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52438 Sign of Maple Leaves in City Park, Osaka, Japan

52439 One fourth of crowd, YMCA night school assembly hall, Osaka, Japan

52440 Singer machine in use in knitting mill

52441 Singer machine in use in knitting mill, Osaka, Japan


52434 Men pulling heavy load, Osaka, Japan

52435 Men pulling heavy load, Osaka, Japan

52436 Heavy hand cart load, Osaka, Japan

52437 Building in Osaka used by one of the most influential Japanese
newspapers in Japan


52430 Osaka, Japan

52431 no caption (Smoky Osaka)

52432 Traveling acrobatic show boy and man, Osaka, Japan

52433 Power barge, Osaka River, Japan


52426 Bridge at Osaka, tea house showing at left, paper lanterns all lit
and brilliantly colored Osaka, Japan

52427 Entrance, Osaka Hotel, Japan

52428 Osaka from Mitsukoshi Departtment Store, Japan

52429 Osaka, Japan


52422 Court house Osaka, and landing for river god's boat, Osaka Festival,

52423 Night scene, Osaka

52424 Boy pulling heavy cart, Osaka, Japan

52425 Girls swinging in public play ground, Osaka near hotel, Japan


52418 Stone torli and steps, River Festival, Osaka

52419 Barge and dancers, Osaka River festival, Japan

52420 Crowds along the river awaiting the river festival, Osaka, Japan

52421 Boats taking positions for watching river procession, Osaka


52414 Japanese gyroscope demonstrator, Jemma festival, Osaka

52415 Mother swinging her daughter, Osaka, Japan

52416 Crowd at Osaka Festival, Japan

52417 Crowd assembling early for river festival, Osaka, Japan


52410 Selling a light sweet wine, Osaka, Japan

52411 Gate of Jemma Temple at Festival, Osaka, Japan

52412 Drinking wine at Jemma Festival, Osaka, Japan

52413 Ice cream without spoons, Osaka Festival


52406 Ceremonial washing of mouth, Jemma Temple, Osaka, Japan

52407 Same caption as 52406

52408 Boy and Cicada Store, Jemma Festival, Osaka, Japan

52409 Cicada for sale at Jemma Festival, Osaka


52402 Crowd around booth, Osaka festival

52403 Crowding on car for festival, Osaka, Japan

52404 Children waiting for procession, Osaka Festival

52405 Cow shrine at Jemma Temple, Festival with native offerings for sick,


52398 Deer Park, Nara, Japan

52399 Sacred car, Temma Temple (Shinto), Osaka

52400 Woman pilgrim, Osaka festival

52401 Sacred car in Jemma Temple (Shinto)


52394 Deer Park, Nara, Japan

52395 S R V and Deer at Nara, Japan

52396 Deer at Nara, Japan

52397 Deer at Nara, Japan


52390 Feeding deer at Nara, Japan

52391 Same caption as 52390

52392 Deer at Nara Hotel, Japan

52393 Deer Park, Nara, Japan


52388 Deer Park, Nara

52389 Deer Park, Nara, Japan


52386 Binzuru, idol of healing

52387 Same caption as 52386


52382 Road to Kasuga Shrine, nara, Port Arthur cannon at left, found
around many Shinto Shrines

52383 Kasuga Jinsha (Shinto) Shrine, Nara


52380 Stone lantern in form of cannon, Nara, near the shrine of the great
Buddha, Japan

52381 First Torii at approach to Kasuga (Shinto) Shrine, nara


52376 Torii at Kasuga-jinsha, Nara, Japan

52377 School boys on visit to Kasuga Shrines, Nara, Japan

52378 Pilgrims at Kasuga Jinsha Shrine, Japan

52379 Stone lanterns Kasuga-jinsha Shrine, Nara, Japan


52375 Second Torii along approach to Kasuga Temple, Nara


52373 Kofukuji or five storied Pagoda, Nara

52374 Temple of eleven faced Kwannon (Buddhist) at Nara


52371 Kofukuji or five storied Pagoda from pond near hotel, Nara

52372 Kofukuji or five storied Pagoda, Nara


52368 Five storied Pagoda at Nara, Japan

52369 Kofuku-ji (sp?) or five storied pagoda, Nara

52370 Five storied Pagoda, Nara, Japan


52366 Nan-en-do Buddhist Temple, Nara


52364 Worshippers before the Nan-en-do Buddhist Temple, Nara, Japan

52365 Woman and sick baby, incense, Buddhist shrine, Nara, Japan


52360 Girls in negligee at Nara, Had ccome down from Osaka, very bold and
free in accosting passers by, Japan

52361 Japanese Priest showing sights to military officers and family at
Nara, Japan

52362 Sick baby on mother's back before "Stokots" one request or one
prayer, Shrine at Nara, Stone incense bowl

52363 Big bell, Nara, Japan


52356 Fawn at Nara, Japan

52357 Deer at Nara Hotel, Japan

52358 Deer at Nara, Japan

52359 View at Nara, Japan


52352 Vintons drinking at Nara, Japann

52353 Vintons leaving Nara, Japan

52354 Dog helping pull heavy load of boards up hill, Nara, Japan

52355 Pilgrims coming to railway station, Nara, after visiting the
shrines, Japan


52348 Asama, Japan

52349 Mr Pelley asleep, Asama, Japann

52350 Asama, Japan

52351 Tying up ice for customer, Nara, Japan


52344 Lava beds

52345 Same caption as 52344

52346 Clouds from top of Asama

52347 Asama, Japan


52340 Road to lava beds

52341 Keiben railroad to lava beds

52342 Asama from Lava beds

52343 lava beds


52336 Asama, Japan

52337 Asama, Japan

52338 Asama, clouds from top, Japan

52339 Lava beds


52332 Asama, Clouds from steam, Japan

52333 Asama and steam, Japan

52334 Asama and clouds from the Togi, japan

52335 Asama, Japan


52328 Asama trips, Japan

52329 Hotel sign, Hot Springs near Karuizawa, Japan

52330 Asama from Karuizawa, Japan

52331 Clouds over Asama Karuizawa, Japan


52324 Tea house and Torii, Asama, Japan

52325 Asama trips, Japan

52326 Same caption as 52325

52327 Same caption as 52325


52320 Signs of end of seasons sale, Japan, Karuizawa

52321 Sunrise clouds, Asama, Japan

52322 Basket tea house, Asama trip, Japan

52323 One of distance posts, Asama, Japan


52316 Japanese woman, Japan

52317 Same caption as 52316

52318 Same caption as 52316

52319 Same caption as 52316


52312 Office force packing, Karuizawa, Japan

52313 Same caption as 52312

52314 Same caption as 52312

52315 Japanese woman, Japan


52308 Government School Girls passing through Karuizawa on their way to
Shinto Shrine, Japan

52309 Government School Girls on picnic at Shinto Shrine near Karuizawa,

52310 Government school teachers at lunch at tea house, These were the
teachers in charge of the girls' picnic near Karuizawa, Japan

52311 Girls and teachers of Government Girls' School at foot of steps
leading to Shinto Shrine near Karuizawa, Japan


52304 Karuizawa, Japan

52305 Government School Girls climbing steps to Shrine, Japan

52306 Girls climbing steps to Shinto Shrine near Karuizawa, Japan

52307 Girls from Government School at Ueda, passing through Karuizawa on
way to Shinto Shrine, Japan


52300 Karuizawa, Japan

52301 Karuizawa, Japan

52302 Karuizawa, Japan

52303 Karuizawa, Japan


52296 Hills around Karuizawa, Japan

52297 Landscape, Karuizawa

52298 Hill top above mist

52299 no caption


52294 Boy of rich Tokyo Merchant worshipping at Shinto Shrine, near
Karuizawa, Japan

52295 Path up the Toge, Japan


52291 Clouds over Asawa, Karuizawa, japan

52292 Baby of rich Japanese wholesale druggist, Japan

52293 Rich Tokyo merchant and family at Shinto shrine near Karuizawa, Japan


52287 R S Spencer at Shinto Shrine on hill near Karuizawa, Japan

52288 Mr R S Spencer at Shinto Shrine on hill, Japan

52289 Government Girls' School picnic, going to Shrine near Karuizawa,
There were 225 girls from Ueda, Japan

52290 End of procession of girls from Government School on picnic, Japan


52283 Shinto Shrine with paper prayers, Karuizawa, Japan

52284 Scrambling for pennies near Karuizawa, Japan

52285 Group of Japanese at tea house, Japan

52286 R S Spencer talkinng to a group in tea house near Karuizawa, Japan


52279 Karuizawa, Japan

52280 Karuizawa, Japan

52281 Path up Toge, Karuizawa

52282 Karuizawa with Asama Japan


52275 Railroad bridge, Japan

52276 Sign at station, Names of next station, Distance given also, Japan

52277 Karuizawa, wayside, Buddhist idol

52278 Karuizawa, Japan


52274 One of 26 tunnels, about the first for Tokyo


52273 Karuizawa, station vendors, Tokyo


52271 Jap girl, Modern type hair

52272 Japanese girl and parasol


52269 Moon flowers, Karuizawa

52270 Sunset clouds over Asama


52267 Karuizawa Moon Flowers

52268 Moon flowers, Karuizawa


52265 Asama from the pass

52266 Moon flowers at Karuizawa, blossom only at night


52263 Hills thru which the rail road climbs by 26 tunnels to reach

52264 Volcano near Karuizawa, Asama Yama


52261 Federated Mission Conference, Kariuzawa, Japan

52262 Asawa from the Pass, S R U in foreground, Japan


50324 Goucher College, Tokyo, Japan

50325 An old edict forbidding Christians to enter, Japan


50321 Rev Spencer talking with a Buddhist Priest, Japan

50322 Buddhist Priest, Japan

50323 Japanese lady on her way to worship, Japan


50317 Rev Spencer, Methodist Missionary, Japan

50318 A place of worship for those praying for children, Japan

50319 Old woman praying to large idol nearby, Japan

50320 Woman praying to large idol nearby, Japan


50313 R S Spencer, Methodist Missionary, Japan

50314 Worshipper at the foot of Nichiren Statue, Japan

50315 Woman praying at the foot of the Nichiren Statue, Japan

50316 Buddhists worshipped and prayed to, Japan


50309 Nichiren Statue, Japan

50310 Statue of famous student, Japan

50311 Nichiren Statue, Japan

50312 Rev Robert Spencer looking at cylinder, Japan


47327 Methodist Church, Tokyo, Japan

47328 First Methodist Episcopal Church, Tokyo, Japan

47329 Industrial School, WFM Tokyo, Japan


47323 Dr James W Taylor, Tokyo, Japan

47324 Dr Draper, Tokyo, Japan

47325 Party in Tokohoma, Tokyo, Japan

47326 Methodist Church, Tokyo, Japan


47319 Child in the street, Tokyo, Japan

47320 Same caption as 47319

47321 Woman on street, Tokyo, Japan

47322 Little Mother, Tokyo, Japan


47315 Japanese girl and child

47316 Water tank on road, Tokyo, Japan

47317 Candy man, Tokyo, Japan

47318 Rickshaw man, Tokyo, Japan


47311 College girls, Tokyo, Japan

47312 Same caption as 47311

47313 Same caption as 47311

47314 Edwin T Iglehart and child, Tokyo, Japan


47307 Dormitory, Tokyo, Japan

47308 Same caption as 47307

47309 Same as 47307

47310 Same as 47307


47302 Administration building, Tokyo, Japan

47303 Administration building of Aoyama College, Tokyo, Japan

47304 New administration building, Tokyo, Japan

47306 Same caption as 47304

47305 Same caption as 47304


47297 Mother and child, Kyoto, Japan

47298 Kindergarten of the Methodist Episcopal Church South Kyoto, Japan

47299 Dan Dan Man, Kyoto, Japan

47300 Child, Kyoto, Japan


47292 Methodist Episcopal Church South, where Mr Hardie preached, Kyoto, Japan

47293 Street, Kyoto, Japan

47294 Kindergarten Methodist Episcopal Church South Kyoto, Japan

47296 Children, Kyoto, Japan

47295 Same caption as 47294


47288 Buddhist Temple, Kyoto, Japan

47289 Buddhist Temple, Kyoto, Japan

47290 Library in Kyoto, Japan

47291 Methodist Episcopal Church South Kyoto, Japan


47284 Japanese saw mill, Japanese Buddhist sawing logs, Kyoto, Japan

47285 Same caption as 47284

47286 Same caption as 47284

47287 Buddhist temple, Kyoto, Japan


47280 Japanese saw mill, Japanese Buddhist sawing logs, Kyoto, Japan

47281 Same caption as 47280

47282 Same caption as 47280

47283 same caption as 47280