H30397 Old testament mystery play "Rebekah" presented by class in
Religious Dramatics Northwestern University Summer School of Religious
Education, Evanston Illinois
H30398 Old testament mystery play "Rebekah" presented by class in
Religious Dramatics Northwestern University Summer School of Religious
Education, Evanston Ill,
H30395 Old Testament mystery play Rebekah presented by class in religious
Dramatic Northwestern University Summer School of religious education
Evanston, Illinois
H30396 Old testament mystery play "Rebekah" presented by class in
Religious Dramatics Northwestern University Summer School of Religious
Education, Evanston Ill,
H30315 Endicott-Johnson Tanners and Shoe Makers Factories, Endicott, NY
H30353 Girl Scout Troop #1 receiving instructions in Scout craft, and Boy
Scout Troop #4 receiving instruction in First Aid at the Winnebago St Methodist Episcopal
Community Church, Rockford, Ill
H29818 Violet Lazich age 10, who says "I brought my sister to church
school because I want her to know about God," Week day Religious School,
Gary, Indiana
H29819 Primary department, Methodist Episcopal Church, Rapid City, ND
H29779 Third and fourth grade classes with food and clothing they have
brought to supply colored family who have been burned out, Week day
Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29780 Children bringing in money to buy Bibles after hearing about others
who have none, Week day Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29781 Third grade children bringing their regular missionary offering,
Gary Week day Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29782 Grace before meat, Week day Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29775 Eight grade boy putting free-hand drawing on the board to be used
in telling a "Shepherd Story" to first grade children, Week day Religious
School, Gary, Indiana
H29776 Illustrating the story of Zachaeus, Week day Religious School,
Gary, Indiana
H29777 Working out the story of the "Good Shepherd" in the sand table,
Week day Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29778 Pupils packing a missionary box after the study of the life of Mary
Slessor, Week day Religious School, Gary, Indiana
H29553 Grant school directly across from the First Methodist Episcopal Church, whose 900
pupils represent 27 different nationalities, Steubenville, Ohio
H29521 General view of missionary exhibit, Gary Week-day Religious school,
Gary, Indiana
H29522 Leper colony in India before and after coming or missionary Bamuel
Higgonbottom, as shown in the exhibit of Gary Week-day Religious school,
Gary, Indiana
H29523 Hindu girls driving out child widow in India as displayed in the
exhibit, Gary Week-day Religious school, Gary, Indiana
H29524 Japanese village and Christian Lindergarten as shown in exhibit of
Gary Week-day Religious school, Gary, Indiana
H29525 Chinese boys' school in the foreground as shown in the exhibit of
Gary Week-day Religious school, Gary, Indiana
H29421 Scene from the pageant "The Seeker" given at the Hemenway Methodist Episcopal
Church, March 1923, Evanston, Illinois
H29426 Group of boy scouts in the gymnasium having lessons in forst-aid,
signalling, knot tieing etc, Wheadon Methodist Episcopal Church, Evanston, Ill
H29334 Fourth building of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Pasadena, California
H29335 Proposed building of the First Methodist Episcopal Church,
H29354 Class in the Children's and Industrial dept of the Church of All
Nations taught by one of the students of the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California
H29275 Boys' class who won the championship in the Junior league of Inter-
Sunday School Basketball League, Clay St Methodist Episcopal Church, Stockton, California