JanOP1-123:2 Anamori No Inari near Tokyo. Thousands of Toriis which a
sudden burn of piety erected to Inari, the Goddess of Rice also called "Uga-
no-mitama." The fox, whose image is always found in her temple, is her
servant or messenger, though the more ignorant worshippers take that wily
beast for the goddess herself. There is some confusion with regard to the
sex of Inari, who is occasionally represented as a bearded man.
JanOP1-124:1 Approach to a temple in Japan. Note relics of Russo-Japanese
JanOP1-124:2 Approach to Shinto Shrine. Stone lantern on the side.
JanOP1-124:3 A shrine in a cave. Shintoism is a compound of nature
worship and ancestor worship. With moral teaching Shitoism does not
concern itself, "Follow your natural impulses and obey Mikado's decrees."
Such is the sum of its theory of human duty. Preaching forms no part of
its institutions, nor are the rewards and punishments of a future-life used
as incentives to right conduct. The continued existence of the dead is
believed in; but whether it is a condition of joy or pain, is nowhere
declared. from time to time new names are added to the pantheon gods.
JanOP1-125:1 The Shrine where the Kings of Loo Choo have worshipped for
JanOP1-125:2 The end of a hard climb. This mother and child have ascend
the mountain to worship. Buddha at a favorite statue cut in the rock.
(Note the worshipping c***)
45470 Binzuru Sama. It is said that Buddha confessed on him the power to
cure all human ills. For this reason believers rub the image of Binzuru on
that part which may be causing them pain in their own bodies, and then rub
themselves in the hope of obtaining relief and thus it comes about that
such images are often found with the limbs partly worn away, and the
features nearly obliterated. Binzuru is a highly popular object of worship
with the lower classes and his image is often to be seen adorned by his
devotees with a red or yellow hood, a bib, and mittens.
JanOP1-126:2 Great Buddha at Kamakura, Japan. "A statue cold set and
moulded in colossal clam." Dates from 1252 A.D. Eyes are of pure gold.
The image is formed of sheets of bronze cast separately brazed together and
finished off on the outside with the chisel. The hollow interior of the
image contains a small shrine, and a ladder leads up into the head. Height
49 ft. 7 in., circum 97 ft. 2 in., Length of Eye 3 ft. 11 in., Length from
knee to knee 35 ft. 8 in.
45840 Jiso, the compassionate Buddhist helper of those who are in trouble.
His image is often heaped with pebbles, which serve in the other world to
relieve the labours of the young who have been robbed of their garments by
the hag named Sho-zuka-no-baba and then set by her to perform the endleess
task of piling up stones on the banks of the river Sai-no-Kawara the
Buddhist Styx. The similarity of the two names Jiso and Jesus is
suggestive but the only connection that both are lovers of children.
JanOP1-127:1 Two Shinto priests carrying their shrine about.
64495 San-ju Sangendo. The Temple of 33,333 images of Kwannon, the
Goddess of Mercy, Kyoto. No two of these images have the same arrangement
of hands and articles held in them. Each image is five feet high and
represents the eleven faced thousand handed Kwannon. The temple dates from
1266 A.D. and is 57 ft. by 389 ft. long.
JanOP1-128:1 Royal Castle of Loo Chooan King, Shuri, Loo Choo Islands.
This building shows the great influence the Chinese had on this old
kingdom, i.e., the large round posts, the preponderance of red, the nature
of the wood engraving, and the numerous dragons on roof and elsewhere. Now
being used by the Japanese Government as a school for boys.
JanOP1-129:1 Draper Memorial Meth. Church, Mita, Tokyo.
JanOP1-129:2 Nagoya Meth. Church. Built in 1889 by Dr. C.S. Long.
Largest church in City of Nagoya. Spire once on Church was removed because
of earthquakes and typhoons.
JanOP1-129:3 Nishio Methodist Church built in 1897.
62016 Awase: Rev. E.R. Bull, missionary in charge of work in Loo Choo Islands, Japan. The crowd has assembled about an old stone shrine where the ancestors of these islanders have worshiped their forbears for centuries. Last year, Rev. Bull preached to 2,000 in the public square of this town and the citizens called a second meeting in the city club house and asked for a second service. They promised to give the use of the club house as a church if work were started there. A gift of $50 has been received from the Blair Co. Industrial Home (Williamsbury, Penn) and by getting a preacher's salary from other sources. A young Evangelist was sent to Awase for one year. This special gift will last for one year only. We trust that some one will help continue the work in Awase, Loo Choo.
JanOP1-135:1 Awase: Rev. E.R. Bull, missionary in charge of work in Loo Choo Islands, Japan. The crowd has assembled about an old shrine where the ancestors have worshiped for centuries. Last year, Rev. Bull preached to 2,000 in the public square of this town and the citizens called a second meeting, and asked for a second service. They promised to give use of the club house as a church if work were started there.
64939 Christians in Awase, Loo Choo Islands. Rev. Earl R. Bull, Methodist missionary, preached to 2,000 people in public square of this village in 1917. There are now (1918) 50 strong Christians in this village and in Kuba which is close by. (See previous picture, and page.)
44881 A missioanry in a tent meeting. One of a service of seven day's
meetings, in Kagoshima Kyushu, Japan. Tent furnished by Dr. Torrey, Los
Angeles, Calif. Usually 400-500 children at meetings following the closing
of the day schools. Located in the heart of the city. Speaker, Rev. E.R.
Bull. Mr. Aoki of the Evangelist Band of Japan was soloist and also an
effective speaker to children.
JanOP1-136:2 Church and Kyudosha (Inquirers) at Kushikino, Kagoshima Ken
(Province), Japan. A mission appointment which is about 2 years old. Some
of this village walked last Christmas to Sendai Church to see their
Christmas exercises at Sendai and not being able to return on the train
walked back to their home town, singing Christian songs, arriving at 4 a.m.
Dec., 26.
60303 Kagoshima, Kyushu Meth. Church Sabbath School. In the rear is the
large new shrine built to the Shimadzu family, who have ruled Satsuma for
hundreds years. This congregation has been for some years one of the
twenty nine self supporting Methodist Churches in Japan. It has eight
Christians. Doctors of medicine in its membership. June 1918.
JanOP1-143:1 Kindergarten children presenting then Thanksgiving Offerings
for the Orphans in Orphanage connected with Kwassui Girl's School,
Nagasaki, to Miss Elizabeth Russell, Superintendent, who is 82 years old
and still very active in the work.
JanOP1-144:1 The largest Bible class in Japan. The teacher is Miss Myra
B. Moon of Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo. Usual attendance is 150. Twenty three
were baptized between Jan. and May of this year. A more detailed
description of the work and organization of this class appeared in the
Japan Evangelist within the past 10 months.
JanOP1-145:1 Methodist Church Congregation in the park at Naha, Loo Choo
Islands. This church established in 1892 by the Home Mission Society of
the Japanese Methodist Church at Naha is the mother of all work in Loo
Choo. Number of active Christians in the whole Loo Chooan District was 774
in March 1918. This church pays $12.50 monthly on the Pastor's salary and
also all other expenses. Present pastor, Mr. Kimura. (Naha is the capital
of the province and therefore has many prominent Japanese Officials and
45469 A Christian funeral in the rice fields of Kyushu. Note the bier and
its covering and the ripe rice. Words of Scripture are printed on the
banners attached to the tall poles. This was the first Christian funeral
in that section of the Island of Kyushu. A new interest has been awakened
in newspaper. Evangelism in Japan and instruction carried on by mail, the
group of inquirers usually joining to study the Gospel agree to call a
Christian minister in case of death. In this case the deceased was
studying Christianity by correspondence when visited by the "Hand of Death."
JanOP1-147:1 The Oura Catholic Church, Nagasaki. This was the first
Catholic building erected in Japan after Japan gave her people the right of
religious liberty.
62391 Fumiye or Sacred Figure used to eradicate Christianity.
64228 Christians on the Bamboo Cross, others being beheaded. One of the
methods of extermination of Christians in 17th Century as practiced at
Nagasaki, Kyusha, Japan. The heads which had been cut off were usually
taken to the city, placed on poles erected in the heart of the city, as
warnings to those living that a like fate awaited those who believed in the
God of the hated foreigners.
JanOP1-148:2 Tomb of one of the Catholic priests placed in prison 200
years ago, and after long confinement passed away. This was but one of the
methods of extermination. (Note the peculiar hat at top of the stone.)
JanOP1-148:3 A sign erected by the Nagasaki Historical Society, Japan,
which states that at this place 250 years ago, 3,300 Christians were
buried. These Christians were killed in the battle at Hara Castle. The
heads were served from the bodies and exposed on bamboo poles erected in
the city. The bodies of the 10,000 killed were buried in three places,
nemely, Shimabara, Amakusa, and here in Nagasaki.
69656 Tomb of 3,333 Christians buried in the Island of Amakusa, Kyushu,
Japan. For the full meaning of the inscription on the stone, see
"Transaction s of Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. VII, Part III."
JanOP1-150:1 Christian funeral in Japan of the daughter of Dr. Makoto
Ishihara, Fukuoka, Japan, who just previous to this sad experience accepted
Christ and was baptized. Pastor - Rev. Nakamura Kinji, Missionary, Rev.
E.R. Bull.
JanOP1-179:1 The Torii seen in the foreground of this picture once marked
the broad approach to the Shinto Shrine. It is now almost covered over
with the lava and pemiston thrown out by the volcano at Sakurajima,
Kagoshima, Japan.
JanOP1-179:2 Home of Rev. Earl R. Bull. Kagoshima, Japan.
JanOP1-179:3 Grave of Saburori Kunojo and Sabunri-ku Doishichi, and one
JanOP1-179:4 Touring in Northern Japan. Mid-stream on a flat boat. June
5, 1918. Japan.
JanOP1-184:1 May 1919 Banquet to Bishop and Mrs. Welch by officers of
Aoyama Gakuin - Left to right, Abe (Drew graduate), dormitory sup't, next
the reregistrar Dr. Ishizaka, Dean of Academy E.T. Iglehart, associate Dean
of college, Mrs. Iglehart, Pres. and Mrs. Takagi, Bishop and Mrs.
Kawashiri, College pastor a Drew man, Dr. A.D. Berry, Dean of Theological
JanOP1-190:1 The "Goju no to or," pagoda at Nara Capital of Japan from 700-
784 A.D. The city has now dwindled down to one tenth of its former size.
In this town the Methodist Episcopal Church recently launched a great movement to double
the membership of the native church. The pagoda is often seen on grounds
surrounding a Buddhist temple.
JanOP1-190:2 Sign at Kagoshima, Japan. Apr. 1921, announcing that Bishop
Herbert Welch will show the Centenary films taken at Columbus at a Japanese
church conducted at a missionary's home. Entrance to be seen to the right.
Home of E.R. Bull.
JanOP1-192:1 A Japanese laboring man with his pipe of peace.
JanOP1-192:2 Cormorant fishing, as done on Nagara River, Gifu Province,
Japan. This method is practiced at night and by torch-light. "There are
to begin with 4 men to each of the seven boats, one of whom at the stern,
has no duty but to manage the craft. In the bow stands the master known by
his peculiar hat and handles no less than 12 birds. In the middle is
another man who handles about 4 birds only. There is also the "Kako" or
the man who makes the clatter which keeps the birds going. This method of
catching fish and then making them disgorge is a most interesting one as
well profitable.
JanOP1-193:1 Kiyomizu Dera, Kyoto. From you one gets a fine view of the
old capital city. The sacred image of the 11 faced 1,000 handed Goddess
of mercy, a little over 5 ft. high, is shown once every 33 years.
JanOP1-193:2 Kiyomizu Dera, Kyoto. Here is one of the 25 places sacred to
Honen Shonin, a great Buddhist close by is a shed containing 100 images of
Jizo Sama - quaint little images with colored bibs for which childless
people or people whose children are dead have a special devotion.
JanOP1-194:1 Jozo is the compassionate helper of those in trouble. He is
the patron of travellers pregnant women and of children. His image is
often heaped with pebbles, which serve in the other world to relieve the
labors of the young who have been robbed of their garments by the hag
named, Shozuka-mo-baba, and then set by her to perform the endless task of
piling stones on the bank of the river Saino-Kawara, the Buddhist Styx.
JanOP1-194:2 Shinkaichi street, Kobe, Japan. The name of the street is
"New Opened Ground." It was a river before it was a street as can be
verified by the present appearance. Building to the left is a theatre,
note the attractive signs. Methodism builds character in this same town by
means of a fine big school, namely, Kwansei Gakuin, 1,500 enrolled.
JanOP1-196:1 Asakusa Temple grounds, the most lively temple in Japan.
Here they sell all kinds of things, toys, cakes, hair pins, etc. Did not
Jesus clean out a temple once engaged in buying and selling? Tokyo temple
can stand this same kind of house cleaning.
JanOP1-196:2 Another wagon or car in which we go to our country
appointments. E.R. Bull, Japan.
JanOP1-197:1 Buddha provides yards about his temples and they love him.
We must get playgrounds for the children. A boy will play somewhere and we
can get his a place to stretch his limbs. If this is the church yard he
loves the church.
JanOP1-197:2 The older daughter always cares for the next comer. It is a
constant game of leap frog. The older shows the younger the world over her
shoulder. The burden bearer often plays runs and jumps but the little tot
sleeps on and runs at the nose.
JanOP1-198:1 The new woman. A Japanese farmerette.
JanOP1-198:2 When a man is working selfishly in his own interests they say
in Japan that "Waga ta ni mizu wo kiku" (He is pulling water into his own
rice field.)
JanOP1-212:1 Hodogaya rented preaching place and class of 11 taken Oct.
11th, 1925.
JanOP1-212:2 Hodogaya, rented preaching place, and class of 11 taken Oct.
11th, 1925. Baptized that day, the two in the background and the student
Pastor, Mr. Yamabe.
JanOP1-218:1 Mita Methodist Church. Pastor Rev. J. Harade, sitting
(middle left of front row.) Minister for the day Rev. J.C. Holmes,
standing in front of gate post, (insert upper righthand corner) J.V. Martin
English class leader. Tokyo, Japan. March, 1929.
37118 Young girls learning to spin silk. In the Ayabe Filiature there is
a department devoted to the training of young girls. They receive six or
eight months training with some school privileges supplied by the company
before they become regular employees. Japan.
37173 One of the wards of the hospital. Ayabe Silk Filiature, Japan.
37174 Miss Tsuda, principal of Joshi Eigakujuku school, Tokyo. Behind her
is the map of Japan with flags showing the various places at which
graduates of her school are teaching. Miss Tsuda is a graduate of Bryn
Maur. Tokyo, Japan.
37176 Mr. Kabayashi standing by the side of a bust of his father, the
founder of the Lion Tooth-powder Company. This company has inaugurated an
extensive system of welfare and educational work among its employee, and
borrowed a plan from Clarke and Son of Chicago, by which, when tooth-powder
wrappers are returned, they make a certain contribution to various
philanthropies, including the Okayama Orphanage. Something over 200,000
Yen has already been contributed in this way by the company, Japan.
JanOP1-255:1 Students crowding into the gate of Aoyama Gakuin, a Christian
Mission School in Tokyo, Japan. They belong to the middle school of which
Mr. Kawashiri is Dean.
JanOP1-256:1 Women and girls of Love-one Another Church planting rice.
Men beating down and cymbals to stimulate the work. This is the church
founded by Nasuquki.
JanOP1-256:2 Feeding and carrying for the silk worms in a former's home.
JanOP1-257:1 Women's Foreign Missionary Society School celebration its 50th anniversary in May 1935.
Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan.
JanOP1-257:2 Fukuoka girls.
JanOP1-257:3 The Senior class trip for five years the class sets aside so
much money per month for this trip when they are seniors. They visit
places of historical interest and are away six days. It's a great event in
their lives. Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka, Japan.
JanOP1-258:1 Small group of the senior girls at Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan.
(Taken in one of the city parks.)
JanOP1-258:2 The graduating class entertaining the faculty at dinner,
which they prepare themselves. Served in the dining room of the dormitory.
Notice low tables cushions box brazier. Dinner is over, the play program
is a about to begin. Seniors of the Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka,
JanOP1-258:3 Faculty Methodist Girls High School. Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Japan.
JanOP1-260:1 May Day at Fukuoka Jo Gakko, Fukuoka, Japan.
JanOP1-260:2 High school girls make the school emblem. The group in the
center make Living and the truncated cross at the same time makes "water."
Every girl wears this symbol on a pin. Nagasaki, Japan.
JanOP1-261:3 Play representing children of all nations receiving light
from Christ lighted candle. (The girl standing in front center)
International day of Religious Education Dept. Feb. 25, 1934. Ai Kei
Gakuen, Tokyo, Japan.
JanOP1-267:1 Transplating the tender young rice plants.
JanOP1-267:2 Floyd Shocklock and Principal Sasamore inspecting experimental field of wheat.
JanOP1-267:3 A peasant Gospel School led by Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa (standing center with dark tie) at the experimental rural center which he started near Gotemba.
JanOP1-268:1 As the building of the Christian Church at Gotemba appears
the background of the sacred form of Mt. Fuji, so the social order of the
church in Japan is appearing against an ancient background.
JanOP1-270:1 Japanese etiquette lesson. Kwassui Girls High School.
Nagasaki, Japan.
JanOP1-270:2 Miss Yoshi Tokunaga. Principal of our Methodist Girls High
School in Fukuoka, Japan. A graduate of Kwassui High School and college
graduate of Boston University Graduate School.
JanOP1-270:3 Methodist Girls High School at Fukuoka, Japan. (part of one
class) Summer middy dress blue Gingham.
JanOP1-271:1 Girls in a silk factory, removing, the Gossamer theads from
cocoons, in boiling water.
JanOP1-271:2 Mrs. Motoko Hani, founder and head of the "School of
Liberty." The words written in Japanses are the motto of the school.
Think, live, pray. And Mrs. Hani's signature.
15237 Kyoto, Front of Higashi Hongwanji Temple from inside gate
15238 Kyoto, The Porch of the Temple
15239 Kyoto, The Belfry of the Temple
15240 Great coil of rope made of women's hair given by women devoted to
the temple and used by them with several other such ropes to pull the
timbers of the temple into place
15241 Kyoto, Higashi Hongwanji Temple
15242 Kyoto, Higashi Hongwanji Temple
15243 Kyoto, Higashi Hongwanji Temple
15244 Kyoto, Porch of the Higashi Hongwanji Temple
15245 Kyoto, Public subscription list of benefactors of the Hongwanji
23466 Wishio (sp?) San in stockroom of Methodist PublsihingHouse, Tokyo,
Japan Dec 1911
23467 White Azalia bush in front of #5 Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan
23468 Japanese servant, Shibata San and her grandson in missionary family
of Rev D S Spencer, DD, Tokyo
23469 Buddhist flag carried by believer from one temple visiting the
celebration of another, The crest on the flag is that of the late Empress
Dowager's family, which the temple was permitted to use, Nov 5,1911, Flag
reads, " An adherent of __ temple, visitor to __ temple
23470 Missionary residence at Aoyama, Tokyo, #5, built under the
sepervision of Rev David S Spencer,D D
23471 Same as 23470
23472 Kabuto Beer Office on the main street of Tokyo (Ginza) There are in
Japan 950 beer producing factories centralized into 3 great brewing
concerns with paid-up capitals of 11, 820,000 yen, (5,910,000) in 1910 and
employing 20,200 people
23473 Famous Buddhist Temple at Asakusa, Tokyo which is the Coney Island
of that metropolis, The temple grounds practically adjoin the great
Yoshierara or prostitute reservation of Tokyo, On this temple ground is
also found a Buddhist preaching chapel (#21374 and #21375), There will be a
Methodist chapel near here, where Dr G F Draper will work
24864 At Shimbashi Station, Japan, Missionary party escorted by Dr Soper,
1902, Mrs Springer, John Gowdy, Miss Belle Cope, (now Mrs Caldwell) Dr
Soper, Mrs John Gowdy
26062 Coaling at Nagasaki, Japan
26088 Bishop Honda's house on Aoyama Gakuin grounds, Tokyo, Japan
26415 Aoyama Gakuin Tennis courts, taken from the steps of the Theological
School looking towards the chapel, Japan
26416 Rev Yoshimun Abe, graduate of Aoyama Gakuin, Aoyama Theological
School and Drew Theological Seminary, 1915 NYU, M A, student pastor at
Aoyama College, nephew of Bishop Honda, Japan
26441 The Japanese Empire including Korea and Sakhalin, Japan
27436 Conference of Federated Missions 1912 representing practically all
the Protestant Churches in Japan, with fraternal delegates from Korea
27437 Bible class gathered from University students at Kudan Methodist
Church, Tokyo
27438 Spencer household, Tokyo, 1912, Dr and Mrs Spencer, Robert Spencer,
Miss Pidee and Miss White (NFMS) Miss Moon (teaching in Aoyama School,
1917) and Servants
27439 Dr and Mrs Herbert N Schwarts and daughter Ruth with her husband, Mr
Steiner of the Dutch Reformed Mission
27440 Miss Brown and Dr Robbins of the NFMS in China, when stopped in
Japan by Chinese Revolution 1912
27441 Pharmacy of the St Luke's (Episcopal) hospital, Tokyo
27443 Miss White (at base) Mrs Bishop (nee Miss Vail) Miss St S Alling
(rabbit) Chas Davison, Miss Mythe (flower) Miss Fretz (Jap), Taken at #5,
Aoyama, Tokyo
27444 Dr Berry, an image, Miss Mabel Seeds, a visitor, Robert Spencer, Mrs
G F Draper, and Mrs D S Spencer
27950 Carps, or paper fishes flying on roofs of houses, to celebrate the
Boy's Festival, May 5, Japan
27951 Fujiyama, boats on river in foreground
28456 Rev S Honda, DD, President of the Methodist College and Theological
School, Aoyama
28457 No I (at top of page) Doshisha Theological Hall, No II (in middle)
Rev J H Neesima, D D, No III (at bottom) Doshisha Recitation Hall (at
left), Chapel, Science Hall (at right)
41881 Tokyo, Japan, Diabutsu (Buddha) and some of his children in one of
the small temples in the Asakusa Temple area, The chest in foreground is
the receptacle for collections every worshipper must pay
43493 Gion Festival, This little fellow has found a point of vantage from
which to view the procession, Kyoto
43494 Gion Festival, The floats represent the various traditions of Japan,
especially those connected with Shintoism, they were hung with beautiful
tapestries and brocades, many of them being European tapestries, presented
to the Emperor long ago (see 43495-6)
43495 Gion Festival, The floats were drawn by men in steel blue-gray
costumes, (see 43494-6-7-8)
43497 Gion Festival, Kyoto, The floats represented the various traditions
of Japan, especially those connected with Shintoism, They were hung with
beautiful tapestries, many of them being European tapestries presented to
the Emperor long ago, Gion Festival, (See 43494-95-96-98)
43498 Gion Festival, The floats were drawn by men in steel blue-gray
costumes, (See 43494-95-96-97)
45469 A Christian funeral in the rice fields, Japan
45838 Japanese soldier, Mochinaga, Japan
45470 Binzuru Sama, it is said that Buddha conferred on him the power to
cure all human ills, Binzura is a highly popular object of worship with the
lower classes, Japan
4654 Women coaling the ship, Kobe, Japan
45840 Jiso, the compassionate Buddhist helper, Japan