2504 Fever chart prepared by one of the nurses in Butler Memorial
Hospital. Baroda. The nurse is a graduate of our Girls' Orphanage.
2505 Illustrating how guests and workers are received. Garlands are made
of fragrant flowers with proper messages of greeting and placed over the
2506 Mohammedan judge and family. Patrons of Butler Memorial Hospital.
2509 Group of motherless babies brought in various stages of illness to
the Butler Memorial Hospital. Baroda.
4655 One of the Methodist schools. Miss Grace Stephens, (W.F.M.S.) Madras.
4654 Miss Grace Stephens (in center) and her group of workers in 1909.
4656 Elizabeth, a Bible woman who was one of the earliest converts of
Grace Stephens. She bears a wonderful testimony and knows no fear, going
everywhere and usually alone.
9576 Prominent village worker in the Mrrut Mass Movement and his family.
(The woman on the left is a receast convert from his hometown.), (9574 and
9575 mounted in following group)
9578 Lek Raj, village worker with the bicycle, and relatives converted.
9579 Preacher in charge of the Meerut District and Chaudhris.