Calendar Item Text: 585-NonDis

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The Committee recommends concurrence as amended as follows:

Whereas, the continuing efforts by the State of Israel to build settlements in the occupied territories violates both international law and the spirit of the Declaration of Principles, that such efforts are based upon a vision of superiority of Jewish claims to land over the long-standing and recognized claims to the land by indigenous Palestinian people, and that such efforts have a devastating effect on Palestinian communities; and

Whereas, the continuing confiscation of private land for the construction of settlements stands as an impediment to peace because it violates both international law and the Declaration of Principles; it destroys the capacity of people in Palestinian communities to work and earn a livelihood; it, along with the restrictions on building placed on the Palestinian communities, forces the emigration of Palestinian people from the occupied territories; and it demoralizes the indigenous Palestinian population; and

Whereas, the prophet Isaiah cautioned against coveting the lands and homes of one's neighbors..." Woe to you who add house to house and field to field until no space is left and you live alone in the land." (Isaiah 5:8); and

Whereas, the continuing confiscation of privately held land for construction of settlements violates basic understandings of human rights, perverts the peace process, destroys the hope of people who are working for and longing for peace, both Israelis and Palestinians, and fosters a sense of desperation which can only lead to further violence; and

Whereas, we in the United States are providing financial assistance to the State of Israel which allows for the building of these settlements;

Be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church communicate its opposition toopposes continuing confiscation of Palestinian land, the continued building of Jewish settlements, and any vision of a "greater Israel" which includes the Occupied Territories and/or the whole of Jerusalem and its surroundings. to the Prime Minister of Israel and the Ambassador of Israel in Washington, D.C.; and

Be it further resolved, that we communicate the above to the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the appropriate Congress people and Senators, along with our desire that the United States hold the State of Israel accountable for its actions and refuse to support the continued confiscation of land and building of settlements; and

Be it further resolved, that we send copies of this resolution to representatives of The United Methodist Church on the Boards of Church and Society, the General Board of Global Ministries, and the Council of Bishops.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

Calendar Item Text: 585-NonDis1996 United Methodist General Conference