Calendar Item Text: 1695-NonDis-!

Understanding Calendar Item Numbers


The Committee recommends deletion of the whole petition and substitution of the following text:


It is time for The United Methodist Church to fully reclaim its historic position in leading efforts to confront drug and alcohol abuse and promote abstinence in modern society.

In 1990, the Council of Bishops, through its Special Initiative on Drugs and Violence, captured the attention of the world when it showed that the church can have an impact on communities and families torn apart by drug and alcohol abuse and violence. This special ministry resulted in the grass roots focus of the Special Program on Substance Abuse and Related Violence created by the 1992 General Conference and supported by the generous contributions ;to the Mission Initiatives Fund.

While the Special Program has been highly successful in its initial efforts to overcome denial and raise the issue of drug and alcohol abuse and violence throughout the church, we believe that it must be followed by a deeper commitment on the part of all areas of the church. Simple words printed in a book of resolutions are not enough. It is a sin to mouth words, but not follow them with the appropriate actions, especially when millions of lives are at stake.

We strongly urge the General Board of Church and Society to form a Standing Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse during the 1996 quadrennium. We would pry that the committee's advocacy would be supported by appropriate financial resources and staffing that befits the crisis in our midst. We would encourage the board to strengthen its efforts assisting churches to become involved in ministries with persons in recovery.

We believe there is no other issue that the board must confront that puts more lives at risk every day, every month, every year. Such an action would be in keeping with the board's historic role as an advocate for holy living and calling our governmental leaders into accountability for their actions.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Calendar Item Text: 1695-NonDis-!1996 United Methodist General Conference