The Committee recommends concurrence as amended as follows:
(Committee additions are underlined)
Amend the introduction so that it reads:
Amend "Responsible Parenthood", The Book of Resolutions, p. 125-128 by
adding the following sentence reference "(refer
to paragraph 71H)" on page 126 at the end of the third full paragraph,
following the word "abortion" at the end of the 4th paragraph,
before the last sentence of the 5th paragraph, and at the end of proposals 7
and 9: We cannot affirm abortion as an acceptable means of birth control and
we unconditionally reject it as a means of gender selection.
The section in The Book of Resolutions will read:
When, through contraceptive or human failure, an unacceptable pregnancy
occurs, ... medical procedures without moral significance. We cannot
affirm abortion as an acceptable means of birth control and we unconditionally
reject it as a means of gender selection.
When an unacceptable pregnancy occurs, a family, ... We support the legal right to abortion as established by the 1973 Supreme Court decision.
We cannot affirm abortion as an acceptable means of birth control
and we unconditionally reject it as a means of gender selection.
We encourage women in counsel with husbands, doctors, and pastors to make their
own responsible decisions concerning the personal and moral questions
surrounding the issue of abortion (refer to paragraph 71H) .
1. Provide ...
7. Safeguard the legal option of abortion under standards of sound medical practice, and make abortions available to women without regard to economic standards of sound medical practice, and make abortions available to women without regard to economic status.
8. ...
9. Assist the states to make provisions in law and practice for treating as adults minors who have, or think they have, venereal diseases, ...Parental support is crucially important and most desirable on such occasions, but needed treatment ought not be contingent on such support.
10. Understand ...
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Calendar Item Text: 2148-R1251996 United Methodist General Conference