Calendar Item Text: 1996-NonDis-MR

Understanding Calendar Item Numbers


The Committee recommends concurrence with substitute motion as amended as follows:

Substitute Motion:

Whereas, the 1988 Task Force to Study the Feasibility of Relocating the General Board of Global Ministries (the "1988 Task Force") reported to the 1992 General Conference its judgment that such relocation was feasible, and it also reported a series of recommendations to effect such a relocation.

Whereas, the 1992 General Conference directed "that the General Board of Global Ministries (the "GBGM" headquarters be moved from New York City."

Whereas, the 1992 General Conference established a Site Selection Task Force (the "1992 Site Selection Task Force") to select a new site for the GBGM headquarters.

Whereas, the projected costs of the 1992 Site Selection Task Force recommendations are so great (in excess of 72 million dollars) that the proposed relocation site is too costly and not reconcilable with the study and recommendation of the 1988 Task Force or the 1992 General Conference Resolution.

Whereas, the General Council On Ministries Connectional Issues Task Force is recommending (Item III on Page 576 of DCA) that the general agencies seek to refine and reshape themselves during the 1997-2000 quadrennium.

Whereas, the 1996 General Conference will be considering numerous petitions and studies recommending restructuring of the General Church that may require an overall study of the general boards and agencies during the next quadrennium.

Whereas, more prudent action necessitates a delay in mandating the relocation of the GBGM until the General Conference in 2000, so that any restructuring of the general boards and agencies can be incorporated into the site relocation decision and a more economical site can be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the 1988 Task Force.

Now, therefore, the 1996 General Conference adopts the following:

1. The 1992 Site Selection Task Force be dismissed with appreciation.

2. That the standing joint committee of the General Council on Ministries (GCOM) and the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA), as authorized by Paragraph 907.2 and 1006.26 of The Discipline review the suitability of the New York Headquarters location based upon possible restructure recommendations and stewardship of mission resources.


We the undersigned members of the General and Judicial Administration Legislative Committee, offer the following minority report:

WHEREAS, it is essential that the major decisions affecting the General Church be made by the General Conference; and

WHEREAS, the 1988 Task Force to Study the Feasibility of Relocating the General Board of Global Ministries (1988 Task Force) reported to the 1992 General Conference its judgment that such relocation was feasible, and it also reported recommendations to effect relocation; and

WHEREAS, the 1992 General Conference directed "that the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) headquarters be moved from New York City."; and

WHEREAS, the 1992 General Conference established a Site Selection Task Force (1992 Task Force) to select a new site for GBGM headquarters; and

WHEREAS, the recommendations of the 1992 Task Force are not acceptable because of excessive costs and are not reconcilable with the 1988 Task Force's recommendations or the 1992 General Conference decision; and

WHEREAS, although the General Conference does not seek to assign fault, it is clear that the will of the 1992 General Conference has been frustrated and that a new way to resolve this matter is now essential in order to keep faith with a large part of the membership of The United Methodist Church; and

WHEREAS, because major restructuring of the general agencies is in process, it is not advisable to select a site for the GBGM headquarters at this time; and

WHEREAS, there is a strong possibility that suitable new sites for the GBGM headquarters are available with will result in annual reductions in net costs; and

WHEREAS, it is not desirable and not necessary to create another task force or to incur any significant expense for an additional study; and

WHEREAS, the necessary work to enable the General Conference to make an informed decision can be done by utilizing an existing Disciplinary join committee;

NOW, THEREFORE, the 1996 General Conference adopts the following:

1. The Standing Joint Committee of the General Council on Ministries (GCOM) and the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) authorized by Paragraph 907.2 and 1006.26 of the Discipline, as part of its continuing quadrennial review of the location of general agency headquarter, shall make a report to the General Conference in 2000. This report shall take into account all applicable restructuring and plans for restructuring, costs and cost savings, and stewardship of mission resources. The report shall include:

a. A review of the suitability of the New York City headquarters location;

b. A recommendation of one or more relocation sites for the economical and effective operation of the GBGM headquarters; and

c. A comparison of the suitability of the New York City headquarters and each proposed relocation site.

2. The General Conference in 2000 shall decide whether to retain the GBGM headquarters location and, if not, shall select a relocation site.

3. The Standing Joint Committee of GCOM and GCFA shall carefully control expenses and shall not use any mission funds for this assigned task. The Committee is encouraged to use relevant data from the 1988 and 1992 Task Forces and to invite specific proposals from local development authorities and others.

1. Joe M. Whittemore, North Georgia

2. Patricia L. Miller, South Indiana

3. Philip Susag, New England

4. Paul D. White, Louisiana

5. Anita K. Archer, Memphis

6. Rudolph R. Baker, Jr., North Georgia

7. June P. Goldman, Iowa

8. Hiram Bobo, Jr., North Georgia

9. Polly G. Harper, South Carolina

10. Ed H. Hill, Northwest Texas

11. Jim Holsinger, Kentucky

12. Thomas A. Langford, III, Western North Carolina

13. W. S. "Bill" Hatcher, South Georgia

14. Randy Smith, Texas

15. Monty Stabler, North Alabama

16. David A. Dodge, Florida


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

Calendar Item Text: 1996-NonDis-MR1996 United Methodist General Conference