Mission Photograph Album - Frontiers #01 Page_0050
Dublin CoreTitleMission Photograph Album - Frontiers #01 Page_0050
CreatorBoard of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church
RightsFor permission to use or for higher quality reproduction contact research@gcah.org
PublisherThe General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church
ScriptusTranscriptionH3425 Forest Ranch being cut out of the big woods. It requires tireless efforts to exterminate the stumps but the bumper crops are assured.
H3428 Fort Astor 1811. Astoria, Oregon a century ago, was the western port of a brave business begun by John Jacob Astor and his company in establishing a fur and fish station at mouth of Columbia P.T. H3426 Officers Quarters Vancouver Barracks. Originally a log house rebuilt in later years. Generals Grant and Sheridan had their quarters here when subordinate officers, stationed there before the Civil War. P.T. H3429 Old Mission House, Oregon. Present the most ancient church structure in all the old Oregon country, preceded on the coast by only Catholic Missions of South California P.T. H3427 Green River Butte, Wyoming. The shadows in the river and an occasional tree give cheer to an otherwise wasteland of grotesque formation. P.T. H3430 Outside view of Fort Hall on Snake River or Lewis Fork of the Columbia River. Built by Captain Wyeth in 1834 the year our missionaries sent to Oregon StatusCompleted
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