Calendar Item Text: 1102-NonDis

Understanding Calendar Item Numbers


The Committee recommends concurrence as amended as follows:

Approve the resolution as is to the section that follows the "Whereas" para. Place numbers on the first two para. and renumber those following:

....Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference accept and move to implement the following recommendations of the Racism in Rural Areas Task Force:

General Church: It is recommended that

1. The Rural Chaplains Association, a network of clergy and lay persons, be affirmed in its work with individuals, rural churches, and communities in shalom ministries, and that the General Board of Global Ministries continue to resource the rural chaplains.

2. Training be made available by the General Commission on Religion and Race to enable each annual conference Commission on Religion and Race to serve as a resource and support group for promoting cross-cultural understanding in rural areas.

3.3. New rural-oriented resources on racism and inter-ethnic conflict be developed by the General Board of Discipleship, in consultation with the General Commission on Religion and Race. These resources should be developed for all age-level educational work of the church.

<Continue to the end of the petition>


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Calendar Item Text: 1102-NonDis1996 United Methodist General Conference