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Mission Photograph Album - Japan - O.P. #01 Page 0102
Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
The General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
JanOP1-102:1 Other welfare buildings, Gunsei Seishi Kwaisha, Ayabe.
69505 Factory meeting of the Fuji Boseki Company, Oyama Shizuoka Province, Japan. In 1903, the Japan Meth. Church started two small preaching places here with fair success. In April, 1917 Baron Morimura and a reformed criminal, Y. Kochi (a man of wonderful experience and power) came to this village and held meetings which resulted in the conversion of the Company's
manager Mr. Watanabe. This has resulted in the whole factory being opened up to Christian work. From Nov. 1917 to May 1918, Rev. Hiroshi Serizawa had sold 1,300 copies of the Sacred Word, witnessed the conversion of 150, and had 200 inquirers come forward. His church which has been largely developed from among the employees of this company, carries on a Y.M.C.A.,
a Temperance Society and other forms of Christian Work.
69505 Factory meeting of the Fuji Boseki Company, Oyama Shizuoka Province, Japan. In 1903, the Japan Meth. Church started two small preaching places here with fair success. In April, 1917 Baron Morimura and a reformed criminal, Y. Kochi (a man of wonderful experience and power) came to this village and held meetings which resulted in the conversion of the Company's
manager Mr. Watanabe. This has resulted in the whole factory being opened up to Christian work. From Nov. 1917 to May 1918, Rev. Hiroshi Serizawa had sold 1,300 copies of the Sacred Word, witnessed the conversion of 150, and had 200 inquirers come forward. His church which has been largely developed from among the employees of this company, carries on a Y.M.C.A.,
a Temperance Society and other forms of Christian Work.
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