Calendar Item Text: 103-71

Understanding Calendar Item Numbers


The Committee recommends concurrence as amended as follows:

(Additions added by the Legislative Committee are underlined)

Add a new sub-paragraph after ¶71E:

Women and Men.----We affirm with scripture the basic similarity of the sexes and assert that it is human similarities and not differences that allow persons to find intimacy and partnership in accordance with God's intention. We reject the ancient dualism between male and female which has led to the erroneous notion that one gender is superior to another, and that one gender must strive against another, and that members of one gender may receive love, power and esteem only at the expense of another. We especially reject the idea that God made individuals as incomplete fragments made whole only in relationship to union with another. We call upon women and men alike to share power and control, to learn to give freely and to receive freely, to be complete and to respect the wholeness of others. We seek for every individual opportunities and freedom to love and be loved, and to seek and receive justice and to practice moral ethical self-determination. We understand our gender diversity to be a gift from God, intended to add to the rich variety of human experience and perspective; and we guard against attitudes and traditions that would use this good gift to leave members of one sex more vulnerable in relationships than members of another.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Calendar Item Text: 103-711996 United Methodist General Conference