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H40221 Three Spanish American Girls. Chilili, New Mexico.

H40222 Spanish American boy.

H40223 Spanish American family. Rural New Mexico.

H40224 Spanish American and son in New Mexico rural community.

H40225 Sheepherder. New Mexico.

H40226 Spanish American sheepherder.

H39522 Bertha La Londe, Mexican nurse.

H39530 H. O. Costales and family.

H39563 Adviser and Mexican woman in Plaza church. Los Angeles, California.

H39585 Mexican family at Emporia, Kansas.

H39751 Sunday-School group, Plaza Church. Los Angeles, California.

H39752 Young People's Department. Mexican Church, Los Angeles, California.

H39252 The Albuquerque College. New Mexico.

H39370 The Plaza Community Center. Los Angeles, California.

H39372 Latin American Mission Session 1934.

H39390 Mexican Sunday School Convention. Emporia, Kansas.

H39521 A Large Mexican family.

H38900 A Public home established for exiled Indian children from Old Mexico. Tuscon, Arizonia.

H39060 A mexican wedding. California Mexican Church. Santa Ana, California

H39248 Ladies Aid. Selma, California

H39249 Day nursery. Spanish Mission. Kansas City, Kansas

H39250 The Spanish M. E. Church. Albuquerque, New Mexico

H39251 The Spanish M. E. Church Albuquerque, New Mexico.

H38747 Group of Mexican workers. Jerome, Arizona

H38748 Remodeled Simi M. E. Church now a Mexican Church. Simi, California

H38822 Two Mexican Girls. Pasadena, California.

H38844 A Mexican girl and teacher. Los Angeles, California

H38899 A Public home established for exiled Indian children from Old Mexico. Tuscon, Arizona

H38554 Long Beach M. E. Church. California

H38555 Bulletin board. Spanish speaking church. California

H38556 A Mexican wedding. California.

H38746 Epworth League group. Mesa, Arizonia

H38549 Latin American nurses. California.

H38550 (See H39521) Latin American family. California

H38551 Latin American family trained at the Gardena Institute & Francis DePauw school. Los Angeles, California.

H38552 Original building of Plaza Community Center. Los Angeles, California

H38553 Shipping Cotton. Calexico.

H38543 Plaza Community Center. Los Angeles, California

H38544 Mexicali Methodist Church. _ _ _ California.

H38545 A Mexican girl watering flowers. California.

H38546 Group of children of Vacation Bible School. Denver, Colorado

H38547 The Spanish Methodist Episcopal Church. Seneca B. Garcia, Pastor. Denver, Colorado

H38548 Children of Migrant fruit camp. California

H38533 Oldest Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico

H38534 Street scene in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

H38540 Rachel Holguin. California

H38541 Latin American mission California

H38542 Rev. Vernon McComb in his office. California

H38529 Seneca Garcia. Mexican Pastor at Denver, Colorado

H38530 Rev. Seneca Garcia Mexican Pastor and two Epworth League members at Denver, Colorado.

H38531 Harwood Boys' School. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

H38532 Spanish architecture. Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Governor Pak, Mr. C. Sasaki (center) representative citizen visiting the sanatorium on the occasion of Imperial City to the sanatorium, Haiju, Korea

Ambulatory patients and staff of Korea Fint Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Haiju, Korea

Viscount Kim

The Red [...] ambulance. This man was brought one night 12 miles after an encounter with a blast in the mines. I took a large chunk of gold ore out of his leg. The day this was taken we treated 34 patients in 2 hours.

Korean children

Using American plow. Agriculture School, Kongju, Korea

Peen Yang Higher Common Boys' School, Korea

Silk worms, Government Agriculture school, 2 year boy, Kongju, Korea

Church built by congregation at Yung Chun, a small town among the mountains, Kongjiu, Korea

Chosen Christian College, Seoul, Korea. Laying of cornerstone. Charles M. Stinson Building, April 19, 1919, Left to right, Dean Becker, Mrs. H.S. Underwood, Bishop Welch, President Avison, Mr. Change (Chinese contractor), Professor Pack

Chosen Christian College, Seoul, Korea. Laying of cornerstone. Charles M. Stinson Building, April 19, 1919, Left to right, Professor Pack, Mrs. H.G. Underwood, Bishop Welch (in rear), Dean Becker and President Avison

"Great Bier" the coffin is in this one borne by 200 men, the rope pullers help the bearers forward and steady the Bier, Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Chosen Christina College, Seoul, Korea. Laying of cornerstone. Charles M. Stinson Building, April 19, 1919, Left to right, President Avison, Mrs. H.G. Underwood, Bishop Herbert Welch, and Professor S.Y. Pack

Pang Sang Si "Devil chaser" a mask carried by a man, it is supposed to ward off evil spirits, Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

"Cluk San Ma" Bamboo horses to be ridden be friendly spirits, Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Pavilions and enclosure for official ceremony Japanese, Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Korean mourners full cloth sack suits, Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Offerings from mobility, the procession leaving the street to go to the place for Japanese ceremony, Korea Old Emperors' Funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Officials going to the ceremony Administrative Superintendent I. Yaimagato in center, Korea Old Emperors' Funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Funeral procession leaving the palace the trees are presented by high Japanese nobility. There are offerings for the sacrifice covered with white. The long lines of rope - men are seen in the background with officials in front of them. Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

The bier leaving Palace home by about 200 men with another 200 pulling the ropes. Korea Old Emperors' funeral, March 3, 1919, Seoul

Bishop Welch laying cornerstone of Boys' High School built with centenary funds of Pyongyang, Korea

Stone figures about an ancient royal grave, Korea

For twenty five years the foot of a Buddha priest has not passed thru this great gate in Seoul

Pagoda Park, Seoul, Korea

70491 Northeast gate of the city of Seoul, Korea

The Queen's tomb outside of Seoul, Korea

69601 The approach to the gate of Seoul, Korea

The inside of a modern Korean shop, Korea

Making rice - mortar and pestile, Korea

The great South Gate, Seoul Korea

Great gate at Pyongyang, Korea

Inside of a spirit shrine, Korea

70182 Royal funeral, Korea

Koreans fishing in winter at the River Han. Holes are cut in the ice and the line in dropped, Korea

Bullock loaded with driftwood, Korea

Unusual Red Cross Unit, all are missionaries left Seoul, Korean August 8 for "somewhere in Siberia." Mrs. Ludlow, Dr. Ludlow, Miss Eslib, Miss Reinnir, Dr. Tipton, Dr. Mansfield, Presbyterian, Miss Roberts, Methodist Episcopal, Miss Butler, Methodist Episcopal , Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.

69684 Korean children

Nurses in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Haiju, Korea

Babies born in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Haiju, Korea

Korean nurse with hospital baby, Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Haiju, Korea

Delia M. Battles, Haiju, Korea

Severance Union Medical College, Nurse's Training School. Graduating class 1918, Seoul, Korea. Left to right standing: Dr. J.M. Hirst, Halma Myung Sook, Oh In Chul, Miss Esther L. Shields, R.N., Miss Elsie J. Shepping, R.N, Im Kwang Myung, Kim Yung Sil, Dr. Avison, Seated Mrs. J.P. Campbell

The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society's Woman's Hospital of Extended Grace and Hospital Board of Foreign Missions in the west gate of Pingipang Chosen. May 8, 1918, Korea

Pai Chai Haktang, Seoul, Korea. Students taking the morning exercise. In the center is seen the first modern brick, building built in Seoul in 1817. On the left is the new recitation hall just completed.

F.B. Fisher caught in the act by Bishop Welch's camera, Korea

F.B. Fisher caught in the act by Bishop Welch's camera, Korea

No information given

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Home, Wonju, Korea

25329 see Korea 2, page 162

25228 see Korea 2, page 161

25326 see Korea 2, page 161

26550 see Korea 2, page 165
Washing in Korea. In the distances the new "Grand Hotel" for foreigners and managed by Englishmen in process of creation. This river is near the railroad station of the Seoul and Chemulpo railroads, but the station cannot be seen

Fine rock scenery but rather poor trail for motoring, Yeng Byen, Korea taken January 29, 1916, V.H. Macks

25797 Reaching town on market day, Yeng Byen, January 31, 1916, V.H. Macks

Rice offerings to pictures. see Korea 2, page 162

25330 Funeral of Emperor, 2 days after, March 1, 1919
see Korea page 2, page 162

A Christian family exhorter Sa. and some of his children in their home, inside the East gate, George H. Jones, 1908

Stab wound of chest. This patient was very ppor and friendless. Discharged cured after being cared for at Dr. Follwell's dispensary.

This little patient came for treatment of short legs, a result of excessive burns. He was unable to walk when he came, being arrived from a distance by his father. This picture shows the patient 3 months later, Dr. Follwell.

Fatty tumor of neck removed by D. Follwell at dispensary. Pyeng Yang, Korea

Boys school, Kang Syo, Korea. Pyeng Yang District.

Plant of Methodist Church, Kang Syo, Korea, Pyeng Yang District Boys' Society, House Church Girls Society House

Plant of Methodist Church at Kang Syo, Korea Pyeng Yang District, Boy's Society House church, Girls Society House

Elkington 62, Two Korean Christians

Tug of war - Field Day Y.M.C.A.

Teaching deaf mute in Korea

A group of High School boys in Pyeng Yang. Most of these boys are graduates of the day school on West Circuit

Cornerstone laying Boys' School in Yeng Byen, Korea, August 16, 1912, (C.D. Morris)

Furniture making Seoul, Korea, Y.M.C.A.

60 year old birthday celebration

Mobile market

25322 Sunday School Ralley, North Palace, Korea, during the visit of the World's Sunday School Commission, April 19, 1913

1808 Sunday School Rally, North Palace, Korea, during the visit of the World's Sunday School Commission, April 19, 1913
see Korea 1, page 21

A Korean challenge to American money. Hearing of the quarter centennial movement in America and that $3000 was needed for a Boys' school in Pyeng Yang the Christians made contributions and build the first story of stone. After a year an American lady gave money to complete it. 218 boys now with an average attendance, September 1913 of B.W. Billings

Korea in transition "The boy shall be father of the man" (A. Becker)

Manual training class of the 3rd and 4th years, any one of these articles made may be obtained as a souvenir from S.K. Dong, Chelulpo, Korea

This is the office. The six teachers at their desks from right to left are. 1. Mr. P.H. Noe, 2. Y.K. Chai, 3. C.S. Chai, 4. Mr. P.C. Lee, 5. K. Song, 6. Y.S. Pong, Mr. Y.K. Chai, Mr. C.S. Chai and Mr. Lee were graduated

Third year class, Chinese language. The enrollment is 24, average attendance 23. Mr. Y.S. Pong is teacher.

Fourth year class, Japanese language. The enrollment is 14, average attendance 13. Mr. K. Song is teacher.

First year class ethics. The enrollment is 43 and the average attendance is 40. The teacher of this class, Mr. P.C. Lee was graduated from this school.

Second year class drawing. The enrollment is 20, the average attendance is 18. Mr. P.H. Lee is the teacher.

Third and fourth year classes exercising in the church yard as the school yard is too small.

Preparatory class, teaching arithmetic. The enrollment is 103 but the average attendance is 70.

Collins Day School, given by Mr. T.D. Collins, Nebraska, Pennsylvania. It is one of the best buildings in Korea. Many young men have gone out from this school all over the country.

First and second year classes exercising on the new playground, where we removed a big bank and built a stone wall. Here is an opportunity for a friend in America to help complete payment for it.


C13649 Two Ewha College students visiting Wonju District. Pictured with
Mr. Chang and a rural worker, Ahn Chong Yol, in front of the Rural Center


C13645 Telling the Bible stories by the wayside in a country village near

C13646 Roadside class. Mr. Kim teaches reading.

C13647 Roadside clinic.

C13648 Classes received in church. April 17, 1949, Easter Sunday.
Infants and some adults are to be baptised.


C13641 4-H Club boys working with chickens. Wonju, Korea.

C13642 Group gathered to hear the Bible stories by the roadside.

C13643 4-H boys, Wonju, Korea. Rabbit raising.

C13644 Boys, Wonju, Korea. Working in hot-leds.


C13635 Miss Helen Rosser and Rev. L.C. Branwon and refugees.

C13637 Miss Helen Rosser and Rev. L.C. Branwon and refugees.

C13639 Mr. Chang and 4-H boys. Wonju, Korea.

C13640 The rural clinic. Esther Beird, R.N.


C12846 Arbor Day at Ewha University.

C12848 Arbor Day at Ewha University.

C13637 Miss Helen Rosser, Rev. L.C. Branwon and refugees.

C12847 Arbor Day at Ewha University.

C13634 Three, sixth year girls, middle school, Songdo, Korea.

C13636 Rev. L.C. Branwon and refugees. The house is made of rice straw.


C12005 Dr. Helen Kim, Pres. Ewha College, Korea.

C12006 Dr. Helen Kim, Pres. Ewha College. Korea.

C12843 The path leading to Liberation Village, the project of a
Presbyterian preacher and the city Seoul.

C12844 Rescue houses put up by the city some are living in the cave. You
can see the doors. During the War they were said shelter.

C12842 Refugee houses comb's roofs. Each row of houses accommodates about
6 families.

C12845 Refugee children.


C10811 Chapel, Ewha College. Seoul, Korea.

C10812 Severance Hospital. Seoul, Korea.

C10813 Lambuth Memorial Church, Manchuria, Korea. May 15, 1937.

C12004 Dr. Helen Kom, Pres. Ewha College and Ewha College Committee.


C9943 Korean mother and child.

C10808 Social Evangelistic Center. Seoul, Korea. Tai Wha Community

C10810 Pai Wha Girls High School (Carolina Institute). Seoul, Korea.

C10809 Social Evangelistic Center, Seoul, Korea. Pai Wha Community Center.


C9738 Wonasn Christian Hospital, Korea.

C9739 Weightman Humbert Memorial Chapel Holston Institute. Songdo, Korea.

C9740 The Anglo-Korean School. Arkansas Building. Sondo.

C9741 Holston Institute. High School and dormitory. Songdo, Korea.