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Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0197

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83702 View along Soochow Creek. 83703 View along Soochow Creek. 83704 View along Soochow Creek. 83705 Pagoda.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0198

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83706 Two Penn pagodas. Soochow. 83707 The Pen pagoda. Soochow. 83708 One of the professor's residences on the University campus. Soochow. 83709 Entrance to main building to the University of Soochow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0199

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83710 The rear of the main building of Soochow University. 83711 Sunday School at Soochow. 83712 Type from the Sunday School at Soochow. 83713 St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. Soochow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0200

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83714 St. John's Methodist Church. Soochow. 83715 St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. Soochow. 83716 The Richmond Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Antou. 83717 Enroute to Hingwa, looking toward the city of Antou.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0201

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83718 On the road to Chengtu, Chungking. 83719 One of the missionary residences. Chungking. 83720 Wealthy Chinese home in West China. 83721 Wealthy Chinese home.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0202

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83722 Chapel being built by the Canadian Methodist Episcopal Church. Chungking. 83723 Women leaving Methodist Episcopal S. services. Chungking. 83724 Old Confucian Tempe. Chungking. 83725 Funeral service for pastor of West China conferences. Chungking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0203

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83726 Funeral of one of the west China conference pastors, Chungking. 83727 Funeral of one of the west China conference pastors. Chungking. 83728 Candy-maker. Chungking. 83729 Candy-maker. Chungking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0204

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83730 Non-Christian type. Chungking. 83731 Type. Chungking. 83732 A street type. Chungking. 83733 Woman sewing. Chungking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0205

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83734 The great wall. Nankow. 83735 The Freat Wall . Nankow. 83736 The Great Wall. Nankow. 83737 The Great Wall. Nankow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0206

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83738 The Great Wall. Nankow. 83739 Looking up the Yangtze, Nanking. 83740 A view in Nanking, the day of the peace celebration. Nanking. 83741 Street scene. Nanking.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0207

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83742 Children playing in street. Nanking. 83743 Cast-off baby girl rescued and taken to orphange. Nanking. 83744 Women in the market place. Nanking. 83745 In the native section. Nanking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0208

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83746 One of the Methodist Episcopal Churches. Nanking. 83747 School at Nanking. 83748 Dormitory at the University at Nanking. 83749 Men outside the dormitory. Boys' prep school. Nanking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0209

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83750 Type taken from Ida Kahn's Hospital. Nanking. 83751 Non-Christian type at Nanking. 83752 Vendor selling onions and garlic. Nanking. 83753 Vegetable vendor. Nanking.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0210

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83754 A narrow street. Kiu Liang. 83755 Unfinished church. Kiu Liang. 83756 Main building of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang. 83757 Main building of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0211

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83758 Dormitory of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang. 83759 Dormitory of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang. 83760 Residence of some of the members of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang. 83761 Residence of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society. Kiu Liang.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0212

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83762 View of the Industrial School. Kiu Liang. 83763 Industrial School at Kiu Liang. 83764 View of the upper end of the Industrial School. Kiu Liang. 83765 Day school property. Kiu Liang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0213

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83766 Group of students, Danforth Memorial Hospital. Kiu Liang. 83767 Dr. Gilliland and native. Kiu Liang. 83768 View of Nanchang. 83769 One of the canals. Nanchang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0214

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83770 One of the canals. Nanchang. 83771 Exercises to celebrate the signing of the armistice. Nanchang. 83772 Exercises to celebrate the signing of the armistice. Nanchang. 83773 Church building grounds auspices of Methodist Episcopal Church. Nanchang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0215

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83774 Girls of Baldwin Girls' School on their way to athletic meet. Nanchang. 83775 First year girls of Baldwin school participating in drill. Nanchang. 83776 Girls on their way to exercises, on Armistice Day. Nanchang. 83777 Baldwin School for Girls. Nanchang.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0216

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83778 Baldwin School for Girls. Nanchang. 83779 Shower baths provided for c***s working at Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang. Peking. 83780 Construction work at the Rockfeller Hospital. 83781 Shower baths provided for c***s working at Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0217

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83782 Construction work at the Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang. 83783 Beginning of foundation of Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang. 83784 The boys school. Nanchang. 83785 Merchants. Nanchang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0218

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83786 Chinese boy playing with old-time fencing sticks. Nanchang. 83787 Street scene. Foochow. 83788 Boats in upper Min River passing under bridge of Ten Thousand Ages. Foochow. 83789 Boats which took Bishop's party on first part of journey. Foochow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0219

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83790 Boy Schouts of Anglo-Chinese college. Foochow. 83791 Boy Scout company at Anglo-Chinese college. Foochow. 83792 Group of Boy Scouts at Anglo-Chinese College. Foochow. 83793 Dr. Gowdy and athletic director at Anglo-Chinese College. Foochow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0220

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83794 Group of students at Anglo-Chinese College that have become Boy Scouts. Foochow. 83795 Street scene. Taian Fu. 83796 C***s waiting for baggage from train. Taian Fu. 83797 C***s. Taian Fu.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0221

  • Completed
    Transcription: 837998 Advertisement for cigarettes. Taian Fu. 83799 Street restaurant. Taian Fu. 83800 Street restaurant. Taian Fu. 83801 Missionary residence. Taian Fu.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0222

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83802 Woman running from camera. Taian Fu. 83803 Mr. Leitzel making moving pictures. Taian Fu. 83804 Boys' Middle School dormitory. Taian Fu. 83805 Church services. Taian Fu.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0223

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83806 Fortune-tellers, temple-yard. Taian Fu. 83807 Fortune tellers from temple yard at foot of Tai Shan Mountain. Taian Fu. 83808 Christian type. Taian Fu. 83809 North China type.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0224

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83810 North China type, non-Christian. Taian Fu. 83811 Mother and her child. Taian Fu. 83812 Woman making shoes. Taian Fu. 83813 Non-Christian family. Taian Fu.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0225

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83814 View of water front. Ichang. 83815 One of the gateways to temple of Prince Dragon's cave. Ichang. 83816 Temple of Prince Dragon's Cave. Ichang. 83817 temple of Prince Dragon's Cave. Ichang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0226

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83819 Trying to get pictures of woman. Ichang. 83820 Water carrier. Ichang. 83821 Chinese doctor at work. Ichang.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0227

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83822 Children of the slums. Ichang. 83823 Children watching gambling games. Ichang. 83824 Blind beggar. Ichang. 83825 West China type.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0228

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83826 One of the city gates showing Chinese cannon over two hundred years old. Futsing. 83827 Building in which the first preaching services were held. Futsing. 83828 Jail in which the first Methodist preacher in this district was imprisoned. Futsing. 83829 Building of Catholic missionary work in this district. Futsing.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0229

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83830 Courtyard of residence of the magistrate. Futsing. 83831 Boy at play in the street. Futsing. 83832 Children in doorway opposite mission school. Futsing. 83833 Woman and children watching the children at play in mission school. Futsing.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0230

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83834 Cats hanging from tree, near mission compound. (see negative for story). Futsing. 83835 Girls at public watering place. Futsing. 83836 Steamer belonging to North Deutsche Lloyd Co. Hankow. 83837 Ships decorated for celebration of signing of Armistice. Hankow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0231

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83838 Junks lowering sail. Hankow. 83839 Water front. Hankow. 83840 Wharf of North Deutsche-Lloyd. Hankow. 83841 Along the Bund. Hankow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0232

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83842 Chinese camps along the river. Hankow. 83843 Exterior of new city church. Hingwha. 83844 Exterior of new city church. Hingwha. 83845 Interior of new city church now in course of construction, undoubtedly the largest church in China. Hingwha.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0233

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83846 Interior of new city church. Hingwha. 83847 Interior of new city church. Hingwha. 83848 Boys of Bible school playing basketball. Hingwha. 83849 Children from kindergarten cutting boxes from green paper. Hingwha.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0234

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83850 Chinese boy eating in street. Hingwha. 83851 Woman working in straw. Hingwha. 83852 Methodist Episcopal Hospital grounds. Woohu. (Wuhu) 83853 In the Wusang Gorge.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0235

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83854 In the Wusang Gorge. 83855 In the Wusang Gorge. 83856 The heart of the gorges. 83857 The Han Chow Fu gorge.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0236

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83858 Western hills--reviewing stand of the Emperor Chen Lung. 83859 Taking coal upon the Meichuan. China. 83860 Village group enroute to Lungtien. China.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0237

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83861 McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China. 83862 McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0238

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83863 Bible class at McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China. 83864 Associated Treasurers' office staff. Shanghai.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0239

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83865 Dr. Main and his secretary in office of Associated (Secretary) Treasurers. Shanghai. 83866 Type from Boy's school. Taian Fu.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0240

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83867 Type from Girl's School. Taian Fu. 83868 Member of senior class. Boys' Prep School. Taian Fu.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0241

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83869 Girls' School. Soochow 83870 Girls' School, Woman's Foreign Mission Society. Methodist Episcopal Church South. Soochow
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0242

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83871 Woman's Foreign Mission Society South Hospital. Soochow. 83872 Student band at University. Soochow.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact

    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0243

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83873 Courtyard of Institutional Church in the city. Foochow. 83874 L. H. Rich making panorama of student body. Foochow.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0244

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83875 Dr. Gowdy and two graduates. Foochow. 83876 Chien Nien gate. Peking. 83877 New summer palace temple. Peking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0245

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83878 Audience chamber in inner courtyard of Forbidden City. Peking. 83879 A god in Daha Fusu temple. Peking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0246

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83880 Gods of war, temple of the eastern hills. Peking. 83881 Goddess of mercy and four gods of the Red Temple. 83882 Goddess in Pai Hai section of Forbidden City. Peking.
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    Mission Photograph Album - China #11 page 0247

  • Completed
    Transcription: 83883 Lotus lake in the zoological gardens. Peking. 83884 Attendant maid of Goddess of Long Life at Daha Fusu Temple. Peking. 83885 One-horse cart with extra heavy load. Peking.
    Usage Permission: For permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact