Rockford, Ill.


H5005 Social room. Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Writing desks, typewriters,
piano, accessible to all. Rockford, Ill.

H5006 Old Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church, now used as a garage. Rockford,


H5007 Granville Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H5008 Marie Chapel of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, in the heart of the Italian
district. Chicago, Ill.


H5009 Wicker Park, Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H5010 Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.


H5011 New Sheridon Road Church. This has a fine, but not yet fully
equipped social and gymnasium plant. Chicago Ill.

H5012 Old Sheridon Road Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago Ill.


H5013 Romney Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.


H5269 Perry Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Perry Street. Now a garage.

H5270 Same caption as H5269


H5271 Lexington Ave. American Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Lexington Ave. and
53rd Street, now a prosperous Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church.

H5272 Same caption as H5271


H5273 Old Ninth Street Church, Southwest corner Ave. B and 9th Street, now
a Lutheran Church.

H5274 Same caption as H5273


H5275 The 7th Street Methodist Episcopal Church, at 22 East 7th Street, now a Greek
Catholic Church.

H5276 Same caption as H5275


H5278 Keeping cool 'til the postman comes. Springfield, Ill.

H5279 A cool place for baby to play. Springfield, Ill.

H5280 Building used as a "Beer Club" to evade the dry law. Springfield,

H5281 Playmates. Kankakee, Ill.


H5282 Just beyond these buildings ground has been bought on which to build
a 15 million Dollar Coke and By-product Plant. Efforts are being made to
secure ground for an Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Ill.

H5283 Reserve Officers Training Corp on way to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5286 Y. W. C. A. and Baptist Church. Moline, Ill.

H5291 Mr. N. J. Albertson, retired wagon manufacturer who has been a
member of Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church at Pekin since 1853. Pekin, Ill.


H5293 An Italian boy "picture shy," Springfield, Ill.

H5294 A home in the Italian section of the city. Springfield, Ill.

H5295 Typical Slavish woman and child. Springfield, Ill.

H5296 An Italian child. Springfield, Ill.


H5301 Comrades.

H5302 Hunting for a penny that was lost. Kankakee, Ill.

H5306 Getting acquainted. Granite City. Ill.

H5307 Watching for the "birdie." Granite City, Ill.


H5308 Friends. Granite City, Ill.

H5311 "T[w]o Helmit Der Kaiser." Moline, Ill.

H5314 Just shacks. Pekin, Ill.

H5315 Waiting for the Postman.


H5316 College men going to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5317 Climbing the carpenter's ladder. Moline, Ill.

H5319 Rev. Geo. McClung of First Methodist Episcopal Church throwing a nickel while the
boys scramble for it. Kankakee, Ill.

H5320 The vegetable peddler. Springfield, Ill.


H5321 R. O. T. C. men going to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5326 Once a Baptist Church, now a farmer's exchange grocery store.
Springfield, Ill.

H5438 An old crippled darky going to town. St. Louis, Mo.


H5439 Climbing. St. Louis, Mo.

H5441 Rag pickers and scavengers from Tin Can Hollow. Joplin, Mo.

H5445 Spying out the ground. Joplin, Mo.

5446 The old woman inside the yard, handing out cut grass to the man, who
loads it. For taking away such refuse they get 10 cents or so. Joplin, Mo.



H5460 Macedonian Commercial Company. Granite City, Ill.

H5461 Type of house used by the workmen of Granite City. Mills Granite
City, Ill.

H5462 In the wading pool - Jewish playground. St. Louis, Mo.


H5463 In the wading pool - Jewish Playground. St. Louis, Mo.

H5464 Same caption as H5463

H5465 Wishing they had some place to play. St. Louis, Mo.

H5466 Rev. Wahl and some of the Jewish children across the street from the
old Methodist Episcopal Church, now used as a Jewish synagogue. St. Louis, Mo.

H5467 Type of better class, Jewish family. St. Louis, Mo.


H5468 Campus of the State School of Mines. Rolla, Mo.

H5469 First Methodist Episcopal Church showing the new social plant added to the old
Colonial style church of 1864. Rolla, Mo.


H5470 First Methodist Episcopal Church, showing the new social plant added to the old
Colonial style church of 1864. Rolla, Mo.

H5471 Old First Methodist Episcopal Church, now an undertakers establishment. Joplin, Mo.


H5472 New First Methodist Episcopal Church. Joplin, Mo.

H5473 Lead-zinc mines, mills and housing conditions around Webb City, Mo.


H5474 Methodist Episcopal Church, this adequately meets the needs here. Webb City, Mo.

H5475 Methodist Episcopal Church, South Webb City, Mo.


H5478 Construction of new and modern Methodist Episcopal Church. Baxter Springs, Kansas.

H5481 Pitts Methodist Episcopal Chapel (colored), Springfield, Mo.


H5482 Lead-zinc mines, mills and housing conditions in Webb City, Mo.

H5485 Old Methodist Episcopal Church being demolished. South Monett, Mo.


H5488 A mission charge among the poor whites. Springfield, Mo.

H5489 Burge Deaconess Hospital and nurses Home. Springfield, Mo.


H5490 Vista Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Mo.

H5492 Central Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. East Joplin, Mo.


H5493 Byers Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. Joplin, Mo.


H5500 National Enamel and Stamping Co.'s Steel Mill. Granite City, Mo.

H5501 Old Washington Street Methodist Episcopal Church, now a Jewish Synagogue. St.
Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5502 Old Eden Methodist Episcopal Church, now a grocery store below, and plumbers union
hall above, St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H5503 New Roman Catholic Cathedral. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5504 Elmbank Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H5505 Zion Methodist Episcopal Church, Carondelet, So. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5506 Dewey Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Mo.

H5507 Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. Parsonage is seen next to church. St. Louis, Mo.


H5508 Neidringhaus Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Mo.

H5509 Lead and zinc mines. Joplin, Mo.


H5511 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5512 The pitcher in the process of "winding up." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5513 Watching the Labor Day Ball Game from box cars. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5514 Hill Billy bridal couple in their holiday best, at the ball game.
Frontenac, Kansas.


H5515 Swing for a 3 base hit, Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5516 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5517 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5518 The best part at the Grandstand. Frontenac, Kansas.

H6460 The ice man. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


H5519 Labor Day when the umpire said, "Play Ball." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5520 Labor Day Ball Game "Strike Three." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5521 General view of the Ball Field, Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5523 Methodist boy scouts ready for the Labor Day Parade. Frontenac,


H5524 The Confidence man who sells soap with a dollar bill wrapped around
one cake out of each three. Perhaps one man in a hundred finds a bill.
Frontenac, Kansas.

H5525 The Methodist lunch counter on the street where the celebration took
place Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5526 The City Band. 75% foreign born. Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5527 Same caption as H5525


H5528 The Conidence man who sells soap with a dollar bill wrapped around
one cake out of each three. Perhaps one man in a hundred finds a bill.
Frontenac, Kansas.

H5529 Red Cross Auxiliary in the Labor Day Parade. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5530 Some delegates from the American Federation of Labor, Labor Day.
Frontenac, Kansas.

H5531 Ice cream vendor selling "Hokey Pokey." Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.


H5532 Clowns in the Labor Day Parade at Frontenac, Kansas.

H5533 The city Fire Dept. in the Labor Day Parade. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5534 Negro boy going to the Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.


H5536 10:30 A. M. in front of a movie theater when they should have been
thinking of worship. Springfield, Missouri.

H5537 Italians and Slavs waiting for a car to Pittsburg, tired of the
excitement of the Labor Day Celebration. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5538 Going to the Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.


H5539 Slav family going home after the Labor Day Celebration. Frontenac,

H5540 Italians and Slavs waiting for a car to Pittsburg, tired of the
excitement of the Labor Day Celebration. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5541 Methodist girls serving sandwiches and lemonade in the Epworth
League booth shown in H5527. Frontenac, Kansas.


H5543 Watching the photographer from beside their piano box playhouse.
Springfield, Missouri.

H5544 Watching the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5545 A mountaineer from the Ozarks, commonly known as a Hill "Billy."


H5546 Poor white boys from "Jin can holler." Joplin, Missouri.

H5547 One of the great zinc mines and waste dumps near Joplin, Missouri.

H5548 10:30 A. M. in front of a movie theatre. Springfield, Missouri.


H5569 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, waving his hands after "Going over the
Top" of the Fourteen Story columbia Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St.
Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.

H5570 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, about to climb the top ledge of the
Columbia Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.


H5571 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, getting over a ledge on the 11th floor
of the Columbia Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.

H5572 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, making a continuous climb to the third
floor, before resting. Columbia Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St.
Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.


H5573 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, on the first floor of the Columbia Bank
Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.

H5574 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, beginning his climb of the Columbia
Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.


H5575 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, up to the 3rd floor of the Columbia
Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.

H5576 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, making a steady climb from the 3rd
floor to the 6th floor of the Columbia Bank Building at 5th Ave. and 42nd
St. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.


H5577 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, crossing from one side to the other on
the 5th floor of the Columbia Bank Building. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.

H5578 Mr. Peterson, the Human Fly, swinging his feet with just a little
hold in the space between the blocks of stone. Eighth floor of the Columbia
Bank Building. Sept. 1918. N. Y. C.


H5579 The Human Fly trying hard to get over the worst obstacle in his
climb up the Columbia Bank Building. N. Y. C.

H5580 Same caption as H5579


H5581 The Human Fly about to tackle the large ledge of the Columbia Bank
Building. N. Y. C.

H5582 The Human Fly doing his best trick of the climb. Holding on to the
roof with one hand, waving with the other, and working his feet as though
riding a bicycle on the Columbia Bank Building. N. Y.


H5583 Eden Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Louis, Mo.

H5586 Rev. Loeppert and group of children. Chicago, Ill.

H5587 Teaching the "women" to do the work. Chicago, Ill.

H5588 Swedish Methodist Episcopal Book Concern. Chicago, Ill.


H5589 Children near German Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H5600 Wrecking scene on Michigan Central R. R. Indiana.

H5601 Children at Presbyterian "Neighborhood House." Gary, Ind.

H5602 Steam shovel excavating in sand dunes. Gary, Ind.


H5603 Children's wading pool in public playground. Gary, Ind.

H5604 "Aw! Come on in, the water's fine." Gary, Ind.

H5605 Home, A shack built around the frame of an old wagon. Gary, Indiana.

H5606 Actors in Methodist Episcopal Church play. Gary, Indiana.


H5607 War gardens in lots along Broadway. Gary, Indiana.

H5608 Russians ready for July 4th celebration in front of the Greek Church
at Gary, Indiana. 1918.

H5609 Russians in July 4th Parade. 1918. Gary, Indiana.

H5610 Ukrainians in Parade. July 4th, 1918. Gary, Indiana.


H5611 Ten brothers who joined the colors to go to Servia to fight for
their fatherland. All joined up the same day. 1916. Gary, Indiana.

H5612 On the sand dunes near Gary, Indiana. To this place priests used to
come from Lafayette to hold services every three months or so, accompanied
by their Indian converts. 1918.

H5617 Peter, Emil and Johnnie Augustinovich Croatian boys at Gary, Indiana.

H5618 Croatian children at Friendship House, Gary, Indiana.


H5619 Daily vacation Bible School children, Friendship House. Gary,

H5620 Slav and Italian children at Friendship House. Gary, Indiana.

H5621 Croatian child. Gary, Indiana.

H5622 Three little Slavs. Gary, Indiana.


H5624 Italian woman and child. Gary, Ind.

H5625 Children's Garden. Gary, Indiana.

H5626 Italian woman and her Easter present to the matron of the
Neighborhood House. Entire eggs are baked into the great doughnut like loaf
of bread. Gary, Indiana.

H5627 Typical Croatian woman. Gary, Indiana.

H5628 Italian, Slovack and Croatian children at play. Gary, Indiana.


H5629 Slovachs and Croatians at Neighborhood House. Probationers Class.
Gary, Indiana.

H5630 Kindergarten Class of the Neighborhood House. Gary, Ind.

H5631 After races - Neighborhood House. Gary, Ind.

H5632 Playtime over - Neighborhood House. Gary, Indiana.

H5633 Slovack Boy Scouts. Gary, Indiana.


H5634 Croatian women and children. Gary, Indiana.

H5635 Croatian mother and children. Gary, Ind.

H5636 Sunday School just out. Gary, Indiana.

H5637 Neighborhood House workers. Gary, Ind.

H5638 Bible Class of Slovack Boys. Gary. Ind.


H5639 Playing after the rain - Neighborhood House District. Gary, Indiana.

H5640 Children and teachers in summer vacation Bible School in
Presbyterian Neighborhood House. Gary, Indiana.

H5641 Slav children resting. Gary, Indiana.


H5654 Formerly owned by brewery now to be Home for Nurses. Boston, Mass.

H5655 Nurses Training School Building on Deaconess Road. Boston, Mass.


H5656 Laundry Building, Boston, Mass.

H5657 New England Deaconess Hospital situated on Deaconess Road. Boston,


H5658 Nurses Home. Boston, Mass.

H5659 Nurses Home and Laundry Building. Boston, Mass.


H5660 Group of nurses in front of the New England Hospital Building.
Boston, Mass.

H5661 New England Teachers Training School. Boston, Mass.


H5662 New England Deaconess Hospital. Boston, Mass.

H5663 Temple Street Church. Boston, Mass.


H5664 New England Trainng School Teachers. Boston, Mass.

H5665 Deaconesses in front of the Deaconesses Home at 693 Mass. Avenue.
Boston, Mass.


H5666 Deaconesses Home at 693 Mass. Avenue. Boston, Mass.

H5667 Methodist Book Store in Wesleyan Building on Boylston St. Boston,


H5668 Deaconesses, Boston, Mass. at Deaconess Home.

H5669 Italian settlement and Dispensary 36 Hull Street. Boston, Mass.


H5748 Union Square Park. N. Y.

H5749 Tulips at Washington Square. N. Y.

H5750 Washington Arch. N. Y.

H5751 Washington Arch. N. Y.


H5752 Washington Arch. N. Y.

H5753 Washington Arch. N. Y.

H5754 Washington Arch, N. Y.

H5755 Washington Arch. N. Y.


H5756 Washington Arch. N. Y.

H5767 Der Vaterland interned.

H5776 Carnegie Library. Oberlin. Aug. 8, 1914.

H5780 Repairing Fifth Avenue at 19th Street. N. Y.


H5786 Boy's Band. Oberlin.

H5794 "The Puritan" by Augustus St. Gardens, commonly called, the Deacon
Chapin Statue. Springfield, Mass.

H5795 Municipal Group showing the Administration Building, the Campanile,
and the Auditorium. Springfield, Mass.

H5796 View from Country Club Piazza. Springfield, Mass.


H5797 First Church of Christ. Erected in 1647. Springfield, Mass.

H5798 City Library. Springfield, Mass.

H5799 Court Square. Springfield, Mass.

H5800 Court Square. The two buildings to the left are First Church and the
next is the County Court House. Springfield, Mass.


H5801 Unitarian Church on State Street. Springfield, Mass.

H5802 Grammar School on Chestnut Street. Springfield, Mass.

H5803 All the buildings shown are for hospital use, and all under the name
of Springfield Hospitals. Mass.

H5804 View from tower at Court Square. Springfield, Mass.


H5805 City Library. Springfield, Mass.

H5807 Scows loaded with garbage, near Jefferson Methodist Episcopal Church. N. Y.


H5808 Noon time preaching, below the Post Office at Park Row. N. Y.

H5809 Selling Liberty Bonds in City Hall Park. N. Y.


H5810 An Irish beggar on 42nd Street near Fifth Ave. N. Y.

H5811 War garden at 6th Ave. and 42nd St. N. Y.


H5812 In front of Public Library at Fifth Ave. and 42nd Street. N. Y. C.

H5813 The Fire Dept. Band in front of Public Library - 5th Ave. and 42nd
St. N. Y. C.


H5816 Where Aaron Burr courted his wife. Hohokus, New Jersey.

H5884 Long Lake Power Plant below Spokane, Washington.


H6040 Selling Liberty Bonds in City Hall Park, N. Y. C.

H6041 Same caption as above.


H6042 Stand on Union Square and 14 St. N. Y. C.

H6043 Thrift stamp stand at corner of 23rd St. and Fifth Ave. N. Y. C.


H6044 Italian peanut stand and fruit and papers at the corner of 21st
Street and Second Ave. N. Y. C.

H6045 Same caption as above.


H6046 Ornamental stand in course of construction to be used for opening of
the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive. N. Y. C.

H6047 Whale boat in Union Square, which is used for the instruction of the
new enlisted men on the "Recruit." N. Y. C.


H6048 The "Recruit" at Union Square. N. Y. C.

H6049 The "Recruit" at Union Square, showing the complete complement of
men at the Port bow just returned from lunch. N. Y. C.


H6050 Sailors at Port bow of the "Recruit" at Union Square. N. Y. C.

H6051 The "Recruit" at Union Square. N. Y. C.


H6052 The Recruit at Union Square. N. Y. C.

H6053 Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession St. Patrick's Cathedral - 50th
and 5th Ave. N. Y. C. Sept. 1918.


H6054 Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession Cross Bearer and Acolytes. St.
Patrick's Cathedral. N. Y. C. Sept. 1918.

H6055 The most Reverend Archbishops. St. Patrick's Cathedral, Cardinal
Farley's Funeral Procession. N. Y. C. Sept.


H6056 Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession - Provincials of Religious
Orders. St. Patrick's Cathedrals - 50th St. and 5th Ave. N. Y. C. Sept.

H6057 Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession, showing the monks. N. Y. C.
Sept. 1918.


H6058 Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession. N. Y. C.

H6059 U. S. Marines, from the Navy Yard, standing at attention in Madison
Ave. Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession, N. Y. C. Sept. 1918.


H6060 U. S. Marines and Sailors passing from Madison Avenue into Fifth
Ave. around the Cathedral. Cardinal Farley's Funeral Procession, Sept.
1918. N. Y. C.

H6061 Cross Bearer Acolytes and the Cardinal's Committee leading the
procession. St. Patrick's Cathedral - 50th St. and Fifth Ave. N. Y. C.
Sept. 1918.


H6163 South Atlanta Church, where the students of Clarke University must
attend church. Atlanta, Ga.

H6166 National District Superintendents Conference, June 18-20, 1918,
Columbus, Ohio. (Panorama)


H6068 W. H. M. S. Tuberculosis Hospital. New Mexico, Albuquerque.


H6167 Camp Grant, covers an area of 5400 acres or 9 sq. miles The usual
quota of men is between 30,000 and 45,000. Rockford, Illinois.

H6168 Ten wooden ships on the ways of the Foundation Company, Tacoma,
Wash. They are being built by the French Gov't.


H6169 Spring St. Methodist Episcopal Church. Toledo, Ohio.

H6170 Polish Mission. Toledo, Ohio.

H6171 Parochial School, Toledo, Ohio.

H6172 Polish Hall, Toledo, Ohio.


H6173 Parkland School in Polish Section. Toledo, Ohio.

H6174 Loading refined oil, Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6175 Loading Pitch in barrels. Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6176 Barrelling lubricating oil. Standard Oil Co. N. J.


H6177 Driving machines, Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6178 Loading tank cars, Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6179 Making 1 gallon cans, Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6180 Pipefitters repairing line. Standard Oil Co. N. J.


H6181 Removing wax from refined wax press. Standard Oil Co. N. J.

H6253 Corner of the Board of Conference, Claimants Exhibit. Here shown are
some of the oil saddle bags worn or used many years ago by our missionaries
in the home work. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.


H6254 Some of our noble women. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

H6255 Some of the colored delegates, General Conference. Saratoga Springs,
N. Y.


H6256 Conference Claimants Exhibit. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

H6257 Conference Claimants. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.


H6258 Freedman's Aid Exhibit. General Conference, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

H6259 Missionary Exhibit. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

H6260 Educational Exhibit. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

H6261 Deaconess Work, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.


H6262 View at the Conference. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.


H6263 Astor Hotel. Broadway between 43rd and 44th Sts. N. Y. C.


H6267 Astor Hotel. Broadway between 43rd and 44th Sts. N. Y. C.


H6279 Francis Asbury Centennial Tablet. Baltimore, Md.

H6285 Boulevard Methodist Church. The rise of this church has been
wonderful. Eight years ago, it was a small mission and today it bids fair
to become the finest Meth. Church in the city. Binghampton, N. Y.


H6286 Chenango Street Meth. Church. Binghampton, N. Y. Parsonage to the
right of picture.

H6287 Fairview Methodist Church and Parsonage Binghampton, N. Y.


H6288 High Street Methodist Church. Binghampton, N. Y.

H6289 Centenary Meth. Church. Binghampton, N. Y.


H6290 Tabernacle Methodist Church, Binghampton, N. Y.

H6291 A view of the Chenango River which runs through the heart of the
city. Binghampton, N. Y.


H6292 Oak Street Methodist Church. Great factories are springing up in
this section and the employees are mostly foreigners.

H6293 Some of the factory section, close by the church. Binghampton, N. Y.

H6294 Welfare club organized and run by the church people is situated a
few blocks from the church. Here they sell ice cream and have reading rooms
and games. Binghampton, N. Y.



H6296 Large factory, one block from the church and here they used to
manufacture fine electrical supplies. Binghampton, N. Y. - Now it is used
as a cigar factory and employs foreign women.

H6297 View of the Susquehanna River, Binghampton, N. Y. - taken from the
Ferry Street Bridge, and shows the spire of the First Congregational Church.

H6298 The Star - moving picture house. Binghampton, N. Y.

H6312 Anglo Japanese School, San Francisco, taken in Dec. 1917. California.


H6327 Child Love, N. Y. C.

H6328 A child's smile. N. Y. C.

H6329 Teaching children to play. N. Y. C.

H6390 A class in St. Johns Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. Newark, N. J.


H6291 Colored boys who do not go to Sunday School. Newark, N. J.

H6392 Group meeting of the ministers of Alexandria District. Washington
Annual Methodist Episcopal Conference. Washington, D. C.

H6394 At the fountain on a hot day, New York City.

H6395 Street scene. Colimbus, Ohio.


H6396 The vender. New York.

H6397 Children at drinking fountain. N. Y.

H5779 Italian fruit stand.


H6400 Portrait of the Belgian Minister. Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan, -
Altar of Liberty, Madison Sq. N. Y. C.

H6401 The first bond sold on the Altar of Liberty, and to a marine,
Belgian Day, of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.


H6402 The Liberty Bond Booth in front of the Holland House, on 5th Ave.
and 30th St. doing a little business. Belgian Day. Fourth Liberty Loan. N.
Y. C.

H6403 The Band from U. S. S. Recruit on Union Square. Belgian Day of the
Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.


H6404 Vice President Marshall delivering his speech from the Altar of
Liberty, at Madison Square to a great throng of people. Belgian Day, Fourth
Liberty Loan, N. Y. C.

H6405 Picture of the heads of the people watching the parade, Madison
Square. Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan, N. Y. C.


H6406 Dr. E. S. Van Zili (Belgian), the Pres't of the National Security
League, speaking for the sale of Liberty Bonds. Picture also shows Lady
Anne Azgapetian (Russian) and Miss Marrian Battista, the little Belgian
girl who played with Maude Adams. Altar of Liberty - Belgian Day, Fourth
Liberty Loan.

H6407 Dr. E. S. Van Zili speaking for the sale of bonds, Altar of Liberty -
Belgian Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.


H6408 Lady Anne Azgapetian telling the peolpe of the hardships she endured
in Russia for eight months during the revolution. Belgian Day, Fourth
Liberty Loan. Altar of Liberty, N. Y. C.

H6409 Some army officers leaving after the Parade. Madison Square. Belgian
Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.



H6411 Immense crowd listening to Vice President Marshall address in front
of the Altar of Liberty, Madison Square. Belgian Day of Fourth Liberty
Loan, N. Y. C.


H6412 Immense crowds listening to Vice President Marshall's address at
Altar of Liberty. Belgian Day. Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6413 Same as above.


H6414 Parade, Madison Square. Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6415 Fourth Liberty Loan Parade, showing Altar of Liberty. Madison
Square. Belgian Day. N. Y. C.


H6416 Belgian Day - Fourth Liberty Loan. Parade. Madison Square.

H6417 Caption same as above.


H6418 Soldiers and sailors lined up in front of the Altar of Liberty.
Madison Sq. Belgian Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6419 Up Fifth Ave, showing the sailors marching up. Madison Square.
Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.


H6420 Soldiers and sailors in front of the Altar of Liberty, Madison
Square. Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6421 Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. In front of Altar of Liberty,
Madison Square, N. Y. City.


H6422 Sailors and crowd of spectators. Madison Square, Belgian Day, Fourth
Liberty Loan, N. Y. C.

H6423 Sailors in front of Altar of Liberty. Madison Square. Belgian Day,
Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.


H6424 Altar of Liberty and the Color Guard. Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.
Belgian Day.

H6425 View of the square before the parade, showing the U. S. S. Recruit
Band from Union Square. In front of Altar of Liberty, Madison Square. N. Y.
C. Belgian Day.


H6426 Parallel lines of sailors and soldiers at attention about twenty
feet apart. In front of Altar of Liberty - Belgian Day. Fourth Liberty
Loan, N. Y. C.

H6427 Same as above.


H6428 Parallel lines of sailors and soldiers about twenty feet apart, at
attention before the Altar of Liberty, Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N.
Y. C.

H6429 The Band from the U. S. S. Recruit and great crowd of spectators. At
the Altar of Liberty. Belgian Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.


H6430 A sample of the Bill boards one sees about the city. Fourth Liberty
Loan. N. Y. C. 12th St. and 5th Ave.

H6431 Same as above.


H6432 The little Chinese girl who was presented with a bouquet of flowers -
Altar of Liberty, China Day of Fourth Liberty Loan.

H6433 China Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. The Chinese Flag being raised -
the Ambassador to China speaking to the little Chinese girl at the base of
the flag pole. Madison Square. N. Y. C.


H6434 Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo. The Chinese minister delivering a speech
from the Altar of Liberty at Madison Sq. China Day, Fourth Liberty Loan.

H6435 The Chinese Flag being raised, the Chinese minister saluting, Dr. V.
K. Wellington Koo. Altar of Liberty - China Flag - Fourth Liberty Loan.


H6436 An auto full of little Chinese girls in front of Altar of Liberty.
Fourth Liberty Loan. China Day. N. Y. C.

H6437 Chinese boy scouts - color bearers carrying an American and a
Chinese Flag, New York City.


H6438 Chinese Boy Scouts color bearers carrying a large flag. N. Y. C.

H6439 Repairing a break in the track which was the cause of a wreck.
Joplin, Missouri.

H6501 Overflow crowd at Billy Sunday Meeting. New York.

H6505 Hudson Tunnel.


H6440 Some of the zinc mines and houses of the Joplin district. Missouri.

H6441 Methodist Episcopal Church. Webb City, about ready to fall down. Missouri.

H6442 Repairing the break in the track which was the cause of the wreck.
Joplin, Missouri.

H6443 Just kids that's all.

H6444 Hawker of a "Patent" - universal cement getting ready for his days
work. Joplin, Missouri.


H6457 Valley ball game at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

H6458 Gossiping. Tulsa, Oklahoma.

H6459 Negro boy at play. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

H6461 Same caption as H6460.


H6502 Railroad ticket office. Ellis Island.

H6505 Hudson Tunnel.


H6507 A row of newly erected apartment houses of medium character at
Broadway and 181 Street. N. Y.

H6508 A battalion of U. S. Sailors, ordered for immediate duty on their
way to embark on one of the U. S. Transports laying in the River at anchor.
N. Y.


H6509 Tenth St. near 6th Ave., looking west. N. Y.

H6510 Large apartment houses of medium character at 180 Street. N. Y.


H6511 Fifth Ave., looking north from 30 St. N. Y.

H6512 Tenemeny houses and street, at 9th St. near 7th Ave. N. Y.


H6513 Fifth Ave. from 29 St. looking north. N. Y.

H6514 Fifth Ave. near 42 St. showing Public Library and the immense crowd
stopping the passage. Service cars and buses. N. Y.


H6515 Fifth Ave, looking north from 28th. West N. Y.

H6516 Showing Madison Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church at 60th St. N. Y.


H6517 In front of the Plaza Hotel at 59 St. and 5th Ave. This stand is
erected for the Red Cross. Selling bonds, N. Y.

H6518 Apartment houses at 180 St. west N. Y. C.


H6519 Looking towards 42 St. showing crowds in front of Public Library,
listening to speeches and the music. N. Y.

H6520 Looking up Fifth Ave. from 29th. N. Y. C.


H6521 Moving van backed up to a house. N. Y. C.

H6522 The Navy Band playing, while the Belgian Minister and others arrived
from the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. N. Y. C. - at Madison Square Park.


H6523 The Belgian Minister addressing the crowd at Madison Square, N. Y. C.

H6524 Looking up Fifth Ave. from 29 Street. N. Y.


H6525 Apartment houses of medium character in Tremont Street. N. Y. C.

H6526 Madison Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church - 60 St. N. Y. C.


H6527 Old St. George's Church - 207 and 16 St., and Parish House. N. Y.


H6528 Old St. George's Church - 207 and 16 St. looking west up 16 St. from
the park. N. Y.


H6529 Rectory across from the Old St. George's Church, 207 and 16 St. N. Y.


H6532 Approach to Queensborough Bridge. N. Y. C.

H6533 Raising of the Czecho Slovak Flag. Altar of Liberty. Czecho Slovak
Day - Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.


H6534 Czecho Slovak girl presented with a bunch of flowers - A Slovak
Officer beside her. Altar of Liberty. Czecho Slovak Day of Fourth Liberty
Loan. N. Y.

H6535 Some Czecho Slovak soldiers - Madison Square, Czecho Slavak Day.
Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.


H6536 Mounted Police - Madison Square. N. Y.

H6537 Czecho Slovak soldiers in front of Altar of Liberty, Madison Square,
Czecho Slovak Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.


H6538 Some Czecho Slovak soldiers in front of the Altar of Liberty -
Madison Square - Czecho Slovak Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.

H6539 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church - 131 West 104 St. N. Y.


H6540 One of the Czecho Slovak officers addressing the people. Madison
Square. Czecho Slovak Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.

H6541 France Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. French General addressing the
people from the Altar of Liberty. Madison Sq. N. Y.


H6542 French General addressing the people from the Altar of Liberty.
Madison Square. France Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N Y.


H6543 Amato the Metropolitan Opera Singer 'singing' the Marseillaise,
Altar of Liberty - Madison Sq. France Day of Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6544 French Officer raising the French Flag at Altar of Liberty, Madison
Sq. France Day, Fourth Liberty Loan. N. Y.


H6545 The Metropolitan Opera Singers - Miss Anna Case and Senor Amato,
singing the Star Spangled Banner - Altar of Liberty. French Day, Fourth
Liberty Loan. N. Y. C.

H6546 St. Paul's Community House. Methodist Episcopal Group of Italians at one of the
Evening Prayer Meetings in the Community House. Jersey City, N. J.


H6547 Methodist Episcopal Group of Italians at one of the Evening Prayer Meeting in St.
Paul's Community House. Jersey City, N. J.

H6549 Queenborough Bridge, N. Y.


H6550 Looking through the Plaza of the Mexican quarter to the Goodwill
Industries, Los Angeles, Cal.

H6553 Pastor of our Portuguese Work, Oakland, Calif.

H6555 Looking from the veranda of Paul de Longpre's home. Los Angeles,

H6556 Same caption as H6555


H6557 In front of De Longpre's home. Los Angeles, California.

H6559 Jackies at Exposition Ground. San Diego, Cal.

H6560 Central Church - San Francisco, Calif.

H6561 Suburban Church near Sacramento, Calif.


H6565 Calvary Church - San Francisco, Calif.

H6567 Goodwill Industries, San Francisco, Calif.

H6568 Methodist Orphanage near Oakland, Cal.

H6569 San Diago High School, Calif.


H6570 West Adams Church, Los Angeles, Calif.

H6574 Central Methodist Episcopal Church - Sacramento, Calif.

H6576 "Light of Asia," shining in Southern California near Los Angeles.
Madam Besant's Theosophical Society Headquarters where a Buddhist Priest is
in constant attendance.

H6577 At the door of the Buddhist Temple the Priest T. Jisoji waits to
usher you into the mysteries of his esoteric faith, Los Angeles, Calif.


H6578 Buddhist Priest, Rev. T. Jisoji, Los Angeles, California.

H6580 East Hollywood Church. Los Angeles, Calif.

H6585 The Buddhist Temple at Sacramento, Calif.

H6587 Campanile Campus grounds, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.


H6589 Top story of Buddhist Temple. San Francisco, California.

H6590 Westlake Methodist EpiscopalChurch. Los Angeles. Calif.

H6592 Our Methodist Mission at Los Angeles, Calif.

H6594 First Church, Los Angeles, Calif.


H6595 A Plaza Audience listening to the Pastor of the Plaza Church. Los
Angeles, Cal.

H6596 Second Christian Science Church where Esoteric Buddhism flourishes
under another name. Los Angeles, California.

H6597 First Church, Long Beach, Calif.

H6598 Dr. Pearson Sup't Chinese Methodist Missions in California.


H6600 Hamilton Methodist Episcopal Church, San Francisco, California.


H6599 Dr. Pearson Sup't Chinese Methodist Missions in California.

H6603 First Methodist Episcopal Church, Oakland, Calif.

H6604 University Buildings. University of California, Berkeley, Calif.

H6612 A Portuguese Mother and children, residents of the neighborhood in
which our Portuguese Mission is located. Oakland, Calif.


H6615 The site on which it is proposed to erect the new Cathedral of
Methodism in San Francisco, Cal.

H6620 Three little Portuguese all in a row, just a few of the many who are
crowded into a little church only a third large enough to meet the needs.
Oakland, Calif.

H6623 Memorials of Bishop Taylor, the Eucalyptus Tree, found in abundance
about San Francisco, Calif.

H6624 St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church. San Francisco, Calif.


H6626 Goat Island, Detention Camp, San Francisco Bay, San Francisco,

H6628 Bill Hart's studio where the Hart films are produced. Los Angeles,
the great Movie Artist Center, Cal.

H6629 Home of Robert Burdette, Pasadena, Calif.

H6631 Vesta Grande Methodist Episcopal Church, San Francisco, Calif.


H6632 Haven Methodist Episcopal Church. San Francisco, Calif.

H6634 "The Light of Asia," Headquarters of Madam Besant's Theosophical
Society. Here a Buddhist priest is maintained permanently, Los Angeles,

H6637 Madam Besant's Theosophical Society Headquarters. "The Light of
Asia," is the assuming name she gives to her Buddhistic cult. Los Angeles,

H6644 The house that Booze built (Busch), Pasadena, Calif.


H6646 San Francisco men who cope with crime. Detectives and Police
Photographers who came to the building before which they stand, to
photograph room within where a Tong murder had been committed the night
before. - A war over the possession of a slave girl. California. W. H. M.
S. Bid'g in background.

H6650 The Midnight Mission at Los Angeles, Cal. Here may be found at every
midnight of the year from three to a dozen different nationalities. It is
located in the near vincinity of the Mexican, Chinese and Japanese Quarters.

H6651 Goodwill Industries. Los Angeles, Calif. "The Morgan Memorial of the
S. W. Metropolis."

H6653 Central Tower of the Million Dollar High School. Los Angeles,


H6655 Looking across the Municipal Stadium of San Diego and toward the
great and beautiful High School building. San Diego, Calif.

H6657 A camouflaged ship in San Francisco Bay, Calif.

H6658 A little Portuguese Miss with boquet for the pulpit of the church.
Oakland, Calif.

H6666 24th Ave. Church. Oakland, Calif.


H6667 First Church, Berkeley, California.

H6668 First Church, Sacramento, Calif.

H6669 One of the new County Building of San Francisco. Calif.


H6671 Golden Gate Methodist Episcopal Church, California.

H6673 Fruitvale Methodist Episcopal Church, Oakland, Calif.

H6674 Hollywood First Methodist Episcopal Church. Los Angeles, Calif.

H6676 A narrow opening into a court - 60 ft. long, 12 ft. wide - where 22
families have residence. Los Angeles, Calif.


H6679 Entrance to the Buddhist Temple, San Francisco, California. Among
the worshippers may be found some pagan Americans.

H6683 Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles, Calif.


H6685 Chelsa Church - Fort Washington Ave. Corner 178 St., N. Y. C.

H6686 Same caption as above (looking up the Ave. from 178 St.)


H6687 Chelsa Church (incomplete) cor. Fort Washington Ave. between 178 and
179 St. West. N. Y. C.

H6688 Million Dollar High School, Los Angeles, Calif.


H6690 Our Portuguese Church at Oakland, California, where a Sunday School
of 60 and a congregation of 100 crowd into a thinly boarded one room
church, with a capacity to hold 50 comfortably.

H6710 Administration Building - Southern California University, Los
Angeles, Calif.

H6711 Municipal Stadium seating 25,000, San Diego, Calif.


H6770 Street scene showing Methodist Episcopal Church, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 8th Ave, 2nd
and 3rd Sts.

H6771 Street scene down Eight Ave. between First and Second Ave's, Mt.
Vernon, N. Y.


H6772 Street scene Ninth Ave. - First and Second Sts. Mt. Vernon, N. Y.

H6773 View down Eight Ave. towards First St. showing Methodist Episcopal Church. Mt.
Vernon, N. Y.


H6774 Pennsylvania Railway Terminal Station, N. Y. C.

H6775 A large apartment house of medium character in the Bronx, N. Y.


H6776 Moving van backed up to a house, N. Y.

H6777 A company of newly enlisted men from the Training Station on their
way to a transport vessel at foot of 125 St. and Hudson River, N. Y.


H6778 Immense crowds listening to an address made from the steps of the
Public Library, N. Y. - Fourth Liberty Loan.

H6779 The artist at work making free hand sketches on a large black board.
N. Y. Fourth Liberty Loan.


H6780 Traffic between 41 St. and 42 St. in front of public Library, N. Y.
5th Ave.

H6781 Liberty Design at corner of 5th Ave. and 23rd St. and Bway. U. S.
Naval Band ready to play, N. Y.


H6782 Fifth Ave. between 41 St. and 42nd Sts. People listening to music in
front of public Library, N. Y.

H6783 Italian stand at 183rd St. and St. Nicholas Ave. N. Y.


H6784 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, 121 West 104 St. N. Y.

H6785 Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church - 129 St. and 7th Ave. N. Y.


H6786 Columbia University Library - N. Y.

H6787 A large apartment house corner 116 St. and Riverside Drive, N. Y.


H6788 Tremont Methodist Episcopal Church 454 E. 178th St.


H6790 Some of the babies in the Day Nursery. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. St.
Louis, Mo.

H6791 Some of the Day Nursery children and the nurse of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal
Church. St. Louis, Mo.

H6792 Some of the children from Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Louis, at the
new Trinity Recreation Farm Mission.

H6793 Daily vacation Bible School, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Louis,


H6794 Two of the Day Nursery children at Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church St. Louis,

H6795 "Shoot the Shutes," Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Louis, Missouri.


H6805 Looking up Riverside Drive towards Grants Tomb. N. Y.

H6806 Church and Parsonage of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mormon on
Franklin and Gates Ave's. Brooklyn, N. Y.


H6807 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (Mormon), Brooklyn, N.

H6808 Parsonage of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
(Mormon), Brooklyn, N. Y.


H6809 Washington Heights Methodist Episcopal Church, 153rd Street and Amsterdam Ave. N.

H6810 Same caption as H6809


H6811 Grand Central Station taken from a Hotel in 42nd St. N. Y.

H6812 Chelsa Church, Fort Washington Ave. cor. West 178th St. N. Y.


H6813 Grand Central Station taken from Park Ave. N. Y.

H6814 Chelsa Church, Fort Washington Ave. cor. West 178th St. N. Y.


H6815 Negroes in front of Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, 129th St. and 7th Ave. N.

H6816 View at 4th St. and 6th Ave. One of the neighborhoods where all
kinds of nationalities are represented. N. Y.


H6817 View up Sixth Ave. from Third St. N. Y.

H6818 View up Sixth Ave. from Fourth St. N. Y.


H6819 Minetta St. taken from Bleecker St. showing the very poor and dirty
housing conditions. N. Y.

H6820 Looking up Sixth Ave. from Minetta Lane. N. Y.


H6821 Waverly Place, a street of different nationalities. N. Y.

H6822 Thompson St. from Bleecker St. decorated for the block party. N. Y.


H6823 View up Seventh Ave. from 129th St. N. Y.

H6824 Christopher Park in Greenwich Village. A section inhabited by almost
every nationalities. N. Y.


H6825 One of the many places in Greenwich Village where one can get
eatables. N. Y.

H6840 View at the 135th St. and 7th Ave. Subway Station. N. Y.


H6841 Street view in the vincinity of Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church. N. Y.

H6842 Taken at 134th St. and 7th Ave. showing the proportion of negroes to
the whites. N. Y.


H6851 Steel rolling mill and miserable brick shacks for mill employees.
Vincennes, Indiana.

H6852 Shacks made of old packing boxes, oil tins and scraps of lumber and
occupied by the poorest class of people. There are many children and no
church institution of any kind in the neighborhood. There is a great
opportunity and extreme need for a social community centre. Vincennes,


H6853 Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, 9 miles from Vincennes, Indiana.


H6854 Flash of interior of Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, nine miles from Vincennes,


H6856 St. Thomas R. C. Church, School, Nunnery, and Parish. Vicennes,


H6843 Public School at lunch time at 134th St. and 7th Ave. N. Y.

H6844 Taken at 134th St. and 7th Ave. in the neighborhood of Calvary Methodist Episcopal
Church. N. Y.


H6869 Employees of Swift and Co., returning to work at the close of the
lunch hour, Armourdale, Kansas. 1918.

H6870 Same caption as H6869

H6871 Going for a ride with "Brother." Kansas City, Kansas. 1918.

H6872 Packing house employees taking their noon day rest. Armourdale,
Kansas. 1918.

H6873 Same caption as H6872


H6874 St. Anthony's R. C. Church, about halfway between Central Ave. and
Washington Ave. Methodist Episcopal Churches. Kansas City, Kansas. 1918.

H6875 Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Armourdale, Kansas. 1918.


H6876 Peet Brothers Soap Factory, showing open air play ground and movie
theatre free to employees and their families. Armourdale, Kansas. 1918.

H6877 Proctor and Gamble Soap Factory, a profit sharing plant. Every
employee is required to hold stock in the Company. Kansas City, Kansas.


H6878 Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Armourdale, Kansas.

H6879 Trinity Methodist Episcopal Day Nursery for babies. Kansas City, Missouri. 1918.


H6880 Trinity Methodist Episcopal Day Nursery. Children at lunch. Kansas City, Missouri.

H6881 Interior of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Industrial Community Store, Kansas City,
Mo. 1918.


H6882 Wesley Place Community House. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H6883 Summit Street Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.


H6884 Arlington Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H6885 Junior Domestic Science Class at Wesley Place Community House. St.
Louis, Mo. 1918.


H6886 Principal part of the Pittsburg Aluminum Reduction Co's Plant, said
to be the largest in the world. The net profits of this plant was
$176,000,000 in 1917. East St. Louis, Mo.

H6887 Loads of corn in the grain market. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1918.


H6888 Lunch time for both man and beast. Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6889 Hotel Metropole, now used as a barracks for men of the Reserved
Officers Training Corps. Men breaking ranks for dinner. Indianapolis,
Indiana. 1918.

H6890 Scene in the hay market. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1918.

H6891 Loads of corn in the open air grain and hay market. Indianapolis,


H6892 Baptist Roumanian Mission. Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6893 Sanitary bakery in the Roumanian section. Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6894 Deaconess and some of the children of the Italian Mission playing in
the backyard. Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6895 Hay market. Here farmers bring their hay, and the price received
depends largely on the amount that comes in. Indianapolis, Indiana.


H6896 Executive mansion of the Government of the North Western Territory,
built in 1804. Vincennes, Indiana.

H6897 Monument marking, Fort Sackville. Vincennes, Indiana.


H6898 Monument marking, Fort Sackville. Vinceness, Indiana.

H6899 Roman Catholic Mission and Cathedral. Vinceness, Indiana.


H6900 View from the new free Bridge connecting St. Louis, Mo. and East St.
Louis, Ill., to show some of the great industrial plants that make East St.
Louis a strategic point for Methodist developement. East St. Louis, Ill.

H6901 National stock yards and packing houses. Part of the great
industrial section of East St. Louis, Ill.


H6902 Bond Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage, a miserable relic of a bygone
age. East St. Louis, Ill. 1918.

H6903 Corner of Day Nursery. Methodist Settlement. Indianapolis, Indiana.


H6904 Children coming to Day Nursery of Methodist Settlement.
Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6905 Italian children from S. S. Methodist Settlement. Indianapolis, Ind.

H6906 Tubercular child in Day Nursery. She has her special milk. Methodist
Settlement. Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6907 Ugo Crevelli and family (Italian pastor), Indianapolis, Ind.

H6908 Just after clinic. Methodist Settlement. 903 Bates Ave.
Indianapolis, Indiana.

H6909 Italian woman, dependent upon the railroad for fuel. Indianapolis,


H6910 Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Sacramento, Calif.

H6911 Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Berkeley, California.


H6912 Sewing room Goodwill Industries. San Francisco, Califonia.

H6913 First Methodist Episcopal Church. Berkeley, Calif.


H6914 First Methodist Episcopal Church. Oakland, California.

H6915 House Brigham Young's favorite wife.